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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


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So when John from Australian (who happens to be an extremist muslim) answers No to Are you a Muslim? on his arrival card into the US. He is granted entry and is free to commit an act of terrorism.

Yeh I can really see this working.

A bit like that cunning 'are you a Nazi?' question. I wonder how many war criminals that caught out?

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So when John from Australian (who happens to be an extremist muslim) answers No to Are you a Muslim? on his arrival card into the US. He is granted entry and is free to commit an act of terrorism.

Yeh I can really see this working.

A bit like that cunning 'are you a Nazi?' question. I wonder how many war criminals that caught out?

Yeh I mean how can the US immigration ever be 100% certain of a foreigners religion upon entering. It's completely stupid. There is NO WAY to block an entire religion. You can block nationalities sure, but religions nope.

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So when John from Australian (who happens to be an extremist muslim) answers No to Are you a Muslim? on his arrival card into the US. He is granted entry and is free to commit an act of terrorism.

Yeh I can really see this working.

A bit like that cunning 'are you a Nazi?' question. I wonder how many war criminals that caught out?

Yeh I mean how can the US immigration ever be 100% certain of a foreigners religion upon entering. It's completely stupid. There is NO WAY to block an entire religion. You can block nationalities sure, but religions nope.

Chris Stirwalt has the answer = before boarding all passengers required to munch down a ham sandwich......

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So when John from Australian (who happens to be an extremist muslim) answers No to Are you a Muslim? on his arrival card into the US. He is granted entry and is free to commit an act of terrorism.

Yeh I can really see this working.

A bit like that cunning 'are you a Nazi?' question. I wonder how many war criminals that caught out?
Yeh I mean how can the US immigration ever be 100% certain of a foreigners religion upon entering. It's completely stupid. There is NO WAY to block an entire religion. You can block nationalities sure, but religions nope.

Chris Stirwalt has the answer = before boarding all passengers required to munch down a ham sandwich......

So I guess you're banning Jews and vegetarians too, then?

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Chris Stirwalt has the answer = before boarding all passengers required to munch down a ham sandwich......

So I guess you're banning Jews and vegetarians too, then?

What makes you think I'm capable of banning anyone..... from 7000 miles away? Not my plan. Check with the Donald and Chris.

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A bit like that cunning 'are you a Nazi?' question. I wonder how many war criminals that caught out?
Yeh I mean how can the US immigration ever be 100% certain of a foreigners religion upon entering. It's completely stupid. There is NO WAY to block an entire religion. You can block nationalities sure, but religions nope.

Chris Stirwalt has the answer = before boarding all passengers required to munch down a ham sandwich......

So I guess you're banning Jews and vegetarians too, then?

alternative they could drink a glass of beer

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A bit like that cunning 'are you a Nazi?' question. I wonder how many war criminals that caught out?
Yeh I mean how can the US immigration ever be 100% certain of a foreigners religion upon entering. It's completely stupid. There is NO WAY to block an entire religion. You can block nationalities sure, but religions nope.
Chris Stirwalt has the answer = before boarding all passengers required to munch down a ham sandwich......

So I guess you're banning Jews and vegetarians too, then?

alternative they could drink a glass of beer

Really? You think muslims dont drink alcohol?
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Chris Stirwalt has the answer = before boarding all passengers required to munch down a ham sandwich......

So I guess you're banning Jews and vegetarians too, then?

alternative they could drink a glass of beer

Really? You think muslims dont drink alcohol?

Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

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On a side note. How awesome would it be if before flying to the US we were given a ham sandwich and a beer

US Sandwich and US beer......that would bring me also on the Muslim watch list bah.gif

But a good glass of wine with security guards in my home country would be nice. Under the watchful eye of a German Shepard who makes a smell test...drunk.gif

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Nothing to do with 'pc' or 'leftist'

Some comment is just plain stupid

And trump recent imo ill considered outburst meet that criteria.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It has everything to do with leftist and PC. But the leftists don't want to frame it that way. Which is what you are trying to change with your statement.

And another thing that has to be added is Antisemitism. Your enemy of my enemy is my friend. Antisemitic people are indifferent to Islam for this reason. Because they hate Jews. And Islamists also hate Jews.

I hate to disagree with you because your logic is so flawless , but I am "indifferent" to Islam because they hate pork and I also hate porkfacepalm.gif and I like Hummus and I hear they also like Hummus.

I guess I am one step away from being a Muslim my selfcheesy.gif

Muslims and Jews are both not keen on pork, muslims and Jews and christians believe in the same God. Muslims also believe in Jewish and Christian prophets. Muslims simply use Mohammed as they consider him the last prophet. Mohammed is quoted in the koran as saying to respect followers of other religions and leave them in peace to do so.

The radicals gloss over that and cherry pick to suit their agenda. Thats why the koran, like the bible, needs to be taught, not just read. Thats why there are different groups of muslims, like different groups of christians. So you cannot label all muslims as the same.

The onus is on those that do the teaching and it is they that should be held to account.

Held to account, by whom?

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Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

Then it's about time the Koran is edited, if it contains stuff that people shouldn't take notice of.

Any group of 'moderate' free thinking Muslims brave enough to take it on?

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Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

Then it's about time the Koran is edited, if it contains stuff that people shouldn't take notice of.

Any group of 'moderate' free thinking Muslims brave enough to take it on?

You're kidding, right? Have you seen some of the stuff in the bible that everyone conveniently disregards? Much of Leviticus, for example.

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Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

Then it's about time the Koran is edited, if it contains stuff that people shouldn't take notice of.

Any group of 'moderate' free thinking Muslims brave enough to take it on?

Koran doesn't need editing but Islam does need a major reform movement to bring it into modern times. Be patient. Could happen in a 1000 years or so.
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Chris Stirwalt has the answer = before boarding all passengers required to munch down a ham sandwich......

So I guess you're banning Jews and vegetarians too, then?

alternative they could drink a glass of beer

Really? You think muslims dont drink alcohol?

Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.
That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

True, unless you steal their beer ?
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Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

Then it's about time the Koran is edited, if it contains stuff that people shouldn't take notice of.

Any group of 'moderate' free thinking Muslims brave enough to take it on?

No way in the world will they edit it. The vatcan has admitted the bible does not contain everything. Muslims believe the koran is the only holy book that is complete.

Though it is interpreted differently thats why there are different types of muslims. Much the same as different religions from the bible.

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Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

That group that goes in mixed group beer drinking in the discotheque is most probably not the group that want to kill me.

Then it's about time the Koran is edited, if it contains stuff that people shouldn't take notice of.

Any group of 'moderate' free thinking Muslims brave enough to take it on?

No way in the world will they edit it. The vatcan has admitted the bible does not contain everything. Muslims believe the koran is the only holy book that is complete.

Though it is interpreted differently thats why there are different types of muslims. Much the same as different religions from the bible.

and all killing and dying over something that does not even exist. It would be funny if it was not so tragic.

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This is kind of interesting and should surely infuriate the loony left and PC weasels....

A Texas Imam agrees with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s controversial suggestion that America set-up a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” until further investigation can be done. The Imam also said there should be a ban of Syrian refugees of any religion.

The Imam, Nidal Alsayyed, who leads a Beaumont, Texas, mosque agrees with both Donald Trump and Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

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Radical Muslims who take every word in the Quaran serious (including killing of the nonbeliever) most probably also take the non alcohol part serious.

Are you sure they wouldn't be able to use the no-martyrs clause if they were on a mission? Moslems certainly aren't required to die rather than drink alcohol.

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What a day of shame for the USA that no less than a Presidential candidate plays the race card to win an election. Demogogues have done it before in history with tragic results.
How low can Trump go?

well, replace the word muslim in the dialogue with the word jew and you will have a precedent for trumps vision - and we all know how long that went on.

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