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Hate crimes against Muslims rise following Paris attacks


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Hate crimes against Muslims rise following Paris attacks

PARIS: -- Anti-Muslim incidents including attacks on women and hateful graffiti have flared up across Britain and France in the week since Islamist militants killed 130 people in Paris.

Tell MAMA, a monitoring group said it had recorded 115 Islamophobic incidents in the UK compared with 42 for the same period.
The most frequently targeted were women dressed in traditional Islamic attire.

In France security has been tightened up around Mosques around the country ….a move appreciated by practising Muslims such as Mr. Abdelhak:.

“It makes sense to have this much security. Like I said before, it’s because of generalisations. People make generalisations based on what happened, based on the acts committed by a few individuals, which were not at all committed in the name of Islam… It’s normal to also protect Muslims.”

A spokesperson The Collective against Islamophobia in France (CCIF), Yasser Louati said he had been inundated with reports and complaints including one Muslim woman saying she had been rammed by a shopping trolley, while another had been punched by a male stranger.
Louati said he had also received many calls from Muslims asking if it as safe to send children to school.

France’s five million-strong Muslim minority is Europe’s largest and makes up about eight percent of the population. Community leaders said they were expecting more incidents in coming weeks because it was feared the Paris attacks had encouraged ultra-nationalist groups to target Muslims.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-11-24

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Obama says to relax and not blame all muslins which 99% of people don't do to begin with - they blame radical muslims which is why it is OK to use the word radical because it is an adjective and has a meaning and a propose. The media would have you beleave other wise - they seem to think it is a hate crime or a racist thought just because they said so.

It is not a war on muslims but your going to get a reaction from a few that never get the full memo, so I would say - it is alright to also relax and not blame everyone for some griffiti while we find the people responable for the shootings and setting off of bombs that the radical muslims used to kill more then 100 people in one single attack.

A few people react poorly to events in Paris - coffee1.gif Oooo K.

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Yasser Louati said he had been inundated with reports and complaints including one Muslim woman saying she had been rammed by a shopping trolley,

Yesterday, I accidentally bumped the woman in front of me with my shopping cart at Tops. I guess I'm guilty of an anti-Buddhist hate crime.

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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

I agree entirely. Until we see the moderate majority start expelling the radical minority from their communities by reporting them to the relevant authorities, and these radicals are imprisonned or deported, the non muslim population is going to view all muslems as supporters of terrorist activities by followers of islamic jihad. These communities must be self policing and they must attempt to become part of the society that they have chosen to live in. If they choose to isolate themselves from the population of THEIR CHOSEN country, then is it surprising that the indigenous population is beginning to feel threatened, so are starting to reject these arrogant interlopers.

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This plays beautifully to ISIS' strategy … the more moderate peaceful muslims are attacked, the more chances of turning them to the cause.

You're right of course. This is what I don't get about the far right in the US. They want to "get tough" on radical Muslims by attacking all Muslims. Radical Islam is but a tiny fraction of all Muslims. But by antagonizing Muslims in general, they're converting moderate Muslims to radical Muslims. With over a billion Muslims worldwide and growing, do they really want to be doing this?

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This plays beautifully to ISIS' strategy … the more moderate peaceful muslims are attacked, the more chances of turning them to the cause.

The trouble is that the 'Tell Mama' group who report on Islamophobic attacks pull figures from their rectums and fabricate data to give a false impression as to how serious the situation is. This led to a curtailment in UK government funding.


Now who exactly is playing into the hands of ISIS?

P.s in other news MSNBC's favourite Muslim spokesman against Islamophobic Muslim no fly lists has been arrested in Turkey for belonging to an Isis terror cell.

Edited by Steely Dan
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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

I agree entirely. Until we see the moderate majority start expelling the radical minority from their communities by reporting them to the relevant authorities, and these radicals are imprisonned or deported, the non muslim population is going to view all muslems as supporters of terrorist activities by followers of islamic jihad. These communities must be self policing and they must attempt to become part of the society that they have chosen to live in. If they choose to isolate themselves from the population of THEIR CHOSEN country, then is it surprising that the indigenous population is beginning to feel threatened, so are starting to reject these arrogant interlopers.

yes exactly .. Just like Christian communities outed all the white supremacists when Wade Michael Page attacked Oak Creek..

oh wait..

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Huh???? "People make generalisations based on what happened, based on the acts committed by a few individuals, which were not at all committed in the name of Islam…" That is strange. I thought all Al Qaeda & IS atrocities were absolutely claimed by them and that was in fact the whole point of those two organizations. i.e. Committing them in the name of and for the glory of Allah.

PS. I agree with JRHolmesJr that these things will help confirm the radicalized that they will be doing the right thing. The Koran (old spelling) only allows Muslims to kill in self defense or in response to prior events. So it is always handy for them to have a continuing trickle of things to justify their continuous actions in "self defense." Some times it only takes a few cartoons or the visit of a cleric to a western country who then states that a country or culture is "godless, morally corrupt and full of devils & infidels." That's enough to start things off then all so many of the moderate Muslims we hear so much about jeer & boo when the Turkish government asked for a minute silence in respect for the Paris dead at the Turkey - Greece football game last week.. The news paper reports didn't say that it sounded like only a few (7%) of the stadium booing.

Edited by The Deerhunter
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Obama says to relax and not blame all muslins which 99% of people don't do to begin with - they blame radical muslims which is why it is OK to use the word radical because it is an adjective and has a meaning and a propose. The media would have you beleave other wise - they seem to think it is a hate crime or a racist thought just because they said so.

It is not a war on muslims but your going to get a reaction from a few that never get the full memo, so I would say - it is alright to also relax and not blame everyone for some griffiti while we find the people responable for the shootings and setting off of bombs that the radical muslims used to kill more then 100 people in one single attack.

A few people react poorly to events in Paris - coffee1.gif Oooo K.


It seems counter intuitive for some not to call radical islam radical islam or islamic jihad islamic jihad. They argue that in doing so it suggests all muslims share complicity. Well, no, it does not. In fact, continuing to widen the divide between the observable world and the declared world- 1. World filled with non stop horror of islamic jihad, 2. The endless stream of mouthpieces telling us that islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam and (3. The silence of the invisible peaceful muslim majority)- ...continues to widen the divide between what we observe and what we are told, increasingly forcing people to reach conclusions on their own or out of fear. As the horrors continue the disconnect between the real and what we are told is dizzying. People will invariably broadly label because of the obvious- islamic jihad actually does come from islam. However, it does not necessarily follow that islam comes from islamic jihad. A child could deduce this; that Obama does not is actually illustrative.

Instead of calling it what it is so we can all experience the counter intuitive- that islamic jihad does not necessarily represent all of islam- we are told there is no connection at all. We are told there is no connection and #3, the peaceful silent muslim majority, offer us little in the way of voices. There is an estimated 1.2 billion muslims in the world. There is an estimated (recall) 20+% jihad supporting minority. This leaves easily 900 million peaceful people who are not represented by this radicals. Where is their voice? The earth should be booming by now but the loudest catcalls heard following Paris actually had to be sterilized in the media because they were cheers.

People are alienated by not associating islamic jihad to islam in context, and left to their own they will do what their government and leaders fail to do, connect dots like a child. When this is done individually, leaders lose control of the narrative. Obama aids DAESH with this policy of Orwellian silence. This forumla will lead to disparate outbursts, blowback, hate groups, and simply nationalists disgusted with the destruction of meaning in the West.

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To be expected about time people started to fight back

Fight back?

"The most frequently targeted were women dressed in traditional Islamic attire"

Indeed, fight back against who? Attacking innocents makes them as radical as the people they despise.

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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

I agree entirely. Until we see the moderate majority start expelling the radical minority from their communities by reporting them to the relevant authorities, and these radicals are imprisonned or deported, the non muslim population is going to view all muslems as supporters of terrorist activities by followers of islamic jihad. These communities must be self policing and they must attempt to become part of the society that they have chosen to live in. If they choose to isolate themselves from the population of THEIR CHOSEN country, then is it surprising that the indigenous population is beginning to feel threatened, so are starting to reject these arrogant interlopers.

The moderate majority count for nothing,

In Nazi Germany, the majority were moderates, they counted for nothing.

In Stalin's Soviet Russia, the majority were moderate peace loving people, they counted for nothing.

In Mao's Communist China, the majority were poor, peaceful farmers, they counted for nothing.

In every conflict throughout history, the peaceful majority count for nothing but cannon fodder.

They have no say, they have no power, the violent minority always control the action.

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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

I agree entirely. Until we see the moderate majority start expelling the radical minority from their communities by reporting them to the relevant authorities, and these radicals are imprisonned or deported, the non muslim population is going to view all muslems as supporters of terrorist activities by followers of islamic jihad. These communities must be self policing and they must attempt to become part of the society that they have chosen to live in. If they choose to isolate themselves from the population of THEIR CHOSEN country, then is it surprising that the indigenous population is beginning to feel threatened, so are starting to reject these arrogant interlopers.

The moderate majority count for nothing,

In Nazi Germany, the majority were moderates, they counted for nothing.

In Stalin's Soviet Russia, the majority were moderate peace loving people, they counted for nothing.

In Mao's Communist China, the majority were poor, peaceful farmers, they counted for nothing.

In every conflict throughout history, the peaceful majority count for nothing but cannon fodder.

They have no say, they have no power, the violent minority always control the action.

If you are going to quote a lady on a panel from youtube its usual to acknowledge them for the quote

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I don't care where people come from nor do I care what they look like.

But I DO understand WHY people in the UK and France are reacting negatively against any person who looks muslim.

I believe the author of this article is wrong to say that there is no element of muslim connection in these attacks.

Sorry but these are Muslim Jihadis - and that is ONLY the muslim "faith".

No Buddhists, Hindus, Christians were involved - only 100% islamic terrorists shouting their death cry of allahu akbar.

The ONLY way to tackle this problem is to do so honestly.

All this Political Correctness nonsense is what contributed greatly to the muslim problem in Europe - and don't even think of trying to suggest there is no such problem.

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The London Underground rail bombing in 2005 killed 52 people and injured 700 +(many seriously)

The bombers were all Muslims living within the Muslim "community" in Leeds and Aylesbury

I can remember the cowards living in these "communities" expressing fears for their safety whilst at the same time describing the bombers as "nice young men"

Whilst I do not support or condone vigilantism I can understand why it may occur.

These problems will not go away and Muslims, unless they clean up their "communities" , expose the rabid fanatics, and make real attempts to integrate will never be trusted.

Edited by expatbrit
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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

I agree entirely. Until we see the moderate majority start expelling the radical minority from their communities by reporting them to the relevant authorities, and these radicals are imprisonned or deported, the non muslim population is going to view all muslems as supporters of terrorist activities by followers of islamic jihad. These communities must be self policing and they must attempt to become part of the society that they have chosen to live in. If they choose to isolate themselves from the population of THEIR CHOSEN country, then is it surprising that the indigenous population is beginning to feel threatened, so are starting to reject these arrogant interlopers.

The moderate majority count for nothing,

In Nazi Germany, the majority were moderates, they counted for nothing.

In Stalin's Soviet Russia, the majority were moderate peace loving people, they counted for nothing.

In Mao's Communist China, the majority were poor, peaceful farmers, they counted for nothing.

In every conflict throughout history, the peaceful majority count for nothing but cannon fodder.

They have no say, they have no power, the violent minority always control the action.

that is virtually word for word from a lady panellist on an american tv show.

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Relax,,, stop russhin around

but they're coming i tell you

WHAT who's coming

The Russians, the Russians

the Russians are coming,,,

That's right folks, keep tuned

in for the next installment on

world peace and security,,

they are coming and they

scare me more than the

radical towel heads.

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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

The thing is moderates and extremists usually don't hangout together. It's not us moderates job to report them, you have an intelligence agency don't you, its funded from your(taxpayers) money. Don't you think they should be of some basic use?

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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

I agree entirely. Until we see the moderate majority start expelling the radical minority from their communities by reporting them to the relevant authorities, and these radicals are imprisonned or deported, the non muslim population is going to view all muslems as supporters of terrorist activities by followers of islamic jihad. These communities must be self policing and they must attempt to become part of the society that they have chosen to live in. If they choose to isolate themselves from the population of THEIR CHOSEN country, then is it surprising that the indigenous population is beginning to feel threatened, so are starting to reject these arrogant interlopers.

The moderate majority count for nothing,

In Nazi Germany, the majority were moderates, they counted for nothing.

In Stalin's Soviet Russia, the majority were moderate peace loving people, they counted for nothing.

In Mao's Communist China, the majority were poor, peaceful farmers, they counted for nothing.

In every conflict throughout history, the peaceful majority count for nothing but cannon fodder.

They have no say, they have no power, the violent minority always control the action.

A great and valid observation a number of us make- history has primarily pivoted on the minorities. Not employing the elusive muslim majority in the service of fraternity increases the likelihood of radicalization and alienation from the larger non muslim world. Alternatively, it must be established once and for all where this majority stands.

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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

The thing is moderates and extremists usually don't hangout together. It's not us moderates job to report them, you have an intelligence agency don't you, its funded from your(taxpayers) money. Don't you think they should be of some basic use?

Do you think that if I know a couple of guys are going to rob a bank I shouldn't report it? I should leave it up to police "intelligence" to figure that out for themselves and take action to stop it?

My idea of a good citizen and good human being is someone who will step up and try to assure the safety of the general population. I think if someone knows that bad guys are up to something bad and he doesn't report it, he's the lowest of lowlife. How many "good" Muslims meet my definition of lowlifes?


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This is why moderate Muslims should report terrorists as they are the ones who are left to face the public, I dont for one minute agree with attacking any one that is innocent, but not everybody is tolerant.

I agree entirely. Until we see the moderate majority start expelling the radical minority from their communities by reporting them to the relevant authorities, and these radicals are imprisonned or deported, the non muslim population is going to view all muslems as supporters of terrorist activities by followers of islamic jihad. These communities must be self policing and they must attempt to become part of the society that they have chosen to live in. If they choose to isolate themselves from the population of THEIR CHOSEN country, then is it surprising that the indigenous population is beginning to feel threatened, so are starting to reject these arrogant interlopers.

The moderate majority count for nothing,

In Nazi Germany, the majority were moderates, they counted for nothing.

In Stalin's Soviet Russia, the majority were moderate peace loving people, they counted for nothing.

In Mao's Communist China, the majority were poor, peaceful farmers, they counted for nothing.

In every conflict throughout history, the peaceful majority count for nothing but cannon fodder.

They have no say, they have no power, the violent minority always control the action.

that is virtually word for word from a lady panellist on an american tv show.

It is nearly word for word. I think her name is Brigette Gabriel. Honestly, I am not sure. But why suggest she is the citation. She is not the first person to say this. This has even been said on TV previously with these very examples, and a few others. Why? Because the point is obvious when discussing majorities, minorities, and the tide of nations. The observation would naturally address contemporary minority examples and not more or less words send the message. It does not surprise me one bit that it sounds like a woman on tv, nor that she sounds like others before her.

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Huh???? "People make generalisations based on what happened, based on the acts committed by a few individuals, which were not at all committed in the name of Islam…" That is strange. I thought all Al Qaeda & IS atrocities were absolutely claimed by them and that was in fact the whole point of those two organizations. i.e. Committing them in the name of and for the glory of Allah.

PS. I agree with JRHolmesJr that these things will help confirm the radicalized that they will be doing the right thing. The Koran (old spelling) only allows Muslims to kill in self defense or in response to prior events. So it is always handy for them to have a continuing trickle of things to justify their continuous actions in "self defense." Some times it only takes a few cartoons or the visit of a cleric to a western country who then states that a country or culture is "godless, morally corrupt and full of devils & infidels." That's enough to start things off then all so many of the moderate Muslims we hear so much about jeer & boo when the Turkish government asked for a minute silence in respect for the Paris dead at the Turkey - Greece football game last week.. The news paper reports didn't say that it sounded like only a few (7%) of the stadium booing.

"The Koran (old spelling) only allows Muslims to kill in self defense or in response to prior events." I am confused; is this sarcasm or a statement? Really? Because it is not correct if a declaration. This would be the kind of citation that would upturn some very core things I think are true. If you could actually provide the citation and context I genuinely would love to read it. It is my understanding that this is totally incorrect. Remember, the koran hadith and life of the prophet have their context in the exegesis or islamic jurisprudence, where it is not otherwise emphatic. The injunctions and interpretations have pretty much been decided long ago. If there was some injunction as this above it would be so important for someone like me to have it. It would invite me to rethink many things. Thank you.

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