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Thais protest over move to let foreigners practice law


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Foreigners have been practicing law here for centuries. Tilleke & Gibbons was founded in 1890 and is one of the most well known practices having a number of foreigners practicing law in particular with regard to corruption, patent disputes, commercial and international law. Mike Doyle of Seri Manop & Doyle has been practicing law here since 1996 and is an experienced business counselor and advisor. Mike is a U.S. attorney and partner who has practiced in Thailand since 1996. He is co-author and contributing editor of the recently released book Doyle’s Practical Guide to Business Law in Emerging Countries in Asia and Doyle’s Practical Guide to Thailand Business Law 3rd Edition. He has been an advisor to PTT as regards the disputes between Thailand and Cambodia over the ownership of areas of the sea where gas and oil reserves may exist. From my experience I would not trust a Thai lawyer to handle cases for myself unless overseen by a foreign lawyer I can trust.

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Who cares? There is no law in Thailand. There is only what one person decides after he's received sufficient payment. Most of the foreign lawyers in Thailand are a joke anyway. Basically they have zero effectiveness because of libel laws, lese majeste laws and influential persons.

Using Tilleke & Gibbins as an example, their foreign clients pay them MEGA dollars to register, enforce, and prosecute against other who violate intellectual property rights in Thailand...this has been the case for decades. Yet, still, in 2015, every single day of the year you can go to a market and find counterfeit copies of everything you can imagine.....what exactly do their clients get for the money spent? Not much really.

Laywers in Thailand are useless. Thai or Foreign.

Edited by Time Traveller
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I would hope that none of the following firms are protesting this move as these firms along with many other Thai firms have offices, partnerships,attorney's or other dealings in many other countries. You don't see these countries telling Thais they can't practice there.

Siam Legal

1600 E Desert Inn Road

Suite 296

Las Vegas, NV 89169

2nd Floor 145-157 St

John Street

London EC1V 4PY

2 Blacklion Place,

Kensington, Sydney

NSW 2033 Australia

AAA Legal

United States of America

New York





Allen & Overy


Czech Republic





Luxembourg Netherlands






United Kingdom

Asia Pacific



Hong Kong









Saudi Arabia United Arab Emirates

United States



And these are just 3 of the many firms that have either offices, partnerships, practicing lawyers or other legal services in other countries. Seems a little two faced to me. Your opinion ??

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Can any one show me an honest trustworthy Thai lawyer????

Just a bunch of corrupt cheating b..terds, who will betray clients if more money is offered elsewhere.

Hi Colin, I am pleased to tell you that they DO exist, and I am happy to be able to say that my Thai lawyer is totally honest, very reasonable in fees, does not give me any b.s., and is a fantastic guy in all respects. He usually gives excellent advice for free, and only charges when he actually performs a specific service ie a property conveyance, and will also tell you if you are pursuing a lost cause. I have recommended him to many people, and every one of them has come back to me and said that they were more than 100% delighteded with the service he provided. You may be right in general, I have encountered a few, but please do not paint ALL of them with the same brush as excellent honest lawyers DO exist :)

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The ten people currently allowed to be legal advisers have had to sit the bar exam in the Thai Language, Others would be required to do the same .

Worried they will take over the legal system and put Thai lawyers out of work is a touch of paranoia

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Yep. I have to agree with the Thai lawyers because there are so many foreigner lawyers that read, write and speak Thai fluently, they will surely take over the legal profession here.

You should read my post below, other countries don't tell Thais they can't practice in their countries why should Thais tell them they can't practice here. If that is the case we should all have that rule. If we can't practice in your country you can't practice in ours. Boy that would be devastating for the thousands of Thais in America using Thai lawyers in America trying to get green cards.

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Perhaps afraid that word will get out just how deep and wide the cesspool of Thai "justice" is? Also if lawyer pursued case in spite of not so subtle hints to back off, I see a rise of deaths among foreigners. Lawyer lady I know was offered work to deal with some "inactive" cases. Those are the ones that could lead to getting whacked, so he didn't want to touch with a ten foot writ.....

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It's part of the ASEAN agreement. Professionals can work in any of the association countries. Next.

I was wondering the same thing, if this is the case then I expect it won't just be the lawyers. The AEC is supposed to be here in less than a month, but there's been little details. Will there be hordes of SEA graduates waiting at the border on NY?

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Actually this is not specific to Thailand.

Any foreign lawyer trying to practice in USA, Canada etc... Will not be allowed, he must eventually go back to law school, get exams to join lawyers association etc....

Which may take him years, plus paying huge money to join the association to be able to practice. Same thing apply to engineers, physicians, dentists etc...

All these jobs they try to protect their interests by putting barriers to foreigners to practice.

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Laughable, ignorant and xenophobic all in one.

The comparison with hairdressers is very appropriate from what I've heard.

There shall always be a demand for Thai lawyers as foreogner lawyers probably can't speak perfect Thai

Plus a foreign lawyer would charge more than a Thai lawyer as they have higher standards of living

I know a lot of local lawyer won't be happy due to allot of their income from corruption and they don't want foreogner to know the law

Personally I would prefer to higher a loca lawyer for criminal case as they would know all the local governors

As for land and assets maybe be happier with a Forang lawyer who couldn't work without a Thai anyway as to go to land office they would need documents to be translated into English

Which would mean more expense

Plus they already have Forang lawyers who are consultants which is about all they can do anyway as they could not stand up in court without allot of knowledge in the Thai language

So much for freedom of choice though

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Actually this is not specific to Thailand.

Any foreign lawyer trying to practice in USA, Canada etc... Will not be allowed, he must eventually go back to law school, get exams to join lawyers association etc....

Which may take him years, plus paying huge money to join the association to be able to practice. Same thing apply to engineers, physicians, dentists etc...

All these jobs they try to protect their interests by putting barriers to foreigners to practice.

Not even in the least similar. All of those "barriers" are there to make sure they can practice the laws of those particular countries. In Thailand you could have the entire code memorized and 30 years experience and still not be allowed to practice.

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And all the outher countries in the world do the same with Thai people, reject Thai people to take any job which can be done by the locals.

Why Thai not just leave tihs planet, that will do.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I would guess the moon. There is a lot of empty space.

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And all the outher countries in the world do the same with Thai people, reject Thai people to take any job which can be done by the locals.

Why Thai not just leave tihs planet, that will do.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I would guess the moon. There is a lot of empty space.

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Pitifully jealous and chauvinistic lot. National pride apparently doesn't keep them from feeling inferior. "Please protect us from the evil farang, who will make us

lose FACE!!!!" A sad commentary.

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Frankly, I have lost count of the number of Thai corrupt, incompetent and deceitful lawyers I know, who have sold out to the opposing party and totally gone against their client.

There are a few foreigners who have passed a law degree in Thai in a Thai university. I consider them a breath of fresh air.

Xenophobia is everywhere, especially in the Thai legal system

Points taken, but I add I came across one UK national working in one of the main Thai resort cities, he claimed he was licensed to practice law in Thailand and he offered to loan money If I first transferred all the shares in my Thai registered company to him and his Thai colleagues.

Sound like a scam to you?

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it would appear that thai lawyers are scared their "closed shop" enabling them to blatantly rip off their clients is about to be opened. Thai lawyers are well known to do what is best financially for themselves rather than their clients, they openly lie and use corrupt practices when they are offered graft and it can be seen happening all over the country. The only thing they are scared of are lawyers with ethics and a much greater knowledge of the law as well as abiding by it, they know they will not be able to win against an honest and more knowledgeable opponent that cannot be "bought". The sooner we see this the better, at least then foreigners will be able to defend themselves fairly and not have to put up with the current corrupt and inept practices available here now

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