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Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand


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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?

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So...the "intelligence" of the RTP (there is a contradiction in terms, if I have ever seen one) says, a terrorist attack might actually hit strongly populated areas with big numbers of people!

Who would've thunk!?

Its just somebody's idea to decrease competition in Pattaya

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

And the Bali bombing in 2002?

Gimme a break ........ nothing for ISIS here, when there are so many better targets in the West.

There was apparently nothing in Bali for Jemaah Islamiyah, (another) violent Islamist group either.

Tell that to the relatives and friends of the 202 killed on that particular 'why bother?' event.

Much more recently, there was absolutely nothing to concern the concert goers at the Bataclan in Paris either.

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Not convinced by anything in this at all really. Maybe a cunning plan to extend power of government, a false flag, create problem out of thin air, cause outrage and then offer your solution to the problem you just created. Maybe I am bit cynical as I get older, but after 50 odd years we have been lied to and fed so much BS that I never believe any government pretty much anywhere, they are all out for themselves. I still don't believe a word of the outcome of the Erawan Shrine bombing, it smells of fish!

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

It's not Thailand they care about, at busy times in high season, Khaosan Road and Walking Street are full of Brits, other Europeans, and Americans all bunched together.

A perfect target for suicide bombers and shooters.

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

The fact is that Islamists kill hundreds in Thailand EVERY year and that's without these ISIL animals. I understand that the RTP are saying that the bombs in Bangkok were the work of Chinese Muslims but again the fact is that ANY Muslim is capable

of any one of these atrocities.

Open your eyes and look around the world there are far too many places off limits. OK Mexico has drug dealers but the rest of the world is dangerous because of Islam. You may say the Islamists are few in number but 1% is 15 million, all desparate

to visit Allah.

When is Islam going to say that Islamists will never reach "heaven" and will spend eternity in hell. If they are justified by the Qur-an in killing anyone not of their faith and treating women like cattle then we are getting close to all out conflict.

AND ISIL will kill and maim anywhere in the world. The EU are in the process of letting thousands into Europe, there WILL be a few more Paris style attacks before they wake up.

Have no fear. Canada's being made a safe haven for Syrians, but only the ones that have refugee status

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Anyone can do anything, and the easiest is to link anything to this ISIS...

how so easy to count anything on these little vagabond idiot dogs, but how doffocult to identidy the real culprits.. ??

Yeah.. a hypocrite world, no one knows the truth, just to believe the propaganda of the media machines,

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Lets put this in perspective. There's more chance of being killed on the roads in Thailand, in an average day, than by terrorists. Therefore in theory "Walking" Street should be the safest place.

spot on there mate I was telling my sister that the other day 10000 people die from pollution every year in London but she is scared of isis
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Huh? What? Wait... were we just not told that there is NO IS threat in Thailand?

Oh well, no worries, as I avoid both Walking Street and Khao San Road like the plague.

My guess is that places like Patong, Nana and Soi Cowlboy will also be prime targets.

You really think killing sex tourists will garner much sympathy in the view of the wider world?

I agree that Patpong, Nana and Cowboy probably won't feature on their plans but WS and Khaosan with their large and diverse mix of foreign tourists would be much more significant. The violent deaths of Chinese in tour groups as they walk through WS and the deaths of Russians families out dining with their kids would make huge headlines. The death of any ageing bar stool Lothario would only be collateral damage in this regard.

There's was no real good reason for me to go to WS before and there's even less now.

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Not convinced by anything in this at all really. Maybe a cunning plan to extend power of government, a false flag, create problem out of thin air, cause outrage and then offer your solution to the problem you just created. Maybe I am bit cynical as I get older, but after 50 odd years we have been lied to and fed so much BS that I never believe any government pretty much anywhere, they are all out for themselves. I still don't believe a word of the outcome of the Erawan Shrine bombing, it smells of fish!

I didn't know there was an outcome of the Erawan shrine bombing, other than that the cops handed some money to themselves.

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It could be a genuine threat since Russia was a target in Egypt and there are a lot of Russians here as well as Europeans. Walking street have some gogo bars with russian girls that are popular with Russians and Europeans as well as other clubs. Daytime you have a lot of Russians passing to go and take the ferries to the island and it's a lot of Russians using the beaches on the island.

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

Perhaps it is not thais they are interested in....just the tightly packed flocks of foreign tourists that you see on walking street and khaosan road. What makes it attractive..is the ease of entering, doing the ops, and leaving. Plenty friends down south (to run to)...and I bet weapons are readily available there...as well.

I would bargain more than just a pinch of salt.

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I'm taking this one with a pinch of salt. I find it hard to believe that ISIS gives half a toss about Thailand.

Perhaps it is not thais they are interested in....just the tightly packed flocks of foreign tourists that you see on walking street and khaosan road. What makes it attractive..is the ease of entering, doing the ops, and leaving. Plenty friends down south (to run to)...and I bet weapons are readily available there...as well.

I would bargain more than just a pinch of salt.

It happened in bali but don't worry about it

Party on

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Edited by juice777
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"I was telling my sister that the other day 10000 people die from pollution every year in London"

Then there is no problem...send them to England, nobody will miss them. I love 'British logic'.

God save the Queen.

It's true my friend the media love a story like this bombs shooting, pollution don't sell newspapers, but fear of a James bond type terror attack dose

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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ISIS may get the headlines, but scooters, mosquitoes and falls in the bathroom rack up the body count.

Life will go on for me without change. A little more vigilant of my surroundings, but it's probably folly to believe I would detect anything before it's too late.

Otherwise, they've already won.

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I don't believe it! Regardless of real or forged it is the responsibility of the Police to protect the public . Don't talk about the leaked report as real or not Increase presence on Walking Street and Koasan Road.

Start checking dumpsters and backpacks left leaning against the wall. Remember the last time A backpack left at a bench.

Do your job just don't criticize the authenticity of a report

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ISIS doesn't care as much about obvious targets. They care about maximizing deaths. Period. Everyone already knew for many years now after Bali that Walking Street would be a tasty target for any flavor of Islamist terrorists. Things have changed. They are willing to strike anywhere, even ridiculous targets like bars, rock concerts, Christmas parties ... you name it. So sure guard Walking Street and guard it well enough and they'll just hit elsewhere. Their other new pattern is MULTIPLE targets. It's clear that that was the plan in California.

Also keep in mind with encrypted communication apps, the old way of detecting "chatter" is pretty much gone. They can and do SURPRISE now.

Sorry, I don't have any good news.

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