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Trump called out for appearing to mock disability


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Trump called out for appearing to mock disability

WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump denied Thursday that he mocked a reporter with a disability in a South Carolina speech, despite appearing to imitate mannerisms of the "poor guy" and make fun of him.

A statement posted on his Twitter account said Trump doesn't know the reporter personally or what he looks like and was only mocking his journalism. The New York Times reporter, Serge Kovaleski, "should stop using his disability to grandstand," the statement quoted Trump as saying.

Kovaleski has a congenital condition that affects joint movement. In a speech Tuesday in South Carolina, Trump said, "Poor guy, you oughta see this guy," and gestured in a jerky fashion as if imitating Kovaleski's movements.

Trump was challenging recollections by Kovaleski and many others about the 9/11 aftermath. Trump has made unsubstantiated claims that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey were seen celebrating the attacks.

In 2001, Kovaleski, then with The Washington Post, and another Post journalist wrote a week after the 9/11 attacks about authorities in New Jersey detaining and questioning "a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks." The story did not suggest "thousands" were celebrating, as Trump claimed, and a story then by The Star-Ledger in Newark, New Jersey, said the reports of such celebrations by Muslims proved unfounded.

Even so, Trump has pointed to the Post story as backing up his claim and took issue with Kovaleski's recent statement that he did not remember anyone alleging that large numbers of Muslims were celebrating.

"Written by a nice reporter," Trump said in the speech. "Now the poor guy, you oughta see this guy — uh, I don't know what I said, uh, I don't remember. He's going like, I don't remember." His voice took a mocking tone, too.

The Times expressed outrage afterward that Trump would "ridicule the appearance of one of our reporters."

Jay Ruderman of the Ruderman Family Foundation in Boston said Thursday the Republican presidential contender should apologize to Kovaleski and the public.

Ruderman said Trump would benefit from a "series of sensitivity training sessions" and offered to provide them.

"It is unacceptable for a child to mock another child's disability on the playground, never mind a presidential candidate mocking someone's disability as part of a national political discourse," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-11-27

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On the video it is clear he is not mocking anybody, just gesticulating a bit. Very dishonest using the stills to discredit Mr.Trump. It is unfortunate the journalist that is trying to rewrite history by claiming he "forgot" the celebrating muslims after 9/11 has a gimp on his arm. Btw i did not forget them celebrating and allahu akbaring. The tshirts praising OBL are still for sale in most muslim countries.

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On the video it is clear he is not mocking anybody, just gesticulating a bit. Very dishonest using the stills to discredit Mr.Trump. It is unfortunate the journalist that is trying to rewrite history by claiming he "forgot" the celebrating muslims after 9/11 has a gimp on his arm. Btw i did not forget them celebrating and allahu akbaring. The tshirts praising OBL are still for sale in most muslim countries.

Yeah, just saw CNN take their turn at it over this story. What CNN and the others don't realize is that every time one of their news anchors with a British or Australian accent roll their eyes and criticize Donald Trump, that just makes him stronger with 99 percent of Americans who vote.

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Here is the original Wapo article. People can read it themselves. It's always better to read the primary source material, rather than rely on people say something says. http://www.scribd.com/doc/290767616/Northern-New-Jersey-Draws-Probers-Eyes

Look at the video. This is not about people dancing or not, this is about mocking. Don't try to distract.
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What,s wrong with him saying thousands of muslims were celebrating the 9/11 attack ? It was true and I saw it myself even here in dear old Pattaya Thailand ! In reality it was probably millions, not thousands :(

Because he said there were thousands in NEW JERSEY. Which is a lie.

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On the video it is clear he is not mocking anybody, just gesticulating a bit. Very dishonest using the stills to discredit Mr.Trump. It is unfortunate the journalist that is trying to rewrite history by claiming he "forgot" the celebrating muslims after 9/11 has a gimp on his arm. Btw i did not forget them celebrating and allahu akbaring. The tshirts praising OBL are still for sale in most muslim countries.

I believe there were some people in America, that were dancing in the streets on 9/11. I don't think it were a lot; or the people of New York would marched to the area and beat them up. Lead by the families of New York fire departments, police , rescue workers, taxi driver, etc. I do remember them singing and dancing in the middle East. It made me sick to my stomache !!

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"Written by a nice reporter," Trump said in the speech. "Now the poor guy, you oughta see this guy — uh, I don't know what I said, uh, I don't remember. He's going like, I don't remember." His voice took a mocking tone, too.

​This incredibly tiny man has no regard, no compassion, no empathy, no tolerance, no love in his heart, no kindness, no sympathy, no goodwill, no charity, and no benevolence. He is the opposite of what a decent soul brings to the table. He is a fool, a grandstander, a vile, nasty, dishonest, disingenuous, hate filled racist bigot. He is a crook, having defrauded hundreds of investors for billions of dollars, and when caught in a lie, he does the only thing he knows how to do. He lies some more. He started lying to his grandmother when he was four years old, no doubt. That is in his nasty nature. All many of us can do is hope this freak of nature flames out. I do not believe I have ever seen this egomaniac with as swollen a head, as he has right now. His speeches are getting more foolish by the day. I can do no wrong! Everybody loves me! I am amazing! I will win! I am God.

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"Written by a nice reporter," Trump said in the speech. "Now the poor guy, you oughta see this guy — uh, I don't know what I said, uh, I don't remember. He's going like, I don't remember." His voice took a mocking tone, too.

​This incredibly tiny man has no regard, no compassion, no empathy, no tolerance, no love in his heart, no kindness, no sympathy, no goodwill, no charity, and no benevolence. He is the opposite of what a decent soul brings to the table. He is a fool, a grandstander, a vile, nasty, dishonest, disingenuous, hate filled racist bigot. He is a crook, having defrauded hundreds of investors for billions of dollars, and when caught in a lie, he does the only thing he knows how to do. He lies some more. He started lying to his grandmother when he was four years old, no doubt. That is in his nasty nature. All many of us can do is hope this freak of nature flames out. I do not believe I have ever seen this egomaniac with as swollen a head, as he has right now. His speeches are getting more foolish by the day. I can do no wrong! Everybody loves me! I am amazing! I will win! I am God.

I don't know about the defrauding investors for billions of dollars part, but I certainly can agree with the rest of your post. Edited by SpokaneAl
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"Written by a nice reporter," Trump said in the speech. "Now the poor guy, you oughta see this guy — uh, I don't know what I said, uh, I don't remember. He's going like, I don't remember." His voice took a mocking tone, too.

​This incredibly tiny man has no regard, no compassion, no empathy, no tolerance, no love in his heart, no kindness, no sympathy, no goodwill, no charity, and no benevolence. He is the opposite of what a decent soul brings to the table. He is a fool, a grandstander, a vile, nasty, dishonest, disingenuous, hate filled racist bigot. He is a crook, having defrauded hundreds of investors for billions of dollars, and when caught in a lie, he does the only thing he knows how to do. He lies some more. He started lying to his grandmother when he was four years old, no doubt. That is in his nasty nature. All many of us can do is hope this freak of nature flames out. I do not believe I have ever seen this egomaniac with as swollen a head, as he has right now. His speeches are getting more foolish by the day. I can do no wrong! Everybody loves me! I am amazing! I will win! I am God.

Yeap, you pretty much nailed it. I've never seen any politician lie like this guy and that's saying a lot. Lies on top of lies. The one thing you left out is that the man is quite the coward. Doesn't have the moral courage to admit his mistakes or to even defend his comments. He just lies some more. In this case, he says he didn't even know the reporter was disabled. Amazing. What's sadder is that there are still Americans defending this guy. Double amazing.

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I am a conservative and am growing weary of this guy. Unfortunately (IMO of course) it seems that nothing will derail either the Donald or Hillary from their appointed meeting in November 2016.

Bet you one baht you don't see Mr. Trump in politics.

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I am a conservative and am growing weary of this guy. Unfortunately (IMO of course) it seems that nothing will derail either the Donald or Hillary from their appointed meeting in November 2016.

When looking all the other candidates I can't see anyone who is better. Trump is ugly and the others are professional liars.

When you think it can't get worse....Hillary will come....

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Even professional wrestlers wouldn't have been so dumb or mean-spirited to make such a spastic parody of someone. Well, maybe that's going too far to say that because WWF audiences would have lapped it up. There's really not much difference between Wrestlemania fans and Trump fans. Same demographic, I'd guess.

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I think Trump took Spidermike's investments to the cleaners.

Fortunately I never bought into this charlatans multitudinous scams. But, I have known people who have dealt with him, and they ALL say the same thing. Stay away from him. He is a rattlesnake, waiting for an opportunity to pounce. Here are just a few of the very questionable ventures this criminal is involved in:

The most recent scam, regarding how he swindles students out of thousand of dollars with his fake university:


How some of the investors in his projects get swindled:


The fiasco that arose after he bought the Rizt Carlton golf course in Palm Beach:

“We look forward to having a trial to hold the Trump Organization accountable for its failure to refund deposits to plaintiffs and class members,” said their lawyer, Seth Lehrman, of Fort Lauderdale. The lawsuit is a window into the tactics of Trump, a part-time Palm Beacher who is just as witty and boastful in this litigation as he is on the campaign trail. During a deposition, when the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach came up, Trump just had to say: “Which is by some accounts the number one course in the state of Florida.” But not everyone loves Trump’s style.


I could go on for days. In addition to getting sued frequently, this butthead feels the need to engage in lawsuits, against many, for the most frivolous of reasons. Being so litigious, is one reason alone, that I would not vote for this absolute fool.


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Who has Trump offended so far?



African Americans

war veterans




.. and now the disabled

It simply amazes me that one of the smartest countries in the world with more Nobel prize winners than the rest put together, cannot select a reasonable, sensible conservative Presidential candiddate

They only get a chance of challenging for the top office every 4 years. If the GOP loses and the Democrat does a half decent job, that's 8 years out in the cold.

Maybe he's Hilary's secret weapon.

Edited by dexterm
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