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Man taken into custody over his FB post on Rajabhakti Park scandal


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Let's see....

Anyone solicited for a kickback should lodge a complaint with the police. The Police would be more than willing to investigate, if the military requests them to do so. The Army investigated itself and found "no irregularities".

See? Everything is normal. Ask something else. There's no point asking. Please stop mentioning this already. It damages confidence a lot.

Chin up, pip pip cheerio everyone! Well, I'm off to my polo match

Of course if the person lodging a complaint with the Police would need to be very careful ...

As understand that they could end up facing both civil and criminal charges for defamation if the person they are accusing is powerful enough

So understand that most are very reluctant to rock the boat or name names...

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It certainly looks like the Junta is determined to dig their own graves. Amusing to watch.

Not so amusing will be the violence needed to remove him, .. the lives lost and blood spilt in the process.

If this is nothing more than enetertainment for you, perhaps you should consider relocating.

I don't think blood will be spilled. In any case, I wasn't advocating for them to take power in the first place, so you can keep your suggestions where the sun don't shine drama queen.

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A post containing comments in violation of the NOTICE TO MEMBERS POSTING IN THAILAND NEWS has been removed:

Any discussion of the Monarchy or members of the royal family in a political context will result in a ban. This includes vague comments that could be construed as referring to the Monarchy.
Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.
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"Prayut said he had ordered the arrest of the man, as he was angry over the post." And there you have it. You don't need to break a law to get arrested, just do something oh-fearless-one doesn't like. Now, what's the name of that type of leader again?

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How can posting information about corruption be called Lese Majeste???

Because here it is still classified as a crime if any one defames the highest representatives of the state. So by sugggesting that some acted corruptly, then it falls under the Le Majeste law, hence the arrest and apparently, a few more to come.

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How can posting information about corruption be called Lese Majeste???

Easy there Tonto (and the +50 people who liked that post). In this podunk, cultural backwater of a fiefdom, even questioning the application of the lese majeste law here is tantamount to committing lese majeste.

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The article didn't make clear which aspect of his post was construed as insulting to the monarchy, so as to justify a charge of LM. Sedition also seems rather far fetched. It seems he was accusing certain people of corruption. If the allegations are false, they should be entitled to take action for defamation.

However, the issue raises the question of whether the 'amulet salesman' and others who reportedly were involved in corruption relative to the park should be charged with LM as well as corruption, once they are identified and caught. Also the foundry owners who willingly paid bribes to secure the contracts to cast bronze images of past monarchs. Also should whoever was in charge of the project have all their assets confiscated in order to make good the damages, regardless of whether they knew what was going on or not, in the same way that is planned for Yingluck over the rice pledging scheme? Thorny questions that need answers quickly.

Edited by Dogmatix
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This particular scandal is small beer compared with the human trafficking scandal which should be rocking Thailand right now. See the Guardian report today: Nothing in the Thai press, but the Guardian is not so coy:


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I notice that the usual troupe on junta cheer leaders are noticeably absent from this thread. I wonder why..... rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

I would guess that they read the article in the Guardian. Just when you think a smidget of progress is being made something like this article comes along and well dashes all hopes and we are back at square one again. Fairy Tales.

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I notice that the usual troupe on junta cheer leaders are noticeably absent from this thread. I wonder why..... rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

I would guess that they read the article in the Guardian. Just when you think a smidget of progress is being made something like this article comes along and well dashes all hopes and we are back at square one again. Fairy Tales.

Just finished reading that article. Very interesting.

Saviors of Thailand indeed.

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Oh dear! just 1 degree south of pulling out a gun for a Charley Hesbo feature... These people are extremists too...

They are becoming more and more sinister and menacing, vaguely reminiscent of Greece in the sixties, Argentina in the seventies ( albeit with more than a hint of the three stooges thrown in, Thai version)

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Guys most of you seem to be living in Thailand and are more reactive than me. I visit twice a year for gem show & holiday. In those visits I do feel an underlying frustration amongst ordinary people. Seems to me General Prayut has to understand that all actions are now completely open to the international media. Nowhere to hide, amigo, so put all your efforts to making this lovely Kingdom of Thailand the happy place it's supposed to be !

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A desperate move by the junta to try and cover up crimes and silence the citizens who have knowledge as to their corruption and theft from the people / tax payers of Thailand and they will be sure to make a law change so that the military personal will all have complete immunity to the law and / or prosecution once they have their coffers filled and foreign properties purchased and foreign bank accounts to hide their ill-gotten gains. A truly shady military regime

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This particular scandal is small beer compared with the human trafficking scandal which should be rocking Thailand right now. See the Guardian report today: Nothing in the Thai press, but the Guardian is not so coy:


Quite revealing! But I think there is another thread on this topic. Back to the OP Edited by docshock13
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"Prayut said he had ordered the arrest of the man, as he was angry over the post." And there you have it. You don't need to break a law to get arrested, just do something oh-fearless-one doesn't like. Now, what's the name of that type of leader again?

yes,and the time is soon coming when what you post on any social media anywhere in the world will get you into big trouble...look at bangla desh.

Lets face it without social media and alternative news on the web we would n't have wised up so much as we have cos main stream media/TV etc is all controlled by their owners who are part of the 0.01%

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How can posting information about corruption be called Lese Majeste???

Easy there Tonto (and the +50 people who liked that post). In this podunk, cultural backwater of a fiefdom, even questioning the application of the lese majeste law here is tantamount to committing lese majeste.

Swedish news ( http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article21915155.ab )

says now that Thanakorn could face a 32 years jail sentence for clicking on a "like" button and sharing a picture with his Facebook friends.

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Damage control? There is corruption all over the world and in the interests of not wanting to become concrete foundations for something, I will say no more! Let's just say corruption is commonplace in Asia and its not something that is going to change any time soon.

Your obviously right, it's not going to change any day soon, but the younger generation are a different animal, better educated and more westernized, It's only a matter of time.

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My reasoning must be faulty. IF there is corruption linked to the park dedicated to all the Kings of Thailand, there could be no greater show of disrespect of the monarchy.

IF it is proved that corruption had taken plav\ce, IT would be the greatest ever reason for a Les Majest Charge.

Edited by BoristheBlade
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I wonder how safe we are posting on here? it is getting that bad sad.png

I wouldn't be posting anything of even a slightly politicsl nature here, or anywhere online.

Being silent, free, and alive, beats being right, or thinking you're right, and dead......anytime.

Leave the political agitation to the Thsis.

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I wonder how safe we are posting on here? it is getting that bad sad.png

I wouldn't be posting anything of even a slightly politicsl nature here, or anywhere online.

Being silent, free, and alive, beats being right, or thinking you're right, and dead......anytime.

Leave the political agitation to the Thsis.

Are you also scared of the dark too or just generally lacking in moral fibre....

Really glad my granddad and his generation did not think like that otherwise my German language skills would be a bit better than it is today,...

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