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Obama: Terror threat against US has entered 'new phase'


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Yes what we need is a man of action capable of decisive action like the last incumbent who almost 7 years after the biggest single terrorist attack on the USA announced that he wasn't even thinking of the man who masterminded that attack and left office with him still as free as a bird.

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It's time for a spot the difference competition!!!!


One is a religious extremist who should be jailed and the other is a ..........gigglem.gifgigglem.gifrolleyes.gif

If the one on the right offends you and the one on the left makes you feel proud, you are a hypocrite and just as bad as the one on the right!!

If the one on the left mowed down unarmed civilians, I'd condemn her too. Until then, she looks like a patriot, young American woman exercising her freedom of religion and freedom to bear arms. I don't condone terrorist acts regardless of race, religion, or national origin, but one has to act before the condemnation. No hypocrisy. But if I was a betting man, and the bet was which one is the most likely to be involved in a terrorist action, I'd have to place my bets on the right. Why? There is a precedent that has already been set. How many America red-neck gals from the Bible Belt have been involved in terrorist activities as compared to Middle Eastern women from Islamic countries. History speaks for itself. Just saying...

And there ladies and Gentlemen we have the perfect example of why we are all screwed. Apparently the girl on the left is just a Patriot exercising her freedom of religion and right to bear arms! blink.png

Now lets just say for example sake that an overwhelming force invaded the USA, killed millions of women and children and wanted to instil their own version of Government and law. What would the girl on the left be doing then? YOU would still call her a patriot, your enemy would call her a ruthless killer that mows down women kids and soldiers (from their 'side' of course). You may be surprised that millions of people in the Middle East consider the woman on the right a Patriot exercising her freedom of religion and the right to bear arms! Just saying........

There is little hope! Tolerance of either behaviour in the photo's above is unacceptable.

Edited by Andaman Al
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I wonder when the Obama. Administration will itself enter a new phase? Currently they can't even bring themselves to say the words Islamic terrorism. Every terrorist act leads to a wall of silence, disinformation, denial, obfuscation. Upholding the constitution instead of trying to dismantle it would be a start seeing as said constitution gives U.S citizens the means to resist the Islamists.

I guess for the same reason we don't describe the actions of any right wing nut job that kills people at Planned Parenthood as Christian terrorism. The perpetrator might well regard himself as a Christian and is undoubtedly a terrorist but its a big step from that to labeling all that follow that faith the same.

Wrong! This is brutally inaccurate. Not only did I make clear that one needs not really wait for a justice department announcement- if it smells like a duck... it is a duck- an aggrieved christian- but the entire US media elite quickly and loudly pronounced this as such, a christian terrorist.

There are many like me who have zero use for any violence couched in god but the facts are so blatant by 2015 that people are becoming irritated by the disconnect- that islamic terrorism is not, actually, islamic at all. Its dizzying and without a constructive narrative that admits this and responsibly narrows and confines it, people are left with no choice because all the dots connect to the same place. No constructive narrative that assembles verifiable facts equals countless millions constructing their own narrative of the source for islamic jihad, without the benefit of responsible steering.

People may try and label all christians as terrrorists for the acts of a few or foundational christianity as the source and inspiration but you do not nor do others because it would not stick. It does not carry weight. It is not evidenced by the broad, unrelenting christian jihad upon western and eastern civilization nor is there sanctuary in christian scriptures for terrorism or killing others who are not christians. Any christian behaves like this it is unambiguous- there is no safety in commandment. There is zero evidence of an existential threat to supplant western culture and erect Byzantium II.

Or in cartoon form for those slow on the uptake.


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If it's "the West" at fault, please explain why Egypt, a country with contiguous borders for almost 5000 years, remains a political, social, and economic basket case? In fact, the only times the country has experienced relative stability and peace was under Roman rule and for about 3/4 of a century under British occupation. Even in pharaonic times, it was constantly undergoing civil distress and social upset. It must be something in the water.

..and for about 3/4 century under British occupation


QED...exactly my point. Google 1956 Suez crisis while you are at it.

Now that is just one of all the countries in the region that the West has interfered with. Google the history of every single country in the area and you will find European and US meddling since WW1.

It's about time we treated people in the region with justice and respect. Ultimately that approach is in our own best interests.

They can have all the justice and respect they want. So long as they stay in their own countries and treat others with that same justice and respect.

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If it's "the West" at fault, please explain why Egypt, a country with contiguous borders for almost 5000 years, remains a political, social, and economic basket case? In fact, the only times the country has experienced relative stability and peace was under Roman rule and for about 3/4 of a century under British occupation. Even in pharaonic times, it was constantly undergoing civil distress and social upset. It must be something in the water.

..and for about 3/4 century under British occupation


QED...exactly my point. Google 1956 Suez crisis while you are at it.

Now that is just one of all the countries in the region that the West has interfered with. Google the history of every single country in the area and you will find European and US meddling since WW1.

It's about time we treated people in the region with justice and respect. Ultimately that approach is in our own best interests.

They can have all the justice and respect they want. So long as they stay in their own countries and treat others with that same justice and respect.

I am sure those words were once said 200 years ago by a Great Chief of the North American Indians.

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I'm sure that by now, and for some time now, Obama must be cursing IS under his breath for bringing this calamities and mayhem on his head just when his about to hand over the keys, thinking couldn't those guys held on for just a little bit longer so I can go home and not have these headaches on me now?

If only he were about to hand over the keys.

The election isn't till November, so unfortunately we have to have this ignorant man running things for another year.

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The president implored Americans to not turn against Muslims at home, saying the Islamic State was driven by a desire to spark a war between the West and Islam. Still, he called on Muslims in the U.S. and around the world to take up the cause of fighting extremism.

Note for the clueless simpleton in the White House. This "new phase," as you call it, has been going on since the 1970s (Black September anyone?). And while you want to send out hashtags with "hug a muslim" on it, they have been at war with the West for at least three generations now. You either don't have a clue or you welcome the way things have turned out.

Yup. Obama appears to be complicit. Either that or he's completely incompetent.

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