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Stop deporting individuals, says UNHCR


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Stop deporting individuals, says UNHCR

BANGKOK: The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urged Thailand to stop deporting individuals, expressing concerns about the deportation of two Chinese activists by the Thai authorities and the risks associated with their being sent back to China.

In a statement released from Geneva on Friday, UNHCR Spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said: "We strongly urge the Thai Government to stop deporting individuals, including potential refugees and asylum seekers, to countries where there are substantial grounds to believe that they would face an imminent risk of grave human rights violations, including torture. We further urge the government to put in place an effective system of review of all cases before deportation happens to ensure that there are no serious risks of torture or ill-treatment."

She said the agency has expressed its concern to the Thai government. Four months ago, the agency voiced concern over the government's deportation of 109 ethnic Uighurs to China.

"The principle of non-refoulement, which prohibits the return of a refugee to a country where he or she is likely to face persecution or torture, is contained in Article 3 of the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhumane or Degrading Treatment or Punishment to which Thailand is a party," she said.

UNHCR said the two refugees who were deported had been due to depart for a third country where they were to be resettled along with their family. The reasons for the deportation remain unclear. Since their deportation, other family members that were in Thailand have left the country for third-country resettlement.

"We note that the UN Committee against Torture examined China's record, along with seven other countries, in Geneva this week. The Committee has previously expressed deep concern about the "continued allegations, corroborated by numerous Chinese legal sources, of routine and widespread use of torture and ill-treatment of suspects in police custody." We call on the Chinese authorities to ensure that those extradited are treated in full conformity with the country's human rights obligations," she said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Stop-deporting-individuals-says-UNHCR-30273447.html

-- The Nation 2015-11-21

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The UNHCR must be oblivious to the extent of Thailand is in bed with China, and that Thailand

will do anything to please and appease China, including deporting whom ever China desires...

and as far as China concern, the UN and the rest of them can go jump in the lake....

Edited by ezzra
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I wish the EU would do the same - we'd have less trouble and a lot less people living off the state/tax payers. But, unfortuately, there are way too many "do gooders" for that to happen.

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The UNHCR could set up its own Hilton to such individuals and their families till they are settled in a third country.

UNHCR & NGOs do financially support activists awaiting resettlement. Please let us know why these two deserve vilification by members of this forum.

Dong Guangping is a human rights defender and former political prisoner who served three years in prison from 2001 to 2004 on a charge of 'inciting subversion of state power' for promoting democracy. In July 2014 he was again detained and held incommunicado for over eight months following his participation in an event commemorating the victims of the government crackdown on Tiananmen Square protests in 1989.

Jiang Yefei is the Chairperson of the Thai branch of the Federation for a Democratic China. He fled to Thailand seven years ago following persistent persecution by the authorities in China. In the aftermath of a devastating earthquake in Sichuan province in 2008, Jiang Yefei gave critical interviews to the foreign media, after which he was detained and reportedly subjected to torture.

Edited by simple1
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David Cameron has no problem pimping out the British Royal family to the Chinese government

with great pomp and ceremony. China enjoys favored trading nation status with the USA. Surely

these governments would not treat China in this way if they had any serious human rights

concerns regarding the Peoples Republic of China. Thailand is just following the lead. PFO. coffee1.gif

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Did they apply for refugee status ? Pleading human rights violations at the border ? No, they "bypassed immigration". What happens to the Mexicans who jump the border in the U.S. and get caught? Don't you think some of them face torture from cartel gansters that were spawned by the immoral war on drugs ? Do the Americans give a rats ass as they mass deport them? Does the UNHCR ? Everyone on this forum is very well versed on legal entry to a country, it's not rocket science. Thailand has too many of its own unique problems to solve, the UNHCR should do a better job in guiding these refugees and providing safe passage if that is their mandate.

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Did they apply for refugee status ? Pleading human rights violations at the border ? No, they "bypassed immigration". What happens to the Mexicans who jump the border in the U.S. and get caught? Don't you think some of them face torture from cartel gansters that were spawned by the immoral war on drugs ? Do the Americans give a rats ass as they mass deport them? Does the UNHCR ? Everyone on this forum is very well versed on legal entry to a country, it's not rocket science. Thailand has too many of its own unique problems to solve, the UNHCR should do a better job in guiding these refugees and providing safe passage if that is their mandate.

But do the mexicans claim and are granted asylum and about to be repatriated to a country that wants them?

You do talk some tosh.

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Did they apply for refugee status ? Pleading human rights violations at the border ? No, they "bypassed immigration". What happens to the Mexicans who jump the border in the U.S. and get caught? Don't you think some of them face torture from cartel gansters that were spawned by the immoral war on drugs ? Do the Americans give a rats ass as they mass deport them? Does the UNHCR ? Everyone on this forum is very well versed on legal entry to a country, it's not rocket science. Thailand has too many of its own unique problems to solve, the UNHCR should do a better job in guiding these refugees and providing safe passage if that is their mandate.

But do the mexicans claim and are granted asylum and about to be repatriated to a country that wants them?

You do talk some tosh.

If the UN wants to do something, then solve the problems in the countries where the refugees are fleeing from. Then they can all go back.

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More people should be deported, if they enter the country illigally or under false premisis, deport them. If they are a guest of the country and break the law, deport them. The UN has solved no problems, it has only created problems. It is a defunct corrupt organization used as a cover for intelligence gathering and criminal activities,

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More people should be deported, if they enter the country illigally or under false premisis, deport them. If they are a guest of the country and break the law, deport them. The UN has solved no problems, it has only created problems. It is a defunct corrupt organization used as a cover for intelligence gathering and criminal activities,

It is not illegal to claim refugee status, regardless of how they arrive. Illegal immigrants and refugees are not the same thing.

These 2 were genuine refugees. They were leaving for a country that had accepted them. They had not broken any law.

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More people should be deported, if they enter the country illigally or under false premisis, deport them. If they are a guest of the country and break the law, deport them. The UN has solved no problems, it has only created problems. It is a defunct corrupt organization used as a cover for intelligence gathering and criminal activities,

It is not illegal to claim refugee status, regardless of how they arrive. Illegal immigrants and refugees are not the same thing.

These 2 were genuine refugees. They were leaving for a country that had accepted them. They had not broken any law.

it seems they had let their visas expire.. Isn't that against the law? Also isn't that the Responsibility of the UN to ensure that they are in fact in country LEGALLY?
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According to the BP the Thai government is now claiming the two were involved in human trafficking in a bid to deflect the torrent of criticism it's been subjected to.

Apparently the government was surprised by the heavy criticism since their short attention span has made them forget what happened after the deportation of the 109 Uighurs.

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Go somewhere else to hide if you want to leave your country. There is a precedent set, you will be deported, so go elsewhere.

The attitude of some posters here, yourself included, are abhorrent.

Many of them are elderly and are becoming "re-infantilised" (something which affects a lot of the elderly) insofar as they are regressing to that infant-state where they were solely concerned with their own personal satisfaction and having their "needs" met. It goes without saying that they, like infants, cannot be expected to display much consideration for the well-being of others. Certainly not "asylum seekers" the latest focus for what is also, in most cases, an innate, xenophobic hatred and rage.

Sadly many of the younger and "pre-elderly" on TV also seem to have lost their "humanity" (those that had any in the first place).

Perhaps their experiences in Thailand are, in some way, responsible for their attitude?

Edited by Enoon
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According to the BP the Thai government is now claiming the two were involved in human trafficking in a bid to deflect the torrent of criticism it's been subjected to.

Apparently the government was surprised by the heavy criticism since their short attention span has made them forget what happened after the deportation of the 109 Uighurs.

I think the BP must be mistaken in suggesting that the Government claims the two were involved in human trafficking.Because if that was true the Government would be lying through its teeth and given that it is composed of "good" people, such repulsively dishonest behaviour is obviously not possible.Perhaps something has got lost in translation.

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According to the BP the Thai government is now claiming the two were involved in human trafficking in a bid to deflect the torrent of criticism it's been subjected to.

Apparently the government was surprised by the heavy criticism since their short attention span has made them forget what happened after the deportation of the 109 Uighurs.

So do not deport terrorists because the ones you missed might set off a bomb ?.

Thank God you are in no position to actually make those decisions. If the bomb was Uighurs, it proves the government made the right decision.

But of course doubt remains because the bomb making facilities were up and running long before the deportation. But that means the bomb was planned anyway and not because of the deportations. Again making your argument look foolish.

And do you actually know if they were involved in human trafficking ?. You seem to know conclusively they were not : put up or shut up. Web link please.

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According to the BP the Thai government is now claiming the two were involved in human trafficking in a bid to deflect the torrent of criticism it's been subjected to.

Apparently the government was surprised by the heavy criticism since their short attention span has made them forget what happened after the deportation of the 109 Uighurs.

So do not deport terrorists because the ones you missed might set off a bomb ?.

Thank God you are in no position to actually make those decisions. If the bomb was Uighurs, it proves the government made the right decision.

But of course doubt remains because the bomb making facilities were up and running long before the deportation. But that means the bomb was planned anyway and not because of the deportations. Again making your argument look foolish.

And do you actually know if they were involved in human trafficking ?. You seem to know conclusively they were not : put up or shut up. Web link please.

The grand master of unsubstanciated claims is asking for sources??

555555! Good one, John!

Try reading my post again John, and this time without your junta glasses on.

I said " According to the BP...", John.

Why don't you go ahead and read the article yourself John, and if you're still confused I'll be happy to explain it for you. Always there for you, buddy!

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Thailand, keep deporting them, if they have a problem in their own country that is their problem, not yours. If they were bad people in their country they will still be bad or worse in yours.

Read their profiles in post #7 - do you still call them out as not deserving of protection

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More people should be deported, if they enter the country illigally or under false premisis, deport them. If they are a guest of the country and break the law, deport them. The UN has solved no problems, it has only created problems. It is a defunct corrupt organization used as a cover for intelligence gathering and criminal activities,

It is not illegal to claim refugee status, regardless of how they arrive. Illegal immigrants and refugees are not the same thing.

These 2 were genuine refugees. They were leaving for a country that had accepted them. They had not broken any law.

it seems they had let their visas expire.. Isn't that against the law? Also isn't that the Responsibility of the UN to ensure that they are in fact in country LEGALLY?

No, they are confirmed refugees so thailand should afford them any and all the protection required from them being repatriated. They were leaving anyway, so why was Thailand in such a rush? There are many on overstay but for some reason these two were considered urgent to deport.

They were not criminals and had done nothing illegal. Being a refugee is not illegal.

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More people should be deported, if they enter the country illigally or under false premisis, deport them. If they are a guest of the country and break the law, deport them. The UN has solved no problems, it has only created problems. It is a defunct corrupt organization used as a cover for intelligence gathering and criminal activities,

It is not illegal to claim refugee status, regardless of how they arrive. Illegal immigrants and refugees are not the same thing.

These 2 were genuine refugees. They were leaving for a country that had accepted them. They had not broken any law.

it seems they had let their visas expire.. Isn't that against the law? Also isn't that the Responsibility of the UN to ensure that they are in fact in country LEGALLY?
No, they are confirmed refugees so thailand should afford them any and all the protection required from them being repatriated. They were leaving anyway, so why was Thailand in such a rush? There are many on overstay but for some reason these two were considered urgent to deport.

They were not criminals and had done nothing illegal. Being a refugee is not illegal.

so again when it suits its OK to overlook a countries laws.. It was the UN's Responsibility to ensure the two had visas or were repatriated before they expired they didn't. End of!
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