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Scariest moment in your life?

Crazy chef 1

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For me when a lady got killed by a white shark in South Africa whilst swimming beside me...

a mosambique spitting cobra behind my bench a was sitting on and had my after work fag...

a leopard in front of me when walking behind a fence...

scary shit but nothing came close when I've seen my new born in ICU...but thanks god next Wednesday he will have his first birthday...

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I got attacked once in an old bedsit at home. Many years ago, My neighbour, ex army and blind drunk, decided I was a <deleted> and just flipped on me. Even tried to stab me with a chopstick!!

That and when I thought my son had something seriously wrong with him. I even prayed. Its funny how we can find faith when we ve got nowhere else to turn.

happy birthday to young master Chef. Enjoy it mate.

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using "fag" to reference a cig must mean you are not an American!!!!!

In America, we have many dangers!!!!

1. walking through Detroit

2. Black Friday

3. McD's 5-minutes before close

4. trying to find Canada on a map in less than 30-minutes

but i get you.......humans you create takes a special bond. you would die for this kid, so that's special.....

i would die for 100 big macs right now!!!! lol

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I just want to say Happy Birthday to your son and many more to come,. That's the most important part of your post. I am happy to hear your son faired well.

I have had many scary experiences but they were short lived,because my survival instinct is strong and always took over.So the scary part was always short lived because of this.Everything from,circled by mexican thugs on the docks, swarmed on the street in Mexico late at night,cornered by Bahamians in an alley,left for dead in Thailand,,sailing single handed in gale force winds with full sail,the list goes on.

But i feel the scariest moment was when i was driving a 1 ton 4x4 and a tree top from a hugh tree came down and crushed the cab. Did not see anything just all of a sudden the cab was collapsing and the truck was bouncing. There was nothing I could do, couldnot tell up from down.. I thought it was an eartquake and could do nothing just wait. Luckily it ended quickly. The timing on that to happen as it did was beyond belief..

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travelling between towns in a shared taxi in yemen. we stop for a quick break, the guy next to me hops out to buy food and his handgun falls onto the seat (everyone carries handguns/AK47s in yemen) the young boy travelling with him, aged about 10 years, picks it up and starts playing with it...

on a bus in the mountains in china, the edge of the road is a steep cliff into a gorge, no safety barriers, work being carried out on the mountainside above the road resulting in slippery mud all over the road. going round a corner the bus starts to slide towards the edge, i am certain we are going over and brace myself, the driver is very cool, he calmly steers us out of the slide.

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Driving down a road with a lot of people about late one night with a girl passenger, I was driving very slow, and a guy

walked out in front of me, I pumped the horn, then stopped to prevent myself from hitting him, he then thumped my bonnet hard

and walked round and opened my door, and grabbed me, and tried to pull me out.

I then got out, punched him hard, put him down and kicked him to make sure he did not get back up. To cut a long story short, I was charged with assault,

went to court, was then found not guilty as it was self defence, and I was also concerned for my girl passenger.

I am not really a fighting guy, and most guys would beat me in a "square go", but if anyone tries any violence or even threatens it, I will attack them there and then.

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Two moments stand out for me and pretty much etched in my memory.

1. 3rd day in Vietnam and came under mortar attack. The first time I had a sense of my own mortality.

2. A few months later at Utapao, a complete stockpile of bombs went off due to an accident, equivalent to around 50 tons of TNT. I was about 1-2 kilometers away as I watched the fireball climb into the sky and mentally thought 'that's it'.

Nothing since has quite matched up to that. smile.png

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Happy birthday to the little lad CC. Yeah it isn't much fun seeing your kids sick. Won't be long and he will be doing jumps on his bike and blowing things up. Then the worry really begins.

That's for sure because everyone says he comes after his dad...luckily we have first class private medical insurance for him...

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My Thai wife of 2 months let her armed ex husband into the house in the middle of the night. I was alone in the bedroom and boarded the door with the wardrobe and all the furniture in the room. He tried to get me out of the house.

I told him not to worry I would be gone first thing in the morning, and I was to the Tourist Police in Korat, and then to find an apartment.

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Hijacked by three soldiers, complete with rifles, whilst driving home to beat the curfew in Monrovia, Liberia during the 1980 coup. Drove around for a bit - was more concerned that the two in the back would accidently let loose a couple of shots whilst going over the bumps in the road. Eventually persuaded them, with the help of a $10 note, to get out with no harm done.

Spent about a year there before being transferred to Riyadh. A real chalk and cheese experience!!

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Waking up from the anesthesia while they were prepping me for stomach surgery, I could hear everything going on around me but I was paralyzed, I tried to move, speak do anything to let them know I was not out but I couldn't, I have never in my life been so scared and in such a panic, I heard them say his pulse is raising fast, they opened one of my eyes and said I think he needs a little more, next thing I woke up after the surgery.

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Scariest Moments : Visiting (1) Pattaya (2) Koh Samui (3) Phuket (4) Chiang Mai (5) Full Moon Party (6) (Khao San Road (7) Pai Khao San Road (north) (8) Koh Phi Phi (9) Koh Tao (10) Anywhere listed in the Lonely Planet or on Travelfish.org i avoid like the plague. Reason: Too numerous to write down.

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Went twice: Scared the crap out of me. Too many super creeps.

Walking down some road in Pattaya at night a long time ago. Very scary parade, the alcoholics, junkies, sex addicts, hideous looking hookers, katoeys and other deviants.

Why scary?this is normal there...
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Pattaya is the number place i avoid in the world, for too many reasons. How much time do we have to make a list? You named only a few. Lets add to the list.

Walking down some road in Pattaya at night a long time ago. Very scary parade, the alcoholics, junkies, sex addicts, hideous looking hookers, katoeys and other deviants.

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