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Harris Poll: Six in ten Americans oppose Obama's plan to accept 10000 Syrian refugees


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Harris Poll: Six in ten Americans oppose Obama's plan to accept 10000 Syrian refugees

NEW YORK, NY - Sixty-one percent of Americans oppose the Obama administration's plans to accept up to 10,000 Syrian refugees into the United States over the next year, with 40% more specifically saying they strongly oppose the action. By comparison, four in ten (39%) support this plan, with 15% voicing strong support.

- Nearly two-thirds of Independents (65%) and eight in ten Republicans (80%) oppose accepting these refugees onto our shores (with 57% of Republicans opposing it strongly), while six in ten Democrats (59%) support the decision.

- Generationally, strong majorities of Gen X (67%), Baby Boomers (66%), and Matures (63%) oppose the effort; Millennials are more divided, with 52% opposed and 48% in support.

Additionally, nearly six in ten (58%) believe governors should have the right to prevent Syrian refugees from living in their state, a sentiment echoed by nearly eight in ten Republicans (78%), six in ten Independents (61%), and four in ten Democrats (39%).

These are the results of The Harris Poll of 2,016 adults surveyed online between November 19 and 23, 2015.

Full story: http://www.eturbonews.com/66330/harris-poll-six-ten-americans-oppose-obamas-plan-accept-10000-sy

-- eTN 2015-11-26

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US State Department lawyers say states cannot lawfully stop refugees, but they can take as long as they need

to vet them thoroughly to make sure that those refugees are bona fide refugees and not terrorist infiltrators,

But given Obama attitude toward Muslims and Arabs in general, he will do whatever in his powers to veto

such action by the majority of the people and the republicans... this is a clear case where the president is NOT

listening to what the people wants....

Oh how I wish that this president will be going home to retire already and leave us alone...

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While I understand most Americans fear of ISIS and the acceptance of refugees, it is within the American tradition to accept them. These people are different than Cuban refugees. There is no war in Cuba but there is in Syria. Frankly, when I see someone dressed in Muslim garb and women covered head to toe, I feel uncomfortable. I immediately think whether there is a terrorist in there. However, reason has to set in and the humanitarian thing would be to accept this minimal amount of people. The screening of them will be done carefully, but there is no 100 per cent guarantee that one of them might be an ISIS member.

The best solution to this problem would be for America to leave the Middle East altogether. However, they won't do that as the paymaster of American politics is big oil and big oil will fight to the last American's death to keep its business going.I say good on the Russians for taking it on. Uncle Sam and his crew have paid enough treasure . Someday, America may get a President who realizes that he/she is the President of America and not the World and start taking care of American citizens not just American wealthy business. It won't be in my lifetime - maybe my granddaughter's lifetime.

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^^^ What a crock. None of the fighting in the ME has been over oil nor has the US taken oil as spoils of any conflict there. The US doesn't overrun countries and take their resources. The US has more proven oil reserves than all of the rest of the world combined. Yeah, that's the ME, S. America, Russia, all of them combined.

Go ahead with your tired old rag talk though if it makes you feel better.


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What was it again, "Bring me your... oh no, don't bring those".

Ah, a gift from the French. See how its going for them these days.

Better than for the Swedish who have had to junk their suicidal immigration policy for three years and take the EU minimum instead.
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^^^ What a crock. None of the fighting in the ME has been over oil nor has the US taken oil as spoils of any conflict there. The US doesn't overrun countries and take their resources. The US has more proven oil reserves than all of the rest of the world combined. Yeah, that's the ME, S. America, Russia, all of them combined.

Go ahead with your tired old rag talk though if it makes you feel better.


Maybe not for oil directly, but if you think Gulf War II was about WMD's, then your credibility just took a huge nosedive.

The US had absolutely no business going into Iraq and the blame for the mess there and the creation of Islamic State lays firmly at Bush Jr's feet.

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While I understand most Americans fear of ISIS and the acceptance of refugees, it is within the American tradition to accept them. These people are different than Cuban refugees. There is no war in Cuba but there is in Syria. Frankly, when I see someone dressed in Muslim garb and women covered head to toe, I feel uncomfortable. I immediately think whether there is a terrorist in there. However, reason has to set in and the humanitarian thing would be to accept this minimal amount of people. The screening of them will be done carefully, but there is no 100 per cent guarantee that one of them might be an ISIS member.

The best solution to this problem would be for America to leave the Middle East altogether. However, they won't do that as the paymaster of American politics is big oil and big oil will fight to the last American's death to keep its business going.I say good on the Russians for taking it on. Uncle Sam and his crew have paid enough treasure . Someday, America may get a President who realizes that he/she is the President of America and not the World and start taking care of American citizens not just American wealthy business. It won't be in my lifetime - maybe my granddaughter's lifetime.

If I want to go in a store I have to take my crash helmet off. Anyone wearing a Burkka could be a suicide bomber and may not even be female.

Make it a condition of entry " no Burkjka Zone" Burkka's are not a part of Islam they are part of the male control.

!0000 refugee's probably means 100 IS

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While I understand most Americans fear of ISIS and the acceptance of refugees, it is within the American tradition to accept them. These people are different than Cuban refugees. There is no war in Cuba but there is in Syria. Frankly, when I see someone dressed in Muslim garb and women covered head to toe, I feel uncomfortable. I immediately think whether there is a terrorist in there. However, reason has to set in and the humanitarian thing would be to accept this minimal amount of people. The screening of them will be done carefully, but there is no 100 per cent guarantee that one of them might be an ISIS member.

The best solution to this problem would be for America to leave the Middle East altogether. However, they won't do that as the paymaster of American politics is big oil and big oil will fight to the last American's death to keep its business going.I say good on the Russians for taking it on. Uncle Sam and his crew have paid enough treasure . Someday, America may get a President who realizes that he/she is the President of America and not the World and start taking care of American citizens not just American wealthy business. It won't be in my lifetime - maybe my granddaughter's lifetime.

I do not agree that it is within the American tradition to accept them. This is incorrect. It is not the faith, per se, that is at issue. The issue is the indisputable, self evidence that those of this faith actually do not have tolerance for others; this is simply zero evidence of tolerance. This is the concern, the extrapolation of unrestrained muslim migration. Sharia demands obedience to islam as the State as well as the faith. It is this ideology, tightly and irrevocably interwoven with the faith, that is antithetical to the American tradition. American has for a long, long time had people indicate whether they now or have ever espoused views or supported aims that are contrary to the US Constitution and American values. While not an exact fit, this does match perfectly well with the avowed aims of sharia, so why not the oath or affirmation... or concern? There has hardly been such a specifically defined group with such a comprehensive platform for non assimilation, insurgency, and existential threat as this population. It does not mean that all people will act upon their underlying injunctions but if i have to affirm such an oath then they should also. I have, repeatedly!

Most Americans fear IS less than the trajectory that [this] is all on. The arrow is now in the air, a moron can note where it will land if not interdicted. I believe that existing and pre existing frameworks for affirmations or oaths to loyalty as per our laws, should be a requirement- with citizenship revocation the consequence of affirming or participating in groups, or aims that seek to overthrow the US government or US Constitutional law- calling for sharia law.

If America up and left the middle east tomorrow the only thing that would happen would be a re-consolidation of forces IAW with clear islamic prescriptions, then attacks launched from a position of even greater strength. Your post presumes the ME is the goal, it is not.

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The issue is the indisputable, self evidence that those of this faith actually do not have tolerance for others; this is simply zero evidence of tolerance.

So, living as I do in a Muslim country in the Gulf, when I pop to the shop on my way home and pick up some bacon for tomorrow's breakfast, before sliding down the pub for a few beers and the football with my muslim mates, then I should be aware that they have zero tolerance.

I could go out clubbing later, but to be honest the Muslim girls that are out like this Egyptian and Lebanese pop and it pounds through my head. I do have zero tolerance to that.

The local English-language radio station that they lay on for expats is not much better because they play the western version which is just as bad. Damn their intolerance eh?

I could go and watch the new Bond movie I suppose. If they tolerate it in one of the many multiplex cinemas that are accessible to anyone in the country.

If you could hear yourself, honestly, what a comedian.

Tar. Brush. Stop it.


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Americans view the "Syrian" refugees differently from others for a reason...there is a high probability that terrorist will be embedded within their ranks and simply fade into the US population until called upon to do dastardly deeds to the same folks who have been helping to take care of them...

We are not dealing with people with a conscience...hate, death, and destruction against all infidels...especially Americans...motivates them...

It is time to put away "politically correct" agendas...for the good of the country...

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The issue is the indisputable, self evidence that those of this faith actually do not have tolerance for others; this is simply zero evidence of tolerance.

So, living as I do in a Muslim country in the Gulf, when I pop to the shop on my way home and pick up some bacon for tomorrow's breakfast, before sliding down the pub for a few beers and the football with my muslim mates, then I should be aware that they have zero tolerance.

I could go out clubbing later, but to be honest the Muslim girls that are out like this Egyptian and Lebanese pop and it pounds through my head. I do have zero tolerance to that.

The local English-language radio station that they lay on for expats is not much better because they play the western version which is just as bad. Damn their intolerance eh?

I could go and watch the new Bond movie I suppose. If they tolerate it in one of the many multiplex cinemas that are accessible to anyone in the country.

If you could hear yourself, honestly, what a comedian.

Tar. Brush. Stop it.


You can always be counted on for push-back. That is a compliment. I rarely agree with you but (to me anyways) you often just push back well. In this case you have again. I agree. In fact from your perspective, and one I also share[d], my comments seem markedly divorced from reality. However, it is the bubble that you live in, with a dash of limited time perspective, a splash of positive personal interactions, that give you the generalization that what you experience is in fact the state of things; it is not. It is the state of your experiences, and granted, many of had this disconnection you observe. So, how does a worldview that you describe coexist with what myself and others say?

Having lived in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and other "western" like-ish places I get that what we see around us there easily translates into a generalization. It is not. It is a society built near wholly on a caste system of contract labor (I call in Contract Slavery- In Dubai for example, there are the blue people, the grey people, the green people, the orange people- each basically reflecting preyed upon segments of the Sir Lankan, Hindi, Filipina[o] society. These modern contract slaves live in an utterly different world than you do, though you pass them each day, respectively working the buildings, the offices, the highways, cleaning, etc. They earn thousands of times less than white people in this islamic paradise).

These places exist in a wholly complicated world of appealing to islamic imams, paying them off while prodding toward modernity, thwarting attacks from abroad, and balancing diplomacy to manage western pressures- while also trying to actually craft a nation for their people and survive. They hope, like al Maktoum's father, to reach modernity before once again sliding into the invariable social decline their culture incubates in every single location it has ever thrived. They seek to mimic the West to basically catch up (in this S. al Maktoum's father and S. Zayed were genius). In societies like this there is broad leeway to follow the practices and customs of your own country, as you note. Westerners actually live in a "down the rabbit hole" world as such permissiveness is mostly absent from the larger islamic states. The very reason that you can cite what you do is because the leadership must delicately suppress the sharia hopefully long enough that the nation can independently survive and join tomorrow. It is in essence a race against time and any observer of islamic history knows they exist at their own peril because of this trade off.

I am not provoking you but when you get out into the NWFP, even Islamabad, Saana, any place out of Jakarta Salatan, north, south, east, west of Baghdad, Kabual, and the too numerous to count locations currently within western countries, there is a very different world all together. Unencumbered by fast cars, high rises, generous benefits, a nepotistic hiring system for sunni kin, etc., the faith is frequently celebrated as a basis for a return to a golden era, an imaginary time before all... of this suckishness... that many muslims genuinely feel- outside of the ivory tower of the GCC.

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This OP is directly related to the controversy surrounding Trump's in-artful appeal to a database. Some of us have noted that there is both existing mechanisms and precedence to enact oaths on Americans. An analysis of entry to the bar (attached) is illustrative, though seemingly unrelated. If lawyers who dedicated years and years to study are required or have been required to affirm loyalty to the US, with a penalty otherwise, then surely it is not too much to ask others to do the same, and receive a penalty if they lie- revocation of citizenship. This threshold, to receive our charity, is not too high. The attached pdf raises very good points, though primarily focused on the red menace.

In any event, the whole contrived migration issue of the past years is social engineering, no more. That is why it does not matter what the people think.

Loyalty Tests for Admission to the Bar.pdf

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If I had a country I wouldn't be accepting any "muslim" refugees

You dont, so it really doent matter.

But for aguments sake if you did own a country and decided your country get involved in another country's domestic affairs which resulted in that country falling into a civil war with thousands and thousands being killed and millions suffering I would hope, no, I would expect your country to assist those you have caused this suffering upon.

But thats just me.

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Well, the OP is about a clear majority of Americans opposing Obama's immigration stance - again. Let's cheer Obama on. He's setting the Democrats up for a fall in the next election.

I don't recall any other president who so blatantly disregarded the wishes of the people as Obama does. He seems to think he's a ruler rather than an elected representative of the people. He loves his "executive orders" which became a new term for me in Obama's context. I've never before seen the measure of his arrogance.

Obama is supposed to work for the people, not rule them. Apparently he doesn't understand that part. It's no wonder that Americans are showing disdain for current elected insiders and that outsiders are growing in the polls. The winds of change are blowing across America as a backlash to Obama's "Hope and Change".

The immigration debate was about Hispanics but at least they assimilate, are largely pacifist Catholics with a similar culture and they don't hate Americans. This Muslim thing is a new threat and I don't foresee Americans taking it peacefully.


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Harris Poll: Six in ten Americans oppose Obama's plan to accept 10000 Syrian refugees"

"Close to the same percentage opposing the Jewish refugees from entering the US trying to escape Nazi persecution,

Many were send back to die in concentration camps.

and there were no jewish terrorists then, so all in all thing have improved..

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Harris Poll: Six in ten Americans oppose Obama's plan to accept 10000 Syrian refugees"

"Close to the same percentage opposing the Jewish refugees from entering the US trying to escape Nazi persecution,

Many were send back to die in concentration camps.

and there were no jewish terrorists then, so all in all thing have improved..

...ipso facto, Americans sent Jews to their deaths. Or, muslims are the same as Jews. Or, there exists a duty, a culpability, a precedence... arghh!

How ridiculous. Seems at first glance a fair analogy? its not.

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Harris Poll: Six in ten Americans oppose Obama's plan to accept 10000 Syrian refugees"

"Close to the same percentage opposing the Jewish refugees from entering the US trying to escape Nazi persecution,

Many were send back to die in concentration camps.

and there were no jewish terrorists then, so all in all thing have improved..

You're way off topic. Nonetheless, elected people are supposed to represent the people, not rule them, and if the people want to seal the borders then the borders should be sealed. Otherwise these elected leaders are going to get thrown out on their asses and someone who will do the people's bidding will take their places.

No country is obligated to throw away its immigration policies and controls and I don't see the US doing it. Obama's "executive orders" about immigration have been overturned twice now by the courts and he will be out of office before we have to deal with his shit again.

Simple really.


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Harris Poll: Six in ten Americans oppose Obama's plan to accept 10000 Syrian refugees"

"Close to the same percentage opposing the Jewish refugees from entering the US trying to escape Nazi persecution,

Many were send back to die in concentration camps.

and there were no jewish terrorists then, so all in all thing have improved..

You're way off topic. Nonetheless, elected people are supposed to represent the people, not rule them, and if the people want to seal the borders then the borders should be sealed. Otherwise these elected leaders are going to get thrown out on their asses and someone who will do the people's bidding will take their places.

No country is obligated to throw away its immigration policies and controls and I don't see the US doing it. Obama's "executive orders" about immigration have been overturned twice now by the courts and he will be out of office before we have to deal with his shit again.

Simple really.


Not way of topic, the topic id the acceptance of refugees, and I am showing that not much has changed then and now.

People looking back say how were thing allowed to occur then,my answer , much like the way they are allowed to occur now.

and I am afraid you are wrong .We elect leaders to lead not to follow as. Every great thing that has happened has happened because of a few courageous individuals that lead as in that direction.

There is a term " tyrany of the majority" if every leader followed the will of the majority concerning individual issues think of all the things we will still have.

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555 all the crazy 90day/yearly Immigration hurdles & inability to own land nor business as a foreigner in Thailand does not look so archaic now eh? biggrin.png

Don't know who is complaining about it. I'm not, although I wish the process was a little more streamlined and online 90 notification more reliable.

Neither am I but I see you just joined this year wink.png

If you read here a few years you will see many

BTW: mail in the 90 is great IMO 3 day turnaround flawless sent registered both ways less than 100 baht thumbsup.gif

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The issue is the indisputable, self evidence that those of this faith actually do not have tolerance for others; this is simply zero evidence of tolerance.

So, living as I do in a Muslim country in the Gulf, when I pop to the shop on my way home and pick up some bacon for tomorrow's breakfast, before sliding down the pub for a few beers and the football with my muslim mates, then I should be aware that they have zero tolerance.

I could go out clubbing later, but to be honest the Muslim girls that are out like this Egyptian and Lebanese pop and it pounds through my head. I do have zero tolerance to that.

The local English-language radio station that they lay on for expats is not much better because they play the western version which is just as bad. Damn their intolerance eh?

I could go and watch the new Bond movie I suppose. If they tolerate it in one of the many multiplex cinemas that are accessible to anyone in the country.

If you could hear yourself, honestly, what a comedian.

Tar. Brush. Stop it.


Lovely. Now go and live like that in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, KSA etc. Do let us know how you're getting on.

I notice you listed some unpalatable Muslim countries. What do they all have in common going back?

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Harris Poll: Six in ten Americans oppose Obama's plan to accept 10000 Syrian refugees"

"Close to the same percentage opposing the Jewish refugees from entering the US trying to escape Nazi persecution,

Many were send back to die in concentration camps.

and there were no jewish terrorists then, so all in all thing have improved..

You're way off topic. Nonetheless, elected people are supposed to represent the people, not rule them, and if the people want to seal the borders then the borders should be sealed. Otherwise these elected leaders are going to get thrown out on their asses and someone who will do the people's bidding will take their places.

No country is obligated to throw away its immigration policies and controls and I don't see the US doing it. Obama's "executive orders" about immigration have been overturned twice now by the courts and he will be out of office before we have to deal with his shit again.

Simple really.


Not way of topic, the topic id the acceptance of refugees, and I am showing that not much has changed then and now.

People looking back say how were thing allowed to occur then,my answer , much like the way they are allowed to occur now.

and I am afraid you are wrong .We elect leaders to lead not to follow as. Every great thing that has happened has happened because of a few courageous individuals that lead as in that direction.

There is a term " tyrany of the majority" if every leader followed the will of the majority concerning individual issues think of all the things we will still have.

This post is another example how i can often agree with people yet reach wildly different conclusions. IMO, you were not off topic. I think the analogy you offered was troubled if not fatally defective but I got the point where you were offering. I think you were basically suggesting a double standard.

Elected leaders should listen to the people. Yet, if we have elected leaders who only listen to the vox populi, they are not really leaders at all, are they? They are poll sensing dolts. Totally following the will of the populace is the prescription of Democracy, aka Tyranny. It is 51% majority rules madness. So, where is the line where a person leads or follows? It is not the time for this question because it no longer applies to Obama. That has been answered long ago. This executive does not follow the will of the population. Obama set out to fundamentally transform America in his own image and has not strayed from this path. The degradation of the US population, economy, cultural glue, and homogeneity has been the single social engineering goal of Obama since the beginning.

So, the people crying that they don't want this actually also do not expect Obama to listen- he never has. It is in essence a call to intellectual (I hope only) arms. It is a wake-up call that this now borders on the existential, not theoretical tinkering.

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