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ISIS not linked to Thai-Muslim groups


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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

ISIS must be in the South of Thailand. Too good an oportunity to be missed . Who bombed in Bangkok . You think nothing to do with the South . You are dreaming my friend

The particular nightmare that was the bombing of Bangkok was not ISIS. It's been fairly well established, but as yet unacknowledged by the tourism obsessed junta who would never admit to any terrorist activities in Thailand, that it was in retaliation for the deportation of the 100 Uighurs. By the Rest Of The World anyway.

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But only if right wing idiots fuel the fire

There seem to be 2 different camps:

1) The PC, namby-pamby, don't-call-a-spade-a-spade, bend-over-and-take-it-with-a-smile brigade who will never dare stand up to the invasion-by-stealth of the so-called religion of peace

2) The realists, who are not afraid to speak the truth, and who take action before the invasion, such as the government of Hungary (closing borders etc), Angola (banning Islam), Japan (severely restricting Islam).

Now which of these 2 groups do you belong to?

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It's a matter of when will the Sunni ISIS start to put some attention on their Sunni Southern Thai brothers and sisters. Perhaps a wrong international move by the junta government will trigger that insanity. Thailand is not exactly in a safe zone considering that ISIS recruits from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore are in Syria joining the fight. There are ISIS cells in Indonesia and Philippines. I doubt the authority even know the movement of the Southern insurgents. Some may have been already recruited and fighting in Syria and they will come back. To make such bold statement about the Southern Muslim not linked to ISIS is myopic, careless and throwing caution to the wind.

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

I don't know about your head being in the sand, more like up your own back passage.

ISIS is Not linked to Muslims, they hate Muslims; it's the Americans with Isreal participation that funds ISIS ...

When the Scott Morrison (Australia) said 'we only want Christian Syrians', he, like most ignorant individuals (not unlike yourself), did not know that Muslim refugees make up about 99%.

Would it be uncharitable of me to suggest that you celebrate Christmas - about some refugees having to sleep in a manger (because they were refused entry everywhere else), and where their refugee son was born - celebrating that son's birth? Jesus.

Do some research, may well save you from being an ignoramus ...

"ISIS is Not linked to Muslims, they hate Muslims; it's the Americans with Isreal participation that funds ISIS ..."

I don't know in which alternate reality you reside but it's very different from the one I live in. Us and Israel funding IS..cuckoo!!!

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As far as I know/ can recall, the muslims of southern Thailand and Malasian peninsular are Shia. The muslims of Indonesia are Sunni. Just as Protestants did not support Catholics in IRA terror cells, why would you think that Shia sects (mostly found in Iran and south Iraq) would support Sunni sects (found in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia) In fact the Iranians are said to be fighting ISIS and the Saudis are said to be supporting ISIS. So I think the Thai general is correct in his assessment. As for the Uighurs, they are closely related to the Turks who are mostly Sunni. So of course Uighurs who have committed terror attacks in China may go to fight for ISIS now that the Chinese have put the heat on them in China. (Well it makes sense to me. lol)

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Well have read the above comments and one poster says "will set the trend for the next couple of hundred years". Looking back at my wonderful life and then looking into a future world of no jobs and AI and robots and 3D printing attacks on the working class(The present dynasty ruler in South Korea is a good example) I would say we have maybe at best 50 years left as a human race. Another point no one mentioned is that there is such a high unemployment rate among young people who interconnect on social media to see that their problem is a world wide problem. These are fertile young minds trying to find their way in life looking for opportunities which are sadly lacking for them. Their young fertile minds are ripe for the seeds of ISIS. Young people must see a future for themselves in this world mired in debt, selfishness and Me-ism. If there is no future well I guess they think its best to go out in a blaze of glory?

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

Direct links? Maybe, maybe not - how would you know? Under active recruitment, a certainty, ISIS has been clear about that. If the individual is a strict/literal follower of that faith they will see themselves bound to emigrate to and support the Caiphate - a strict interpretation supports things like slavery, stoning for many "crimes", dismemberment, a tax for being a Christisn or Jew etc . Does this mean that Muslim groups in the South are linked to ISIS, not necessarily, though keep in mind that Thai Muslims are for the most part Sunni. The link is bigger than that, it regards how each individual interprets their faith. This is akin to how some Christians have a literal interpretation of the bible and what that requires from them in life - most of us think Adam and Eve a fairy tail. Same goes for Muslims and the Qumra.

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Besides being fanatic in their beliefs no matter if it is religious, political, redneck, skinhead, racial, economic, or whatever,

there is a huge population of the world who are aware of how much difference there is in living standards /conditions where they reside and where they think a better oppurtunity or life is. They covet what others appear to have that is denied them and blame others for their own faults, convictions and action or results of their actions.

They have been brought up pampered, given what they pointed at while stomping their feet, crying, screaming, throwing items, etc. They want, what they want, right now, when the notion hits them, and see no reason to consider anything but their personal desires. Reasoning /common sense does not come into play with these people, brute force / death is probably the most rapid, perment solution, and not on a small scale or pick a few individuals.

In the real world the prisons are full of this type of individual or they meet their maker / demise thru their own stupidity. Just maybe the ISIS has pushed a tad too far in their recent actions and claims of futher and past accomplishments.

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

I think you're right.

Shooting children, teachers and hospital workers is nothing that religion of peace or Isis would promote.

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That's a relief...

Thai Muslims are some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. But some of their people have shown they're capable of terrible violence. And IS is just a bunch of hired guns. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

Substitute Christian for Muslim and your comment is still valid. Two words. Northern Ireland.

Yes, the IRA are an excellent parallel to the Southern Insurgency, their struggles have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics, to assume a link to ISIS based on their religion and violence is based solely on bigotry.

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The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology

I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but can I modify what you just said:

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology right now

IMHO, the Muslim activists in southern Thailand are ideal recruits for ISIL.

It will happen

Uighurs traficked through Thailand to Turkey then fighting for ISIS ?????

Something has already happened.

What have the Uighurs got to do with the Southern Insurgency?

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

Really? There are people in Malaysia affiliated to Abu Saif who is affiliated to ISIS. I think you are living in another world if you think there is no connection. Would like to think there isnt but I am pretty sure I would be fooling myself if I thought that

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

I think you're right.

Shooting children, teachers and hospital workers is nothing that religion of peace or Isis would promote.

Do you always blame the religion on the actions of the people? Do you blame Catholicism for the actions of the IRA? Do you fear all Christians now that you have seen what some Christians will do?

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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

Yes it has, they enjoy killing non-muslims. Most terrorists are Muslim. Most trouble in the world at the moment involves Muslims killing innocents. They're a worldwide family and all seem to share this love of violence and destabilisation.

I know they aren't all bad but it's up to the good ones to sort out the bad ones. At the moment, if asked, they condemn them but insert a rider that the terrorists only did it because they were provoked.

It would be nice to see you and two or three others on here spend more time supporting the victims of these terrorists.

Most of the victims of Muslim terrorists are.............other Muslims.

You're right, we should support them.


Edited by Enoon
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And Mcdonald's is not linked to burgers, somtam not linked to spicy food and and and....lol. Talk about head in the sand. blink.png

You believe the Southern Muslims are affiliated or connected in some way with ISIS?

What makes you think that? Or is it just tarring every Muslim with the same brush?

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology.

Really? There are people in Malaysia affiliated to Abu Saif who is affiliated to ISIS. I think you are living in another world if you think there is no connection. Would like to think there isnt but I am pretty sure I would be fooling myself if I thought that

I presume you mean Abu Sayyaf the Filipino terrorist group not Abu Sayyaf the dead former high level commander of ISIS. Anyway, Abu Sayyaf having launched attacks in Malaysia says nothing about the insurgency in Thailand, and why didn't you bring the Philippines into this, why Malaysia? The border with peninsular Malaysia doesn't just automatically link Filipino terrorists in Borneo to Thailands separatists.

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Most likely they are not even linked to islam, as islam always "has absolutely nothing to do with this"... violin.gif

Just like Christianity has nothing to do with killing 1 million Iraqi civilians, just like Judaism has nothing to do with ghettoizing Gaza, just like Buddhism has nothing to do with the genocide of Muslims in Myanmar. If you want Islam to be responsible for every crime a Muslim commits then you really should be fair and blame the respective religions for every bad thing every person with a faith does.

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That's a relief...

Thai Muslims are some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. But some of their people have shown they're capable of terrible violence. And IS is just a bunch of hired guns. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

Substitute Christian for Muslim and your comment is still valid. Two words. Northern Ireland.

Yes, the IRA are an excellent parallel to the Southern Insurgency, their struggles have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics, to assume a link to ISIS based on their religion and violence is based solely on bigotry.

That's a good point. And possibly a good topic for another thread. "Are Islamic Thais Capable of Jihadism?" I really can't picture it. I'm just concerned that IS seems to have the ability to recruit individuals inclined towards violence. But I shouldn't assume anything.

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IS has attracted sympathisers from many countries. So, it is fair to say that some disenfranchised Thais have also rallied to the call.

Assuming they survived and returned to Thailand, they probably still habor the hate they had in the first place.

Has the Thai government even attempted to monitor the movement of likely suspects (or has it just adopted a 'mai bpen rai' approach to potential terrorists in this country)?

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That's a relief...

Thai Muslims are some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. But some of their people have shown they're capable of terrible violence. And IS is just a bunch of hired guns. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

Substitute Christian for Muslim and your comment is still valid. Two words. Northern Ireland.

Yes, the IRA are an excellent parallel to the Southern Insurgency, their struggles have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics, to assume a link to ISIS based on their religion and violence is based solely on bigotry.

That's a good point. And possibly a good topic for another thread. "Are Islamic Thais Capable of Jihadism?" I really can't picture it. I'm just concerned that IS seems to have the ability to recruit individuals inclined towards violence. But I shouldn't assume anything.

They certainly do have that ability, and there is no reason why some Thai's could not go to fight in the Jihad, anyone could, but I don't think they will ever get the South to join the caliphate, and that should be the biggest fear of any country with a Muslim population.

I fear what could happen should ISIS establish import export partners further afield, we don't need more weapons getting into the wrong hands. Terrorists can empathize with each other regardless of their cause, the IRA was armed by Libyan terrorists for example, and should ISIS be able to move things to SE Asia, then perhaps the troubles in the South could get even worse, that's about as far as I fear for an ISIS involvement in Thailand.

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I'm just concerned that IS seems to have the ability to recruit individuals inclined towards violence. But I shouldn't assume anything.

From the French TV and analysis, they just recruit pretty normal youths, maybe not the brightest but relatively normal.

Most are incubated for 3-4 months (think brain-wash) and get convinced little by little that their family and their country are doing nothing for them and are actually holding them and their potential back.

First step is to break the family love and circle..

Then ready to go to the camps...

Some more brainwashing and some medication to help


Pretty well organized nowadays it seems.

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IS has attracted sympathisers from many countries. So, it is fair to say that some disenfranchised Thais have also rallied to the call.

Assuming they survived and returned to Thailand, they probably still habor the hate they had in the first place.

Has the Thai government even attempted to monitor the movement of likely suspects (or has it just adopted a 'mai bpen rai' approach to potential terrorists in this country)?

If there have been, if they are back with that hatred, why would that hate be directed toward Thailand? ISIS are generally targeting people in their own countries who disagree with their principles, and countries who are attacking them, which is currently Russia and France, why would they hate Thailand?

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That's a relief...

Thai Muslims are some of the nicest, kindest people I've ever met. But some of their people have shown they're capable of terrible violence. And IS is just a bunch of hired guns. Seems like a recipe for disaster.

Substitute Christian for Muslim and your comment is still valid. Two words. Northern Ireland.

Yes, the IRA are an excellent parallel to the Southern Insurgency, their struggles have nothing to do with religion and everything to do with politics, to assume a link to ISIS based on their religion and violence is based solely on bigotry.

That's a good point. And possibly a good topic for another thread. "Are Islamic Thais Capable of Jihadism?" I really can't picture it. I'm just concerned that IS seems to have the ability to recruit individuals inclined towards violence. But I shouldn't assume anything.

They certainly do have that ability, and there is no reason why some Thai's could not go to fight in the Jihad, anyone could, but I don't think they will ever get the South to join the caliphate, and that should be the biggest fear of any country with a Muslim population.

I fear what could happen should ISIS establish import export partners further afield, we don't need more weapons getting into the wrong hands. Terrorists can empathize with each other regardless of their cause, the IRA was armed by Libyan terrorists for example, and should ISIS be able to move things to SE Asia, then perhaps the troubles in the South could get even worse, that's about as far as I fear for an ISIS involvement in Thailand.

All that appears to be needed is a youth that is disaffected and feeling even so slightly put upon in order for there to be a chance of radicalisation.

They blow up the Thai army every day, so I don't see what relevance it is to say there is no isis in Thailand..

That is just degrees of behaviour.

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The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology

I understand where you're coming from with your statement, but can I modify what you just said:

The Southern insurgency has got NOTHING to do with jihad or Islamic ideology right now

IMHO, the Muslim activists in southern Thailand are ideal recruits for ISIL.

It will happen

not yet but inevitable.
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