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UN Approves Action Against "Global Threat" of IS

Jonathan Fairfield

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Disclaimer: I despise the UN. However, this resolution means those who actually do want to act, and there are many, now have cover for action; a political device.. It has been my suspicion for a while now that the US desperately needs another face, in fact another authority to extricate the US from the mess it created; Russia only exacerbated this need. The US is effectively chained to the inevitability that if DAESH loses, the US loses. If Assad wins, the US loses. Heads you win tails you lose- Sword of Damocles thing. DAESH is the issue but pretty apparent is this UN resolution may- may- set in motion the authority for NATO to act. Whether NATO or independent countries someone without an investment in the Syrian debacle needs to step up and address the problem. IMO the US wants a NATO imprint so the choices out of this mess can be attributed to consensus, rather than US culpability.

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I tend to think you're right, AJD.

(except the slip of the tongue, pen keystroke, "heads I lose, tails you win" makes the sense of what you were saying (and what you meant, I'm sure).).

Surely, then, (and the Russians are hinting that this may be possible), vanquishing daesh AND removing Assad at the same time is the answer.

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