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Here is a little list that changed much for me I will share . When you see how many people spend $ on drugs and procedures and skip getting the below list of nutrients in body with food and supplements they may be missing getting to the root of much and that is making sure body has the proper building blocks for good circulation and hair production . Starting with the list below then moving to drugs , procedures , potions and promises if you have no results may be a more effective way to address the diagnosis of loosing hair so you can defy the verdict getting to the root of problem possibly . Much cheaper route to take also with no side effects and everything on the list is helpful for much in body not just hair .

Vitamin C

B Vitamins

Vitamin E

Vitamin A

Iron ( be careful supplementing this without blood work as too much iron as bad as not enough


Protein - not a vitamin but powerful part of hair growth


Biotin - one of the most helpful things to supplement ( challenging to get high doses here so iHerb online may help with this and other things on this list .

Zinc- another one that may be good to supplement but also checking levels with blood work like the iron may be the safe way so not have too high a level after you start supplementing

Reducing stress and checking cortisol levels .


WB, as someone who is follically challenged, I have to ask the question .. could this be part of life's natural path ??

If your hair is falling out in clumps then that is a different issue, of course.

But if it is gently receding and one is getting a tonsured look, then maybe there is little that can be done, and one should be grateful for the high levels of testosterone that causes this ...

Good luck in your quest ..


Sent by carrier pigeon


Minoxidil is the only treatment for male pattern baldness on the crown and I don't know if it can be purchased in Thailand. Other options are expensive hair grafts. These vitamin supplements, creams, lotions, etc are nothing but snake oil.


Having good nutrition and proper micronutrients with healthy vitamin levels in body to produce healthy skin and hair is snake oil [emoji15] Try depriving your body of these life giving fuels and watch what happens to hair , skin and overall physical and mental health . Gene's are the bullet but lifestyle is said to pull the trigger , possibly your DNA is not your destiny .post-202056-14490617483632_thumb.jpgpost-202056-14490617575719_thumb.jpg


Minoxidil is the only treatment for male pattern baldness on the crown and I don't know if it can be purchased in Thailand. Other options are expensive hair grafts. These vitamin supplements, creams, lotions, etc are nothing but snake oil.

Minoxidil lotion is available here under brand names:






The last brand is imported/expensive

Not to be confused with minoxidil tablets which are a much higher dose of the same drug and used for cardiac problems

The other option is finasteride, but the lotion form is not currently available in Thailand, only the tablet form which has some potential systemic side effects.

Anything used will have to be used continuously as the hair loss will otherwose return.


Checking thyroid with extensive panel not just the standard one may reveal some clues also . If one has done all the blood work and made sure all vitamin and mineral levels are good including detailed thyroid panels and confirming hormone levels are optimal ( normal is not so healthy these days where optimal may be better target ) then other things can be done like grafting . Grafting now is quite successful with 5,000 grafts done in one session and is common with many Dr.'s having decades of experience now . I was just pointing out that getting the nutrition and bloodwork in order first may be best best path as that may help much and if not then start the procedures like grafting as the procedures will have much better chance of succeeding if body and circulation is in optimal health . When I had major stress in my life with some serious medial issues and major nutritional deficiencies I lost about half of all my hair and had really thought is was mostly genetics catching up . I was looking into grafting but thought I would wait till I changed eating , exercise and stress levels . It took a few years but it all came back without procedures and drugs . I could even see the difference in fingernails that got deformed looking in that period . Living in the US got to be toxic for me because of the stress and work schedule and constant worry moving here changed so much . If you are loosing your hair possibly its genes but lifestyle pulls the trigger much of the time with these genes that are real bullets . Wish someone had told me . The top hair Dr. I did see in the US was going to start doing blood work to see if it was rooted in something other than genes so possibly if nothing else get the blood work and again that detailed thyroid check before you go spending $ on the symptoms with drugs . I know almost nothing but share some of the things I did uncover .


Believe it or not , but female hormons that can be purchased as tablets in local pharmacies will make your hair start growing again , but side effects will give you man boobs . Up to you.


Minoxidil is the only treatment for male pattern baldness on the crown and I don't know if it can be purchased in Thailand. Other options are expensive hair grafts. These vitamin supplements, creams, lotions, etc are nothing but snake oil.

Once you stop taking Minoxidil your new hair falls out..sad.png
My father was a baldy and people said when I was young I would be too. We now know the "balding" gene is passed on by your mother so you should be looking at the men on your mother's side of the family for clues. I was getting slightly thin on the crown in my forties. I started using Rogaine and then Costco's 5% minoxidil and that has stopped all signs of thinning and I am now in my sixties and complemented on my hair. A year's supply of Costco minoxidil costs me $75.00. I have been taking a multiple vitamin for years and always eat well balanced meals. We all know healthy skin, nails and hair depends on a proper diet but let's not confuse that discussion with male pattern baldness.
Herbal shampoos do help. Check out Magic Root. Heard Patchouli Oil is also an effective hair-loss treatment but not sure if you could find one in Thailand though.


Herbal shampoos do help. Check out Magic Root. Heard Patchouli Oil is also an effective hair-loss treatment but not sure if you could find one in Thailand though.

We are not talking about general hair health but male pattern baldness. The only products I am aware of approved by the FDA are Propecia(by prescription with side effects) and minoxidil (Rogaine, over the counter).

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