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Jatuporn and Nattawut arrested


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Going to a park is a very serious offence, on a par with fb comments, 30 years (death sentence) at least, what do these people think this country is, the land of the free?

Where is the information that they have been arrested just for visiting that park?

I believe there are a lot o reasons why they should be in jail.

Criminals usually are not arrested for being somewhere but because of an arrest warrant.

They were arrested at Manachai market, presumably for breaking their bail conditions by going shopping. Well reports say for talking to the media on their plans to visit the park. The Army understandably not wanting any civilians investigating have now duly whisked them away for attitude adjustment. Standby for news on mysterious deaths in window less cells.

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LMAO - clearly an attempt to shift attention from their terrorist plot to assasinate the PM and others. They are doing the exact thing they accuse the government of doing. What a pair of hypocrites.

Why would they not wait until tomorrow after the report is published to see what the official position is first ?. It makes no sense.

Maybe their calendars showed today as clear and

tomorrow was totally booked gigglem.gif

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While I do not support what the Red Shirts or UDD stand for, and especially not these two, I cannot condone arresting them for visiting a park,

This junta is getting seriously out of control. Their tactics today remind me of the Gestapo, KGB and Stasi and thier illegal and underhanded repression of their citizens.

Thailand sinks lower and lower every day.

Who says they were arrested for visiting the park?

See my post above

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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

So you can predict the future? No pun intended. The man on the street doesn't care one bit about what's going on as too the tourists visiting Thailand now. This is just party politics under a military government, no one gives a rats ase but those in power.

You underestimate people.

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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

So you can predict the future? No pun intended. The man on the street doesn't care one bit about what's going on as too the tourists visiting Thailand now. This is just party politics under a military government, no one gives a rats ase but those in power.

And those who fancy themselves in power.......

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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

"...........who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem."

Quite possibly so, but in the case of Messrs Nuttawut & Jatuporn, they do tend to enjoy waving their red flags at the big bull in order to stay relevant.

No doubt, had they been allowed to continue their journey to the Rajabhakdi Park , they might have, as I posted earlier, opened up something that the powers that be would rather keep closed..

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I believe after the coup the dynamic duo were told to not instigate any political movement- which is why Jatupon gave the ludicrous reason he was going to the park as a tourist. But the army realized the duo were up to something, all they had to do was take a picture of a palm tree and say, 'Hey, this cost 300,000 baht'. something easy and tangible for the public to relate to to trigger protests.

But the army aren't foolish, they know keeping the duo without a credible charge could act as a lightening rod for the red shirts so they are being released in Kanchanaburi, but with a signed statement promising not to act politically..

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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

"...........who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem."

Quite possibly so, but in the case of Messrs Nuttawut & Jatuporn, they do tend to enjoy waving their red flags at the big bull in order to stay relevant.

No doubt, had they been allowed to continue their journey to the Rajabhakdi Park , they might have, as I posted earlier, opened up something that the powers that be would rather keep closed..

Yes, quite so.

Agree with you.

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Please lock them away.

Yes, absolutely, but for proper convictions for proper criminal charges, in a proper court of law. Not for vague charges of convenience under S44 or LM stuff at a military court. Make it clear and definite for things that will still be understood and still stand scrutiny in 5 or 10 years time. Otherwise the martyr syndrome which is inevitable, will just be all that stronger.

The pair are under bail for terrorism charge since 2010 !

...and that has exactly what to do, with them, visiting a park?

Because they were going there for political purposes which violates the term and conditions of their bail.

They actually want to get arrested and bring adverse publicity down onto the government.

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At last !!!! The military re-education camps can now finally be put to good use.

Please lock them away.

You wish..........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif

Why not? They have broken the terms of their bail.

Nobody forced them to go to the park, certainly not the government, so their bail should be revoked and they should now serve their sentence.

They seem to want to become martyrs for their cause, then help them to do so. It is THEIR choice and not the governments.

Edited by billd766
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Finally??????? What about your friend suthep the ...........

Is Suthep out on bail?

Is he violating the terms of his bail?

If he is then revoke his bail and if not then he is no problem.

Why are you trying to divert the topic which is of course about Jatuporn and Nattawut?

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The junta has just played into the hands of the UDD. They want world attention on this corruption case and they got it with this simple stunt. Now the world will be watching what the junta going to do and should there be any mishaps, condemnation will flood in. It makes the UDD looks like democracy activists while the junta is looking very much like a repressive regime.

Well perhaps staking out the housing estate they were staying at the night before was a touch outre and now there's reports that Prawit is hanging Udomdej out to dry by saying that he can think for himself about resigning whilst ACM Prajin, junta member, has spoken out against the arrests saying that it is better to talk. Meanwhile Pravit Rojanaphruk who has been detained twice by the junta for having a dangerous mind has been getting follow up chats from the military officer who arranged his last "attitude adjustment" - apparently part of their "after detention service".

What's not to like about the Junta and it's velvet glove approach to democracy?

N.B.: Prajin is a good personal friend of Thaksin (fact) and a pawn in his stratego games, it surprised quite some to see him 'embark' in the 'coup', as, as the top of the RTAF, he had, though in veiled ways, said the RTAF would remain at the side of the PTP 'government' (while the RTN's chief said the opposite and the RTA had to 'contain' its many 'watermelons'), maybe the promise of the big and juicy jobs he got in the present government pulled him over, and, still maybe, he thinks now the time is ripe, or he has been 'asked', to again show his allegiance to his good friend...?

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Another ridiculous over-reaction from a govt that appears to be as strategic as a rabbit caught in the headlights..

Such a knowlegable man with over 3000 posts knows the reason for the arrests before anyone else and can make an accurate assessment of the situation......what a hero !!

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The junta has been looking for any excuse to arrest the red shirt leaders and now they have finally done it. They have no charges, but that's OK because the junta is in charge and they make the laws to suit whatever they want.

Reconciliation is a joke. This is not how you reconcile a country by trumping up charges to arrest the opposition. Every day this country gets worse and worse. I am very sad for Thailand.

Reconciliation is a joke, indeed, as nothing such will ever be possible with those 'our way or the highway' people serving the Shins' interests, or do you think they have ever, or ever will be ready to compromise(!) on any matter?

And the junta did not need to look for any excuse to arrest those loudmouth terrorists, actually it's as if the junta did its best not to arrest them, as, so many times already they had broken the terms of their bail, no, IMO, Natta, Jatu, and madman Jeng, did all they could find out to get apprehended today, as it is, still IMO, a part of the ongoing agit-prop campaign set up by the Shins' UDD/PTP, as a diversion for Yingluck's rice scam problems, and a looming big money bleading for the Shins, a parallel with the stirring of unrest in 2009 is easy to make, the hope is any planned insurgency will be stopped, early, this time!

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The junta has just played into the hands of the UDD. They want world attention on this corruption case and they got it with this simple stunt. Now the world will be watching what the junta going to do and should there be any mishaps, condemnation will flood in. It makes the UDD looks like democracy activists while the junta is looking very much like a repressive regime.

Well perhaps staking out the housing estate they were staying at the night before was a touch outre and now there's reports that Prawit is hanging Udomdej out to dry by saying that he can think for himself about resigning whilst ACM Prajin, junta member, has spoken out against the arrests saying that it is better to talk. Meanwhile Pravit Rojanaphruk who has been detained twice by the junta for having a dangerous mind has been getting follow up chats from the military officer who arranged his last "attitude adjustment" - apparently part of their "after detention service".

What's not to like about the Junta and it's velvet glove approach to democracy?

N.B.: Prajin is a good personal friend of Thaksin (fact) and a pawn in his stratego games, it surprised quite some to see him 'embark' in the 'coup', as, as the top of the RTAF, he had, though in veiled ways, said the RTAF would remain at the side of the PTP 'government' (while the RTN's chief said the opposite and the RTA had to 'contain' its many 'watermelons'), maybe the promise of the big and juicy jobs he got in the present government pulled him over, and, still maybe, he thinks now the time is ripe, or he has been 'asked', to again show his allegiance to his good friend...?

Of course there could always be the more obvious "fact" that he is more sensible than his fellow junta colleagues in green and realises that no good will come out of this heavy handed approach to what prayuth perceives as "threats" to his regime.

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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

So you can predict the future? No pun intended. The man on the street doesn't care one bit about what's going on as too the tourists visiting Thailand now. This is just party politics under a military government, no one gives a rats ase but those in power.

You underestimate people.

It is dangerous indeed to underestimate the people, the previous Shins' 'government' did, with its 'we are the majority, we do what we want' lunacy, confident it could endlessly go on plundering the country, ...and then we saw millions of a-political Thais from the silent majority protesting on the streets, ...and it was soon 'the end' for those parasites' episode...

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The deeply knowledgeable folks on here, who "fully understand the nuances of Thai politics" and who laud these arrests whilst making ridicule of those arrested, are themselves part of the problem.

There ain't no reconciliation going on, that's for sure.

Give it another couple of years and "respect my vote" man will be back on the streets again by the million.

Ever noticed how each successive period of violence is larger and more violent than the previous ??

Those on here exulting these illegal detentions are fools who fail to realise what a serious backwards step this is.

There are still 14 million disenfranchised voters out there who have seen the government they elected forcibly removed from office.

I am sure they will all be "delighted" with recent events...

So you can predict the future? No pun intended. The man on the street doesn't care one bit about what's going on as too the tourists visiting Thailand now. This is just party politics under a military government, no one gives a rats ase but those in power.

You underestimate people.

It is dangerous indeed to underestimate the people, the previous Shins' 'government' did, with its 'we are the majority, we do what we want' lunacy, confident it could endlessly go on plundering the country, ...and then we saw millions of a-political Thais from the silent majority protesting on the streets, ...and it was soon 'the end' for those parasites' episode...

Where did you see these millions of apolitical Thais? In your dreams maybe?

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At last !!!! The military re-education camps can now finally be put to good use.

Please lock them away.

You wish..........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif

Why not? They have broken the terms of their bail.

Nobody forced them to go to the park, certainly not the government, so their bail should be revoked and they should now serve their sentence.

They seem to want to become martyrs for their cause, then help them to do so. It is THEIR choice and not the governments.

Going to a park is breach of bail? Please explain.

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You wish..........cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gifgigglem.gif

Why not? They have broken the terms of their bail.

Nobody forced them to go to the park, certainly not the government, so their bail should be revoked and they should now serve their sentence.

They seem to want to become martyrs for their cause, then help them to do so. It is THEIR choice and not the governments.

Going to a park is breach of bail? Please explain.

The problem is that they didn't even get to the park in Hua Hin.

They were arrested at Mahachai in Samut Sakhon. In military terms, sort of a "preemptive strike". Got them before they got there.

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It always stinks of something when a politician gets arrested at a patriotic site.
I could just see corrupt US congresspeople getting cuffed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial talking about how they always come to this place for inspiration on how to better serve the American people etc, when in fact they've never been there before. These two had a good one: patriotic theme and accusations of corruption (to be honest, is there anywhere in the world where public works project DO NOT involve corruption?).

But maybe it's a misunderstanding. Perhaps they are filiming a Thai version of "Dumb and Dumber" and decided to do it as a reality show. I think Jatuporn is funny, in a hateful Donald Trump kind of way. Maybe these characters are part of the zeitgeist.

Nutter, what?

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Just fascism in its infancy. More to come if and when elections are announced to eliminate any serious political opposition to the pro-autocracy led by Prayut, Suthep and Abhisit.

Back to the junta's 2010 game plays.

Infancy? Did you not hear about the live fire zones and sniper hit on Seh Daeng? The 98 deaths in the street? The assassinated journalists? The military juntas? The prohibition of elections? It is in full adulthood if you trust your eyes and ears.

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Just fascism in its infancy. More to come if and when elections are announced to eliminate any serious political opposition to the pro-autocracy led by Prayut, Suthep and Abhisit.

Back to the junta's 2010 game plays.

Infancy? Did you not hear about the live fire zones and sniper hit on Seh Daeng? The 98 deaths in the street? The assassinated journalists? The military juntas? The prohibition of elections? It is in full adulthood if you trust your eyes and ears.

We also remember who was agitating the rent-a-crowd to burn Bangkok. As a response to a coup that occurred some years before.

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Being a vile and despicable person is not yet a crime in this country...being "caught" speaking out against the military dictatorship is...most common way a dictator removes opposition...is to detain them for interrogation...whereupon many commit suicide...in-spite of all the military could do to stop them...sad to see the country sink into the abyss...

The opposite is true - those terrorists removed from the streets

is a big step away from an the abyss

The Junta is the abyss, power to the people pal, the majority and democracy should rule. Try sweeting less.

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Being a vile and despicable person is not yet a crime in this country...being "caught" speaking out against the military dictatorship is...most common way a dictator removes opposition...is to detain them for interrogation...whereupon many commit suicide...in-spite of all the military could do to stop them...sad to see the country sink into the abyss...

The opposite is true - those terrorists removed from the streets

is a big step away from an the abyss

The Junta is the abyss, power to the people pal, the majority and democracy should rule. Try sweeting less.


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Red-shirt leaders detained


Pheu Thai Party politicians and red-shirt leaders Jatuporn Prompan are held in Samut Sakhon yesterday while on their way to the Rajabhakti Park.

Jatuporn and Nuttawut 'invited for talks' while on their way to Rajabhakti Park

BANGKOK: -- The pair were apprehended at the Mahachai Mueang Mai Market in Samut Sakhon yesterday morning as the prominent reds were on their way to the site.

"It's on grounds of national security," Justice Minister General Paiboon Koomchaya said yesterday in his capacity as the legal chief of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO).

Two more red-shirt leaders, Somwang Asrasee and Thanawut Wichaidit, were also arrested by security officials later yesterday at a petrol station in Ratchaburi. They were taken to an unnamed military camp in the province.

Defence Ministry's spokesman Maj General Kongcheep Tantrawanich said separately the military move was necessary - otherwise supporters of the two red-shirt leaders might clash with their opponents.

He also explained that Jatuporn and Nuttawut were just "invited" for talks to create a better understanding.

"But we can't tell the location and the length of the talks," he said.

While the government has seen the red-shirt leaders' move as an effort to politicise the scandal, other reds feel such harsh operations only underline the alleged irregularities in the Rajabhakti Park project.

At the centre of the scandal is Deputy Defence Minister General Udomdej Sitabutr, who retired as Army chief just two months ago.

Funded mainly by about Bt1 billion in donations, the park project developed a grand park in Hua Hin and erected huge statues of seven former Thai kings under the Army's supervision. The park is also on Army land.

Udomdej chairs the Rajabhakti Park Foundation that sprang into existence in mid-September.

The scandal has hampered the image of the NCPO, which staged the 2014 coup with a vow to reform the country for the better. One of its main missions, the NCPO announced, was to eradicate corruption.

"By arresting Jatuporn and Nuttawut, public doubts will grow," said Kokaew Pikulthong, a leader of the red-shirt United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD).

Kokaew, also a former Pheu Thai MP, urged NCPO chief and PM General Prayut Chan-o-cha to order the immediate and unconditional release of both Jatuporn and Nuttawut.

"The NCPO and government should also fully disclose the Rajabhakti Park project's information, and appoint outsiders to a panel probing this project," he said.

At the same time, he urged UDD supporters to remain calm and to refrain from carrying out activities that could be deemed as violating the law.

"Those activities won't do anything good to yourselves and the country," Kokaew said. He promised that he himself would press hard for the release of Jatuporn and Nuttawut.

Other key red-shirts Veerakarn Musigapong and Thida Thavornseth are set to lodge a complaint with the government complaint centre today.

Worachai Hema, a former Pheu Thai MP, said the government was acting suspiciously in detaining Jatuporn and Nuttawut.

"It raises doubts that the government perhaps wants to protect its members or to hide its own corrupt practice," he said.

Nuttawut earlier in the day gave an interview to media at the Mahachai Mueang Mai Market, saying that he planned to pay respect to the statues of the former kings at Rajabhakti Park and observe the compound.

"I have no intention to use the Rajabhakti Park case in pressuring the government. It's just that I think the public wants to hear the truth. Our contribution to the investigation should benefit the government in that it can clear any doubt about the Rajabhakti Park project," he said.

After he completed the interview, soldiers approached and detained him.

Shortly later, Jatuporn arrived at the market and was also detained.

Nuttawut's secretary said he was not allowed to accompany the red-shirt leader.

"So, I trailed after the vehicle that soldiers put Nuttawut in. From the route it took, it is quite clear that he will not be sent to any place in Bangkok," he said.

Sunai Phasuk, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, said via his Twitter account that if the military did not specify where Jatuporn and Nuttawut were detained, their detention constituted a forced disappearance - a violation of international law.

Defence Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan, meanwhile, maintained that the park scandal was not a weak link for the government. Asked about the growing call for Udomdej to leave the Cabinet, Prawit said: "He can decide himself what he will do."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Red-shirt-leaders-detained-30274062.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-01

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Army explains the reason for detaining Jatuporn and Natthawut


BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt leaders Jatuporn Promphan and Natthawut Saikua are held in military detention because they engaged in political activity as they tried to incite public disorder and gave incomplete information to the people regarding the Rajabhakti park, said army spokesman Colonel Winthai Suvaree on Monday.

He said the two leaders of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship planned to meet with their supporters at Mahachai Muang Mai in Samut Sakhon province before travelling to the park in Hua Hin province.

He said that the two men’s planned visit to the park would not help in the ongoing attempt to clear up any doubt about the park project.

Asked whether Deputy Defence Minister Udomdej Seetabutr who is caught in the middle of the park controversy in his capacity as chairman of Rajabhakti Park Foundation should resign, Deputy Prime Minister Prawit explained that the matter should leave with General Udomdej to decide by himself.

“He is mature enough because he used to be the army commander-in-chief. There is no need to tell him what he should do because he is not a kid,” said General Prawit.

Meanwhile, former Pheu Thai MP Worachai Hema said that, so far, only the “small fries” were targeted because they followed the orders of their boss which is unfair.

He urged Prime Minister Prayut Chan-locha to step in and quickly resolve the controversy.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/army-explains-the-reason-for-detaining-jatuporn-and-natthawut

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-01

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It is dangerous indeed to underestimate the people, the previous Shins' 'government' did, with its 'we are the majority, we do what we want' lunacy, confident it could endlessly go on plundering the country, ...and then we saw millions of a-political Thais from the silent majority protesting on the streets, ...and it was soon 'the end' for those parasites' episode...

Where did you see these millions of apolitical Thais? In your dreams maybe?

The street-protests in Bangkok against the amnasty-bill just prior to then-PM Yingluck's decision, to resign & call an election, in early-December 2013 ?

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