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White House: Donald Trump Muslim plan 'disqualifies' him from presidency


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White House: Donald Trump Muslim plan 'disqualifies' him from presidency

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump's statement that Muslims should be banned from entering the United States "disqualifies" him from being president, the White House spokesman said Tuesday.

"The fact is what Donald Trump said yesterday disqualifies him from serving as president," White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in Tuesday's press briefing. For a White House administration to so heavily weigh in on an opposing party's nominating contest is a highly unusual step.

Earnest noted first that every president must take an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify.

-- CNN 2015-12-09

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"Earnest noted first that every president must take an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify."

And, just what part of the US Constitution guarantees that foreigners of any stripe will be allowed into the country, Mr. "White House"?

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he can still be voted in. another long time popular politician, with Americans apparently, and still ragingly so almost 100 years later.... all you gotta do is check the History Channel if you have True Vision... did some of the same type of speeches. not only that, but Hitler also comes to mind on some other aspects of Trumpie's candidacy as well.

Edited by maewang99
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he can still be voted in. another long time popular politician, with Americans apparently, and still ragingly so almost 100 years later.... all you gotta do is check the History Channel if you have True Vision... did some of the same type of speeches. not only that, but Hitler also comes to mind on some other aspects of Trumpie's candidacy as well.

You realize that this is incoherent, don't you? Word salad.

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You've got the pied piper of idiots in trump. Play up fear, play up a persecution complex and you get this. Flavor of the week hate. Mexicans, Blacks, Asians, refugees, the disabled, and now entire religions all in a few months time. How many types of people can you be afraid of?

Unless a country would like to see its citizenry murdered this is the only plan

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Unless a country would like to see its citizenry murdered this is the only plan

Re WEBFACT on which I cannot leave a reply!

Let the people decide and then I think Trump will WIN and so he should.

Remember 911 Etc Etc Etc.

Remember WW2 and the facists?
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"Earnest noted first that every president must take an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify."

And, just what part of the US Constitution guarantees that foreigners of any stripe will be allowed into the country, Mr. "White House"?

I believe that refers to his initial claim that even Muslims who are US citizens travelling outside the US would not be permitted entry.

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What in the name of Satan is the problem in the white house?Muslim intrusion?You are talking about Preserve/Protect & Defend??? That's Exactly what he's trying to do ,,,,,Preserve the Country/Protect the Country/Defend the Country,,,, from all the BAD GUYS.

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This statement would NOT prevent Donald Trump from running for President. Everyone running is very scared of Trump and looking for a way to get him out of the race for President. The people want Trump for President and he spares no words on what needs to be done to make America great again Go Donald Trump GO 2016 President Trump.

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"Earnest noted first that every president must take an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify."

And, just what part of the US Constitution guarantees that foreigners of any stripe will be allowed into the country, Mr. "White House"?

It's the part called the First Amendment...

It begins... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." For some reason, people always seem to forget that second clause...

This is not about letting in "foreigners of any stripe", its about the fact that it is wrong to exclude people purely on the basis of the color of one particular stripe. You know... things like gender, age, race, RELIGION...

I get why Trump's hotheaded knee jerk reaction seems justified to some people. It's easy to fall into that kind of thinking when you see the kinds of things that are going on in the world and in your own home country. There are terrible people in the world doing terrible things, but Trump needs to think before he opens his mouth to spew this kind of rhetoric.

Categorically discriminating against Muslims by denying them entry to the US for no other reason than the fact that they are Muslim goes against everything we stand for as a country.

I'm the first to say that no country lives up to it's own PR, and the US has plenty to answer for around the world, but the rule of law we have is based on a set of principles defined in the Constitution. Given our immigrant past, the belief in that vision is the only true definition of "American". I believe that when we have shined as a nation it was because we acted according to those principles.

Now, Donald Trump... candidate for President of the US, no less... comes out with this kind of ignorant, isolationist, uninformed, fear mongering, "plan" in response to a mass shooting.

Is this the kind of thinking we can expect from President Trump? Is this his great solution? Is this his grand plan to "Make America Great Again"?

Mr. Trump's "plan" is not only unconstitutional and contrary to our most core values, but it demonstrates that he doesn't seem to realize that If we let them change the way we live and what we believe... if we let them make us so afraid that we let them take away our values... what do we have left?

Mr. Trump's "plan" is just giving them what they want... more American's afraid.. greater polarization and escalation with the west... an excuse to justify their attacks... and a recruitment tool... all rolled up in one.

I'm sure we have all been amused at one time or another at his campaign antics... everybody loves a train wreck... but I do hope that people come to their senses soon and realise that this man is simply not fit to be POTUS.

Edited by rjcampbe
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This statement would NOT prevent Donald Trump from running for President. Everyone running is very scared of Trump and looking for a way to get him out of the race for President. The people want Trump for President and he spares no words on what needs to be done to make America great again Go Donald Trump GO 2016 President Trump.

I'm not sure "The people" want Trump for president. A load of terrified bigots do though.

And I think Earnest got it right when he described Trump as a "Carnival Barker" because that about sums up what he is.

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ISIS is growing and spreading all over the world, thats a fact , they recruit people that have no hope in life and give them meaning (and money). Africa will be a breeding ground and the poor part of the US, also Afghanistan and possibly Indonesia in time

What Trump is saying will happen, if not next year but in the years following. I can see interment and mass deportation of Muslims as well from Western countries, we will get to that point

The money source has to be cut off quickly, bomb the oilfields if necessary

The world as we know it is facing something even more worse than the Nazi's, this is already WW3


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Mr Trump is nothing more than a loud mouthed carnival barker. He has no real plan to help the poor or the middle class. His only plan is to prey on the bigotry that exists in a frightened populace. Why do they call them terrorists. It is because a small number of people can cause a large number of people to fear them through actions which are bizarre and brutal.. Not only is Mr Trump a bigot , he is also afraid. America needs a President who is prudent in his actions but not afraid to take steps when necessary. Do we really want to put back into the Middle East 150,000 US Forces to root out a peasant force that has no real legitimacy other than scaring people. Those who advocate intervention are doing exactly what the terrorists want and can use as propaganda to bring more people into their fold. During World War II- Japanese Americans were wrongly put into concentration camps- out of fear. African Americans have been denied their rights as full citizens for years because of their color. Please, let's not go down this road again. As much as I criticize American so called Democracy-Obama has a solid point on this issue.

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Things are getting pretty bizzarre that only a guy who wants to put up a massive wall between Mexico and the US thinks it is reasonable to maybe start limiting the intake of an obviously problematic group into the country.

I guess people just cannot handle the cognitive dissonance between the notion of tolerance and intolerance of intolerance, seems to be a stretch for even the smartest of my friends back in the states. Nothing anyone can do at this point, seems the intelligentsia is hellbent on bringing hundreds of thousands perhaps even millions of Arabic country Muslims in. And I guess America will just have to live and learn tho even then I am not sure that will happen either. People seem to think its better to sacrifce everything so that you can say that you aren't a racist and want to to tolerate all, no matter what they might think or want to do.

People I talk to don't seem to worry about a backlash either once you have all the newly settled Muslim refugees. It would seem if you cared about them you would worry about what might happen to them in America. I don't think Americans are just going to lay down and tolerate people who want to impose sharia on them etc. And I would guess the Muslims would fight back if anyone contradicts them. Even if the government backs the Muslims all the way, there are all the ingredients for not only much harm to come to Americans but to the people they are claiming they want to help. It is complete madness and terrible to be called a racist and a bigot when that is something you have taken care to try and not be your whole life. Tho of course trump is not among them who appears terribly concerned about preserving harmony between all the different peoples of the world.

Edited by Shaunduhpostman
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There will never be Sharia Law in America or a situation where anyone of any faith-let alone Muslims will be dictating anything to anyone. The United States is a huge country and has assimilated peoples of all backgrounds and cultures for ages. Yes, it can issue entry to anyone it desires or not. This is not necessarily racist but we are talking about excluding people because of religion. There are millions of American citizens who are Muslim and go about their lives without issue. I am not fond of the Muslim faith but I have no right nor desire to criticize someone because they are of a different faith than me. The Obama administration wants to bring into the country over several years up to 10K refugees who will be screened like never before. They are not going to settle in one city- they will spread among the whole country and its 350 ,million people. When I am in America, I hardly notice them. Europe on the other hand is a huge problem due to its smaller land mass and country divisions. These refugees need to be resettled to other countries throughout the World. Until that issue is solved- these people need to be monitored closely because they have no pre screening.

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"Earnest noted first that every president must take an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the U.S. Constitution, and thus, he said, Trump would not qualify."

And, just what part of the US Constitution guarantees that foreigners of any stripe will be allowed into the country, Mr. "White House"?

It's the part called the First Amendment...

It begins... "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..." For some reason, people always seem to forget that second clause...

This is not about letting in "foreigners of any stripe", its about the fact that it is wrong to exclude people purely on the basis of the color of one particular stripe. You know... things like gender, age, race, RELIGION...

I get why Trump's hotheaded knee jerk reaction seems justified to some people. It's easy to fall into that kind of thinking when you see the kinds of things that are going on in the world and in your own home country. There are terrible people in the world doing terrible things, but Trump needs to think before he opens his mouth to spew this kind of rhetoric.

Categorically discriminating against Muslims by denying them entry to the US for no other reason than the fact that they are Muslim goes against everything we stand for as a country.

I'm the first to say that no country lives up to it's own PR, and the US has plenty to answer for around the world, but the rule of law we have is based on a set of principles defined in the Constitution. Given our immigrant past, the belief in that vision is the only true definition of "American". I believe that when we have shined as a nation it was because we acted according to those principles.

Now, Donald Trump... candidate for President of the US, no less... comes out with this kind of ignorant, isolationist, uninformed, fear mongering, "plan" in response to a mass shooting.

Is this the kind of thinking we can expect from President Trump? Is this his great solution? Is this his grand plan to "Make America Great Again"?

Mr. Trump's "plan" is not only unconstitutional and contrary to our most core values, but it demonstrates that he doesn't seem to realize that If we let them change the way we live and what we believe... if we let them make us so afraid that we let them take away our values... what do we have left?

Mr. Trump's "plan" is just giving them what they want... more American's afraid.. greater polarization and escalation with the west... an excuse to justify their attacks... and a recruitment tool... all rolled up in one.

I'm sure we have all been amused at one time or another at his campaign antics... everybody loves a train wreck... but I do hope that people come to their senses soon and realise that this man is simply not fit to be POTUS.

Is this possible a pre muslim-era ammendment?

Maybe time for an overhaul of 200+ years materia.

Maybe also time to actually give the president some power if one goes trough the trouble of electing one.

Not being brought to his knees by congress on every matter.

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Seems like Trump has stolen Herman Goering's play-book.

"Of course the people don't want war. But after all, it's the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it's always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."

-- Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials

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