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Sinet fibre offline daily, intermittent ptoblems

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On my 3g Internet now at home. I have regularly had problems with sinet recently but it was great for the last six months prior to this month. Anyone having a similar experience? It's offline for a few hours a day usually around the same time. I had 350ms ping to Google. Com last night. Support is not helpful, any ideas or solutions available?


Try doing a tracert (trace route) in cmd (command line windows), see where the holdup is on your ping to google.com / google.co.th ( / )

I just tried it on my TOT Fiber FTTh connection and got 122ms ping. 100ms delay occurring between peering from TOT to CAT, otherwise the throughput would be around 22-24ms. And when I retried a bit later I got 25ms through the very same TOT - CAT peering router !! Very very odd.

And when you write that your SiNet is offline for a few hours a day, is that:

Fiber Router doesn't see any signal (cable break or head-end down)

Fiber Router connects but won't authenticate (doesn't receive DHCP WAN IP Address)

Fiber Router connects and receives DHCP WAN IP Address, but,

...no Internet connectivity, can't PING IP or URL addresses

...partial Internet connectivity only, can PING IP, but not URL addresses (DNS resolve appears to fail)


ToT fibre, Khon Kaen.

Very fast, hard to believe and slightly different addresses:

(I am using the automatically provided DNS servers currently)

C:\Windows\system32>ping google.com

Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=9ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=8ms TTL=57

C:\Windows\system32>ping google.co.th
Pinging google.co.th [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=33ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=12ms TTL=57

tracert shows only 8 hops.


Google will deliver a different IP address via DNS lookup/resolve based on originating anycast timing and IP Geolocation results and issue a round-robin IP from a pool of 'A' record IP addresses, as their world-wide servers as they utilize CDN and Dynamic Load Balancing. (Many servers are needed to answer the many many queries).

But, hopefully, if you wrote a working IP address down you could still ping it anytime to see if your connection was working.


As far as the connection being out, it simply just does not work. No pages load, etc. It has been slow at times, but not working for hours on end. apparently several people in this area are also having similar problems.


Fiber Router doesn't see any signal (cable break or head-end down)

Fiber Router connects but won't authenticate (doesn't receive DHCP WAN IP Address)

Fiber Router connects and receives DHCP WAN IP Address, but,

...no Internet connectivity, can't PING IP or URL addresses

...partial Internet connectivity only, can PING IP, but not URL addresses (DNS resolve appears to fail)


I am not sure about this exactly, I will try to look into it more detail next time.

ping google.com :

reply from bytes=32 time=76ms TTL=58

reply from bytes=32 time=84ms TTL=58
reply from bytes=32 time=76ms TTL=58
reply from bytes=32 time=76ms TTL=58
pinging google.co.th
bytes=32, time=52ms, TTL=48

tracert google.co.th []

1 45ms 47ms

2. 58 ms 82 ms * 81.67.b9d8.static.theplanet.com []

3. 46 ms 51ms 48ms ae11.dar01.sr03.sng01.networklayer.com []

9. * * * * request timed out


tracert google.com

47ms, 48 ms, 45 ms

49 ms 46 ms 48 ms

50 ms 50 ms 49 ms


Try doing the 'ping' or 'tracert' when you think the connection is down (no pages load), in both styles (uri and direct IP)

ping google.com

ping google.co.th





  • 3 months later...

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