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Walking Street & Khaosan Road believed to be targets of ISIS in Thailand


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It is too easy to distance yourself form this BS, simply stay away from the shoddiest places in Thailand aka Pattaya Phuket and the seedy parts of Bangkok, problem solved.

What about a Tunisia style beach attack?

They would need to come from somewhere maybe the sea, and the seas are heavily guarded here, well especially where I live in HH because of the Kings palace. But yeah that could happen I guess. I am not much of a beach goer myself, only on an evening where I love to sit and drink / talk with Thais. I dunno, it depends on your life style, I stay away from tourist traps and seedy areas as that is just not me. ISIS are a bunch of ignorant, delusional, insane pussies and they want to cause fear, and that is what they are doing to most of you guys. Live your lives and just be aware of where you are going and what you are doing.

Edited by monk213
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Well, like I need another reason why I will not go to Walking Street in the near or distant future...?

Always the shi*t hole of a spot in the first place....lol.?

In 6 years of being here I have not stepped foot in Pattaya a single time, no reason to. I know what I need to know about the place and it sounds like the skid mark of Thailand. Good luck sex-pats, start wearing body armour

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It is too easy to distance yourself form this BS, simply stay away from the shoddiest places in Thailand aka Pattaya Phuket and the seedy parts of Bangkok, problem solved.

Really? How will that solve the problem of terrorist scum carrying out an atrocity?

Edited by Bluespunk
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It is too easy to distance yourself form this BS, simply stay away from the shoddiest places in Thailand aka Pattaya Phuket and the seedy parts of Bangkok, problem solved.

Really? How will that solve the problem of terrorist scum carrying out an atrocity?

That problem is very difficult to solve, especially if they want to target this country. What I am saying is, for your own personal well being it is pretty simple to stay safe and not let them captivate you with fear.

American (yes who did create ISIS) spent more than one year 'bombing' and 'attacking' ISIS, yet the Russians basically cleaned out around 40% of them in Syria in less than a week. I wonder why...

Edited by monk213
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"If the men get 47 virgins,what do the women get for blowing themselves up?"

No more housework, while the men sit around smoking sheesh in a hooka all day, drinking sweet tea jibber jabbing about "Infidels this" and "Infidels that"?

BTW, the latest news is that the San Bernadino California workplace grievance/terror attack was the wife lived in SA for years and radicalized him--he was a native born American who was well educated and had a good job, 555


Edited by SiSePuede419
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Walking Street is almost dead during the day. At night they should ban all traffic….ALL….even after 2am…..no exceptions…no tuktuks, shady pickups with tinted windows.

It would be so easy to smuggle a bomb in there when the enter city is snoozing in the morning and early afternoons.

Just set it up outside a bar under a mound of bricks, made to look like construction work….and that's it.

What scares me the most is the ineptness of the thai cops….theyre just lazy barstewards, the lot.

There mai pen rai attitude will be a liability in a situation like this.

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the Russians basically cleaned out around 40% of them in Syria in less than a week. I wonder why...

Really? where did you obtain this info

Look on non mainstream media and do you research, shift through the crud and you will see what really has been going down. Of course the US wants ISIS around, they keep the cheap oil flow and the distractions that are needed to do other things. I am not saying Putin is a better man as they both subscribe to do acts of pure evil, but if the US wanted to they could obliterate ISIS within a month easily

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If the men get 47 virgins,what do the women get for blowing themselves up?

Maybe the end is nigh?

A suicide bomber died and went to Paradise, as foretold.

When he arrived there he said to Allah that he was ready to claim his 72 virgins, as promised. Out of curiosity he asked Allah why there were so many virgins in heaven.

Allah regarded him for a moment, then replied, "Actually, the 72 virgins are here in heaven because people like you murdered them before they could experience the pleasure of sex.

So you're here to service them.

Since they're virgins, they're quite sexually ravenous and, frankly, you'll be on constant, exhausting duty.

I shall banish you from Paradise should you fail!"

The bomber responded, "Well, I guess I can live with that. How hard can it be to keep 72 women satisfied for all eternity?"

Allah replied, "Who told you they were women?

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So they have warning of a threat to the main tourist areas in Thailand. This surely will spark travel advisories.

I guess it will be quiet for Xmas.

Yeah, target the sexpats and the backpackers--that pretty much identifies Thai tourism

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If the men get 47 virgins,what do the women get for blowing themselves up?

47 feminist men to serve them day and night.

You don't really understand feminism, do you?

Hell no. I've resisted successfully.

SoiBiker, please explain. Are you saying a feminist man could not please a woman?

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