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Why did the police close ChiangMai Saloon?

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From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

really? I can understand his feelings but that's staff out of a job too sad.png but things are on a downwards spiral and God knows where it will end up sad.png

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A bar with no alcohol?


Hookah bars are the thing nowadays. No alcohol but healthy shakes and guarana tea for hipsters. But I'm affraid this is outside Ron his comfort zone. biggrin.png


There was a crackdown on these two or three years ago. I haven't seen any in Chiang Mai since.

Weird. For what reason, retarded officials mistaked the waterpipes with drugs?

I think the justification was that the tobacco used had not been taxed. I have no idea what the real reason was.


Gung Ho Land continues to transform into Planet Buzz Kill.

It is turning into a grungy version of Singapore with its endless list of puritan 'thou shall not' rules.

You have obviously never been to the "Four Floors."


From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

really? I can understand his feelings but that's staff out of a job too sad.png but things are on a downwards spiral and God knows where it will end up sad.png

ron had a argument with all his staff last week and they left,bet there beliving in karma now.

From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

That's what I heard as well. The ban didn't come from his staying open late but his response to the police.


Gung Ho Land continues to transform into Planet Buzz Kill.

It is turning into a grungy version of Singapore with its endless list of puritan 'thou shall not' rules.

You have obviously never been to the "Four Floors."

orchard towers,great place.short time not cheap there though.

From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

really? I can understand his feelings but that's staff out of a job too sad.png but things are on a downwards spiral and God knows where it will end up sad.png

ron had a argument with all his staff last week and they left,bet there beliving in karma now.

maybe one of them believed a bit more in 'helping' karma?


From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

Again, I don't know him very well but have had a number of conversations with him over the years. He tended to drink at that same table out front until the point he needed to get home to bed at which time his wife would pull up the car and take him home. He would be well hammered at that point. Sounds like he opened his mouth and said the wrong thing at the wrong time.


Went there once, quite a few years ago.

To call Ron " objectionable" would be an understatement, always perched gargoyle like out the front, hardly welcoming.

I thought I saw the building on the market ( including adjacent?) two years ago or so for 7 million with I gather no takers, as I was looking forward to a positive change of scenery.


So the general consensus seems to be that he brought it on himself, which is probably a relief to other bar-owners that were probably worried about the possibility of such harsh penalties. I've heard of places being fined or ordered closed for a month, but to get a 5 year ban I imagine you would have to seriously upset the wrong people.

The few times I went there I was shocked by some of the things he came out with, like reporting people to the authorities for selling cocktails opposite, on a small table with a few stools around it, because he didn't have a liquor licence! Not something I would boast about.

I thought I was the only one that got the breakdown of his monthly average sales this year and the percentage difference to last years figures, as well as how much he paid for his house, car and building, but I heard of another guy that stopped going there for that reason. I will tolerate someone telling me how wealthy they are, but if you're going to do that, I don't want to hear about how you hounded the small guys trying to eke out a meagre living. It appears that he never did figure out how to behave repectfully, with sympathy for those less fortunate, as a wealthy person should.


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

I don't mind bar girls but have to be in that mood. I've never really enjoyed the company of fat low-class chavs wearing singlets who are convinced they are 'hardmen'.

Red Lion is still good for a quiet pint but anywhere else?


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

I don't mind bar girls but have to be in that mood. I've never really enjoyed the company of fat low-class chavs wearing singlets who are convinced they are 'hardmen'.

Red Lion is still good for a quiet pint but anywhere else?

I don't know, there isn't much of a snob market in LK.


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

I don't mind bar girls but have to be in that mood. I've never really enjoyed the company of fat low-class chavs wearing singlets who are convinced they are 'hardmen'.

Red Lion is still good for a quiet pint but anywhere else?

Wild Boar is a decent pub, friendly staff, good food, no bàr girls and the owner is a decent bloke.


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

The real question being, why would you want to drink on LK if you weren't looking for hookers (of either sex)?


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

The real question being, why would you want to drink on LK if you weren't looking for hookers (of either sex)?

I've got a hunch you wear a singlet?


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

The real question being, why would you want to drink on LK if you weren't looking for hookers (of either sex)?

I enjoyed a few times watching the L.K. street theatre from a perch at CM saloon... big bottles, resonable prices.


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

I don't mind bar girls but have to be in that mood. I've never really enjoyed the company of fat low-class chavs wearing singlets who are convinced they are 'hardmen'.

Red Lion is still good for a quiet pint but anywhere else?

That's an easy question -- the lobby bar at Le Meridien!


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

I don't mind bar girls but have to be in that mood. I've never really enjoyed the company of fat low-class chavs wearing singlets who are convinced they are 'hardmen'.

Red Lion is still good for a quiet pint but anywhere else?

That's an easy question -- the lobby bar at Le Meridien!

Number 1 Bàr is also a cool place for a quiet pint of draught Belgian beer


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

The real question being, why would you want to drink on LK if you weren't looking for hookers (of either sex)?

I enjoyed a few times watching the L.K. street theatre from a perch at CM saloon... big bottles, resonable prices.

My idea of a reasonable price is 50bht/large bottle. Which is what I pay in Santhitham bars.

Served by the most beautiful girls in beer dresses I've ever seen (T-Bar).

What's your idea of reasonable?


The real question being, why would you want to drink on LK if you weren't looking for hookers (of either sex)?

I've got a hunch you wear a singlet?

Well, he'd have to be in pretty good condition to pull that off:



Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

I don't mind bar girls but have to be in that mood. I've never really enjoyed the company of fat low-class chavs wearing singlets who are convinced they are 'hardmen'.

Red Lion is still good for a quiet pint but anywhere else?

That's an easy question -- the lobby bar at Le Meridien!

Number 1 Bàr is also a cool place for a quiet pint of draught Belgian beer

yup get a mortgage first!


Where you can you drink along LK now without having to share space with bar girls and kii noks?

The real question being, why would you want to drink on LK if you weren't looking for hookers (of either sex)?

I enjoyed a few times watching the L.K. street theatre from a perch at CM saloon... big bottles, resonable prices.

Likewise, drink prices at C.M. Saloon very reasonable - and poured well. I would go there periodically. Even my wife likes to go to C.M. Saloon sometimes and watch the carnival-like atmosphere on the street.


From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

Again, I don't know him very well but have had a number of conversations with him over the years. He tended to drink at that same table out front until the point he needed to get home to bed at which time his wife would pull up the car and take him home. He would be well hammered at that point. Sounds like he opened his mouth and said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Oh was he the guy who's wife would stop in the middle of the road in a BIG SUV? holding up all the traffic? I saw that several times and everyone was complaining at the arrogance. Same guy?


From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

Again, I don't know him very well but have had a number of conversations with him over the years. He tended to drink at that same table out front until the point he needed to get home to bed at which time his wife would pull up the car and take him home. He would be well hammered at that point. Sounds like he opened his mouth and said the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Oh was he the guy who's wife would stop in the middle of the road in a BIG SUV? holding up all the traffic? I saw that several times and everyone was complaining at the arrogance. Same guy?

Arrogance by a muppet in a big SUV??? Never!


From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

Can't think of a country where a fku would go over well after a direct order from the police.....

I admire his standing up for the down trodded masses, bureaucracy,and unjust laws,doubt some one as pc as you would have the bottle to complain,or understand the frustrations of operating a business in los.


From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

Can't think of a country where a fku would go over well after a direct order from the police.....

I admire his standing up for the down trodded masses, bureaucracy,and unjust laws,doubt some one as pc as you would have the bottle to complain,or understand the frustrations of operating a business in los.

Where does snitching on the little guy selling cocktails from a tiny stall with three or four stools opposite CM Saloon fit in with your description of him standing up for the down-trodden? Not to mention boasting about it.


From someone who was there (not me) when the cops came in and said to close Ron said f---k You. Five year ban

Can't think of a country where a fku would go over well after a direct order from the police.....

I admire his standing up for the down trodded masses, bureaucracy,and unjust laws,doubt some one as pc as you would have the bottle to complain,or understand the frustrations of operating a business in

Please tell me how he was standing up for the masses. The whole reason he is banned is because he thought he was elite and didn't have to do what the masses did.


Here's a different perspective.

Not really a drinker myself, simply by choice. At this point, in my mid-forties, I just don't have much taste for it anymore. Alcohol is for special occasions, a reunion with old friends, a romantic evening, etc. When I do pop a cork, it's not on LK.

There's no denying that the country has a serious problem with alcohol. Some days it seems that half the population is drunk, the other half hungover. In fact, I have learned to ascribe the terrible service one gets in retail and service situations--spaced out, lethargic, even surly--to the great national daily hangover. So I don't mind sitting out the ritual of public intoxication.

Similarly, bargirls don't do it for me, however I do believe that commercial sex work is a legitimate profession and should be treated as such. It's one thing for a wide-eyed westerner to indulge himself fresh off the boat. Much beyond that, after you know the country, people, and language, habitually sleeping with uneducated, financially desperate women-- often abused and abandoned by men since birth-- for a few bucks a pop is more a reflection of your own character than "when in Rome"-style cultural exploration. For me, it's less a matter of public morality than self respect.

And honestly, if you're even halfway clued in, a dalliance is not hard to come by, without bars or barfines. I mean, really guys, have you no game at all? In other words, when I do pop a cork, it's not on LK.

All this is to say that I'm neither a teetotallar nor a prude (nor, usually, a snob, though I expect some will challenge it). I won't be picketing LK. But I don't see the stricter rules as an assassination of the city's charm, nor an unconscionable assault on liberty or economy. To me "business owners" are not some cherished class whose interests must be protected at all costs. Certainly not these businesses. Fact is the LK bars are an anachronism, bound to fade away sooner or later.

Oh, and to keep my post on topic, I went to Chiang Mai Saloon for a burger once, about 8-9 years ago. It was ok.

I've just zipped up my flame-proof sleeping bag.

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