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Robbers charged over attack on dad and daughter in Bangkok


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Today while waiting for my motorbike to get a new tire and oil change. Two Thai men wanted to know my opinion about; Corruption, High rates of road deaths, and crime.

Here ThaiVisa offers a platform. When will a platform exist for Thais?

I feel we have common ground, but just as those Thais who share our anger, will never change the reality. Saying I am sorry should be followed by total asset forfeiture along with equal punishment.

You seriously claim there are no social media for Thai?
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You are right, that's shows again the brutality and ruthlessness of those youths today, but it also shows again the lack of courage of the bystander. What’s the guy doing with his dog? If I was walking my dog nobody could come close to me and a single command would be enough to get those guys hospitalized.

Long time ago (1985) I saw a man beating a woman in the street.

Lot of bystanders watching the woman being beaten by the man, but nobody was offering help to he woman.

Me (Superman) was going to help the woman and I went to end the fight in a peaceful way that made Ghandy look like a boy-scout.

A few minutes later, I was rushed to the hospital with a broken eye bone.

NO FREE medical care as the wounds were inflicted by getting involved in a fight.

I had to foot the medical bill myself (about 350,000 baht).

Lesson: NEVER try to help anybody in a fight myself and wait for the cops to handle this.

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If you don`t know how brutal and horrific the attack was, this is the video.

Warning, it`s very upsetting.


The young guy who turned up with the big bladed weapon at the end. Wonder what he would've done if he'd caught them earlier whilst in the attack?

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Very minor crime, Facebook posts are much more serious than this.

Minor crime?

Don't think those assaulted, threatened and robbed by these scum would feel as you seem to.

Does the word "sarcasm" mean anything to you?


Also I don't really have sympathy for any post by those who would use someone else's misery or terrible experience to score a cheap little political point.

That is part of the problem, it isn't a political point it is a Judicial point, but the lines are totally blurred.

The fact that the justice system sees a Facebook post as a far more serious than a violent crime is very wrong.

To be clear I think this is a far more serious crime. You should also be able to differentiate between the Law and

Politics, but you obviously can't.

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Does the word "sarcasm" mean anything to you?


Also I don't really have sympathy for any post by those who would use someone else's misery or terrible experience to score a cheap little political point.

That is part of the problem, it isn't a political point it is a Judicial point, but the lines are totally blurred.

The fact that the justice system sees a Facebook post as a far more serious than a violent crime is very wrong.

To be clear I think this is a far more serious crime. You should also be able to differentiate between the Law and

Politics, but you obviously can't.

Wrong. I can.

As there have been lots of threats made against FB and other social media outlets by this govt it was that to which I felt you were posting about.

I do see this as an issue on which the current govt is not only heavy handed but wrong, however I would not use someone else's awful experience as a platform to score points on it though.

However you say that was not what you were doing but were rather referring to the BIBs more proactive response to anything negative being posted on FB as with ipad stabbing incident.

So I was wrong and for that I apologise.

However you were still exploiting this incident to have a go at the BIB.

While I have no respect for the BIB most of the time, I would say that this sort of story is not the time to do this.

So my attitude to your post remains as it was albeit for different reasons.

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Violent crime isn't skyrocketing.

CCTV's and smartphones are, so we hear about them more often, complete with blood, gore and soundtrack.

The New York Times recently reported a massive increase in violent crime - the Thai police's own statistics (as we know, probably not worth the paper they're invented on, as they'll be on the seriously low side, and most crime goes unrecorded anyway) to the year ending September was 75, 557 cases, which represented a 63% increase on the previous year. Violent crime (not defined) was also up 17%.

I don't know what your definition of "skyrocketing" is, but mine certainly encompasses these statistics of the Thai police.

Is that the same RTP that's seeing their gravy train and power structure being disrupted by the current government? I can't imagine why they'd be publishing statistics that would discredit the source of their funding and power woes.

i take any so called "statistics" published in this environment with a grain of salt. Unless they confirm some preconceived notion I hold dear. In that case, the statistics are good as gold.

Ok thanks for clearing that up. Yours is a totally unsupported personal opinion that crime is not skyrocketing, and I respect that.

Yep. Caught me. I used the anal extraction method, but I’m still more accurate than the New York Times article, which flunks the sniff test. Quoting:

Thais are also increasingly fearful of crime. Military rule has somewhat paradoxically coincided with a surge in thefts, burglaries and robberies. The national police recorded more than 75,557 thefts and other property crimes in the fiscal year that ended in September, 63 percent higher than the previous year.

Violent crime was up 17 percent during the same period.

That 75,000 thefts and other property crimes is about 1.3 crimes per 1000 population.

Either Thailand compares really favorably to the UK at 110 crimes /1000 and the USA at 41/1000 (there's a whole topic right there, but not Thailand related), or the author took a number from the police (who may have had an axe to grind), and didn’t even do basic 3rd grade math on it before publishing it.

When the quoted crime number is probably off by at least a factor of 10- and possibly 100 or more, I pay no attention to whether the author claims it’s going up or down.

Maybe 63% more crimes are being reported. (Though I doubt it) That, in my mind, is actually a good thing if crime had been under-reported by 90-99% in previous years. With only 75,000 (1.3 crimes/1000 population) reported, they still have a long way to go.

We have corporate security here in BKK. World class security because we also operate in the Middle East and South America. If the crime rate here had gone up by 60% year on year, they’d be all over it, curtailing our movements beyond going to work and coming straight home. So far- nary a word. Nada. Zip from the embassies, either- except for the ubiquitous terror warnings. You think they’d say something if there were a crime spree happening.

I’ll stick with the guys we pay (pay very well, in fact) to keep us up on it. And I’ll do a little bit of critical thinking before accepting and parroting what’s published- even in the NYT, apparently. Kinda disappointed at them.

BTW: http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/United-Kingdom/United-States/Crime

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The police should put them in a cell, give them a birching just like they do in Singapore, and let the victims watch. Victims satisfied, and thugs taught a valuable lesson and a stern warning to others..coffee1.gif

Hmm, not sure that is the solution you know.

Been shown it doesn't really work across most of the world.

That's why civilised or free societies don't do it.

Civilisation is not a one way ticket. Some ppl understand only 1 language "Violence). Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.

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I caught the CCTV images of this attack on Thai TV and it was absolutely shocking. It serves as a warning to cake care out there, as violent crime is skyrocketing.

Violent crime isn't skyrocketing.

CCTV's and smartphones are, so we hear about them more often, complete with blood, gore and soundtrack.

The New York Times recently reported a massive increase in violent crime - the Thai police's own statistics (as we know, probably not worth the paper they're invented on, as they'll be on the seriously low side, and most crime goes unrecorded anyway) to the year ending September was 75, 557 cases, which represented a 63% increase on the previous year. Violent crime (not defined) was also up 17%.

I don't know what your definition of "skyrocketing" is, but mine certainly encompasses these statistics of the Thai police.

Is that the same RTP that's seeing their gravy train and power structure being disrupted by the current government? I can't imagine why they'd be publishing statistics that would discredit the source of their funding and power woes.

i take any so called "statistics" published in this environment with a grain of salt. Unless they confirm some preconceived notion I hold dear. In that case, the statistics are good as gold.

I trust only statistics I have faked myself.

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The police should put them in a cell, give them a birching just like they do in Singapore, and let the victims watch. Victims satisfied, and thugs taught a valuable lesson and a stern warning to others..coffee1.gif

Hmm, not sure that is the solution you know.

Been shown it doesn't really work across most of the world.

That's why civilised or free societies don't do it.

Civilisation is not a one way ticket. Some ppl understand only 1 language "Violence). Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.


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You are right, that's shows again the brutality and ruthlessness of those youths today, but it also shows again the lack of courage of the bystander. What’s the guy doing with his dog? If I was walking my dog nobody could come close to me and a single command would be enough to get those guys hospitalized.

Long time ago (1985) I saw a man beating a woman in the street.

Lot of bystanders watching the woman being beaten by the man, but nobody was offering help to he woman.

Me (Superman) was going to help the woman and I went to end the fight in a peaceful way that made Ghandy look like a boy-scout.

A few minutes later, I was rushed to the hospital with a broken eye bone.

NO FREE medical care as the wounds were inflicted by getting involved in a fight.

I had to foot the medical bill myself (about 350,000 baht).

Lesson: NEVER try to help anybody in a fight myself and wait for the cops to handle this.

A friend of mine was in a similar situation as you, 20 years ago in Thailand. He tried also to solve it in Ghandi style, result he got a broken bottle by a bystander in his shoulder, close to his throat. Note: Never intervene in a peaceful way, or you will be the victim. Better walk away.

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If you don`t know how brutal and horrific the attack was, this is the video.

Warning, it`s very upsetting.


The young guy who turned up with the big bladed weapon at the end. Wonder what he would've done if he'd caught them earlier whilst in the attack?

Anyway he did the right thing, he took first a weapon before he tried to intervene.

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The police should put them in a cell, give them a birching just like they do in Singapore, and let the victims watch. Victims satisfied, and thugs taught a valuable lesson and a stern warning to others..coffee1.gif

Hmm, not sure that is the solution you know.

Been shown it doesn't really work across most of the world.

That's why civilised or free societies don't do it.

Civilisation is not a one way ticket. Some ppl understand only 1 language "Violence). Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.


You are a dreamer, face the reality of the increasing crimes all over the world.

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Hmm, not sure that is the solution you know.

Been shown it doesn't really work across most of the world.

That's why civilised or free societies don't do it.

Civilisation is not a one way ticket. Some ppl understand only 1 language "Violence). Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth.


You are a dreamer, face the reality of the increasing crimes all over the world.


The reality is that the blood lust, revenge before justice, violence is the solution to crime, might is right, biblical approach is an utterly failed, discredited, barbaric model.

It doesn't work.

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The reality is that the blood lust, revenge before justice, violence is the solution to crime, might is right, biblical approach is an utterly failed, discredited, barbaric model.

It doesn't work.

Better as liberal punishment like in west- and north european prisons, the prison there a full of ppl from east europe, middle east, africa and the rest of the world. Caused for many ppl out of europe are these prisons not a real punishment more a full board holiday place, with some regulations.

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The reality is that the blood lust, revenge before justice, violence is the solution to crime, might is right, biblical approach is an utterly failed, discredited, barbaric model.

It doesn't work.

Better as liberal punishment like in west- and north european prisons, the prison there a full of ppl from east europe, middle east, africa and the rest of the world. Caused for many ppl out of europe are these prisons not a real punishment more a full board holiday place, with some regulations.


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