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Moscow warns that ISIS in Thailand to attack Russian targets


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Should be easy to spot a Mid-Eastern man wearing a heavy coat covering his explosive vest when the temperatures linger around 35 degrees.

Yet another good reason for the current regime to enact a cultural mandate necessitating the return to pre-Phibun attire. I'll dust my sarong.
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Riding a motorbike to work, crossing the street, swimming during monsoon, touching anything powered by electricity, pissing off a gun loving Thai person, hanging out with the wrong girl....the list goes on. We risk our lives everyday here, I don't think terrorists can make it that much more dangerous.

Let's not give them what the want - our fear.

The above are personal choices. Thats why i dont get a hoot about men and their bargirls..............hahahahaha.

Being attacked by ISIS isnt a choice.......not the same same.

IsIS doesnt want your fear they want you dead! You peopel sound like politicians.

There are plenty of risks you take with your life every day that are not a choice. You cross a street. You take any form of transportation from Point A to Point B.

I know it seems like it's a choice to cross a street or to take transportation but it's only a choice insomuch as I choose to live my life. I need food to eat and I must get to the store to purchase food somehow. That is not a choice.

Whether or not you're killed by ISIS is simply a risk. Everything is a risk. As long as there is a non-zero chance of something happening, it's a risk that you need to calculate.

I just took a sip of water. It was in a bottle so I assume it's not poisoned. I assume the risk of not having it tested because I trust that the company that bottles that water is legit enough not to try and kill its customers.

But it was a risk!

Being killed by a terrorist is a minuscule risk. Very tiny. It doesn't matter whether you choose the risk or not, it exists. Assess it, mitigate it if possible and cost effective, and go on with your life.

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Islamic State plotting attacks in Thailand: reports
Lindsay Murdoch

Bangkok: Islamic State is believed to have deployed 10 terrorists plotting attacks across Thailand, including at two tourist centres popular with Australians, according to Thai media citing a leaked police memo.

Issued "urgent" and "secret" the memo urges Thai authorities to increase security around venues associated with allies that have joined attacks on IS in Syria, including Australia, the United States, France, Germany and Belgium.

The memo cites intelligence information from Russia that between October 15 and October 31 four Syrian terrorists travelled to the tourist city of Pattaya, two arrived in Phuket – where 20,000 Australians holiday each month – two went to Bangkok and another two went to an unknown destination.

The information was sent by the Russian Federal Security Service, or FSB, to Thailand's National Security Council.

Full story: http://www.smh.com.au/world/islamic-state-plotting-attacks-in-thailand-reports-20151204-glfg4f.html

-- Sydney Morning Herald 2015-12-04

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ISIS have killed there own people that tells me that no one is safe against these murderess terrorists . I always live today as if it were my last day !

One day you will be right.

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The Thai 'Authorities' will do nothing because all is well in their dream world of complete denial.

Weapons abound on the streets of this country so it's easy for anyone with bad intent to get whatever they want (see earlier BKK bombing) and if they use suicide bombers then how does anyone stop somebody that wants to kill themselves ? Any mess left will be quickly cleared and washed away,( including all forensic evidence ) within a few hours.

Anyway; we all know already who will get the blame if anything happens (read red) and TAT will announce the very next day that bombs will do nothing to harm tourist numbers and indeed...... numbers would be up even if half of the country had been vapourised !

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Russia warns of Syrians with IS link in Thailand


BANGKOK: -- Thai security was placed at maximum after the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) warned Thailand to keep watch on 10 Syrian nationals who it said have entered Thailand and they have links to the Islam State (IS) group.

The Russian intelligence agency FSB said that these suspects might have intentions to attack either the interests of Russia or the allied countries in Thailand.

According to Matichon Online and Channel 3, Pol Maj Gen Sravuth Kanpanich, acting commander of the Special Branch Police, the FSB’s warning was first directed to the Thai National Security Council (NSC) which later alerted the Royal Thai Police’s Special Branch Police to monitor the movements of these Syrian nationals closely,

FSB said these Syrians have entered Thailand during October 15-31. It said four have gone to Pattaya, 2 to Phuket, 2 in Bangkok, while whereabouts of two others and their identities remain unknown.

The NSC instructed tightened security at embassies of Russia, and allied countries fighting the IS, namely the United States, France United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, and Australia to prevent untoward violence to happen in the country.

According to the Special Branch Police, 400 Syrian nationals entered the country during the past several months and they carried tourist visas.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/video-russia-warns-of-syrians-with-is-link-in-thailand

-- Thai PBS 2015-12-04

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The bottom line is that Islamic fundamentalists HATE westerner's and our culture, and they will stop at nothing to destroy us. Ideally publicly as that is their preferred method of getting their sick and barbaric message across. The Bangkok bomb, was a practice run to see what they can get away with. Ie, how easy it was to carry out and observe whatever changes take place in relation to possible increases in security, and devise methods to get around them. And of course, a MUCH LARGER attack, next time, and just as importantly, at what would be considered by the Islamic terrorists, an APPROPRIATE OCCASION. Which brings me to the most important time of the year for NON MOSLEMS..... XMAS... It WILL happen, and it will definitely happen in Pattaya, as there are so many Russian and Western tourists here, almost all drunk and doing things that are considered Non Islamic, (even though there are MANY moslems here that go just as crazy) Pattaya is such an easy target.... Walking street. You just need to look at the bombings that were carried out in Bali, here would be easier, and create more deaths, as there is more people in walking street, with less escape routes, and we know what a fire would mean in the middle of walking street, with a motorbike taxi explosion at soi diamond, then two larger ones at either end of walking street. over XMAS, with a few thousand more tourists, it would be at least 2000 dead.

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I'm a yank, but won't wear any shorts, shirts etc with US flag motif. Quickest way to indicate a person is Russian..... If crap happens, it happens. I am not going to live in fear. I'm too lazy for that

I'm from the States as well, but I've been mistaken for a Russian no less than five times since I arrived a year ago. No clue what makes me look Russian.

I'm not going to hide in my house, but I do think I'll avoid the tourist areas for a bit.

"No clue what makes me look Russian."

Your sunny disposition??

I think it's likely the green eyes and blonde hair on a white woman. That seems to equal Russian in Pattaya.

I do have a sunny disposition, actually. How did you know? ;)

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unfortunately, with suicide bombers ANY place is a soft spot basically. if it happens in pattaya or phuket it will cause major damage to thailand but don't underestimate russian intelligence who are present in those places too.

You cant have foreigners interferring in Thailand's issues so just ignore anything they say

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I would like to see armed soldiers now at obvious areas of potential attack all over town. Including beaches. They have declared war against civilization. They're not kidding around. Would that depress tourists? Sure it would but the alternative is what? Waiting for the attacks?

I find this comment amusing from one who critisizes the Russian objection to an Islamic country's reaction to the a very minor air incursion, from an aircraft that was involved in the suppresion of the very body of evil that is now threatening to attack Westerners (Russians) in Pattaya. Phincter problems?

If you had bothered to pay attention you would have known that the Russians were busy bombing the Turkmen, an ethnic Turkish minority opposed to Assad.

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Again, they are not only after Russians. Is Paris in Russia? In Pattaya and Phuket they get Russians and westerners. You can't really step out in Pattaya and segregate yourself from Russians (or westerners).

I'm asking a serious question.

Should we avoid the malls, walking street, etc.?

It's hard to completely avoid the malls but I think it would be sensible to avoid large gatherings such as at festivals that attract mostly foreigners.

As far as the Russians ... so now Egypt is out. Turkey is out. So ISIS wants to make Pattaya out too?


If you avoid these palaces and change they way you enjoy your life then the Terrorist have WON already...

Just be careful eyes wide open don,t sit with your back too the door.....Good Luck too all of us

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Let's say they do another paris style attack with machine guns in a crowded area. Let's say Thai police are already there, patrolling (standing around, sleeping?). Do you think thai police would join the rest of the people and just run away from the terrorist scumbags, or would they pretend to sleep? Not sure... RTP track record is pretty shitty, hell, they are even scared to confront teenagers without helmets on their scooters..

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intelligence from the FSB sent to Thailand’s National Security Council that members of the Islamic State entered the kingdom between Oct. 15 and Oct. 31.

It specifically indicates that four traveled to Pattaya, two to Phuket and two to Bangkok and two to unknown destinations.

So the Russians know all of this, yet were unable to inform on them to the Thai Govt/immigration, how did they know they wen't to Pattaya,Phuket and BKK, but still unable to inform the authorities, only able to inform after the fact.

Sounds a bit off to me.

If anyone believes FSB are a bunch of drunken halfwit morons, you are sorely mistaken.

Russian FSB is equally effective as any intelligence bureau in any country, maybe only surpassed by Israels mossad.

My recommendation is to take this threat seriously, I only hope that the Thai national security forces take it just as serious as they did in Belgium after the Paris terrorist attack but before any attack in Thailand, for which I'm pretty sure they do.

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Maybe the government needs to mobilise all the ex- SAS, navy seals and ex- commandos sitting around on bar stools and put them to work flushing out all the ISIS and like nutters for the benefit of Thailand and world peace.

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intelligence from the FSB sent to Thailand’s National Security Council that members of the Islamic State entered the kingdom between Oct. 15 and Oct. 31.

It specifically indicates that four traveled to Pattaya, two to Phuket and two to Bangkok and two to unknown destinations.

So the Russians know all of this, yet were unable to inform on them to the Thai Govt/immigration, how did they know they wen't to Pattaya,Phuket and BKK, but still unable to inform the authorities, only able to inform after the fact.

Sounds a bit off to me.

If anyone believes FSB are a bunch of drunken halfwit morons, you are sorely mistaken.

Russian FSB is equally effective as any intelligence bureau in any country, maybe only surpassed by Israels mossad.

My recommendation is to take this threat seriously, I only hope that the Thai national security forces take it just as serious as they did in Belgium after the Paris terrorist attack but before any attack in Thailand, for which I'm pretty sure they do.

Keep hoping......

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intelligence from the FSB sent to Thailand’s National Security Council that members of the Islamic State entered the kingdom between Oct. 15 and Oct. 31.

It specifically indicates that four traveled to Pattaya, two to Phuket and two to Bangkok and two to unknown destinations.

So the Russians know all of this, yet were unable to inform on them to the Thai Govt/immigration, how did they know they wen't to Pattaya,Phuket and BKK, but still unable to inform the authorities, only able to inform after the fact.

Sounds a bit off to me.

Only a guess, but they could have ripped the balls of a suspect to get this information, plans revealed, names unknown.

As with almost all terrorist organizations in the world, they work on a cellular basis to restrict information lose. Only a few will know all the details.

That a warning was released to the Thai intelligence services from the FSB, IMHO, is a massive step in the right direction regarding intelligence sharing.

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Again, they are not only after Russians. Is Paris in Russia? In Pattaya and Phuket they get Russians and westerners. You can't really step out in Pattaya and segregate yourself from Russians (or westerners).

I'm asking a serious question.

Should we avoid the malls, walking street, etc.?

It's hard to completely avoid the malls but I think it would be sensible to avoid large gatherings such as at festivals that attract mostly foreigners.

As far as the Russians ... so now Egypt is out. Turkey is out. So ISIS wants to make Pattaya out too?

Being ex military and having been warned about attacks and violence at on and off duty locations for decades, one should always scope things out and try to pay attention to your surroundings. Try and take a moment and have a look around and mentally get some idea of exits and "escape" routes. Entertainment places have always been potential targets. A crowded place such as Lucifer's disco comes to mind. Unfortunately, especially in Thailand and for various reasons, emergency and back door exits are often blocked or locked. Realistically the chances of being attacked are pretty small, but they do happen. Unfortunately, it just is not difficult for a nut to start shooting or blowing things up. Oh and walking around with one hand always holding the smartphone or whatever device, and being totally absorbed in that is just an accident looking for a place to happen, terrorist or not.

Former military myself.

The funny part about some of this is that many people, all safe and snug living their lives, don't really understand that terrorism isn't a new thing. I was in Athens right after they blew up an American disco. I was in Germany when they killed some military guy, stole his ID, and used it to get on a base and plant a bomb. I knew people who were on the Lockerbie flight. This was just in the 1980's. It's nothing new.

Almost everything you mentioned isn't just about safeguarding yourself against terrorism. It's called situational awareness. I call it being street smart. Whenever I go into a crowded place, I immediately look for exits. Not because I fear terrorists. I do it because if there's a fire or if anything happens, literally, the fraction of a second it takes to locate and mentally note that information could save your life.

It's not about being scared or paranoid. It's like looking before you cross the street. it's just instinctual.

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I think I'll be pretty safe in my 2000B a month room within walking distance from Big C and Central Plaza because, according to many "experts" on TVF, it's not possible for Farangs to live in such a small space.

Did I tell you guys my room has a wall-mounted "Bermuda" brand rotating fan with 3 speeds?

You can even make it oscillate back and forth, 555.

Yup, pretty safe here.

"....within walking distance from Big C and Central Plaza...."

I bet that's two places you avoid like the plague for their horrendous prices anyway.

Central and Big C have both increased security earlier this year. But I would ALWAYS advise people who stick out to be constantly aware of your surroundings. That's why I frequently wear traditional Thai shirts, fisherman's pants and flip flops. To blend in, 555.

BTW, you can get 30B Jaay food & 40B Western style salads at Central. And large 30B iced espresso drinks at Big C. Not to mention the 15B soft ice cream, which we won't mention.

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I would like to see armed soldiers now at obvious areas of potential attack all over town. Including beaches. They have declared war against civilization. They're not kidding around. Would that depress tourists? Sure it would but the alternative is what? Waiting for the attacks?

I find this comment amusing from one who critisizes the Russian objection to an Islamic country's reaction to the a very minor air incursion, from an aircraft that was involved in the suppresion of the very body of evil that is now threatening to attack Westerners (Russians) in Pattaya. Phincter problems?

If you had bothered to pay attention you would have known that the Russians were busy bombing the Turkmen, an ethnic Turkish minority opposed to Assad.

So what? Same scum.

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Should be easy to spot a Mid-Eastern man wearing a heavy coat covering his explosive vest when the temperatures linger around 35 degrees.

Mind you, when the game starts, it will not be that easy to spot the culprits!

I think exactly the same. ISIS have many peoples fighting for them on the ground in both Syria and Iraq.

What happen if they send ISIS fighters on Syrian passports and then they switch to their Russian or possible Western passports.

I don't think long bearded guys will do this attack if their ever will be an attack.

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If this is true and not hoax documentation, what worries me is the amount of festivities for The KIng's Birthday and the extra large gatherings for Ride for Dad.....the 5th and 11th of this month

Few foreigners involved in those events. Think more about Christmas and new Year.

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Did the editors of this board ever think that some things are marked "Secret or Confidential" because they are Secret. Does putting this out help anyone but the terrorist who now know what the government knows?? People would be hard pressed to protect themselves from ISIS, as no one know where they might strike next!

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I just saw this reported on NHK (Japanese) tv which said the same thing but added that the targets were BOTH Russian and western tourists. I don't think anyone is particularly surprised by this.

Personally, I have little confidence that these terrorist forces can be well contained here. So how are we supposed to react to this?

Here in Pattaya, pretty much the entire city is a soft target. But some potential targets are more obvious than others. How about a step up in actual security measures rather than the lame "security theater" of entry scanners on some doors at Central Pattaya Beach Mall?

The best security in Thailand is just before you enter Petchaburi MRT station coming from Makkasan...the guy there always gives me the once over and makes me open my bag every time even though I have just gone through three security checks in the UK Dubai and Swampy!

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