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(I've posted in this forum, as I'm not certain of where else to post this qustion.)

A long time ago someone on TV very kindly posted detailed info regarding how the 13 digit Thai ID system works. Very interesting it was too, I saved a copy.

What I'd like to know is the part of the number that identifies the area of initial registration. That's digits 2-5.

Digits 2 and 3 tell you the province and digits 4 and 5 the amphur.

Does anyone have a list showing the coding for provinces (and maybe subsequent amphurs)?

In my yellow house book, it shows digits 2 and 3 in my Thai ID (as a ferang) as 41 for Udon Thani.

When I was first enrolled into the Thai Social Security system years back and living somewhere else, the Thai ID I was allocated for that was completely different. Digits 2-5 are 0150, which out of curiosity I wonder where that is? Does it follow the post code (for digits 2 and 3) to some degree?


Maybe this helps a bit ?



In Thailand, the Population Identification Code has been issued by the Department of Provincial Administration of the Ministry of Interior since 1976. It consists of a 13-digit string in the format N-NNNN-NNNNN-NN-N, which is assigned at birth or upon receiving citizenship. The first digit signifies type of citizenship, the second to fifth the office where the number was issued, the sixth to twelfth are group and sequence numbers, and the last digit acts as a check digit.

Err, yes thanks, I think maybe you've missed the point here?

I've said that I'm aware of how it's made up. What I'd like to find is a list of the coding of each province and possibly amphur for digits 2-5.


Have a look at post 17 here, specifically geocoding:


Thanks very much for the link regarding understanding Thai addresses.

Post #17 had some good information as to how it was broken down. I followed about the eight digit geocode assigned the by authorities, and how the first four digits identify the province and amphur.used in the Thai ID card (which is what I said in my OP).

Either I'm missing something here, or didn't ask the question clearly. I wanted to know if there's a list somewhere identifying the those four digits for the provinces and amphurs.

There must be a list, but perhaps it isn't common knowledge?

In Post #17, the example shows Nong Khai as 43. Udon Thani is 41. It looks so far that it could be linked to the post codes - Udon starts 41 and Nong Khai starts 43 for example.

So back ot my OP, regarding 0150. I can't find a post code starting 01, so I'd guess that's a special allocation?

Post #17 also says "Search in the right place and you can find coordinates for most villages". I wonder how to find the right place to search. I may try PM to the poster.


I am trying to decode exactly what you are asking, and exactly why it matters. As I read your two posts, it seems that you are asking why the Thai ID numbers for your yellow tabien baan and your TSS are not the same. Is that the essential element of your question ?


I am trying to decode exactly what you are asking, and exactly why it matters. As I read your two posts, it seems that you are asking why the Thai ID numbers for your yellow tabien baan and your TSS are not the same. Is that the essential element of your question ?

Yes.... I know the origin of digits 2-5 my yellow tabien baan (4101). It's the 0150 in my TSS I'm interested in, so I suppose you could say, yes, why aren't the two the same.

But...I still would like to know if there's a list available showing the codes for the provinces, etc, in the Thai ID card system. I'm beginning to think I'm not asking this question clearly enough.At the moment I can't think how else to word it.

As a hypothetical example, if someone's ID card started 3-6514.... how could I find out where they where first registered in the system - which province and amphur?


Your theory that the Thai ID # is based on the postal code looks correct to me. A list of postal codes is available by searching online, and is normally posted on the wall inside post offices, if you can read Thai.


Your theory that the Thai ID # is based on the postal code looks correct to me. A list of postal codes is available by searching online, and is normally posted on the wall inside post offices, if you can read Thai.

I'm so glad someone is following my train of thought in all this!

Yes, I've seen the postal code list in Thai before. There's an easier option here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_codes_in_Thailand

However, the 01 part of the 0150 is still eluding me.


The tabien Baan numbers appear to be based on postal codes. The TSS numbers appear to be based on something else.There is no requirement that anyone have one as a prerequisite for getting the other, in either direction.

  • 2 weeks later...

Never saw 01 in Thai ID number but if it is 10, it is Bangkok.

See the list below.

กระบี่ Krabi 81
กรุงเทพมหานคร Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10 (Bangkok)
กาญจนบุรี Kanchanaburi 71
กาฬสินธุ์ Kalasin 46
กำแพงเพชร Kamphaeng Phet 62
ขอนแก่น Khon Kaen 40
จันทบุรี Chanthaburi 22
ฉะเชิงเทรา Chachoengsao 24
ชลบุรี Chon Buri 20
ชัยนาท Chai Nat 18
ชัยภูมิ Chaiyaphum 36
ชุมพร Chumphon 86
เชียงราย Chiang Rai 57
เชียงใหม่ Chiang Mai 50
ตรัง Trang 92
ตราด Trat 23
ตาก Tak 63
นครนายก Nakhon Nayok 26
นครปฐม Nakhon Pathom 73
นครพนม Nakhon Phanom 48
นครราชสีมา Nakhon Ratchasima 30
นครศรีธรรมราช Nakhon Si Thammarat 80
นครสวรรค์ Nakhon Sawan 60
นนทบุรี Nonthaburi 12
นราธิวาส Narathiwat 96
น่าน Nan 55
บุรีรัมย์ Buri Ram 31
ปทุมธานี Pathum Thani 13
ประจวบคีรีขันธ์ Prachuap Khiri Khan 77
ปราจีนบุรี Prachin Buri 25
ปัตตานี Pattani 94
พระนครศรีอยุธยา Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 14
พะเยา Phayao 56
พังงา Phangnga 82
พัทลุง Phatthalung 93
พิจิตร Phichit 66
พิษณุโลก Phisanulok 65
เพชรบุรี Phetchaburi 76
เพชรบูรณ์ Phetchabun 67
แพร่ Phrae 54
ภูเก็ต Phuket 83
มหาสารคาม Maha Sarakham 44
มุกดาหาร Mukdahan 49
แม่ฮ่องสอน Mae Hong Son 58
ยโสธร Yasothon 35
ยะลา Yala 95
ร้อยเอ็ด Roi Et 45
ระนอง Ranong 85
ระยอง Rayong 21
ราชบุรี Ratchaburi 70
ลพบุรี Lop Buri 16
ลำปาง Lampang 52
ลำพูน Lamphun 51
เลย Loei 42
ศรีสะเกษ Si Sa Ket 33
สกลนคร Sakon Nakhon 47
สงขลา Songkhla 90
สตูล Satun 91
สมุทรปราการ Samut Prakan 11
สมุทรสงคราม Samut Songkram 75
สมุทรสาคร Samut Sakhon 74
สระบุรี Saraburi 19
สิงห์บุรี Sing Buri 17
สุโขทัย Sukhothai 64
สุพรรณบุรี Suphan Buri 72
สุราษฎร์ธานี Surat Thani 84
สุรินทร์ Surin 32
หนองคาย Nong Khai 43
อ่างทอง Ang Thong 15
อุดรธานี Udon Thani 41
อุตรดิตถ์ Uttaradit 53
อุทัยธานี Uthai Thani 61
อุบลราชธานี Ubon Ratchathani 34


Thanks for posting that list joy16. I'm assuming you've used the postal code list there?

I'm still getting nowhere with the 01 code in my OP. I can only guess that it's a non-standard code used in the department issuing Thai ID, but I'd love to know for sure.

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