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FBI investigating San Bernardino shooting as “act of terrorism”


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Yes and the FBI is now looking at Terrorist Organizations like ISIS and Al'Quaida using arranged marriages to get their operatives to the west. Certainly seems so in this case.

Fiancee visas to the U.S. doubled in 2014 from the previous year to about 44,000.

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Looks like the MSM are intent on blaming the murders on one of the victims for 'provoking' the murderer. The sheer delusion and dishonesty leaves you open mouthed. The U.S attorney general has also promised legal action against anyone upsetting Muslims.


I can't agree. They're only covering things that the talking heads say. And if you watched CNN you'll recall that from almost the very beginning, their former CIA operative/now security correspondent said upfront that it was a terrorist attack and that people should stop wasting time talking about excuses and side issues. But the 24-news cycle means the news channels have to let everybody yap all day and night nonstop. Remember the Pope's visit? It was 240 hours straight of Pope, taking only 15 seconds out to mention the stampeding death of 1500 Hajis, then straight back to the Pope again.

Edited by Dustdevil
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If and when the FBI will link this massacre to a terrorist act that will not bode well for Obama who still

refuses to acknowledge that radical Islam is a imminent and present danger everywhere around

the world, and that he still want to defeat IS and the rest of those vermin by tacking climate change...

A pride of hungry lions will lose every battle if it led by a sheep.....

So far Obama has not been able to influence the FBI like he does the State Department and hopefully it will stay that way. The FBI will call it what it is, terrorism.

A lot of people here should learn to play chess--it might sharpen your ability to see consequences several moves down the road. Right now the U.S. has a relatively well-integrated Muslim society. What do you think will happen if he starts yammering about evil Muslims like the half-witted Republican candidates do? As President, and head of state of the United States, he will have alienated the entire US Muslim community. And what do you think the consequences of that will be? I don't like that disgusting cult religion any more than anyone else here does--I worked in the Gulf ME for 19 years. But it's easy to criticize in your armchair what must be one of the world's most difficult managerial jobs. Put another way, presidents can't just say anything they want, sometimes especially not what they feel.

Edited by Dustdevil
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stevenl, on 05 Dec 2015 - 11:16, said:

nontabury, on 05 Dec 2015 - 09:22, said:

Prove your point.

Ezzra makes the claims here so should prove his point, not the other way round.

Already in the press.


There is never a good time for a commander-in-chief to learn of a terrorist attack on the homeland, but confirmation that the FBI is investigating the mass shooting in San Bernardino as an act of terrorism and growing suspicion that at least one of the killers may have links to the Islamic State could hardly have come at a worse time politically for Barack Obama.


And now look at the original claims and my reaction, and you'll see that your quote has nothing to do with this.
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Once again, the shock horror of mass killings in US, with empty words of President, members & Senators of Congress, yet, nothing changes!! Nothing!!

Why??..... Suspect the Gun Lobby & Weapons manufacturers influence is greater than pressure to change laws!!

Ponder, male Jihadists are promised 72 virgins when die..... what do female jihadists get???

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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

I like the image, lightens the removal up a bit.

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This happened in California.

The fact remains that California has already adopted President Obama’s gun control wish list:

"universal" background checks, registration, waiting periods, gun bans, magazine bans and an expansion of prohibited gun categories.

None of these additional gun control laws stopped these Islamic radicals and the addition of more gun control laws will not stop the next Islamic radical.

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I must have missed some news updates. When I first heard of the police encountering the suspects they said there were three men, one rolled out of the truck and was arrested and the other two were killed.

Now it's a man and a woman, and no mention of the third suspect. Did that turn out to be a hostage, or inaccurate reporting? It seemed to take a long time before they discovered one of the dead suspects was a woman before that news came out. What did I miss?

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Entirely predictable. What has not yet been realized by the MSM and governments is this little(but oh so important) nugget of info. 40% of UK muslims want Sharia law. Taking away homosexuals(who probably don't want to be thrown off tall buildings), and women(who don't want to be enslaved, raped and then stoned for having been raped), well it leaves about 100% of UK muslim males wanting an overthrow of democracy and introduction of Sharia ie amputations and stonings. This is the crux of the problem. Recognize the problem for what it is, and then deal with it. The San Bernardino terrorists were essentially good muslims acting for the benefit of their brothers. Wake up PC brigade.

Guess you are not aware that Sharia law is much more than beheading and throwing stones.

And what ever it is, it is not the law of the US or any European countries. Any Muslim wishing to live under Sharia law is free to move to a Muslim country. They are not free to try and illegally impose it on their new host countries as some UK Muslims try.

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This happened in California.

The fact remains that California has already adopted President Obama’s gun control wish list:

"universal" background checks, registration, waiting periods, gun bans, magazine bans and an expansion of prohibited gun categories.

None of these additional gun control laws stopped these Islamic radicals and the addition of more gun control laws will not stop the next Islamic radical.

Wish the clowns at the EU Parliament would understand that.

No matter how many Paris like massacres happen in EU, the answer will always be to tighten gun control laws and disarm a public who might one day tire of being treated with PC contempt.

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