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Corrupt officials thieves, traitors, Prem says in anti-graft address


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Corrupt officials thieves, traitors, Prem says in anti-graft address


BANGKOK: -- PRIVY Council President General Prem Tinsulanonda yesterday condemned corrupt officials as being traitors who rob the country and citizens every day despite ongoing anti-graft efforts.

Prem was delivering a special address at the National Anti-Corruption Commission headquarters to mark International Anti-Corruption Day.

The NACC teamed up with other agencies to hold a "Transparent Thailand'' event to create anti-corruption awareness among Thais. The event featured exhibitions, student debates and Thammasat Chinese Opera related to anti-graft issues.

Prem said that in his view corruption meant robbing the country.

"Despite anti-graft efforts, corruption has escalated into policy that eats into the country's economic structure. Corruption poses the biggest security threat because it causes the country to become poorer," he said.

Prem quoted statistics from the Thai Chamber of Commerce that the country loses about Bt161 billion to corrupt state officials and politicians.

He called on Thais to join forces with state agencies to fight corruption through the "Transparent Thailand" campaign.

"We must disclose public information and uphold honesty and transparency," he said. "We must not allow evil people to rob the country every day. We must find ways to eradicate them from our country."

He said corruption had become deeply ingrained in Thai society, as many surveys have shown that Thais accept corruption as normal practice.

"Thais see nepotism and corruption as normal. This attitude is dangerous and causes the country to lose huge development opportunities," he said.

Prem said that as a first step, Thais had to behave transparently. "Superiors must be role models for subordinates in becoming transparent and possessing anti-graft awareness and upholding morality."

Second, Thais must forgo nepotism. "We must not assist people who corrupt and cheat, regardless of whether they are parents, spouses, children or relatives."

Third, corrupt people are shameful, as they are traitors to the country. "We must not socialise or associate with them," he said.

Fourth, instilling anti-corruption awareness must start with the young. "Students must be taught good governance and realise the malignancy of corruption. They must take pride in being honest and not being corrupt."

Fifth, the business sector must set an example by operating without being corrupt.

Sixth, Thais must not allow corrupt people to escape the arm of the law and must deride corrupt officials.

Seventh, Thais must support the work of the NACC because it has limited resources.

Eighth, executives of every agency must be "clean" by strictly following the law and setting up effective checking systems.

Ninth, there must by a national campaign against corruption created through media such as television programmes. "Every day, make people hear, see and understand that corruption is a grave crime against the country and how corruption damages the country," he said.

Tenth, the country must have tough anti-corruption laws. "The justice procedures for corruption cases must be swift - no loopholes in laws, and punishment must be drastic and heavy," he said.

Prem also called on people to return their gratitude to the motherland by helping fight corruption.

"It is the duty of everyone. We will not see Thailand becoming transparent if people say, 'Opposing graft is none of my business,' or 'I do not want to create enemies,'" he said.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Corrupt-officials-thieves-traitors-Prem-says-in-an-30274554.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-09

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"Thais see nepotism and corruption as normal. This attitude is dangerous and causes the country to lose huge development opportunities,"

This is the cultural shift that needs to take place. Anyone who has bothered to study the cost of corruption on a society would probably agree this is the most significant statement made by a high ranking official, and teaching good governance in school is the best way to start.

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"We must not allow evil people to rob the country every day. We must find ways to eradicate them from our country."

Overhaul the justice system so that trials are quick and free from interference.

Then where better to start than with those under His Majesty's direct command as Commander in Chief; the Armed Forces?

Move from there to the Royal Thai Police

Then to the Government Ministries, starting with those with the biggest procurement budgets and working on down.

Leave the little fish until last

Oh.........sorry I thought you meant do something about it - no you only wanted to talk about it - OK business as usual then, everyone go back to what they were doing before!

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Some kind of protection for whistleblowers would be a start. Get rid of the ridiculous defamation laws.

And greatly narrow and make very specific the grounds for LM, including making it possible for only the Public Prosecuters Office to initiate legal action in LM cases.

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Some kind of protection for whistleblowers would be a start. Get rid of the ridiculous defamation laws.

And greatly narrow and make very specific the grounds for LM, including making it possible for only the Public Prosecutors Office to initiate legal action in LM cases.

I would suggest that the Privy Council would be a better office to initiate LM cases rather than the Public Prosecutors Office.

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Some kind of protection for whistleblowers would be a start. Get rid of the ridiculous defamation laws.

And greatly narrow and make very specific the grounds for LM, including making it possible for only the Public Prosecutors Office to initiate legal action in LM cases.

I would suggest that the Privy Council would be a better office to initiate LM cases rather than the Public Prosecutors Office.

Are they not too close to the subject of LM to have a clear perspective?

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unless they army buddies then it all a misunderstanding lol , sounding very much like the last inept bunch of twits in power.

thai governments are best entertainment show in asia, not so fun if live in thailand but fortunately I don't, do feel sorry for those with investment & families though.

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As always, what needs to be done is much easier to define that how it needs to be done. Corruption is endemic in Thailand, its a requirement of getting things done. The overhaul of the entire economic process is not a practical place to start. They need to fry a few big fish to signal that they are serious. I wish them luck. The wealth of the country has already been squandered by corruption.

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"traitors who rob the country and citizens every day"

In May 2013 the Thai people were robbed of their sovereignty by the coup d'etat of the government and abolishment of their Constitution. Surely that might rank with thieves and traitors. But I don't recall the Prem Council making any objections.

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We all know about Corrupt officials,,,But This is not going to change if the Government keeps letting them of with a slap on the wrist instead of confiscating all the ill gotten property and money and put them in jail for live instead of placing a lot of them in an inactive post,,,for <deleted>.sake get serious.

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Said with a straight face, an indication of his political experience.

Yes, it's a great pity that Thailand doesn't have more men like Gen Prem. He was uncorruptable. I remember when he refused to have Baharn

in his cabinet lineup.whilst every PM since then sought Baharns support

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