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Cyclist dies after being hit, thrown from bridge by 6-wheeler in Bangkok


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RiP the poor cyclist.......

Anyone riding bikes on Thailands roads are contenders for death or serious injury......

Thai drivers do not care about cyclists!

"Bike for Dad" on Friday...........I hope they shut all roads down that will be used!

i grow so very tired of remarks like this, they are just plain false, despite this tragedy.

i have been riding on bangkok city streets daily for the last 10 years and (wood proactively knocked) i have yet to have an incident worth the term.

to the contrary, i find that bangkok vehicles are so attuned to the existence of motorcycles food cart and the like, they actually do give cyclists the right of way, even slowing to allow you to past side streets and the like without shedding momentm.

I have however had accidents commuting in vancouver , toronto and seattle.

more to the point of the OP however i recently spent 3 months in manila, commuting with trepidation over the kalayan flyover into makati, and was very aware that the barrier, exactly like the one pictured is just below the center of gravity of an average cyclist.

other things that are stupid are the bike route between soi 12 and lumpini, running parallell to sukhumvit can only be accessed or left at soi 12, soi zero, and lumpini. that is sheer stupidity on the part off urban planners.

to those on a sofa saying people who cycle in thailand are nuts, i say, grab the remote, have another beer and try not to be deafened by the sound of your hardening arteries.

dont knock it until you try it.

I understand your point of course...I see many falang and nowadays, Thais, cycling everywhere.

I guess my comment was more generalising than factual.....however, I remember the Chilean guy in February, who had ridden over 250K kms only to be killed by a lunatic truck driver....who incidently, got off with a small fine......

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He didn't notice the cyclist? He means he didn't look or slow down when the sun got strong. Another kwai behind the wheel of a truck.

Actually motorbikes and peddle-bikes are not allowed to use most overpasses and bridges...not sure about the one in question. However, one must really be daft to ride a peddle-bike in Thailand...between the heat, potholes, and bad driving it's only a matter of time. Just ask the fellow who was biking around the world last year for charity and was killed in Thailand.

Utter stupid rubbish. Get a life OMG. Or would you rather spend all your life in bars and die from liver failure? (Try Pedal bikes, it may make sense)

Edited by ianf
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He didn't notice the cyclist? He means he didn't look or slow down when the sun got strong. Another kwai behind the wheel of a truck.

Actually motorbikes and peddle-bikes are not allowed to use most overpasses and bridges...not sure about the one in question. However, one must really be daft to ride a peddle-bike in Thailand...between the heat, potholes, and bad driving it's only a matter of time. Just ask the fellow who was biking around the world last year for charity and was killed in Thailand.

Utter stupid rubbish. Get a life OMG. Or would you rather spend all your life in bars and die from liver failure? (Try Pedal bikes, it may make sense)

Lots of assumptions there kiddo...all of them wrong unfortunately. Any "rubbish" you would like to point out specifically or is your post to be taken as just a general trolling post?


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The fine for causing the death will be small I expect whereas I read that a UK truck driver, who ran into the back of string of cars stopped on a motorway due to obstruction killing one motorist, has just been sentenced to two and a half years in gaol.

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When i ride a bicycle in bkk it is a mountain bike. i stay on sidewalks almost exclusively. use a motorcycle helmet... a bike on the same road with cars/trucks is very dangerous. a lot of sub kamikaze style drivers that can easily hit a bike.

bike for dad could also be called bike for death, bike for survival, bike for paraplegia, etc etc.

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Sadley there are a New Breed of Cyclists, akin to Tuna Drivers obnoxious bastards getting the majority a bad name.. These Lycra Clad Clowns use the roads as race tracks.

Where did you see these people? I'd like to see them too. Or is this just another stupid piece of prejudice? Sadly.

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He didn't notice the cyclist? He means he didn't look or slow down when the sun got strong. Another kwai behind the wheel of a truck.

Actually motorbikes and peddle-bikes are not allowed to use most overpasses and bridges...not sure about the one in question. However, one must really be daft to ride a peddle-bike in Thailand...between the heat, potholes, and bad driving it's only a matter of time. Just ask the fellow who was biking around the world last year for charity and was killed in Thailand.

Utter stupid rubbish. Get a life OMG. Or would you rather spend all your life in bars and die from liver failure? (Try Pedal bikes, it may make sense)

Lots of assumptions there kiddo...all of them wrong unfortunately. Any "rubbish" you would like to point out specifically or is your post to be taken as just a general trolling post?


One is aware of the facts but it's the stupid prejudiced statement that I object to. Cycling in Thailand is as safe as anywhere else if you use the roads sensibly.

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500 kilometers a week?

Why not ?

It's possible with a road bike and no bags ;

I used to cycle about 1200 km a month with my MTBike since 5 years ;

sometimes much more when visiting some beautiful provinces in the north with many mountains ..

I did 2600 km in 19 days in august 2011 with a thai friend and saddle bags

Beginning and finishing Sawang Daen Din in Sakon Nakhon province


brave man, harp man !

I would have bought a Lotto ticket every night after dinner.

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Sadley there are a New Breed of Cyclists, akin to Tuna Drivers obnoxious bastards getting the majority a bad name.. These Lycra Clad Clowns use the roads as race tracks.

Where did you see these people? I'd like to see them too. Or is this just another stupid piece of prejudice? Sadly.

No, sadley again its not..Ive been on the road here in Thailand @ 50 K.M P.A. for 22 years. An Ex Member of a Touring Cycle Club in Europe in the late 60.s. So i do have foundation to my observations..The tone of your post even sounding aggressive like a Lycra Clad Yob.The Touring Cyclist is a different breed, careful and considerate but still gets killed in the end. Up to You. In the Right, but injured.?. I shall use the Gymnasium for exercise.

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Sadley there are a New Breed of Cyclists, akin to Tuna Drivers obnoxious bastards getting the majority a bad name.. These Lycra Clad Clowns use the roads as race tracks.

Where did you see these people? I'd like to see them too. Or is this just another stupid piece of prejudice? Sadly.

No, sadley again its not..Ive been on the road here in Thailand @ 50 K.M P.A. for 22 years. An Ex Member of a Touring Cycle Club in Europe in the late 60.s. So i do have foundation to my observations..The tone of your post even sounding aggressive like a Lycra Clad Yob.The Touring Cyclist is a different breed, careful and considerate but still gets killed in the end. Up to You. In the Right, but injured.?. I shall use the Gymnasium for exercise.

I guess it's where you live. I've been cycling for 55 years and I know this sport backwards. If you go south in Chiang Mai you can reach roads that barely carry traffic. After 7 years in Thailand and 25k kms a year riding with many different wonderful people we have found it to be as safe as the UK or France or elsewhere where I have had experience cycling. By the way, sadly (no 'e'), why do you associate the word 'Lycra' with the word 'Lout'? That's real prejudice if you ask me.

Edited by ianf
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500 kilometers a week?

Why not ?

It's possible with a road bike and no bags ;

I used to cycle about 1200 km a month with my MTBike since 5 years ;

sometimes much more when visiting some beautiful provinces in the north with many mountains ..

I did 2600 km in 19 days in august 2011 with a thai friend and saddle bags

Beginning and finishing Sawang Daen Din in Sakon Nakhon province


Impressed. I'd do that northern route, but only on a BMW GS, or big KTM.

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RiP the poor cyclist.......

Anyone riding bikes on Thailands roads are contenders for death or serious injury......

Thai drivers do not care about cyclists!

"Bike for Dad" on Friday...........I hope they shut all roads down that will be used!

Indeed. And now that cycling has become "trendy" in Thailand, many novices think it's completely safe to ply busy roads and many have paid with their lives. Even the best bicycle road warrior in bangkok is asking for trouble, but novices are really tempting fate.

Oh.. regarding the roads being shut YES they will, but isn't that a problem too? Businesses are pissed off that they decided to hold this event on a working day and that many employees will have trouble getting to work because many major arteries will be shuttered.

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My wife's taken to cycling big time. The local Amphur organised a ride of about 40 km a couple of weeks before Bike for Mom. We got a cheapo 7,000 baht mountain bike locally. It spent half the ride, and all the uphill sections, in the truck driven by the team support crew, (me). Fast forward a couple of months. The bike now belongs to my 12 yr old stepdaughter. The new expensive bike lives in the house, which is full of the proper cycling attire. To be fair to the wife, she now does 30-40 km morning and evening every day, without appearing to break sweat. That stops me bursting into tears over how much she's spent.

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Sadley there are a New Breed of Cyclists, akin to Tuna Drivers obnoxious bastards getting the majority a bad name.. These Lycra Clad Clowns use the roads as race tracks.

Where did you see these people? I'd like to see them too. Or is this just another stupid piece of prejudice? Sadly.

No, sadley again its not..Ive been on the road here in Thailand @ 50 K.M P.A. for 22 years. An Ex Member of a Touring Cycle Club in Europe in the late 60.s. So i do have foundation to my observations..The tone of your post even sounding aggressive like a Lycra Clad Yob.The Touring Cyclist is a different breed, careful and considerate but still gets killed in the end. Up to You. In the Right, but injured.?. I shall use the Gymnasium for exercise.

I guess it's where you live. I've been cycling for 55 years and I know this sport backwards. If you go south in Chiang Mai you can reach roads that barely carry traffic. After 7 years in Thailand and 25k kms a year riding with many different wonderful people we have found it to be as safe as the UK or France or elsewhere where I have had experience cycling. By the way, sadly (no 'e'), why do you associate the word 'Lycra' with the word 'Lout'? That's real prejudice if you ask me.

See many Lycra Posers behaving like Tour de France breakaway guys, The Tourist riders are Gents, and go steady.As with all road users there are nutters who know it all. If the Cap Fits,

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Thai drivers do not care about cyclists!

This is simply not true. With almost 50'000 cycled km in Thailand on the clock I assure you that I had only very view situations I found threatening by careless drivers. Thais might not care much about other car drivers and motorcyclists but they care about bicycle riders. A day on a bike in Berlin is several times more dangerous than in downtown Chiang Mai.

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Ace of op is SO Unbelievable!!!!! Was this guy who was murdered by the truck driver a "Lycra Poser"? Looking at his bike he seems like one of the thousands of Thais on a cheap mountain bike and probably going to work/or coming back. Are you saying that only nutters wear Lycra? If so how about the average Cyclists' Touring Club rider in the UK who wear Lycra? In the old days wool was the choice .... for touring you can't beat Lycra. Wash your kit out in the B&B in the evening and it's dry in the morning. Do you want us to go back to Wool? Not all kwais are Thai!!!

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As much as I try, you can't always avoid going over a bridge like that. Such is the situation with the foolish piece of shit road system here. Believe it or not, sometimes these bridges are the lessor of two or three evils because of what you avoid having to go through down below.

For me, the road "system" in Thailand is a sin. But it is continually perpetuated with every new construction to the detriment of Thailand and it's people.

But i guess as long as the powers that be don't have to think too mutt and can get back to karaoke with their mia nois, all is ok right?


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Thai drivers do not care about cyclists!

This is simply not true. With almost 50'000 cycled km in Thailand on the clock I assure you that I had only very view situations I found threatening by careless drivers. Thais might not care much about other car drivers and motorcyclists but they care about bicycle riders. A day on a bike in Berlin is several times more dangerous than in downtown Chiang Mai.

Most of the time yes, but its also not unusual to come across people who are pissed off to have to share the road. They will get quite agressive and race the engine while getting as close to you as possible - cars, taxis,buses. Some people will just open the window and yell too.

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Some people will just open the window and yell too.

Never had that!

But I must admit I always ride very defensively and try everything not to provoke the fighting cock latently slumbering deeply in every Thai male ...

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What's a cyclist doing on a road like that full of trucks??

cycling ??

travelling from A to B ??

Are you suggesting, a couple of days short of the Bike for Dad event.. That bicycles are not allowed on Thai rds ??

That would be a laugh! But then Oh! we forgot about thatsad.png

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Sadley there are a New Breed of Cyclists, akin to Tuna Drivers obnoxious bastards getting the majority a bad name.. These Lycra Clad Clowns use the roads as race tracks.

Where did you see these people? I'd like to see them too. Or is this just another stupid piece of prejudice? Sadly.

No, sadley again its not..Ive been on the road here in Thailand @ 50 K.M P.A. for 22 years. An Ex Member of a Touring Cycle Club in Europe in the late 60.s. So i do have foundation to my observations..The tone of your post even sounding aggressive like a Lycra Clad Yob.The Touring Cyclist is a different breed, careful and considerate but still gets killed in the end. Up to You. In the Right, but injured.?. I shall use the Gymnasium for exercise.

SADLY, this is absurd rubbish. I ride a road bike, sometimes race. I also tour when I have a month or two to spare. I wear lycra on both bikes, why wouldn't I? it's comfortable and efficient. 'The touring cyclist is a different breed'- You sound like someone from a forgotten era making a statement like this; one of long baggy trousers , flat caps, and jam sandwiches. How much of a cycling 'yob' can anyone be while moving at 35KPH by the edge of the road?

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Riding a bike on the road with other vehicles is dangerous! Period. The style of driving in Thailand puts the cyclists even in a more dangerous situation. People drive badly, keeping distance seems to be a rocket science to them. They try to get as closer as they can to the vehicle in front of them. If something happens, like sudden break, they swerve and if the cyclist was there then it is dead. Not to mention the drivers who drink and drive, or the drivers being under the influence of drugs, or the drivers who are so tired that they are ready to fall asleep behind the wheel. I've lived in Thailand for more than 10 years and I would not recommend anyone to ride a bike on busy roads, which are most of them in Bangkok and around it. If you do it, then it is suicidal, it is a matter of time when it happens to you.

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