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Bringing own reusable bags?


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To 7-11 I take a back pack for small purchases. I basically have to threaten staff to put straight into back pack without any plastic bags.

I've tried the same at Tops & Tesco. They won.... I gave up.

Makro, no problem.... pack ya own.

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I use cloth recyclable bags from Australia when shopping in Tesco. The majority of check-out operators have to be shown how to hook them up so I gather from this, few other customers use them. With a Tesco Club Card the operator is meant to give you some extra points for using your own bags, many are not aware of this.

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If you are overloaded with plastic bags, you are to blame, not the stores.

I use a cloth bag at local markets and at the supermarkets, no problem.

I tell them I do not want plastic bags inside of my cloth bag....no problem.

" Farang American mai chop plastic." It work for me and gets a smile every time, no problem..

The big green cloth bag I use was provided by TESCO, no problem.

Edited by willyumiii
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I tried taking a bag to Villa and they put the stuff in a plastic bag and then into my bag. So I just stopped caring about it.

tell them to use this; always works for me! if not.. you could just take the items out of the bag, and hand both back to them. They should get the point after once, forever.

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To answer your question: No, I've NEVER seen a Thai use a reusable bag in the 6 years I've lived here.

I usually have a reusable bag with me when I go to the shop. Some cashiers who recognize me and understand me when I hand them the cloth bag and say "sai annee krap". The cashiers who don't know me just look at me and my bag in bewilderment and then proceed to pack my groceries into a plastic bag anyways. A simple "mai au plastik krab" usually clarifies everything and they pack my things into the reusable bag.

I'd love to see Thailand introducing a fee for every plastic bag used - as is the case in some/many EU countries. I'm not sure the general population would carry reusable bags with them when they go shopping but it's worth a try.

Edited by djayz
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I ordered a sea to summit reusable bag on lazada for about 500 baht, and it is fantastic. Has probably saved around 1000 plastic bags in the year I have had it, and I am always surprised when I forget it and end up carrying home 30 plastic bags.

I bought reusable cloth bags at Makro last month for 49 baht each.

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We use cloth bags only. Additionally, we have purchased reusable containers for loose items and markets. We get a lot of stares, but eventually they understand what we're after (although I'm sure they're wondering why we bother).

My biggest peeve is when items are individually bagged at the market and they refuse to get some un-bagged product to put in my reusables. Simple solution: find another vendor.

Also have become vegetarian 6 months ago. Saving the world, one salad at a time...

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I tried taking a bag to Villa and they put the stuff in a plastic bag and then into my bag. So I just stopped caring about it.

The governor of Bangkok tried to promote reusable bags....you got them for free.

Instead of putting the product into the bag, they put the free reusable bag in a plastic bag and gave it to you facepalm.gif

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