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Billionaire Bush donor begins personal anti-Trump campaign


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Billionaire Bush donor begins personal anti-Trump campaign

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (AP) — A billionaire who is backing Jeb Bush for the Republican presidential nomination has launched a personal campaign against fellow billionaire Donald Trump, calling him an insecure, narcissistic bully who needs to be stopped.

With the 2016 primary season swiftly approaching, Trump continues to lead most Republican polls to the display of many of party leaders who fear his incendiary remarks are harming their hopes of recapturing the White House in 2016. The Democrats have increasingly coalesced behind the candidacy of Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has swiftly criticized comments by Trump and other Republican candidates on Muslims.

Mike Fernandez, a Cuban-born major Republican donor from Miami who built his fortune in the health care industry, has bought full-page newspaper ads blasting Trump and planned to run a pro-Latino television ad during Wednesday's Republican debate coverage designed to counter Trump's anti-immigration message. He is also launching a website this week to be called "Stop The Bullyionaire."

"My issue with Trump in attacking the Latinos is that it's the Mexican-Americans today, is it the Puerto Ricans tomorrow, and is it the Venezuelans the day after that and then the Cubans are right behind it. He's a dangerous individual," said Fernandez, whose $3 million contribution to a group supporting Bush through the first six months of the year makes him the largest individual donor.

Fernandez began the campaign before Trump's statement this week that Muslims should be banned from entering the country, but he mentioned the remarks as another example of why he's hoping to knock Trump down as a front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.

Fernandez joins others in targeting Trump. A group backing Ohio Gov. John Kasich, another presidential candidate, and the conservative group Club for Growth are producing anti-Trump videos and Republican strategist Liz Mair is raising money for an anti-Trump campaign. He criticized the Republican National Committee for not doing more to denounce Trump, even at the risk he'll run an independent campaign.

"I have said to them, 'The longer you drag this out, the more painful it's going to be,'" Fernandez said. "So go independent. Let him do it now. Minimize the damage and at least you know who you're dealing with versus waiting till the last minute and you have no chance to devise a strategy."

A Trump campaign spokeswoman didn't return a phone call or email seeking comment.

Fernandez likened the attraction to Trump to the rise of dictators like Cuba's Fidel Castro and Germany's Adolf Hitler in a nation where people are growing increasingly frustrated with government.

"It can happen here, too," Fernandez said. "I pray that that it's not the case. This is a very strong signal that we are on the edge and we need to bring it back."

Despite donating millions of dollars to Republican candidates and the Florida and national Republican, he said he would vote for Democrat Hillary Clinton over Trump.

"If my choice is between supporting somebody that lies and somebody who's insane, I'm going to vote for the liar," he said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-10

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LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

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Why don't the 2 billionaires put their wallets aside and have few round of good ol' Queensberry rules bare knuckles fist

fight to see who's the better man here? that will make more sense that wasting their monies on slender and


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Like Trump proposed not allowing Muslims in the country

the Bush billionaire supporter proposed not allowing idiots to vote which would eliminate Trumps basetongue.png

only one problem

It would also eliminate most Republicans,and................

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Trump stumbled and bumbled in his style, but he did clarify that "banning" is justified "until we understand what is going on in islam with all the hate, anger and terrorism against the west and US. He did say we "have to talk with muslim leaders to understand what's going on in those mosques. It's a legitimate inquiry.

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Trump stumbled and bumbled in his style, but he did clarify that "banning" is justified "until we understand what is going on in islam with all the hate, anger and terrorism against the west and US. He did say we "have to talk with muslim leaders to understand what's going on in those mosques. It's a legitimate inquiry.

not unlike understanding what's going on in the minds of Trump supporters, or the lack of.

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Like Trump proposed not allowing Muslims in the country

the Bush billionaire supporter proposed not allowing idiots to vote which would eliminate Trumps basetongue.png

only one problem

It would also eliminate most Republicans,and................

Trump stumbled and bumbled in his style, but he did clarify that "banning" is justified "until we understand what is going on in islam with all the hate, anger and terrorism against the west and US. He did say we "have to talk with muslim leaders to understand what's going on in those mosques. It's a legitimate inquiry.

not unlike understanding what's going on in the minds of Trump supporters, or the lack of.

Is that all you have? Just insults? Nothing to add to the topic? Just gibberish?

And you're the one with the brains, LOL?


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Like Trump proposed not allowing Muslims in the country

the Bush billionaire supporter proposed not allowing idiots to vote which would eliminate Trumps basetongue.png

only one problem

It would also eliminate most Republicans,and................

Trump stumbled and bumbled in his style, but he did clarify that "banning" is justified "until we understand what is going on in islam with all the hate, anger and terrorism against the west and US. He did say we "have to talk with muslim leaders to understand what's going on in those mosques. It's a legitimate inquiry.

not unlike understanding what's going on in the minds of Trump supporters, or the lack of.

Is that all you have? Just insults? Nothing to add to the topic? Just gibberish?

And you're the one with the brains, LOL?


It never Stopped Trump in fact it has being a successful strategy, a your side in so why should it stop me? Ofcourse I dont have the hair, but then again, one can not have it alltongue.png

considering the level of discourse

I simply rise to the level of the discussion and speak in a language his supporters would understand.

Thanks for the Chearssmile.png

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LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

The point you might not be getting is that it is a somewhat accurate comparison that peoples frustration with government and the ability of a single cult of personality figure to feed off of that combined with fear mongering have caused the rise of dictators such as Hitler that have spread their hatred and lies and caused incredible mass murders and genocides on an unprecedented scale.

I doubt Trump would be anything like that but when people follow fear and lies then anything is possible.

Who will be the next nutbar that they decide to follow?

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This Mike Fernandez dude is a real piece of work. First he pissed away $3 mil dontaing to hillbilly Jeb Bush. LOL Now he's going to piss away millions more fighting against Trump?

Sheer stupidity on his part no doubt. But stupis is as stupid does.

Keep at it Mr. Trump- see yuou in the White House my man.

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Well if Trump closes the door for muslims , then Bushes Saudi buddies can't come over anymore.

Why are all western caucasian people not behind Trump ? Why all they all so loud with their critisism these last few days , not just in the US ,but other western countries too ? What is their agenda ? Trump a threat to the NWO , marginalizing and diluting western caucasians ?

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He is suggesting that Trump runs as an Independent? As one of the establishment wealthy elite 'one percenter' that would be his worst nightmare. That would split the vote between Republican Lunatic far right wing and the slightly less Republican lunatic center right wing handing the election to the Democrats. In fact it could get VERY interesting. Trump runs as Independent, Cruz or Rubio run as Republican nominee, their vote is split so they lose (unelectable anyway), Hillary wins the Democrat nominee and Sanders runs as an Independent then in that scenario Sanders takes the Presidency.

The very worst thing would be if Rubio or Cruz or Trump gets the Republican nomination and Hillary gets the Democrat Nomination and Bernie splits out as an Independent then Republicans would win and set America back 20 years. China would then take over as the most powerful nation. America simply would not survive economically or socially a Republican administration.

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Fernandez must have more money than sense wasting it on Bush . At least 'The Donald ' puts his own money where his mouth is .[ At least some of it ] You can tell by the insults the support for Trump has the weak opposition worried.

Really be honest who would vote for Jeb Bush .

Don't forget the only US ambassador to be killed in decades was murdered by terrorists on Hilary's watch when she was secretary of state.

Polls indicate most people would back Trump to keep the country safe rather than rely on Hilary or Jeb Bush and who could blame them !

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You can be anti-establishment and at the same time intelligent.

PS Stopping all Muslims from entering the US won't stop the terrorists. They will "cross-dress" as catholics.

LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

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LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

Quote "Stop The Bullyionaire." unquote. I think we can extend this to all these sanctimonious billionaires bast***s. Backing Jeb Bush you know the old song and dance was "Jeb can do it" and then "Jeb can fix it" and now dead silence. With all this money behind him (when becoming president he must repay all these "donations" with political handouts come on folks! nothing is free in this world) he is stuck in no mans land in the polls. He is so quiet lately I thought he had dropped out of the race. Yes people are fed up FED UP with the status quo. I sense a French Revolution style of rebellion going on among voters and next year could get ugly. Billionaire bucks no longer give you the right to sit on the throne and knight your billionaire donors.

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LOL. He doesn't get it. The people who support Trump are rebelling against the establishment especially Bush. The more he hammers Trump the more support Trump will get. Can't he figure out why his guy is in the cellar?

The people are so fed up with the establishment that it may spill over to Hillary once she has a real opponent.

People are fed up with illegal immigration of all stripes and want a government that will obey the law for a change. Trump was smart again. The people don't want more Muslims in the country because they don't want the rogue terrorist slipping in with them. Is that so hard to understand?

That is very hard to understand because "having a rogue terrorist slip in" is not a real thing. That's never happened. I understand why you think that's a thing, though. You watch Fox all day where they talk about that "thing" incessantly and it makes you afraid. That's why Trump sounds so good. So right. Soothing xenophobic hysteria about all the things that you're afraid of.

The Republicans have only fear going for them. They have no ideas on the economy, social issues or world politics (when can we start another war?). All they have is fear and Trump addresses fear better than the rest.

Trump is a bigot who will never be elected to anything. The pathetic Republican party should be declared a disaster zone.

Oh, getting back to this poor sap who is funding the anti-Trump movement, I love seeing these donors throwing their money down the rathole of backing a Republican in the 2016 election. They might as well just stand in the middle of the street and give their money away. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. Here's 10 bucks vote for Bush. clap2.gif

Edited by Pinot
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Why don't the 2 billionaires put their wallets aside and have few round of good ol' Queensberry rules bare knuckles fist

fight to see who's the better man here? that will make more sense that wasting their monies on slender and


Trump would fall after the first punch landed. Even a slap up the side of his head would cause him to burst into a hysterical hissy fit. His bluster simply hides the degree of his cowardice, and his lack of manliness. I would pay real money to see this chump in a real fistfight. He would drop like a house of cards. All hot air. All bluster, all bombast. No substance. The very definition of an empty suit.

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I dont like Trump in the slightest but the Bush family are war criminals, especially George, he should be in front of a firing squad instead if there was any justice left in this planet.

Along with Tony Bliar, Richard Nixon (if only), Herr Kissinger and all the other warmongers.

Edited by blazes
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A very interesting article from The Economist.


Trump and Le Pen spoken of in the same breath. How much lower can things get for Europe and the US?

a lot lower I am afraid,

other politicians are looking at this and are realising that hey have overestimated the intelligence of the average voter. a couple of weeks ago Kasich was proposing a government agency to promote Judeo-Christian Values around the world. Kasich knows very well that such an agency would at the very least be unconstitutional, he has being in government all his adult life, but he looks at Trump and thinks, if he can get away saying this crap and is doing well,, why cant I?

Unless Trump crashes and burns, other politicians will start thinking the same.

Welcome to Idiocracy

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I think 4-8 yrs of Donald Trump is exactly what the US and possibly the world needs right now. Deals and trade agreements would get renegotiated back into America's favor which would reduce the national debt.

I can see military bases around the world being closed and those troops brought home to defend the southern border while the wall is being built correctly. We really don't NEED all those overseas bases any more as the threat of invasion has all but vanished. Plus with all the new technolgy, long range weapondry and unmanned drones, they could maitain the vigialance for such a threat from far fewer overseas locations saving billions a year in tax dollars.

Trump never once said all latinos should be banned, just illegal Mexicans so it makes that idiot backing Jeb look even stupider try to stir-up fear in all latinos. Trump is starting with illegal Mexicans because they presently acount for the largest majority of illegals in the country today.

Putting the breaks on and not allowing people from countries KNOWN to spawn and support terrorists is just plain smart. Hell, he even said we should build them a nice, new safe haven right in their own country until their wars can be concluded. How would that not serve the same purpose to those fleeing "danger"?

I don't usually get involved in political discussion but the entire world has become a violent, crazy, dangerous place to live because country leaders are too afraid of media critisism to do the right thing for their own countries and when someone does (Putin) the media mongers clamor to be the 1st to call it hate, bigotry, murder, etc. but they never point to the actions that triggered these reactions.

facepalm.gif I could go on and on but this train of thought is giving me a headache.

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What concessions will JEB make for this help, all at the cost of the taxpayer

He'll let his new best friend run amuck when it comes to healthcare? Trump is more attuned to the needs of working people. He's from the Mitt Romney school of favoring a healthcare option for the poor, despite what he says now. Trump is bad for the business of profiteers and can't be bought. The one who looks pathetic is jeb Bush. He's basically a kept man. He should just withdraw and save further humiliation. This will just build support for Trump.

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Like Trump proposed not allowing Muslims in the country

the Bush billionaire supporter proposed not allowing idiots to vote which would eliminate Trumps basetongue.png

only one problem

It would also eliminate most Republicans,and................

Trump stumbled and bumbled in his style, but he did clarify that "banning" is justified "until we understand what is going on in islam with all the hate, anger and terrorism against the west and US. He did say we "have to talk with muslim leaders to understand what's going on in those mosques. It's a legitimate inquiry.

not unlike understanding what's going on in the minds of Trump supporters, or the lack of.

Is that all you have? Just insults? Nothing to add to the topic? Just gibberish?

And you're the one with the brains, LOL?


You keep saying to others that they don't get it. Yet on this you are in the dark. Of course the groundswell for Trump is a rebellion against the Establishment. What this does to the party is still to be seen. But for those who do not exist among the minority of people who support Trump and this includes non Republicans, non Americans and everyone else who is observing the show, Trump does not deserve serious discussion. He is the Great Laughingstock. He deserves nothing but disdain. What coherent, policy driven discussion can you have in response to his proposal to ban all muslims by having Immigration asking if people are Muslims? Nothing that Trump has said, in my view, deserves any serious consideration or response.

You describe such reaction as gibberish. I describe it as illuminating to any thinking, experienced and knowledgeable political pundit. This, by the way, does not include the fantasists who live in their own bubble.

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