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Saudi Arabia 'planning mass executions'


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Saudi Arabia 'to execute more than 50 convicted of terrorism'

LONDON: -- Amnesty International has expressed alarm at reports that the authorities in Saudi Arabia are planning to execute dozens of people in a single day.

The newspaper Okaz said 55 people were awaiting execution for "terrorist crimes", while a now-deleted report by al-Riyadh said 52 would die soon.

They are thought to include Shia who took part in anti-government protests.

Amnesty said that given the spike in executions this year, it had no option but to take the reports very seriously.

The group believes at least 151 people have been put to death in Saudi Arabia so far this year - the highest recorded figure since 1995.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34931205

-- BBC 2015-11-27

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Meanwhile Saudi Arabia is threatening to sue anyone who compares them to ISIS. Which is funny in itself because the Arabs call them DAESH but DAESH has threatened to cut the tongues out of anyone who calls them that so now Saudi Arabia is calling them ISIS (again).

The decision to sue anyone came after they sentenced a Palestinian poet to death (on 17 Nov) for being an "apostate" (having renounced Islam). Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where apostasy and blasphemy are death sentence "crimes".




Saudi Arabia brutally crushes any "Arab Spring" protests in it's country and not a whisper about it. Saudi Arabia brutally crushes the "Arab Spring" protests in neighbouring Bahrain and barely a whisper about it. Arab Spring protests were (brutally) crushed in other countries also without barely a whisper in the media and certainly no intervention by the West.

Libya brutally cracks down on Arab Spring protesters and itself gets crushed by the West.

Syria brutally cracks down on Arab Spring protesters, the West almost pulls another Libya and now we have 3 superpowers involved (USA, Russia, China) as well as half of Europe, most of the Middle East and a few other countries.

Isn't it nice to know that Saudi Arabia sits in the UN Human Rights Council.

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Meanwhile Saudi Arabia is threatening to sue anyone who compares them to ISIS. Which is funny in itself because the Arabs call them DAESH but DAESH has threatened to cut the tongues out of anyone who calls them that so now Saudi Arabia is calling them ISIS (again).

The decision to sue anyone came after they sentenced a Palestinian poet to death (on 17 Nov) for being an "apostate" (having renounced Islam). Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where apostasy and blasphemy are death sentence "crimes".




Saudi Arabia brutally crushes any "Arab Spring" protests in it's country and not a whisper about it. Saudi Arabia brutally crushes the "Arab Spring" protests in neighbouring Bahrain and barely a whisper about it. Arab Spring protests were (brutally) crushed in other countries also without barely a whisper in the media and certainly no intervention by the West.

Libya brutally cracks down on Arab Spring protesters and itself gets crushed by the West.

Syria brutally cracks down on Arab Spring protesters, the West almost pulls another Libya and now we have 3 superpowers involved (USA, Russia, China) as well as half of Europe, most of the Middle East and a few other countries.

Isn't it nice to know that Saudi Arabia sits in the UN Human Rights Council.

All that you say is true, and more. They are one of the most heinous governments on earth. Every single policy they make, is based upon the desire of Salman and his clan, to retain power and wealth. Little consideration is given for lesser concerns. There is no doubt they are the worlds greatest sponsors of terror, with their fanatical backing of Wahhabism, one of the great scourges of the earth. Having spent over $100 billion US, in the past couple of decades, on the sponsorship of Madrasas, many of which are extremist training and recruiting grounds. It is in itself a form of fanaticism. The only reason the Saudis are allowed to exist, is due to their oil wealth. That is the only reason they are tolerated. The Saudis must be stopped.

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Hey Saudi Arabia,In the America there seems to be a hold on executions ( something about the proper drugs used) so do you time to assist us if we ship to 40 or 50 felons from here?

The difference is that felons in the US have undergone due process and been unequivocally found guilty of heinous acts. In Saudi, the punishments do not reflect the crimes.

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I will say this ... the less democratic and more authoritarian the regime the greater the political stability and the fewer extremists/terrorists. Witness: Iraq under Saddam, Syria under Assad "before", Iran under the Shah, Arab Spring countries. Sadly one has to choose their poison terrorists/democracy/anarchy or brutal autocrat. Not a happy choice but realistic.

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I will say this ... the less democratic and more authoritarian the regime the greater the political stability and the fewer extremists/terrorists. Witness: Iraq under Saddam, Syria under Assad "before", Iran under the Shah, Arab Spring countries. Sadly one has to choose their poison terrorists/democracy/anarchy or brutal autocrat. Not a happy choice but realistic.

Quite true, indeed the suppressing of 'Arab Spring' protests should arguably be placed on the positive side of the ledger.

One more thing. I suspect Iran executes more people than Saudi Arabia and is just as big a sponsor of terrorism if not bigger, especially after their windfall for pretending not to seek nuclear weapons.

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The Saudis will do what they have been doing for many years now, and they don't count any other country

or the UN nor Amnesty condemnations, as far as the Saudis goes, everybody can go and whistle Dixie in the wind...

They will not even take in their immigrant/refugee Muslim brothers.

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The Saudis will do what they have been doing for many years now, and they don't count any other country

or the UN nor Amnesty condemnations, as far as the Saudis goes, everybody can go and whistle Dixie in the wind...

They will not even take in their immigrant/refugee Muslim brothers.
Untrue, the Saudis don't classify refugees in a manner recognized by the UNHCR, nevertheless there are half a million Syrians currently in Saudi Arabia.
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Just my two cents if I may, and apologies if I appear a little of topic. If ISIS are wanting to create a caliphate across the whole of the Middle East, enforce an ancient barbaric way of life on its citizens, control the holy sites in Saudi, de-throne the Saudi Royal Family, and dis empower its government. Why on Earth would anyone think the Saudis are helping them?coffee1.gif

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Just my two cents if I may, and apologies if I appear a little of topic. If ISIS are wanting to create a caliphate across the whole of the Middle East, enforce an ancient barbaric way of life on its citizens, control the holy sites in Saudi, de-throne the Saudi Royal Family, and dis empower its government. Why on Earth would anyone think the Saudis are helping them?coffee1.gif

Only guessing:

Because "The Saudis" are not 1 block?

Because even within their royal family - a very large family - there are different opinions?

After all, when you are filthy rich & jobless, you need something to fill your time.

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Saudi Arabia, the official wing of IS.

And friend of US... coffee1.gif

If I'd been President during 9/11, I would have cut diplomatic ties with Saudi Arabia.

I am sure the President (or someone important to him) made excellent business with SA and that counts.

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