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500k baht for SETV

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I've been reading the requirements for a SETV there's mention of supporting funds of 500k baht.
The money is not an issue but proving it could be.
My situation is likely to be that I will be travelling around the neighbouring countries for a couple of months then apply for a SETV before returning in which ever country I'm in or one of the airline hubs such as Kuala Lumpur.

I could easily leave the 500k in my Bangkok bank account untouched over those months but the pass book won't be updated, will I be able to get a receipt showing balance from any visa ATM in that country?

I'm presuming a PDF printout of my UK bank account paperless statement which is impossible to have counter signed will not be acceptable?

Will a screen shot of the banking app showing the balance be acceptable as a time stamp?

Also what's the deal with letters from employers? I'm very fortunate being able to 'retire' at 45 and need to play the system until I'm 50, so no employment letters and only a basic annual tax return as any sort of evidence, having been self employed for a few years and now living off rental income I will be submitting a tax return but they are now all online paperless PDF statements.

I'm a few months away from needing to do this, but I like to be prepared.

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bit.ly/1QXUREO it doesn't state the amount but does mention a bank statements.

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Seems you are confusing the requirements for a METV with those for a single entry tourist visa.

An SETV is easily acquired and there is no requirement for any financial statements.

A METV can only be applied for in your home country.


That web site you have been viewing is a mess of misinformation and KL is not the best place to apply for any visa.

Edited by expatbrit
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Cheers, so no requirement for a employers letter either.

I've read one good report on KL but I don't know how to put a link in on my phone!

But KL has cheap direct flights to CNX so I'm willing to give them a yet at least once.

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What a junkyard of a website.

Throwing in all kind of requirements for about any type of visa under the title "Tourist visa".

"Letter from school" for a tourist visa blink.png

If their brains are as disorganized as this site, then I understand why here it is discouraged to use them for visa wink.png

Thai websites (particularly in English): often more confusion than information.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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I was weighing up the annual costs of a education visa Inc school fees vrs 4 trips to KL or Laos and the 1900 extension costs.

I've left the UK and plan on traveling around but probably use Thailand as a base for 8 or more months a year.

Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

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I was weighing up the annual costs of a education visa Inc school fees vrs 4 trips to KL or Laos and the 1900 extension costs.

I've left the UK and plan on traveling around but probably use Thailand as a base for 8 or more months a year.

Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

You could buy the Thailand Elite visa for 500k. That visa allows you to come and go as often as you want for 5 years. Every time you enter your granted a 1 year permit to stay so no need for border runs or extensions during your 8 month stays.


Edited by elviajero
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I was weighing up the annual costs of a education visa Inc school fees vrs 4 trips to KL or Laos and the 1900 extension costs.

I've left the UK and plan on traveling around but probably use Thailand as a base for 8 or more months a year.

Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

An ED visa cannot be obtained without paperwork supplied by a school you have sighned up with.

The visa will only permit a 90 day stay after which "extensions of stay" must be applied for at immigration. Extensions again require paperwork from the school and attendance at classes (usually 4 days/week) is a requirement. Each extension is for a MAX of 90 days and maybe less.

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I'm prepared to go to the classes I'd like to learn the language.

Can I get the 3 year non immigrant B visa if I'm not employed by a Thai business.

I can say I'm a novelist!?

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A novel idea but no. You cannot get a 3 year non 'B' visa.

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I'm prepared to go to the classes I'd like to learn the language.

Can I get the 3 year non immigrant B visa if I'm not employed by a Thai business.

I can say I'm a novelist!?

Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

The only way you will find out is to apply for the visa with evidence of being an "author" who can only write in Thailand ! smile.png

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Participate legally with the system of tourist visas and extensions.

Welcome to the "unmarried, retired, and under 50 in Thailand" Club. This is not an easy country to stay in under those conditions, but some of us think it is worth it.

If you could return to your home-country and pick up an METV, that would get you off to a good start. If you are already a long plane-flight away, then you are looking at a series of SETVs obtained at nearby consulates, interspersed with the occasional Visa Exempt entry. I made a post back here with my summary of how that works:


The primary trouble arises from the mistaken belief that anyone under the "magic age of 50" absolutely must be working illegally in Thailand - stealing jobs from the locals. This idea has been inculcated in the minds of Thai consulate personnel and immigration officials everywhere. Be prepared to concisely explain where your income is derived, and how this is a much higher income than any 'job' available to you in Thailand. But, somehow, try not to sound arrogant / rude / pompus, at the same time.

There is also be perception that "poor foreigners" were somehow sneaking into Thailand and spending their small-money into the hands of street-vendor's eateries, small-time landlords, and the like (the "wrong" beneficiaries). "Tightening" of visa-conditions has encouraged most of them to spend that money elsewhere. To defend against the perception of being one of these "low-life" foreigners who is unwelcome, be sure to have 20K baht in cash and/or Travelers Checks when entering the country. Dressing nicely won't hurt, either.

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Thanks for the info and link

I'm currently on a tripple entry tourist that will take me up to June 16, I wanted to know my options, and the balance is in favour of some travel around the area for a few months each year and using Tahiland as a home base as it were.

I remember an article in the Bangkok news which mention a single entry visa for up to 6 months on arrival for G7 passport holder for £100 or so- but I guess that would really encourage the "undesirable types" and never materialised.

Is there going to be elections soon? who knows what that might change.

I think a couple of years of SETV + extension and if needed a Visa on arrival will not be much hardship especially if I travel to other places as well.

Participate legally with the system of tourist visas and extensions.

Welcome to the "unmarried, retired, and under 50 in Thailand" Club. This is not an easy country to stay in under those conditions, but some of us think it is worth it.

If you could return to your home-country and pick up an METV, that would get you off to a good start. If you are already a long plane-flight away, then you are looking at a series of SETVs obtained at nearby consulates, interspersed with the occasional Visa Exempt entry. I made a post back here with my summary of how that works:

The primary trouble arises from the mistaken belief that anyone under the "magic age of 50" absolutely must be working illegally in Thailand - stealing jobs from the locals. This idea has been inculcated in the minds of Thai consulate personnel and immigration officials everywhere. Be prepared to concisely explain where your income is derived, and how this is a much higher income than any 'job' available to you in Thailand. But, somehow, try not to sound arrogant / rude / pompus, at the same time.

There is also be perception that "poor foreigners" were somehow sneaking into Thailand and spending their small-money into the hands of street-vendor's eateries, small-time landlords, and the like (the "wrong" beneficiaries). "Tightening" of visa-conditions has encouraged most of them to spend that money elsewhere. To defend against the perception of being one of these "low-life" foreigners who is unwelcome, be sure to have 20K baht in cash and/or Travelers Checks when entering the country. Dressing nicely won't hurt, either.

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Thanks for the info and link

I'm currently on a tripple entry tourist that will take me up to June 16, I wanted to know my options, and the balance is in favour of some travel around the area for a few months each year and using Tahiland as a home base as it were.

I remember an article in the Bangkok news which mention a single entry visa for up to 6 months on arrival for G7 passport holder for £100 or so- but I guess that would really encourage the "undesirable types" and never materialised.

Is there going to be elections soon? who knows what that might change.

I think a couple of years of SETV + extension and if needed a Visa on arrival will not be much hardship especially if I travel to other places as well.

If going that route - out of the country for months each year, you will have an easier time in general.

There is a visa called the METV (multi-entry tourist visa) which sounds like what you were originally describing, and has a 6 month validity. Note that the double and triple entry visa are no longer available, having been replaced by this option. The compromise to keep out the "undesireable" types, was to include additional restrictions to qualify, including applying in one's home-country. See here for London:


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The primary trouble arises from the mistaken belief that anyone under the "magic age of 50" absolutely must be working illegally in Thailand - stealing jobs from the locals. This idea has been inculcated in the minds of Thai consulate personnel and immigration officials everywhere.

They are not really wrong. When I last year needed to find some workers to make some small renovations in my condo (wall partition wood work & paint) 2 of the 3 "farang companies" I called in Pattaya were in fact a unique farang unofficially (illegally) working "with support" of a legal Thai company...

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I was weighing up the annual costs of a education visa Inc school fees vrs 4 trips to KL or Laos and the 1900 extension costs.

I've left the UK and plan on traveling around but probably use Thailand as a base for 8 or more months a year.

Sent from my Be Touch 2 using Tapatalk

An ED visa cannot be obtained without paperwork supplied by a school you have sighned up with.

The visa will only permit a 90 day stay after which "extensions of stay" must be applied for at immigration. Extensions again require paperwork from the school and attendance at classes (usually 4 days/week) is a requirement. Each extension is for a MAX of 90 days and maybe less.

... if the ED is for language..

Plenty of other ED based courses.. Currently military police are selling 1 year EDs based on self defense.. Total red carpet treatment, no queues, and immigration kowtowing to the military handlers. 33k a year.

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