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What to Do When Meeting Cobra

Sawan Chan 7

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snakes are deaf, it's not your noise which make them slither away, it's the vibrations of your steps on the ground

Yes, I realise that. Perhaps I should have used a better choice of words in my post.

I don't have any dogs here, so no problems. Only Chinese hotel guests, and they are 10 a penny coffee1.gif

surely 10 a Yuan Simon

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Ignore it and it will ignore you.

Have you ever had a snake that can kill in your garden? Easier said than done.

I have had a few contacts with Cobras, The closest one was when i squatted down to talk to my friends 3 year old daughter, It was that close i could smell its breath, i saw it out the corner of my eye, i did not give it a full on face to face look as Cobras can spit with the accuracy of an exocet. always in your eyes, I just stood, its neck went down and it just slithered away, it went that quick it was like an eel swimming through water, cobras can bite and not inject venom , Many people think they have been bitten by cobras and not get any adverse affect., Thais think they are immune after that, But in fact all the cobra did was bang its head to frighten whatever is in its way, human or animal. I have lived in the Jungles of South Thailand and seen a lot of snakes, golden rule , treat all snakes as poisonous, leave alone and they will leave you alone, If you're in the garden stamp your feet, that will let the snakes know you are there and 9 times out of 10 they will go away from you, If you're getting plagued with them you have a rodent problem , the snakes are coming to look for dinner, there are some plants that snakes dont like , i forget the names but monasteries use them, You should always check your boots before putting them on too

Edited by Thongkorn
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Ignore it and it will ignore you.

Have you ever had a snake that can kill in your garden? Easier said than done.

Yes. Up to and including a 5 METER python (which did have to be picked up and transported by a nice German herpetologist and transported to a far less populated area, for it's own safety). The only time I'd had er, cause for concern was when a Thai guy spotted one and hit it with a stick. That really pissed it off and it charged. Scary stuff, but if he'd left it alone it would have simply been on it's way. Which is what I do. The number of ignorant farang who come here, a tropical country, and aren't aware they are the trespassers and then try to play Tarzan piss me off. Leave it alone! It was here long before you hit the inbound flight/banana boat.

It's easy enough to just say ignore it.

When your pet dogs bail it up, it's a different matter though.

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dog grabbed one on friday and it started to get agro so I wacked it with a long stick and tossed it over the fence, will not have snakes(poisonous ones) around the house with kids and family, I normally ignore them when out and about but the house is a different matter, kids can be a bit too curious.

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In any encounter with snakes, a good defensive measure (if you happen to have the material close by in the home or in the car) is to spray it liberally with an anti-flying-insect aerosol spray. This may kill it, but it should certainly make the snake uncomfortable enough that it goes away. Almost all commercially available mosquito/fly sprays are based on an active ingredfient that is called pyrethrin, either natural (from the Chrysthanthemum flower) or synthesised in which case it is called pyrethroid, and this is lethal/irritating (depending on the dosage and concentration) to all cold-blooded things (reptiles, fish etc), while being relatively harmless to warm blooded mammals including humans. Look at the list of active ingredients shown on any spray can that you have. You will probably see one or two main ingredients with names ending in '...ethrin', '...ithrin', or '...othrin'. These are synthetic pyrethroids and have the necessary effect. I used to work in the insecticides industry and this side-benefit of aerosol insecticides is not widely known.

So if there's a can of mosquito/fly spray at hand, its a good first thing to try, while allowing you to keep a distance from the danger.

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Having had a number of kind cobras in our yard the past few months; I definitely now how you feel :) The largest one was a good four meters long and was pretty terrifying. Chasing it off is all good, however you should definitely look into why you have snakes in your yard in the first place. After running into cobras several times, we decided to get serious about keeping our yard as clean as possible, cut weeds, keep the lawn short, get rid of fallen leaves, etc. We also put mesh wiring at many locations in our drains, making sure rats and snakes can't move through 'em. It's been about two months and we haven't seen any since... fingers crossed :)

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Just leave it alone and it will go away - they are not aggressive snakes if not cornered.

I see many cobra snakes on my land; as long as I make a noise whilst walking in the grass, they slither away quickly and I won't accidentally disturb one.

That makes no sense, since snakes are deaf.

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Just leave it alone and it will go away - they are not aggressive snakes if not cornered.

I see many cobra snakes on my land; as long as I make a noise whilst walking in the grass, they slither away quickly and I won't accidentally disturb one.

That makes no sense, since snakes are deaf.

They feel the vibrations from the ground,

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American BB pistol.....killed quite a few.....still have enough ammo left for many more. cant buy bb's here.

Have looked all around CM and Bk and cannot find the old standard copper .177 in. BB's anywhere. Illegal to import to LOS??

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Ignore it and it will ignore you.

Have you ever had a snake that can kill in your garden? Easier said than done.

Of course you need to do something, if you have kids it could kill one!

You have to get rid of it.

My neighbour called the Sawang Boroboon, (sp?) they caught it and took it away.

I don't think it is sensible to try yourself, leave it to someone with the skill and tools.

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The worst thing you can do is try and catch a Cobra. That is how many people get bit in the first place. Best to back up and walk away slowly. He is supposed to be more afraid of you then you are of him, but I am not so sure about that.

I once threw some rocks at a Cobra in Africa, to try and get him to move. He moved alright, but right towards me. It was then I discover that this Bastard could slither as fast as I could run. If it was a Black Mamba he would have caught me, so don't think because he is a snake he is slow.

Generally Snakes bite below the knees and why someone invented Cowboy Boots. So when in a garden it is best you wear high rubber boots just in case he sees you before you see him. A snake is usually sleeping or looking for food. They will follow a rodent into your garden if he goes there. The last thing they want to se there is you.

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Just leave it alone and it will go away - they are not aggressive snakes if not cornered.

I see many cobra snakes on my land; as long as I make a noise whilst walking in the grass, they slither away quickly and I won't accidentally disturb one.

That makes no sense, since snakes are deaf.

Snakes do not have ears but detect sounds through vibrations in the the jaw.

Edited by jacko45k
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American BB pistol.....killed quite a few.....still have enough ammo left for many more. cant buy bb's here.

Have looked all around CM and Bk and cannot find the old standard copper .177 in. BB's anywhere. Illegal to import to LOS??

Might want to try the basement floor of Fortune Town, corner of Ratchada & Rama IX (BKK).

There's a small hobby shop that sell pellet/BB guns. Might be a long shot, but may have what you're looking for.

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American BB pistol.....killed quite a few.....still have enough ammo left for many more. cant buy bb's here.

Have looked all around CM and Bk and cannot find the old standard copper .177 in. BB's anywhere. Illegal to import to LOS??

Might want to try the basement floor of Fortune Town, corner of Ratchada & Rama IX (BKK).

There's a small hobby shop that sell pellet/BB guns. Might be a long shot, but may have what you're looking for.

When it comes to trying to hit a snake with a BB, a long shot is probably the best.........................thumbsup.gif

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As others have said, leave it be and it will go on its own eventually. But if you have kids, or dogs, or cats, or any combination of the above.... Noose it, bag it, drive it far away, release. Here is a Monocled Cobra from my garden in Chonburi, Province. The catch-pole is easy to make and easy to use. This one was made for me by the local snake guy after he and I had removed a few pythons together. I think he got tired of coming around my place. Since then I have caught and removed a couple cobras, a few pythons (including one that ate a kitten we had taken in), and some random and harmless species such as rat snakes and racers because their presence bothered my wife. the harmless species i just take down the street. The pythons and cobras go to large forested areas and wetlands.


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As others have said, leave it be and it will go on its own eventually. But if you have kids, or dogs, or cats, or any combination of the above.... Noose it, bag it, drive it far away, release. Here is a Monocled Cobra from my garden in Chonburi, Province. The catch-pole is easy to make and easy to use. This one was made for me by the local snake guy after he and I had removed a few pythons together. I think he got tired of coming around my place. Since then I have caught and removed a couple cobras, a few pythons (including one that ate a kitten we had taken in), and some random and harmless species such as rat snakes and racers because their presence bothered my wife. the harmless species i just take down the street. The pythons and cobras go to large forested areas and wetlands.


If I found one in my yard I would just quietly back away and move house.

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Call City Hall they will send someone out quick to catch it Bag it and take it to a safe palace and release it, best for snake and you, people that kill them are stupid, not necessary just don't go near it and keep a eye on it. done that a few time now. it is a good service.

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