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'Most' Iraqis believe US is an Islamic State ally


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"Most" Iraqis believe US is an Islamic State ally
Liz Sly in Baiji, Iraq

BAIJI: -- On the front lines of the battle against the Islamic State, suspicion of the United States runs deep. Iraqi fighters say they have all seen the videos purportedly showing US helicopters airdropping weapons to the militants, and many claim they have friends and relatives who have witnessed similar instances of collusion.

Ordinary people also have seen the videos, heard the stories and reached the same conclusion - one that might seem absurd to Americans but is widely believed among Iraqis - that the United States is supporting the Islamic State for a variety of pernicious reasons that have to do with asserting American control over Iraq, the wider Middle East and, perhaps, its oil.

"It is not in doubt," said Mustafa Saadi, who says his friend saw US helicopters delivering bottled water to Islamic State positions. He is a commander in one of the Shiite militias that last month helped push the militants out of the oil refinery near Baiji in northern Iraq alongside the Iraqi army.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/world/most-iraqis-believe-us-is-an-islamic-state-ally-20151202-gldf79.html

-- Sydney Morning Herald 2015-12-02

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Hmmmmm. I thought the Iraqi army was the major supplier of US weapons to ISIS - the ones the US left them.

Not to worry, Obama is going to beat ISIS/ISIL (folks) about the head and shoulders with the climate change agenda and demand that they cut their CO2 output drastically.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Hmmmmm. I thought the Iraqi army was the major supplier of US weapons to ISIS - the ones the US left them.

Not to worry, Obama is going to attack ISIS/ISIL (folks) with the climate change agenda.

for reasons of logistics (among others), sometimes it needs some sort of distributors and in-betweeners to deliver stuff to end-consumers

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The US has created IS [iSIL or what ever name is used in the BS media now].

Obama is a war criminal ... nothing else.

There is no excuse for the damage the US has done to the middle east. Millions of lives lost

for plain profits and still some people fall for the lies they are being told from their governments.

Sad how ignorant people can be really.

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It's the Middle East. Believing any odd number of rumors, not necessarily based on hard facts, and often contradictory - is practically the way of life.

That is so true.

I recently read a report of some random interviews with Syrian refugees in Germany. They mostly believed in all kinds of wild conspiracy theory garbage (mostly about the USA and Israel). No, they're mostly not terrorists, but their political views are ignorant at best, and certainly some are very recruitable.

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Could be*. It would suit US plans for the region to give ISIL the first chance to unseat Assad before stepping in to bring "peace and democracy".

The downing of the Russian warplane was a timely intervention for the jihadists, who were being pushed on to the back foot by Kurdish troops and Russian air raids.

As well as buying time for the battered ISIL fighteers, the incident has dashed prospects for a joint US/Russian campaign to overwhelm the jihadists and bring the warring Syrian factions around the negotiating table.

With NATO now warning Russian against further air strikes near the disputed border, Turkish traders will be able to continue supplying oil and other essentials to he fundamentalist army - which both the Turks and the Americans, of course, are supposed to be at war.

Makes you think there might be something in this Washington Post story.

*Alternatively, it could simply be a case of Iraqi paranoia and suspicion over their Western "liberators" - who overthrew one monster only to replace him with a far worse Frankenstein of their own

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Could be*. It would suit US plans for the region to give ISIL the first chance to unseat Assad before stepping in to bring "peace and democracy".

The downing of the Russian warplane was a timely intervention for the jihadists, who were being pushed on to the back foot by Kurdish troops and Russian air raids.

As well as buying time for the battered ISIL fighteers, the incident has dashed prospects for a joint US/Russian campaign to overwhelm the jihadists and bring the warring Syrian factions around the negotiating table.

With NATO now warning Russian against further air strikes near the disputed border, Turkish traders will be able to continue supplying oil and other essentials to he fundamentalist army - which both the Turks and the Americans, of course, are supposed to be at war.

Makes you think there might be something in this Washington Post story.

*Alternatively, it could simply be a case of Iraqi paranoia and suspicion over their Western "liberators" - who overthrew one monster only to replace him with a far worse Frankenstein of their own

Them thinkers were up all night for quite a while to come up with whats going now...stands to reason....IS just didn't turn up for battle, it was created nurtured and armed.

If you look around that Spring Uprising follows a familiar pattern, the question should be "who has the most to gain"? The next question should be "why"?

The Russians getting involved tempers things somewhat but then you need to ask yourself is this part of a greater scheme, all i know is its not just random most of this was planned, conspiracy sure, when the world was broke after the wall st crash arms and war changed everything.

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To all of the Aussies that have responded that this report must be true. The US supports the Kurds, who fight IS. The US does not support IS in any way, shape or form. Obama is not smart enough to envision anything creative.

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To all of the Aussies that have responded that this report must be true. The US supports the Kurds, who fight IS. The US does not support IS in any way, shape or form. Obama is not smart enough to envision anything creative.

Thank you for setting my mind at easy.......does one hand know what the other is doing way over there?

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To all of the Aussies that have responded that this report must be true. The US supports the Kurds, who fight IS. The US does not support IS in any way, shape or form. Obama is not smart enough to envision anything creative.

I would not agree, there is significant evidence that that IS is obtains US monies and supplies indirectly.

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To all of the Aussies that have responded that this report must be true. The US supports the Kurds, who fight IS. The US does not support IS in any way, shape or form. Obama is not smart enough to envision anything creative.

I would not agree, there is significant evidence that that IS is obtains US monies and supplies indirectly.

Really.....in my wildest dreams.... show us...not much making a statement like that without being able to back it up son.

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Well, yeah, they most definitely were allies, its no secret or conspiracy theory that IS was equipped by the U.S. to fight Assad in Syria. That was on Fox news not too long ago I'm sure. Don't see what is so strange about what the Iraqis think on who is continuing to supply IS, whether they are right or wrong, either way it isn't that far off base.

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To all of the Aussies that have responded that this report must be true. The US supports the Kurds, who fight IS. The US does not support IS in any way, shape or form. Obama is not smart enough to envision anything creative.

I would not agree, there is significant evidence that that IS is obtains US monies and supplies indirectly.

Really.....in my wildest dreams.... show us...not much making a statement like that without being able to back it up son.

How about listening to what's publicly stated by US military and intelligence services ?

They have all confirmed the information !!!

Or maybe listen to General Clark:


General Wesley Clark admits “allies” created ISIS to fight Hezbollah
FEBRUARY 27, 2015 AT 10:10 AM

General Wesley K. Clark, former presidential candidate and NATO supreme allied commander during the NATO war against Yugoslavia, stated in a recent interview on CNN that “ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies.” He did not specify exactly which US allies he was talking about. It has been widely reported that much of the funding had come from the oil-rich elites of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies, which of course are de facto allies of Israel. Clark did say that ISIS “is part of a strategy to destroy Hezbollah with an army of extremists.” Hezbollah was formed to drive Israel out of Lebanon, and Israel is the only country with an interest in destroying it.

... believe it now ?

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Nothing new.. Putin also knows. I know. The mess us made cant be solved. Thats where Putin comes in.Putin knows that all so called US allies are buying oil from Is . This is just the begining. Just waiting for next whistleblower.

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To all of the Aussies that have responded that this report must be true. The US supports the Kurds, who fight IS. The US does not support IS in any way, shape or form. Obama is not smart enough to envision anything creative.

I would not agree, there is significant evidence that that IS is obtains US monies and supplies indirectly.

Really.....in my wildest dreams.... show us...not much making a statement like that without being able to back it up son.

How about listening to what's publicly stated by US military and intelligence services ?

They have all confirmed the information !!!

Or maybe listen to General Clark:


General Wesley Clark admits “allies” created ISIS to fight Hezbollah
FEBRUARY 27, 2015 AT 10:10 AM

General Wesley K. Clark, former presidential candidate and NATO supreme allied commander during the NATO war against Yugoslavia, stated in a recent interview on CNN that “ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies.” He did not specify exactly which US allies he was talking about. It has been widely reported that much of the funding had come from the oil-rich elites of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies, which of course are de facto allies of Israel. Clark did say that ISIS “is part of a strategy to destroy Hezbollah with an army of extremists.” Hezbollah was formed to drive Israel out of Lebanon, and Israel is the only country with an interest in destroying it.

... believe it now ?

Im rather bored with world politics in general and so for periods of time...."go missing" i did miss that but having said that i was fairly sure the IS just didn't turn up they were created and i would go further....that there is a plan in place and its meant to drag in certain players......where it will end...your guess is good as mine, who will gain out of all this, it won't be syria or anyone else in the region, its only common sense if you know the history of the Middle East that the strongest survive, my only reason for speaking up is i come from a two bit small fry country who have no clout in the world...what I'm seeing is unjust its purly not right and if our elected leaders stayed out of it i would be a lot happier because i don't think were on the right side.

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Nothing new.. Putin also knows. I know. The mess us made cant be solved. Thats where Putin comes in.Putin knows that all so called US allies are buying oil from Is . This is just the begining. Just waiting for next whistleblower.

You do know Syria is buying oil from ISIS also....Also Iran.

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Nothing new.. Putin also knows. I know. The mess us made cant be solved. Thats where Putin comes in.Putin knows that all so called US allies are buying oil from Is . This is just the begining. Just waiting for next whistleblower.

You do know Syria is buying oil from ISIS also....Also Iran.

Sure. But Russia is bombing the oil depots. Why didnt US do that 3-4 months ago? Russia simply dont care if Syria, Iran or whoever buys. If you want to win theres no but´s and if´s. So lets see how much longer they will buy.

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The US has created IS [iSIL or what ever name is used in the BS media now].

Obama is a war criminal ... nothing else.

There is no excuse for the damage the US has done to the middle east. Millions of lives lost

for plain profits and still some people fall for the lies they are being told from their governments.

Sad how ignorant people can be really.

What profits? As for the Middle East, they are the ones killing each other and blaming anyone but themselves.

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It's the Middle East. Believing any odd number of rumors, not necessarily based on hard facts, and often contradictory - is practically the way of life.

Somewhat similar to this forum

I just spent 19 years in the Middle East. People there never had an information society, due to their governments; their search for "answers" is whatever makes them feel good. Everything is based on emotion, not facts or scientific method of inquiry.

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The US has created IS [iSIL or what ever name is used in the BS media now].

Obama is a war criminal ... nothing else.

There is no excuse for the damage the US has done to the middle east. Millions of lives lost

for plain profits and still some people fall for the lies they are being told from their governments.

Sad how ignorant people can be really.

Guaranteed, a couple of days without heat, light and transport and you and your like will be the first to whinge about the US not protecting the nation's interests in middle eastern oil. Would you really want to risk your nation grinding to a standstill in a very short space of time? Without our oil dependency, the west would gladly leave the middle East to get on with it.

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