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Good service from any company?


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Just had a pretty bad experience with a kitchen installation company - a major, well-known name. That left me wondering whether there was any company in Thailand that offers good service (that's good service by western standards). I really struggle to think of even one (apart from the 5* hotels).

I also wonder why Thai people are so willing to put up with service that is indifferent at best. A few days ago I went for a birthday celebration to a pretty expensive restaurant specialising in raw oysters and such. There was a 20 minute delay before the first starter arrived after ordering. I received my main course moments before my starter arrived, and my partner's main course arrived 25 minutes after we'd both finished the other three dishes. Plus the food was very mediocre and the price totally unjustifiable. Over a thousand baht for 4 small pieces of overcooked and tough lobster between two slices of bread, some frozen fries and a small salad (and that's before tax and [barely existent] "service"). Ludicrous.

Please restore my faith in Thai service and mention a few companies here that consistently provide exceptional service.

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As it goes, the worst service Ive ever received in Thailand (or anywhere else for that matter ) was at an English owned restaurant in Hua Hin. A restaurant with a bit of a wild west theme to its name, awful service, and the food when it arrived was inedible.

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Do what Thais do, just let it go ......

And thats the reason service is so bad. They dont/are afraid to complain. This face thing causes thais to put up with all kinds of problems instead of complaining.

Constructive criticism is unheard of.

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Been here over 10 years, can count on one hand the amount of "bad" service incidents that I can re-call.

I also think its not that Thais tolerate it, they dont, they just seldom verbalise it, but vote with their feet and wallet and just wont go there or use it again, which has become my preferred course of action since living here.

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B-Quik is OK...

I beg to differ. Four hour wait for a simple tyre change.

Actually, it was one hour for the actual tyre change, then a further 3 hours before they were able to produce the bill.


Minburi area, Bangkok.

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Apart from stupidly losing the rights to the Premier League, Truevisions provide an efficient service with good customer support in English.

Cancelled my contract with them a month or so ago. Haven't watched their programming for 3 or 4 years. The box was just gathering dust. Far too many repeats, long after broadcast in the original countries. Frequent, pointless renumbering of channels.

Even with removing the dish, they failed to turn up on the appointed day.

A few years ago my box broke. They didn't come to pick it up. I had to go quite a long way to the local service centre to get a replacement. They didn't mention I also had to bring the handset (which wasn't broken). So, that was two round trips.

And have you tried to use the TV schedule on their website? I haven't used it recently, but for years it was completely unusable.

So, not even close to good service in my opinion.

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Well, first there's.... never mind.

Wait, wait, don't forget.... nah, I forgot about my last time there.

Ooh, ooh, I know, there's.... nope, scratched them, too.

Who am I kidding, I got nothin'

But in fairness, I usually get excellent value for the money I spend in Thailand. (Except, like the OP, in 5 Star Hotels which are usually great, but- Ouch)

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I have had and still use several good companies in CM. The one thing they have in common is they are family owned and the family knows the business and gets their hands dirty right along with the hired help, plus they depend on repeat business , not tourists as their source of income. A trane dealer, a cockpit , and a body repair shop, and a tire repair /replacement shop all come to mind.

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The problem is stupid defamation law, they all shiiite in their pants to publish and complain about anything ! Foreigners included !

Been here over 10 years, can count on one hand the amount of "bad" service incidents that I can re-call.

I also think its not that Thais tolerate it, they dont, they just seldom verbalise it, but vote with their feet and wallet and just wont go there or use it again, which has become my preferred course of action since living here.

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There generally is no predictability...

Sometimes I'm very pleasantly surprised by excellent service... other times I'm shocked by terrible service.

It seems there is no real training in anything... the level of professionalism and service experienced is often simply down to how switched on the individual is that you are dealing with...

I've noticed this from Restaurants, to Banks, to shopping Malls and Mom & Pop shops... each situation is individual even when a set of standards may be expected.

For the most part I find that if I just slow down a little things are easier and as others have mentioned - we simply have to learn to let a lot of things go. That said, I've walked out of numerous restaurants here when its obvious things are going very wrong.


My Car Insurance Runs out today. I've used the same broker many times before (for the past 10 years or so)... we've been in contact (messaging), the insurance company has been to take photos of my car. Tonight I've given her a call asking her where my documents are, I need at least a cover note... Her reply... "It'll be ok, you don't need one" !!!... I've had to tell her that I can't drive my car until I have proof its insured !...

This means I can't take my Son to Play Group tomorrow... no biggie, I've let it go... But IMO this is poor service and it surprised me from someone who has been excellent in the past.

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They all are mediocre, even working on a 20 million baht condo or house, it's hopeless !

The situation is only hopeless if you're clueless.

Agreed, the ordinary tradesmen are mediocre - but what else would you expect for 300 baht per day?

If you are willing to pay 500 baht you can get skilled craftsmen whose work is equal to, or better than, their counterparts in western countries.

For a long time I've been doing renovations and additions to the houses we've lived in and several rental properties that my wife owns. I do almost all of the carpentry work myself, but hire masons, electricians, plumbers etc. when needed. My experiences with them have been, for the most part, very good.

A total condemnation of Thais who work in the building trades is unfair and inaccurate and shouldn't go unchallenged.

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They all are mediocre, even working on a 20 million baht condo or house, it's hopeless !

The situation is only hopeless if you're clueless.

Agreed, the ordinary tradesmen are mediocre - but what else would you expect for 300 baht per day?

If you are willing to pay 500 baht you can get skilled craftsmen whose work is equal to, or better than, their counterparts in western countries.

For a long time I've been doing renovations and additions to the houses we've lived in and several rental properties that my wife owns. I do almost all of the carpentry work myself, but hire masons, electricians, plumbers etc. when needed. My experiences with them have been, for the most part, very good.

A total condemnation of Thais who work in the building trades is unfair and inaccurate and shouldn't go unchallenged.

I beg to differ, I would be relatively happy with mediocre tradesmen ! (mediocre means "average").

There might be some who are good, but the vast majority of tradesmen here are about on the same level as "do it yourself learnt from internet", minus the thought before action.

From about 20 tradesmen I used so far, about 3 were okay, among which one is a Westerner and another actually just ordered people around, 2 were mediocre and the rest were just purely useless.

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Do what Thais do, just let it go ......

And thats the reason service is so bad. They dont/are afraid to complain. This face thing causes thais to put up with all kinds of problems instead of complaining.

Constructive criticism is unheard of.

Err, no. Not all of them.

I once participated in an academic workshop in a luxury hotel near Cha Am. We were only a couple of westerners invited, all others mostly Thais and a few other Asians. The dinner was supposed to the festive event and indeed, it wasn't bad. Well, sure, they were a few glitches: food not prepared as well as expected or being served a bit late, incorrect drinks brought etc. Both us "farangs" were quite ready to put up with this given the relaxed atmosphere. However, much to my surprise the organizer of the workshop, a Thai lady professor in the university, started complaining very loudly, calling the waiters and telling them things that I could not catch but that made them instantly sweat, turn red faced and flee walking backwards, bent and mumbling apologies. After a while a manager of the hotel came and he was almost insulted in front of us.

Quite an embarrassment. Probably not typical thai reaction I concur, but in several occasions in restaurants I've seen Thais being very aggressive to waiters when things aren't up to their expectations.

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Do what Thais do, just let it go ......

which is why the service is so bad, I say moan like hell maybe one day they will have to actually provide a half decent service, Many a time i have walked out of places , last one was trying to buy a Honda water pump a big expensive model, i asked the owner can i see one, his reply " if i open the box you have to buy it"

I bought from another shop who would show it me

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They all are mediocre, even working on a 20 million baht condo or house, it's hopeless !

The situation is only hopeless if you're clueless.

Agreed, the ordinary tradesmen are mediocre - but what else would you expect for 300 baht per day?

If you are willing to pay 500 baht you can get skilled craftsmen whose work is equal to, or better than, their counterparts in western countries.

For a long time I've been doing renovations and additions to the houses we've lived in and several rental properties that my wife owns. I do almost all of the carpentry work myself, but hire masons, electricians, plumbers etc. when needed. My experiences with them have been, for the most part, very good.

A total condemnation of Thais who work in the building trades is unfair and inaccurate and shouldn't go unchallenged.

I beg to differ, I would be relatively happy with mediocre tradesmen ! (mediocre means "average").

There might be some who are good, but the vast majority of tradesmen here are about on the same level as "do it yourself learnt from internet", minus the thought before action.

From about 20 tradesmen I used so far, about 3 were okay, among which one is a Westerner and another actually just ordered people around, 2 were mediocre and the rest were just purely useless.

Had virtually the same experience but without the Westerner

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I think I am extremely lucky!

When we constructed our house, all went too smooth.

Contractors had pride in their work especially the tilers.

photos? and your level of "good" as mine may be different

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I think I am extremely lucky!

When we constructed our house, all went too smooth.

Contractors had pride in their work especially the tilers.

photos? and your level of "good" as mine may be different

I do not own a camera. My definition of 'good' commences with excellent! As good as any I've seen in a western country. Further, my father was a builder.

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I have had and still use several good companies in CM. The one thing they have in common is they are family owned and the family knows the business and gets their hands dirty right along with the hired help, plus they depend on repeat business , not tourists as their source of income. A trane dealer, a cockpit , and a body repair shop, and a tire repair /replacement shop all come to mind.

This is probably the best bet to get "some" service but even then as mentioned some owners dont give a with a take it or leave it or you are wasting my time attitude and as for guarantees........................it ends when the cash is handed over, before that there is a 50 year guarantee.

Had a prefab wall built once, was told 1 year then 5 year guarantee, I substantially increased the size of their pathetically small footings and when they had been paid they said the guarantee was void as I changed the footings!!! wall cost 650k, 4 inch lean on about 14 of the columns ( see photo) over 65% of the panel schipped cracked or broken in half, I told them to replace all of them.....no pompem can fix (splatter in some cement and let it drop out later when weve gone)........yeah well you pal take em out or get no money.....they took them out, but of course never straightened the columns as this was way more difficult.

As usual I will back up this "story" with photos.

Better still went to buy new Honda HRV for the Wife, walked in sad I wanted the top model how long would I have to wait to get a blue one...........no hab...Black one> no hab..........Silver one???? no hab sheeeeeeeeeeeesh WHAT COLOUR HAVE YOU GOT

( Honda Pranburi) can hab white and not top model................BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee bought Nissan Juke got it in a few days absolutely crap paintwork (orange peel) had to get the whole car paint cut down to get a glass like finish, they guy who did it was a one man operation and he did it in his own backyard and he was good

Out of 20 or so you will find 2 decent 2 who are willing to try and do it how you want and 16 wastes of oxygen

Edited by kannot
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As it goes, the worst service Ive ever received in Thailand (or anywhere else for that matter ) was at an English owned restaurant in Hua Hin. A restaurant with a bit of a wild west theme to its name, awful service, and the food when it arrived was inedible.

Still had Thai employees though. And the owner is probably bringing himself to an early grave trying to get them up to a western standard.

I think the main problem is the Thais that work in the service industry are just not accustomed to good service. Food industry is an easy example. The people that work at a restaurant that caters to Westerners were not raised on ones that resemble them in any way. They mostly grew up eating out of plastic bags or at Thai street stalls where you shout out your order, hope the cook hears it, and no one asks you how your meal was. Meanwhile in the west, low wage workers still have access to Denny's and places like it where the service model still at least kinda resembles (seated by a host or hostess, drink orders first, someone checks on you, etc.) what you'd find at a high-end restaurant.

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Service is definitely hit and miss here. my main gripe is when asking for something that is not on display and you ask for it the immediate answer is 'no have' - whether in Thai or English. I have a standard response which is "do you not have it or you just don't know'. Otherwise I always find that there is one person who really knows their stuff - the challenge is to locate that person. Having said that I spent a very productive afternoon at Boonthavorn last weekend and came away with a stove top, two toilets, tiles and various other plumbing fittings. I always have my google translate open for those tricky bits of translation. Also make sure I have an extra supply of patience which can be called upon when needed.

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