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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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Firstly it appears that there are quite a few Americans who think this is a good idea.

Secondly they demonstrate how incredible stupid both the idea and they are by actually going public in their support without realising how stupid this makes them look in th eyes of the rest of the world

The idea that some of you think that the sun won't rise without Muslim immigration to the US or the west is quite strange on its face.

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

Tell me, after DT expels all muslims from the US, what would be the chances of another muslim atrocity happening on US soil?

Once you have honestly answered the above statement, you should be able to see the impeccable logic at play.

Are you not saddened by the horrible lives muslims in the US are living, the freedom must be so repressive, women can drive and vote, they can even show their faces in public!! it must cause such suffering to those poor people. BTW, we shouldn't even been having this discussion had common sense been used decades ago when the importation of people who's aim in life is destroying democracy began - I have always maintained it would only end in tears, and to the chorus of fools calling me a bigot and racist, well I was right all along. The multicultural experiment was a complete failure - some would argue well at least we tried, but it was a disaster now time to fix the problems the lefts stupidity has saddled us with.

WRONG multicultural has worked very well in Australia, its only now become a problem everywhere because of political meddling by western powers in places they shouldn't be in.

Islam is an ideology. Not a culture.

And what about the Muslim terror attacks in India, Philippines and Russia ? Those are eastern powers. Not west.

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I think he is just trying to see how outrageous he can get and get away with it, I am sure he has a good laugh over it in private.

and the people that buy it, what a bunch of tools.

Edited by sirineou
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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

Your conclusion is based on an entirely false premise though.

Really? My conclusion is based on first hand experience of growing up and living in a country that suffered years of terrorist attacks. I witnessed and understand the effects of treating one religious group as a lower class of people. There are ways of dealing with just about any dangerous situation, some can make the problem considerably worse.

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"Trump's campaign said in a statement such a ban should stand "until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."

The statement added that Trump's proposal comes in response to a level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans."

Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

The main worry about Trump's latest controversy is that it HAS to be a deliberate and disingenuous playing to the ignorant masses. I can't credit a man of his success would sincerely believe that his proposal is even slightly viable, let alone legal or moral.

Tell me, after DT expels all muslims from the US, what would be the chances of another muslim atrocity happening on US soil?

Once you have honestly answered the above statement, you should be able to see the impeccable logic at play.

Are you not saddened by the horrible lives muslims in the US are living, the freedom must be so repressive, women can drive and vote, they can even show their faces in public!! it must cause such suffering to those poor people. BTW, we shouldn't even been having this discussion had common sense been used decades ago when the importation of people who's aim in life is destroying democracy began - I have always maintained it would only end in tears, and to the chorus of fools calling me a bigot and racist, well I was right all along. The multicultural experiment was a complete failure - some would argue well at least we tried, but it was a disaster now time to fix the problems the lefts stupidity has saddled us with.

You are dreaming. That would be immoral, un American, and illegal. It would destroy the USA economically, boycotted by a quarter of the world's population and further quarter who disagree with your racism.
" Tell me, after DT expels all muslims from the US, what would be the chances of another muslim atrocity happening on US soil?"
Very high indeed.
You'd have a civil war, because anti bigotry non Muslims would take up arms.
And Trump would have done ISIL's work for them very nicely thank you very big.
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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

You claim AQ wanted all muslims kicked out of the US. No. They didn't and they don't. They want their brand of islam to conquer the US. Quite a difference!! Trumps statement is a kick to the jimmys for conquering muslims, and that it has so upset the ISIS appeasers is a bonus.

AQ wanted a "war" based on religion. How do you think their brand of Islam would conquer USA? by peaceful means or armed conflict, we both know it wouldn't be good Americans converting to Islam. They, AQ, needed USA to attack Islamic nations and to oppress Muslims within the US to help radicalize them and fuel the attacks against the west. Trump is doing his best to oppress Muslims which can only lead to some of them fighting back. Trump is a huge dander to the safety of America and the western world with his ill thought out "policies"

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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

Your conclusion is based on an entirely false premise though.

Really? My conclusion is based on first hand experience of growing up and living in a country that suffered years of terrorist attacks. I witnessed and understand the effects of treating one religious group as a lower class of people. There are ways of dealing with just about any dangerous situation, some can make the problem considerably worse.

First of all as we seen in all of the muslim terror attacks since 9/11 in the US, all of them were middle class. This last one made $70,000 a year and lived in California. Same with the Time square bomber and the fort Hood shooter.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists. Because as we can see in Thailand, India, Russia and the Phillipines, muslim terrorists are not swayed by individual policies. There has been more muslim terror attacks in the aforementioned countries then there has been in the west.

And to top it all off, Jews or blacks are 3 times more likely to suffer from a hate crime then Muslims in the US.

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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

You claim AQ wanted all muslims kicked out of the US. No. They didn't and they don't. They want their brand of islam to conquer the US. Quite a difference!! Trumps statement is a kick to the jimmys for conquering muslims, and that it has so upset the ISIS appeasers is a bonus.

AQ wanted a "war" based on religion. How do you think their brand of Islam would conquer USA? by peaceful means or armed conflict, we both know it wouldn't be good Americans converting to Islam. They, AQ, needed USA to attack Islamic nations and to oppress Muslims within the US to help radicalize them and fuel the attacks against the west. Trump is doing his best to oppress Muslims which can only lead to some of them fighting back. Trump is a huge dander to the safety of America and the western world with his ill thought out "policies"

Hence why muslim immigration should be stopped for starters. And shipping the existing ones out should be considered as well.

Life will go on without muslim immigration.

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I bet the majority of Americans agree with him

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

It is mater of time before this is Practiced by the EU, Russia England China and America.

"EU, Russia England China and America" - what BIZARRE collection of names - are these all the countries you know? What about Scotland, and Wales? oh no they are in the EU.......oh that's not a country......America continent or country?

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This is exactly what AQ wanted post 9/11 and didn't quite achieve. With IS picking up the torch and Trump igniting it the wish of radical Islam may come to fruition. Trump is becoming the best recruitment tool extremists could hope for.

sent from my left foot

Your conclusion is based on an entirely false premise though.

Really? My conclusion is based on first hand experience of growing up and living in a country that suffered years of terrorist attacks. I witnessed and understand the effects of treating one religious group as a lower class of people. There are ways of dealing with just about any dangerous situation, some can make the problem considerably worse.

First of all as we seen in all of the muslim terror attacks since 9/11 in the US, all of them were middle class. This last one made $70,000 a year and lived in California. Same with the Time square bomber and the fort Hood shooter.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists. Because as we can see in Thailand, India, Russia and the Phillipines, muslim terrorists are not swayed by individual policies. There has been more muslim terror attacks in the aforementioned countries then there has been in the west.

And to top it all off, Jews or blacks are 3 times more likely to suffer from a hate crime then Muslims in the US.

And it is also a falsehood to claim that western govt policies lead to more recruitment of muslim terrorists

Forgive me but this is utter nonsense. Do you really believe that the American Govt and it's allies can act with total disregard as there will be no consequences to their actions? The mind boggles at such a view point.

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Firstly it appears that there are quite a few Americans who think this is a good idea.

Secondly they demonstrate how incredible stupid both the idea and they are by actually going public in their support without realising how stupid this makes them look in th eyes of the rest of the world

The idea that some of you think that the sun won't rise without Muslim immigration to the US or the west is quite strange on its face.

QED - do you think the poster realises that is a false syllogism? I doubt it.

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Those who are upset are suckers and saps,

Not because of this specific issue, but because you are ripe for the picking by any sharp salesman, and Mr. Trump is one of the best.

Mr.Trump has spent next to nothing on media coverage. He doesn't need to. All he has to do is to toss out some comment and , wham, bam, thank you ma'am he gets free press and 24/7 media coverage.

Here's a reality check; No one will remember what he said in 2015 come February 2016 when the US GOP primaries start.He will change his message and start talking "presidential". All that Trump is doing is to garner publicity and to bury his potential rivals. Trump's strategy has been brilliant. He did to his opponents what the Russians did to the invading French army of Napoleon: He's used a scorch earth strategy depriving his opponents of resources. The spotlight and attention is on him and no one else.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Those who are upset are suckers and saps,

Not because of this specific issue, but because you are ripe for the picking by any sharp salesman, and Mr. Trump is one of the best.

Mr.Trump has spent next to nothing on media coverage. He doesn't need to. All he has to do is to toss out some comment and , wham, bam, thank you ma'am he gets free press and 24/7 media coverage.

Here's a reality check; No one will remember what he said in 2015 come February 2016 when the US GOP primaries start.He will change his message and start talking "presidential". All that Trump is doing is to garner publicity and to bury his potential rivals. Trump's strategy has been brilliant. He did to his opponents what the Russians did to the invading French army of Napoleon: He's used a scorch earth strategy depriving his opponents of resources. The spotlight and attention is on him and no one else.

Yes it's clever Primary politics. The GOP however may implode!

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You can almost

You can almost smell the fear coming out of some sections of the US at the moment and DT is stoking them up good and proper.

Seems like "Land of the free, home of the brave" is going to be obsolete pretty soon.

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The US Constitution was written in part so that the madness of the rabble couldn't instantly change government policy. I really could care less what polls may say. Ironic that behind Trump was banner reading "Make America Great Again". Like that Jeb said Trump is "unhinged". Trump may have zero chance of being elected, but consider him to be akin to John the Baptist, er Fascist.... the door is open to this sort of insanity, so next time will seem more palatable.

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It's very unfortunate that this moron has so much money. Just thank the fuc 'politically'he's as ignorant as he is moronic.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So have you ever considered a President that doesn't have to barter with their respective parties.

Have you ever considered why the republican party in many ways oppose him.

The very fact that he has so much money is why he unlike his counterparts can't be persuaded to the demands of his party.

He knows how to delegate through subordinates .

He has a hard line approach to lessen the national debt ie starting with downsizing government, putting restrictions on trade with China,using our own oil reserves, creating more jobs by posing restrictions on US companies for out of country manufacturing,lowering taxes,etc.He's approach on Islamic radicals is simple and unequivocal. Unfortunately terrorism is the number one priority in the USA, to get rid of it won't be easy,tough times have to be dealt with tough measures it can't be fixed with creating jobs and opportunities for Muslim countries. Muslim Sunnis must publicly denounce and fight Islamic radicals, A United Nation coalitions must put boots on the ground and wipe out the territory were ISIS holds their Caliphate State .New immigration laws in the US have to be in place. Tough times call for a tough guy.Maybe he lacks the Obama oratorical politician skills but thats ok ! What separates him from the rest is balls .

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Did you stop to wonder why hatred exists towards America?

Why don't you present us with the dishonest radical Islamic talking points once again?

The premise of why they hate America makes sense, theoretically, but in practice it doesn't quite cut it. Why the terrorist events in France, which is pretty liberal and pretty welcoming of Muslims? It also has a long history of tolerance towards Islam. The French have not usually sided with the US in the ME, either.

I think it's a matter of haters just going to hate.

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Well at least Trump's got the Gonats to say what part of the world just dare to think,This would be a good start ,than one can clean up the ones already in the country including the home bred ones.

Maybe you could round them up and put them in camps or something?

Seriously. Some of you need to stop for a second and think about what you're saying here. Don't let yourself be this easily manipulated.

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