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Activist and royalist monk demands apology from US ambassador


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Thais are thin skinned at the best of times, there's a genuine love of the monarchy although some do take it to extremes and the mad monk seems to waken each day thinking how he can get his name into the media.

Is it a coincidence that this week is a celebration of the King's birthday so what better time to show what a loyal Thai you are and attack the US Ambassador ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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He is unworthy to wear the saffron robe being an ultra-nationalist xenophobe. He gives all monks a bad name with the bitter bile that he produces for the gratification of the sheep that follow him and bleat, bleat in agreement whenever he declare Thais are 'God's gift to the World'

He is full of pride, deceit and arrogance. We can only hope that karma's swift sword brings it's reckoning sooner rather than later but we have no control over that. Sa tuu.

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Amazing that one of the leaders of the PDRC rallies is allowed to so openly be involved in poltical issues when eveeypne else is banned.

Also that for someone so supposedly demanding of reforms and non corruption he has not found the time to mention the Park scandal.....

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Unfortunately the ignorant idiots have not the sense to recognize that attacking the misuse of the lese majeste law has nothing whatsoever to do with any slight on the royals. They just twist the agenda to suit their own and bring along with them the equally ignorant fools that follow them.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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A pity the venerable abbot, in common with every other mouthpiece for the LM cause, is patently unable to vocalise any logical reason as to why the ambassador should apologise for his eminently valid comments.

Thats because they have NO logic, point in case drove down to Hua Hin last night 2 am empty road ,pick up in front in the outside lane, I came up behind flashed lights to say keep left so i can pass...........nope just sits there, then does the stupid Im turning right signal thing and drove straight past the U Turn right turn, so I undertake and pull in front slowing him down.............oh yeah then I get the flashing lights and the get outta my way scenario from him.

They understand nothing theyre as thick and selfish as can be and its not the odd one either, thats the real problem before all the " this happens in every country mob pile in" Theres way too many selfish dicks like this here.

Edited by kannot
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However he urged that all protests must be held peacefully and within the boundary of laws.

Should be no problem for anyone.. But I think protests of no more than 5 people will be hard to organize and maintain. It is the law right no more than 5 people in a gathering?

That law only applies to people who have any opposite views of the current govdictauth regime.
that law has been used for the wrong purpose by EVERY government!
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However he urged that all protests must be held peacefully and within the boundary of laws.

Should be no problem for anyone.. But I think protests of no more than 5 people will be hard to organize and maintain. It is the law right no more than 5 people in a gathering?

That law only applies to people who have any opposite views of the current govdictauth regime.
that law has been used for the wrong purpose by EVERY government!

The previous governments never had a law which states that no more than 5 people can gather to discuss politics. Jesus christ man were you sleeping during 2010 and 2013/14. But as usual you and your delusional cohorts see things in a very different light.

Go back to sleep.

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However he urged that all protests must be held peacefully and within the boundary of laws.

Should be no problem for anyone.. But I think protests of no more than 5 people will be hard to organize and maintain. It is the law right no more than 5 people in a gathering?

That law only applies to people who have any opposite views of the current govdictauth regime.
that law has been used for the wrong purpose by EVERY government!
The previous governments never had a law which states that no more than 5 people can gather to discuss politics. Jesus christ man were you sleeping during 2010 and 2013/14. But as usual you and your delusional cohorts see things in a very different light.

Go back to sleep.

I was talking about the OP Lese Majest law.

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Tell me where in myself or lovelimsak posts is there any mention of the Lese Majeste law oh wise one.

so on this thread about Lese Majeste you weren't actually talking about that ... Oh I'm sorry!

The tread may be about a so called lame excuse case for Lese Majeste but that negates that fact that you responded to comments about more than 5 people protesting which is what the poster was discussing and not in any way mentioning or commenting on Lese Majeste. Two completely different laws.

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Tell me where in myself or lovelimsak posts is there any mention of the Lese Majeste law oh wise one.

so on this thread about Lese Majeste you weren't actually talking about that ... Oh I'm sorry!
The tread may be about a so called lame excuse case for Lese Majeste but that negates that fact that you responded to comments about more than 5 people protesting which is what the poster was discussing and not in any way mentioning or commenting on Lese Majeste. Two completely different laws.
I will tread on out of this thread as it's lame!
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America is a nation of meddlers and they almost always support evil. Kick the bastards out and let decent people live.

Ignore the loutish comment above but there's an interesting point on this subject to be made.

It's often assumed that the Thai establishment is comfortable with the Junta's swivel away from the US in favour of closer relationships with China.

This may well be a development with momentum in current circumstances, but it shouldn't be assumed the feeling among top brass (notorious for its class year and other rivalries) is unanimous at all.

For example Prem and his many followers are strong supporters of the traditional US relationship and suspicious of China.

Other factions including Prayuth and the Eastern Tigers take a broadly opposite position.

It's difficult to predict given the many variables (not least the pro-US position of most ASEAN countries) how the US - China issue as regards Thailand will work out.My guess is that in the long run Thailand will revert to its traditional approach of balancing the great powers

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The title of Monk ( like the current PM) is in name only.

Neither are by the nature of them occupy with mandate from the people .

And the monk serves simply a politic purpose to try and allude that religious followers must be loyal to the institutions.

Even if the current one only allows those on its side to protest.

And freedom of speech and democracy are considered dirty words.

The ambassador is doing a good job.

And the UK one should be also praised.

Will he do be requested for an apology .

Actually it was a demand in true style of current leaders.

The interesting thing is they the Thai government are the ones who should be doing the apologising given that they are not meant to permit protests and when they did it was to incite anti American feelings.

Maybe the western democracies should pack up and go and leave Tailand to the dogs of Asia to divide and conquer?

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Tell me where in myself or lovelimsak posts is there any mention of the Lese Majeste law oh wise one.

According to a newspaper it is forbidden to write about here cheesy.gif , the police of Lumpini Police Station, Bangkok, on Wednesday has confirmed that they have started an inquiry into a speech made by the US Ambassador at the the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) on 25 November 2015.

Hope it's not forbidden to let a Prachatai link : facepalm.gif


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they may charge him with LM! this is Amazing (I love it)

Were they to do so, it would be a breach of diplomatic immunity as well as amounting to a direct threat of violence against a foreign ambassador. Much more of this sort of thing and there is going to be a very, very strong reaction from Washington, perhaps including a ban on Thai exports of all kinds to the US as well as a freeze on the country's participation in any regional or global trade agencies. I hope this doesn't occur, because it would devastate Thailand for a decade or more. But the US can just about destroy the Thai economy in six hours if they want to do so.

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they may charge him with LM! this is Amazing (I love it)

Were they to do so, it would be a breach of diplomatic immunity as well as amounting to a direct threat of violence against a foreign ambassador. Much more of this sort of thing and there is going to be a very, very strong reaction from Washington, perhaps including a ban on Thai exports of all kinds to the US as well as a freeze on the country's participation in any regional or global trade agencies. I hope this doesn't occur, because it would devastate Thailand for a decade or more. But the US can just about destroy the Thai economy in six hours if they want to do so.

my 'i love it' was sarcastic not literal as they continually play into the hands of those they seek to manipulate and control (which is just about the whole nation - well at least the poorest 99%).

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