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Sign of the times: Housekeeper - can't work because iPhone is broken


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yesterday morning i get a call from our housekeeper. she says to me (in English as she is studying English and doing very well) what i thought was "can't working today. my bone is broken." i wasn't sure i heard her correctly so i asked her in Thai what she said and again i thought she said "can't working today. my bone is broken." of course i was concerned and asked her if she was O.K., had she been in an accident, etc... again she repeated herself in English and i realized she was saying ""can't working today. my iPhone is broken."!!

well....i thought about it and then asked if she was sure she didn't want to work, to which she replied she needed to go to Apple service. "it was very important." i tried to make a joke and said "i hope the patient will be alright" - which of course went right over her head.

considering she spends a good 25% of her time here either on her mobile or her iPad, i can see the priority in her life. forget making money. there is sick iPhone!

i will never understand the mobile culture. i remember times when my Jaguar had to be towed to the shop...or heaven forbid when my poor late mother was in her last days in hospital - i still made it in to work.

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

she has a landline in her home and so do I. it's all i ever use. every single member of my wife's family has a landline in their homes. certainly you are joking.

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Thai clearers are things to behold. You can tell how tall they are by how high they clean shelves in the kitchen or tiles on the bathroom wall.

Once it gets beyond arm above head height they no longer do it as it isn't in their minds to use a set of steps.

I find that sort of thing rather funny.

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

My Wife has one........and?

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Due to my situation ( confined to bed or wheelchair )

When my wife is at work i have a carer.

Several times she cannot come because phone is broken, i have to buy new battery, new charger etc.

When she is here she spends every minute on the internet ( we have wi-fi ).

I have to call her away from her smart phone to help me, and she moans about it.

Some days i get my wife to disconnect internet and she goes around like a lost sheep.

Land line in Thailand what a joke 4 years ago we wanted a land line, sorry you have to wait 2 years for 1. Unless you pay under the table.

So we only use mobiles.

Before i get any wise cracks about changing the password, we have tried that. Her smart phone can access our internet without a password.

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

Everyone I know has a landline in their home, at 109 baht a month its cheap plus it's useful to get internet for those of us who don't like staring at their phone all day.

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

Everyone I know has a landline in their home, at 109 baht a month its cheap plus it's useful to get internet for those of us who don't like staring at their phone all day.

109 per month and if we call someone in the same Changwat it cost 3.5 Baht to make a call; whether you talk for 20 minutes or 10 hours...3.5 Baht! we use the 1234 prefix when dialing out of the Changwat and it's much cheaper than a mobile - and of course the best reception. who needs a mobile. they suck.

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The obvious answer would be to sack her and do the housework yourself.

How hard could it be?

Well not coming because the ibone is broken and 25% of the time just playing sounds bad. But maybe he just pays 6000 Baht per month so it is still worth it?

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At least she is honest about it and didn't make up a bullshit excuse like mom is sick, brother was involved in a moto accident. I definitely would keep her. Smartphones are a reality of of the modern age, most people feel disabled without one.

Maybe she wanted to keep in the bed with the boyfriend and thought a broken iPhone is a good excuse.....

Actually day off?

Work till 3PM and than rush to the shop.

Or rush to the shop early morning and start working Noon. As she can skip the lunch brake it counts like starting 11.

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

Our shop has a land line. Difficult to get a CO. LTD when you don't have a land line.

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The Thai adoration of the mobile phone is a wonder to behold. Then again my last visitors [Australian and Malaysian] checked their phones as they left my apartment and again when getting in my car and again upon arrival at the eating place. On return to home I mimed to one not on the phone to stop and watch the one who was. It was 5 minutes before the text reader noticed us. So it is a world wide addiction. I do think that Thai folks in boring jobs are justified in taking out the phone e.g. shop assistants. But the maid. Well I do my own cleaning for what it is worth.

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At least she is honest about it and didn't make up a bullshit excuse like mom is sick, brother was involved in a moto accident. I definitely would keep her. Smartphones are a reality of of the modern age, most people feel disabled without one.

and most are disabled with one!!!

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Had a Chinese employee stay home one full day to watch CCTV videos of his apartment parking lot when his car had a scuff mark on it one morning.

When he showed the scuff mark to me the next day, I spit on a tissue, rubbed it a few seconds and it was gone.

Can't say I blame him when I look at how many years he had to save up at a local salary to put the down payment on the car. Empathy was a small price for me to pay to keep a good employee.

Probably the same for a local here putting several months' worth of discretionary income into an I Phone. After rent, food, and other necessaries, I don't know how they buy them at all when they make $200-300 a month (gross).

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Due to my situation ( confined to bed or wheelchair )

When my wife is at work i have a carer.

Several times she cannot come because phone is broken, i have to buy new battery, new charger etc.

When she is here she spends every minute on the internet ( we have wi-fi ).

I have to call her away from her smart phone to help me, and she moans about it.

Some days i get my wife to disconnect internet and she goes around like a lost sheep.

Land line in Thailand what a joke 4 years ago we wanted a land line, sorry you have to wait 2 years for 1. Unless you pay under the table.

So we only use mobiles.

Before i get any wise cracks about changing the password, we have tried that. Her smart phone can access our internet without a password.

Smart phones aren't that smart, they can't crack sensible passwords. You haven't set up your WiFi correctly, or she knows where you make a note of all your passwords

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Her iPhone couldn't have been to badly broken she managed to call you.

she called from home.

"she called from home."

Are you insuniating that she has a "landline phone" in her home?

I seriously wonder if anyone in Thailand has a landline phone.

I have never known a person in Thailand who has one.

Even the school I worked at for years had no landline phones!

she has a landline in her home and so do I. it's all i ever use. every single member of my wife's family has a landline in their homes. certainly you are joking.

Some (including me) need to have landline in order to have True wireless at home

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Maybe the problem is that you permit her to spend 25% of her time working for you...on her phone and iPad??

I would reduce her pay by 25% or replace her with a worker who understands that work time is not phone time.

Is that a dress your wearing in your pic? Maybe you could be his house keeper? Also nice hat.

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