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Mali hotel attacked by gunmen in Bamako


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Who is u to tell good or bad about Muslim , close ur mouth is ok , and u must understand the situation before u talk and u write , not all arab are Muslim and not all Muslim are arab , the biggest Muslim country r Indonesia , Malaysia ,Pakistan ,turkey , ... We are Muslim and we don't believe that Isis are Muslim how they can and they already kill more then 500.000 Muslims in Syria and Iraq and Lybia Tunisia Egypt ...and in this hotel in Mali almost of hostage are French and Algeria people's , Algeria means 100 per cent Muslim , then there is no relation between terrorist and religion , u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person .

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Meanwhile, 99.9% of the Muslim population of the world got on with their everyday lives today, just like you and me.

But unlike you and me they ALL believe in a Koran most of them do not understand, and follow a murdering peadophile, hence the results

You read the Bible lately? Full of genocidal heroes, murderers, slaves and stonings. And those are the good guys...

Every religion has its wackos and hijackers who chase land, power and money by invoking the name of their God. Always have. You can't rile up a whole army to pursue riches for me me me (and my entourage) But make it about God or family or home and hearth, and they'll fight and die so you can get rich and powerful. It's not really about the religion.

99.9% of them are just living ordinary lives.

Would the figure of Muslims going on with everyday lives include those living in areas controlled by ISIS, Boko Haram and AQ? Or those living under recognized, but still repressive Islamic regimes?

What would going on with everyday life mean anyway? That Most Muslims do not partake in such action? That they are not effected by them? That they are indifferent to such action? Considering these actions taken in Islam's name (rightly or not, that's another debate), and their expected consequences on the ways Muslims and Islam are perceived, its a wonder Muslims do not go out of their way to denounce, combat and distance themselves from those supposedly not-real-Muslims. Yes, there are such efforts made, not saying otherwise - just that they do not seem to be even halfway close to tackling the public image issues, nevermind the actual problems these elements present. If the levels of outrage and mass mobilization evident whenever a real of imagined slight to Islam occurs, there is room for improvement.

Many religions got murky pasts filled with unsavory actions. At present, violence in the name of Islam (again, rightly or not), wins this competition hands down. denouncements by leaders, public campaigns on social media, and the internet backlash on Muslims,

If Muslims want the West to stop regarding these terrorist actions as related to Islam, they ought to give a clear cut message and follow it with a dedicated effort. Appeals for Western understanding of the related nuances and complexities are doomed to failure, especially when things go boom in the middle of Western capitals. It is often claimed that most Muslims do not support, or even object to IS (figures might be argued, but immaterial). While this is a good thing, it misses that many Muslims rejecting IS still uphold ideas and notions which are alien to contemporary Western ideals. The differences between ultra-extreme views and "merely" strict schools of thought, might not be all that comforting, nor obvious, from a Western point of view.

The West pointing out obvious connections between such terrorist attacks and Islam, is condemned as inaccurate, unhelpful, and doing a service to the goals of the terrorists, Western raised notions of stricter regulation and monitoring of immigration from relevant areas is deemed collective punishment, unhelpful, and doing a service to the goals of the terrorists. Western attempts to tackle the issue by force are decreed ineffectual, causing extended suffering and doing a service to the goals of the terrorists. In short, there's a lot of talk about what shouldn't be done, or what is done wrong - less so when it comes to offering realistic workable ideas on how to best address the situation and the threats involved.

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You read the Bible lately? Full of genocidal heroes, murderers, slaves and stonings. And those are the good guys...

Every religion has its wackos and hijackers who chase land, power and money by invoking the name of their God. Always have. You can't rile up a whole army to pursue riches for me me me (and my entourage) But make it about God or family or home and hearth, and they'll fight and die so you can get rich and powerful. It's not really about the religion.

99.9% of them are just living ordinary lives.

Yes, probably although one can discuss the exact percentage ad infinitum.
The major problems of the Koran are that it's the word of Allah accurately transcribed by Mahomet his prophet. Uncreated Qur'an
And thus contrary to the other Monotheistic religions one cannot make it evolve.
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Who is u to tell good or bad about Muslim , close ur mouth is ok , and u must understand the situation before u talk and u write , not all arab are Muslim and not all Muslim are arab , the biggest Muslim country r Indonesia , Malaysia ,Pakistan ,turkey , ... We are Muslim and we don't believe that Isis are Muslim how they can and they already kill more then 500.000 Muslims in Syria and Iraq and Lybia Tunisia Egypt ...and in this hotel in Mali almost of hostage are French and Algeria people's , Algeria means 100 per cent Muslim , then there is no relation between terrorist and religion , u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person .

It does not matter what you believe .. it only matters that members of ISIS believe that they are Followers of ISLAM ... and that they profess it loudly and kill hundreds of thousands in the name of Allah ... That is what matters. Any sensible people who have been hijacked in such a manner would go KILL THE MEMBERS OF ISIS for bringing such a Bad Name to Muslims ... BUT YOU DON'T...

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Who told you that Muslims are not fighting Isis They fight them from long time in Tunisia Egypt Libya Syria Iraq ... But we don't understand only from where Isis get the Toyota cars and ford cars and in my opinion no Muslim country do theses to brands and from where they get the technologies and the new arms !! If u think the usa and another's kill Isis u r worrying they only send same aircrafts with invoices , about Isis they believe and... ..I don't know what, Buff everybody can say what he wants but one thing sure and Clair Quran never say kill , usa and Qater must stop this biz .

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CNN is already worried about a backlash against muslims and the siege has just begun.

I think Andy Coopy et al should be more concerned about being in Times Square NYE.

"French news websites and all-news TV networks immediately switched from nearly nonstop coverage of the Paris attacks investigation and aftermath to the Bamako siege."

I guess we should just be thankful that the Islamic extremists are not seeking any form of publicity for their cause.....

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To prove my point further to myself, I took the figure ,999 and added the figure of .001 to it. My Casio calculator came up with the marvelous answer of...1.00.

Please show me where my figures went astray.

Perhaps the world should stop walking on egg shells when it comes to the Muslim world.

99.9% + 0.001% = 99.901%

99.9% + 0.1% = 100%.

And I'm against walking on eggshells around Muslims, too. But I'm even more against bombing the 99.9% that didn't attack anyone. (Or calling them collateral damage)

Every time we do, we increase the number who hate us enough to pick up a gun or a bomb to terrorize us. Not much use in killing the bad ones if it just creates a dozen more to take their place. Don't get me wrong- I'm all for killing the bad ones.

I am praying you are not a mathematics instructor at some college or high school.. If you are you are very likely destroying some fine minds.
Let's look at it in simple terms
Let's assume you want to find out what 50% of a group of 1,500 people have red hair.
The way you are coming up with an answer, you would take 1,500 x 50 = 75,000 (notice no little dot in front of the 50)
My way of doing it is you take 1,500 x .50 = 750 (notice the little dot in front of the .50?)
Looking at it another way, try this experiment...
.999 + .001 = 1.000
You gotta put the little dot in the right place or you will never know how many people constitute a percent of anything.
If you insist on using your method then my estimation of those Muslims NOT living ordinary lives jumps from the earlier estimate of 1,520,000 to a much larger number of 15,200,000. Now, THAT is an army.
Anyway, enough of this.
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Who is u to tell good or bad about Muslim , close ur mouth is ok , and u must understand the situation before u talk and u write , not all arab are Muslim and not all Muslim are arab , the biggest Muslim country r Indonesia , Malaysia ,Pakistan ,turkey , ... We are Muslim and we don't believe that Isis are Muslim how they can and they already kill more then 500.000 Muslims in Syria and Iraq and Lybia Tunisia Egypt ...and in this hotel in Mali almost of hostage are French and Algeria people's , Algeria means 100 per cent Muslim , then there is no relation between terrorist and religion , u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person .

" u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person "

During the raid on the terrorists in Saint Denis, the Islamic terrorists killed a dog. Does that count?

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Meanwhile, 99.9% of the Muslim population of the world got on with their everyday lives today, just like you and me.

But unlike you and me they ALL believe in a Koran most of them do not understand, and follow a murdering peadophile, hence the results

You read the Bible lately? Full of genocidal heroes, murderers, slaves and stonings. And those are the good guys...

Every religion has its wackos and hijackers who chase land, power and money by invoking the name of their God. Always have. You can't rile up a whole army to pursue riches for me me me (and my entourage) But make it about God or family or home and hearth, and they'll fight and die so you can get rich and powerful. It's not really about the religion.

99.9% of them are just living ordinary lives.

That Bible trick is getting old by now

Comparing stories from the OLD TESTAMENT (which you don't believe anyway) that happened 2500-3000 yrs ago with atrocious murders commited by muslims today is a bit rich...

What's wrong with you liberals?

Your hate for christianity has completely blinded you and you are stumbling about looking silly..

Keep my statement in context. I only compared one ancient book of parables with another ancient book of parables, in direct response to a very tired cliche.

And if believing it's wrong to punish 99.9% of any population for the actions of 0.1% and not wanting to create a dozen new enemies for every one we can kill makes me a liberal, so be it.

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To prove my point further to myself, I took the figure ,999 and added the figure of .001 to it. My Casio calculator came up with the marvelous answer of...1.00.

Please show me where my figures went astray.

Perhaps the world should stop walking on egg shells when it comes to the Muslim world.

99.9% + 0.001% = 99.901%

99.9% + 0.1% = 100%.

And I'm against walking on eggshells around Muslims, too. But I'm even more against bombing the 99.9% that didn't attack anyone. (Or calling them collateral damage)

Every time we do, we increase the number who hate us enough to pick up a gun or a bomb to terrorize us. Not much use in killing the bad ones if it just creates a dozen more to take their place. Don't get me wrong- I'm all for killing the bad ones.

We dont have to bomb them ,they seem to do a good enough job bombing and killing each other already .

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According to Aljazeera it's all the fault of atrocities committed against the poor oppressed Muslims, of course they give no examples, so could be harking back to the crusades as do the jihadists. Thank god for the Poles who saved Europe from the Muslim barbarians in 1683- Sept 11/12!

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Who is u to tell good or bad about Muslim , close ur mouth is ok , and u must understand the situation before u talk and u write , not all arab are Muslim and not all Muslim are arab , the biggest Muslim country r Indonesia , Malaysia ,Pakistan ,turkey , ... We are Muslim and we don't believe that Isis are Muslim how they can and they already kill more then 500.000 Muslims in Syria and Iraq and Lybia Tunisia Egypt ...and in this hotel in Mali almost of hostage are French and Algeria people's , Algeria means 100 per cent Muslim , then there is no relation between terrorist and religion , u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person .

" u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person "

During the raid on the terrorists in Saint Denis, the Islamic terrorists killed a dog. Does that count?

Since when is a cat a dog?

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Who is u to tell good or bad about Muslim , close ur mouth is ok , and u must understand the situation before u talk and u write , not all arab are Muslim and not all Muslim are arab , the biggest Muslim country r Indonesia , Malaysia ,Pakistan ,turkey , ... We are Muslim and we don't believe that Isis are Muslim how they can and they already kill more then 500.000 Muslims in Syria and Iraq and Lybia Tunisia Egypt ...and in this hotel in Mali almost of hostage are French and Algeria people's , Algeria means 100 per cent Muslim , then there is no relation between terrorist and religion , u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person .

" u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person "

During the raid on the terrorists in Saint Denis, the Islamic terrorists killed a dog. Does that count?

Since when is a cat a dog?

Where did I ever state a cat is a dog, or vice versa?

My suggestion...read, comprehend, remain silent.

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Aaaaahhh...the old (christian/muslim/ religious) trick: don't compare book X to book Z, because...reasons!

Soooo, if Christians are so far better than the Muslims, why don't you tell that to people, who torch (alleged) abortion- clinics, well taking into account, that some of the people inside might get hurt? They are doing this in the name of the Christian god...so...care to apologize for them?

And secondly: the muslims should stand up and fight ISIS?

Those who fight ISIS in Syria, Iraq or Turkey...what religion are they? Druids?

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Aaaaahhh...the old (christian/muslim/ religious) trick: don't compare book X to book Z, because...reasons!

Soooo, if Christians are so far better than the Muslims, why don't you tell that to people, who torch (alleged) abortion- clinics, well taking into account, that some of the people inside might get hurt? They are doing this in the name of the Christian god...so...care to apologize for them?

And secondly: the muslims should stand up and fight ISIS?

Those who fight ISIS in Syria, Iraq or Turkey...what religion are they? Druids?

An individual committing a crime is not in the same league with a large group or sect of a religion advocating terrorism.

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Who is u to tell good or bad about Muslim , close ur mouth is ok , and u must understand the situation before u talk and u write , not all arab are Muslim and not all Muslim are arab , the biggest Muslim country r Indonesia , Malaysia ,Pakistan ,turkey , ... We are Muslim and we don't believe that Isis are Muslim how they can and they already kill more then 500.000 Muslims in Syria and Iraq and Lybia Tunisia Egypt ...and in this hotel in Mali almost of hostage are French and Algeria people's , Algeria means 100 per cent Muslim , then there is no relation between terrorist and religion , u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person .

It does not matter what you believe .. it only matters that members of ISIS believe that they are Followers of ISLAM ... and that they profess it loudly and kill hundreds of thousands in the name of Allah ... That is what matters. Any sensible people who have been hijacked in such a manner would go KILL THE MEMBERS OF ISIS for bringing such a Bad Name to Muslims ... BUT YOU DON'T...

That is exactly what they ARE doing. Muslims are fighting isis.

So according to you, that is what matters. Glad you are finally seeing the stupidity of some of the posts on here.

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It is no surprise that anything done by isis or any muslim at all gets pages and pages of radical extremist posts against all muslims. Yet earlier today malaysias pm absolutely lambasted isis and yet barely a post in that thread.

Nope, no surprise at all.

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It is no surprise that anything done by isis or any muslim at all gets pages and pages of radical extremist posts against all muslims. Yet earlier today malaysias pm absolutely lambasted isis and yet barely a post in that thread.

Nope, no surprise at all.

Gee...some corrupt muslim leader 'lambasted' IS...now everything will be hunky-dory

btw...I just fished this from the internets(!}

Pakistan factory torched after Quran-burning report


No rest for the wicked.

Screaming from the rooftop about muslims doing and saying nothing. Proved wrong yet again. But as I said, no surprise from those that refuse the fact.

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Keep my statement in context. I only compared one ancient book of parables with another ancient book of parables, in direct response to a very tired cliche.

And if believing it's wrong to punish 99.9% of any population for the actions of 0.1% and not wanting to create a dozen new enemies for every one we can kill makes me a liberal, so be it.

How are 99.9% from the Muslims being punished? coffee1.gif

How are is the comparison of two ancient books of parables relevant for the present situation, when currently only one of them is being used as Justification for terrorism?

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Aaaaahhh...the old (christian/muslim/ religious) trick: don't compare book X to book Z, because...reasons!

Soooo, if Christians are so far better than the Muslims, why don't you tell that to people, who torch (alleged) abortion- clinics, well taking into account, that some of the people inside might get hurt? They are doing this in the name of the Christian god...so...care to apologize for them?

And secondly: the muslims should stand up and fight ISIS?

Those who fight ISIS in Syria, Iraq or Turkey...what religion are they? Druids?

Christians who torch abortion clinics do so, for the most part, in country. There is no well organized global terrorism campaign against abortion clinics. Terrorism in Islam's name is exported to a country near you.

The books religions are based on might all contain certain notions which do not fit with the modern world and the Western way of life. The issue is less with the words and more with their current application.

There are Muslims fighting IS, of course. Considering the overall numbers of Muslims and the resources available to some of the relevant countries, the efforts are less than impressive. If IS represents such a grave insult to Islam, one would have expected a global anti-Jihad by true Muslims, in order to eradicate this blasphemy. The sort of outrage kept for cartoons and such.

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Who is u to tell good or bad about Muslim , close ur mouth is ok , and u must understand the situation before u talk and u write , not all arab are Muslim and not all Muslim are arab , the biggest Muslim country r Indonesia , Malaysia ,Pakistan ,turkey , ... We are Muslim and we don't believe that Isis are Muslim how they can and they already kill more then 500.000 Muslims in Syria and Iraq and Lybia Tunisia Egypt ...and in this hotel in Mali almost of hostage are French and Algeria people's , Algeria means 100 per cent Muslim , then there is no relation between terrorist and religion , u r big racist and in Quran u are not allow to kill cat , how u can kill one person .

It does not matter what you believe .. it only matters that members of ISIS believe that they are Followers of ISLAM ... and that they profess it loudly and kill hundreds of thousands in the name of Allah ... That is what matters. Any sensible people who have been hijacked in such a manner would go KILL THE MEMBERS OF ISIS for bringing such a Bad Name to Muslims ... BUT YOU DON'T...

That is exactly what they ARE doing. Muslims are fighting isis.

So according to you, that is what matters. Glad you are finally seeing the stupidity of some of the posts on here.

Some Muslims are fighting ISIS, fair enough.

How do these efforts, by some Muslims, stack relative to the insult and threat ISIS represents for all Muslims?

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Aaaaahhh...the old (christian/muslim/ religious) trick: don't compare book X to book Z, because...reasons!

Soooo, if Christians are so far better than the Muslims, why don't you tell that to people, who torch (alleged) abortion- clinics, well taking into account, that some of the people inside might get hurt? They are doing this in the name of the Christian god...so...care to apologize for them?

And secondly: the muslims should stand up and fight ISIS?

Those who fight ISIS in Syria, Iraq or Turkey...what religion are they? Druids?

An individual committing a crime is not in the same league with a large group or sect of a religion advocating terrorism.

I see: all the Christian right wingers, who kill people in the name of their god are "individuals", whereas any Muslim- lunatic is part of a group!

Makes total sense!

Thanks for enlightening me!coffee1.gif

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Aaaaahhh...the old (christian/muslim/ religious) trick: don't compare book X to book Z, because...reasons!

Soooo, if Christians are so far better than the Muslims, why don't you tell that to people, who torch (alleged) abortion- clinics, well taking into account, that some of the people inside might get hurt? They are doing this in the name of the Christian god...so...care to apologize for them?

And secondly: the muslims should stand up and fight ISIS?

Those who fight ISIS in Syria, Iraq or Turkey...what religion are they? Druids?

Christians who torch abortion clinics do so, for the most part, in country. There is no well organized global terrorism campaign against abortion clinics. Terrorism in Islam's name is exported to a country near you.

The books religions are based on might all contain certain notions which do not fit with the modern world and the Western way of life. The issue is less with the words and more with their current application.

There are Muslims fighting IS, of course. Considering the overall numbers of Muslims and the resources available to some of the relevant countries, the efforts are less than impressive. If IS represents such a grave insult to Islam, one would have expected a global anti-Jihad by true Muslims, in order to eradicate this blasphemy. The sort of outrage kept for cartoons and such.

"There is no well organized global terrorism campaign against abortion clinics. Terrorism in Islam's name is exported to a country near you." ...and that makes killings in the name of God better...how?

"You people" ask for Muslims to fight ISIS! They do! Now you complain, there are not enough!

"You" also ask for Muslims, to come out and condemn ISIS!

And when they do, you say, there are not enough!

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Aaaaahhh...the old (christian/muslim/ religious) trick: don't compare book X to book Z, because...reasons!

Soooo, if Christians are so far better than the Muslims, why don't you tell that to people, who torch (alleged) abortion- clinics, well taking into account, that some of the people inside might get hurt? They are doing this in the name of the Christian god...so...care to apologize for them?

And secondly: the muslims should stand up and fight ISIS?

Those who fight ISIS in Syria, Iraq or Turkey...what religion are they? Druids?

Christians who torch abortion clinics do so, for the most part, in country. There is no well organized global terrorism campaign against abortion clinics. Terrorism in Islam's name is exported to a country near you.

The books religions are based on might all contain certain notions which do not fit with the modern world and the Western way of life. The issue is less with the words and more with their current application.

There are Muslims fighting IS, of course. Considering the overall numbers of Muslims and the resources available to some of the relevant countries, the efforts are less than impressive. If IS represents such a grave insult to Islam, one would have expected a global anti-Jihad by true Muslims, in order to eradicate this blasphemy. The sort of outrage kept for cartoons and such.

"There is no well organized global terrorism campaign against abortion clinics. Terrorism in Islam's name is exported to a country near you." ...and that makes killings in the name of God better...how?

"You people" ask for Muslims to fight ISIS! They do! Now you complain, there are not enough!

"You" also ask for Muslims, to come out and condemn ISIS!

And when they do, you say, there are not enough!

It doesn't make torching abortion clinic better, it just explains why it is less of an global threat and why it gets less media attention. Also, the overall number of vile actions presently taken up in the name of Christianity seem to be minor compared to those presently taken in the name of Islam. There would have to be way more abortion clinics torched to even come close.

Muslims do not need to be "asked" to fight ISIS, and considering the supposed outrage of ISIS acting in Islam's name, it could have been reasonably expected that Muslims would be eager to eradicate ISIS and take all the necessary steps. This is not the case with regard to all Muslims and not even with regard to all the Muslim countries neighboring areas controlled by ISIS.

The same goes for condemnation. Whenever there's a slight to Islam by non-Muslim, the whole Muslim world react with an uproar, often exhibiting violence. The same levels of displaying outrage are generally missing when things are concerned with ISIS.

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Aaaaahhh...the old (christian/muslim/ religious) trick: don't compare book X to book Z, because...reasons!

Soooo, if Christians are so far better than the Muslims, why don't you tell that to people, who torch (alleged) abortion- clinics, well taking into account, that some of the people inside might get hurt? They are doing this in the name of the Christian god...so...care to apologize for them?

And secondly: the muslims should stand up and fight ISIS?

Those who fight ISIS in Syria, Iraq or Turkey...what religion are they? Druids?

Christians who torch abortion clinics do so, for the most part, in country. There is no well organized global terrorism campaign against abortion clinics. Terrorism in Islam's name is exported to a country near you.

The books religions are based on might all contain certain notions which do not fit with the modern world and the Western way of life. The issue is less with the words and more with their current application.

There are Muslims fighting IS, of course. Considering the overall numbers of Muslims and the resources available to some of the relevant countries, the efforts are less than impressive. If IS represents such a grave insult to Islam, one would have expected a global anti-Jihad by true Muslims, in order to eradicate this blasphemy. The sort of outrage kept for cartoons and such.

"There is no well organized global terrorism campaign against abortion clinics. Terrorism in Islam's name is exported to a country near you." ...and that makes killings in the name of God better...how?

"You people" ask for Muslims to fight ISIS! They do! Now you complain, there are not enough!

"You" also ask for Muslims, to come out and condemn ISIS!

And when they do, you say, there are not enough!

It doesn't make torching abortion clinic better, it just explains why it is less of an global threat and why it gets less media attention. Also, the overall number of vile actions presently taken up in the name of Christianity seem to be minor compared to those presently taken in the name of Islam. There would have to be way more abortion clinics torched to even come close.

Muslims do not need to be "asked" to fight ISIS, and considering the supposed outrage of ISIS acting in Islam's name, it could have been reasonably expected that Muslims would be eager to eradicate ISIS and take all the necessary steps. This is not the case with regard to all Muslims and not even with regard to all the Muslim countries neighboring areas controlled by ISIS.

The same goes for condemnation. Whenever there's a slight to Islam by non-Muslim, the whole Muslim world react with an uproar, often exhibiting violence. The same levels of displaying outrage are generally missing when things are concerned with ISIS.

"Whenever there's a slight to Islam by non-Muslim, the whole Muslim world react with an uproar, often exhibiting violence. The same levels of displaying outrage are generally missing when things are concerned with ISIS." The whole Muslim world? Really? Or rather some Muslims here and there? 1.6 Billions Muslims are all in uproar?

See, this is the problem: when there is outrage, it is "the whole Muslim world", when there is comdenmation, it is "not enough"!

The first is total hyperbole and the second is total understatement.


Because it fits the agenda!

To the "fight ISIS"- part: there is nothing like "Muslims" or "the Muslims".

There are different currents in the Muslim- community and the whole things boils down to politics.

But since "the West" is always taring all Muslims with the same brush, instead of actively helping those, who are opposed to ISIS...well...case closed!

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