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Pakistani lawyer asks Elizabeth II to return Koh-i-Noor diamond


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Pakistani lawyer asks Elizabeth II to return Koh-i-Noor diamond


A lawyer in Pakistan says he’s filed a court petition seeking the return of the Koh-i-Noor diamond from Britain.

Jawaid Iqbal Jaffree named the UK’s Queen Elizabeth II as a respondent in the petition, which was filed in the eastern city of Lahore.

Over the years, India has also made several requests for the stone to be handed back.

The country was forced to hand over the diamond in colonial times. Then the largest known diamond in the world, the 105-carat rock was presented to Queen Victoria in 1850.

It is set in a crown last worn by the late Queen Mother, during Elizabeth II’s coronation and is now on display in the Tower of London.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2015-12-05

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Poor Liz, I was just watching an incredible LiveLeak video in which a young "British" gentleman, on the streets of London, was explaining Elizabeth has 2 choices, convert to Islam or leave the country. If push comes to shove she should return the rock to India just to laugh at the Pakistani's reaction.

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The British empire was nothing but a looting spree. Queen Victoria even had a dog called "Looty" as she was getting so many spoils of robbery. The reason why the sun never set on the empire was that God didn't trust the English in the dark!!

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Give the lot back,and the imegrant a too.

Thirty were deported from Europe the other day and sent back to Pakistan, the authorities would not let them off the plane.

Give them the diamond with a few thousand economic migrants thrown in as a job lot and I would say DEAL.

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The British empire was nothing but a looting spree. Queen Victoria even had a dog called "Looty" as she was getting so many spoils of robbery. The reason why the sun never set on the empire was that God didn't trust the English in the dark!!

Along with every other Nation,France ,Spain you name them, typical lefty reply.Corbin Style.Im not a Brit but very pro Brit.Just sad they are getting watered down,and doing FA about it
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The diamond has already been given and shared between India and Pakistan.......in London!

All we need to do now is display it more where they can all get a glimpse of it, how about Bradford, Halifax, Birmingham, Rochdale, Rotherham,.....!!

It's a nonsense!

Edited by Scouse123
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Ahhh, Pakistan, the bastion of morals and integrities, a country where human right are cherished and preserved

to the highest degree of ethical standards.... NOT...

Pakistan, the last country on earth that should as anything from anybody, stop chasing diamonds and

start preserving the lives of your Christians minorities that have been persecuted and pogrommed for years...

Edited by ezzra
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"We raise Our middle finger in your general direction, sir!"

Pretty much sums up what Britain and other European countries did all along during their glorious colonial period in Africa and Asia.

I'm sure during colonial times the Indians would have gladly given up the diamond if they could have been rid of all the Brits.

Edited by seedy
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So is it Pakistan or India? The Brits should just let the two argue their merits. They'll never agree.

It was expropriated in Lahore which, at the time, would have been part of India, but is now in Pakistan.

In 1849, after the conquest of the Punjab by the British forces, the properties of the Sikh Empire were confiscated.

The Koh-i-noor was transferred to the treasury of the British East India Company in Lahore.


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I don't believe there was a country called Pakistan at the time the diamond was given to Victoria. It was still India. The Queen should tell the Pakistanis that she will return it to India. That should stir the pot a little.

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The British empire was nothing but a looting spree. Queen Victoria even had a dog called "Looty" as she was getting so many spoils of robbery. The reason why the sun never set on the empire was that God didn't trust the English in the dark!!

Along with every other Nation,France ,Spain you name them, typical lefty reply.Corbin Style.Im not a Brit but very pro Brit.Just sad they are getting watered down,and doing FA about it

Dont forget Portugal.

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The British empire was nothing but a looting spree. Queen Victoria even had a dog called "Looty" as she was getting so many spoils of robbery. The reason why the sun never set on the empire was that God didn't trust the English in the dark!!

Along with every other Nation,France ,Spain you name them, typical lefty reply.Corbin Style.Im not a Brit but very pro Brit.Just sad they are getting watered down,and doing FA about it

There's nothing lefty about it, but I know these days some people just can't help themselves and feel the need to politicise everything they write or talk about. What he said is quite accurate, and as this post is about the british, what obliges him to mention all those other countries?

It is common knowledge you know.

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The British empire was nothing but a looting spree. Queen Victoria even had a dog called "Looty" as she was getting so many spoils of robbery. The reason why the sun never set on the empire was that God didn't trust the English in the dark!!

Along with every other Nation,France ,Spain you name them, typical lefty reply.Corbin Style.Im not a Brit but very pro Brit.Just sad they are getting watered down,and doing FA about it

Dont forget Portugal.
. No we kept our Jungle place in South America.But we don't do handouts,hence Lisbon ain't full of Natives.[emoji56]
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"We raise Our middle finger in your general direction, sir!"

Pretty much sums up what Britain and other European countries did all along during their glorious colonial period in Africa and Asia.

I'm sure during colonial times the Indians would have gladly given up the diamond if they could have been rid of all the Brits.

And what about Attila the Hun and Ataturk and, and, the list in history goes on and on. Wake up and stop being so insular.angry.png

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The British empire was nothing but a looting spree. Queen Victoria even had a dog called "Looty" as she was getting so many spoils of robbery. The reason why the sun never set on the empire was that God didn't trust the English in the dark!!

Yeah right - it was the British Empire but only the English?

Guess where most of the mercenary and low life's who made up the East India Company's militia came from?

Clue - many Anglo-Indians who trace their descent have very Celtic sounding names.

Still, no doubt all the PC White Colonial apologists will all applaud this prat.

Perhaps Britain, France and Germany should sue the Italians for all that the Romans nicked from them? And of course the Native Americans should sue for their lands and possessions taken by the American and Canadian Johnny come lately's.

Britain should cut the aid to terrorist Pakistan and kick out all those immigrants that are or were illegal, in dubious marriages of convenience or break the law, including trying to oppose their own laws.

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"We raise Our middle finger in your general direction, sir!"

Pretty much sums up what Britain and other European countries did all along during their glorious colonial period in Africa and Asia.

I'm sure during colonial times the Indians would have gladly given up the diamond if they could have been rid of all the Brits.

Your sure - what based on your own bigotry and PC ?

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So is it Pakistan or India? The Brits should just let the two argue their merits. They'll never agree.

It was expropriated in Lahore which, at the time, would have been part of India, but is now in Pakistan.

In 1849, after the conquest of the Punjab by the British forces, the properties of the Sikh Empire were confiscated.

The Koh-i-noor was transferred to the treasury of the British East India Company in Lahore.


And where did the Sikh's in the Punjab get it from? It was mined in Tamil Nadu in the South. Can they produce a bill of sale?

It was never ever the property of Pakistan. But, as a Muslim terrorist supporting nation, that actively persecutes non Muslims and is constantly trying to cause trouble with India, that won't stop them.

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