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Thailand's North and Northeast coping with drastic drop in temperatures


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Why do people in the North expect winter clothes to be distributed by the central and local governments every year? What happened to the clothes/blankets etc they received last year, and the year before that and............................/???

They know every year it will be cold. So why can't they obtain their own warm clothing and blankets. I bet it would come out every year if they bought it themselves.

Aah, but I forgot. Buying warm clothes and blankets would require them to stop the lao kao, reduce their gambling, and stop feeding their beloved monks. Can't have any of that can we?

You have some real personal problems. No love. No heart or sensitivity. Just darkness and fear inside.

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Why do people in the North expect winter clothes to be distributed by the central and local governments every year? What happened to the clothes/blankets etc they received last year, and the year before that and............................/???

They know every year it will be cold. So why can't they obtain their own warm clothing and blankets. I bet it would come out every year if they bought it themselves.

Aah, but I forgot. Buying warm clothes and blankets would require them to stop the lao kao, reduce their gambling, and stop feeding their beloved monks. Can't have any of that can we?

Just like free sex. That which is free carries no value in the eye of the receiver...

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Wow....18 degrees ! Chip the ice off the old truck in the morning......I swear people have no concept of what cold really is !

It really is perspective..I think. I remember this particular winter, back home.


My wife and I are just about to move from Bangkok to start a new job. Average temperature for January is -20C with temperatures as low as -40C, so we are both about to learn the concept of cold weather as neither of us have ever been to a place anywhere near as cold. Dreading it too I might add and Bangkok isn't the place to buy proper cold weather gear.

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This is the only reason I would consider a move up from Pattaya during the winter months, to experience "normal" temperatures and low humidity.

When you up sticks and decide to move to a tropical country, as I did some years ago, the current temperatures up here are hardly 'normal'.

The reason I moved here was the climate. The cheap sex thing was well out of my head, been there, done it, when I came to decide.

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Wow....18 degrees ! Chip the ice off the old truck in the morning......I swear people have no concept of what cold really is !

It really is perspective..I think. I remember this particular winter, back home.


Yes it really is perspective. If you were in your mid-sixties, having worked 40 years in the rice fields with 0% body fat, sleeping outside with nothing but a thin blanket and used with the temperatures being in the 30's (Celsius). Then no doubt the sudden shock would kill you. Which it does to many of the locals.

No doubt in that particular winter you were in your centrally-heated, fully insulated house. If you stepped outside you were dressed like an Eskimo (who was probably in a T-shirt thinking you looked like an idiot). Use a bit of common-sense <deleted> before posting stuff like that. If the temperatures in Europe get over 30C people are falling over all over the place.

bad day, huh? don't quite understand your last line....common sense? I think you are taking that a bit far. The photo you don't like (for whatever reason) was for fun....not to draw nasty attacks...thanks.

I also have a problem to understand this one. What does the centrally heated and fully insulated house got to do with stepping outside, dressed like an Eskimo without having any sort of healthy common sense?

Is it a "watch out where the Huskies go, don't you eat that yellow snow" sort of post, perhaps?

I guess I must buy some new reading glasses and try it once more. Or maybe you can enlighten me? Thanks a lot in advance. thumbsup.gif

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Why do people in the North expect winter clothes to be distributed by the central and local governments every year? What happened to the clothes/blankets etc they received last year, and the year before that and............................/???

They know every year it will be cold. So why can't they obtain their own warm clothing and blankets. I bet it would come out every year if they bought it themselves.

Aah, but I forgot. Buying warm clothes and blankets would require them to stop the lao kao, reduce their gambling, and stop feeding their beloved monks. Can't have any of that can we?

How can you be you so selfish and why do you write about things that aren't true? How can you make all poor people in this country to alcoholics and gamblers? Giving something to the monks is part of life when you are Buddhist. Why don't you Google it?

It's just not true that the poorest people in this country receive warm clothes by the government every year. There're plenty of people who do not have a warm jacket, might that be in the northeast, or in the north of this country.

Do you really believe that all poor people are alcoholics and gamble? If so, please spend some time and travel through this country and see it with your own eyes.

I work for a smaller school in a town where most people are considered poor. With a little bit good luck and some nice people, one of them a German consular who sent me some money and we could make a nice Christmas event where kids from poor families received warm clothes.

I put some money in as well and we could buy 160 jackets, sweaters and other stuff. My wife helped me to find some decent stuff at the second-hand market in our hometown. This way, we could help a lot more people and the thankful smiles and wais were more than any money can buy.

I've got plenty of photos from this event if you don't believe me.

" So why can't they obtain their own clothes and blankets?" ( One of your questions) The answer is pretty easy and simple at the same time.

Because many people do not even have enough money to buy decent food every day. I know families who are really starving and in winter they have no other choice than to make a fire to warm their hungry bodies up.

Your post is so inhuman that it almost made me speechless, but also very sad. Is your view of Thailand really only concentrated on some bar girls wearing next to nothing in an air-conditioned bar?

But I'm glad that there are also some other foreigners who are doing their best to help some poor people here.

You seem to belong to these people who'd rather like to throw their worn stuff away, instead of giving it to people who really need it.


Edited by lostinisaan
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Obviously how one reacts to temperature is relative to what they are normally used to. You see this all the time where someone visiting from a cold region will be strutting around in nothing but shorts and a t-shirt while the locals are wearing sweaters or jackets. Not just in Thailand, anywhere.

Likewise, you see Thais out there doing construction work in weather that leaves most farangs dripping in perspiration just hoisting a cold beer to their lips, and the Thais aren't even breaking a sweat.

But there is some validity to the point that the Thais seem completely unprepared for a rather predictable weather change. I can't think of a single year in the last decade where December and January didn't warrant news headlines about Thais dying due to the lower temperatures.

I think that's the frustration many are expressing. It may be expressed in a callous manner but it's not like this doesn't happen every year. It should be something people prepare for themselves. And even if they're too uneducated to see this recurring weather pattern, there should be some sort of government or social education. Every year, my local newspapers run an endless series of how to beat the heat articles. Why isn't the Thai government or the local media also helping people prepare for the cold weather before it occurs?

Instead, they wait for the temps to plunge and then they go out and try to distribute blankets and warm clothes after people start dying.

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Wow....18 degrees ! Chip the ice off the old truck in the morning......I swear people have no concept of what cold really is !

It really is perspective..I think. I remember this particular winter, back home.


Yes it really is perspective. If you were in your mid-sixties, having worked 40 years in the rice fields with 0% body fat, sleeping outside with nothing but a thin blanket and used with the temperatures being in the 30's (Celsius). Then no doubt the sudden shock would kill you. Which it does to many of the locals.

No doubt in that particular winter you were in your centrally-heated, fully insulated house. If you stepped outside you were dressed like an Eskimo (who was probably in a T-shirt thinking you looked like an idiot). Use a bit of common-sense <deleted> before posting stuff like that. If the temperatures in Europe get over 30C people are falling over all over the place.

bad day, huh? don't quite understand your last line....common sense? I think you are taking that a bit far. The photo you don't like (for whatever reason) was for fun....not to draw nasty attacks...thanks.

Last line means that people in Europe start to suffer heat stress, dehydration and heart failure when the temperature gets over 30 C as witnessed last year. As you said "It really is perspective."

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I am quite happy for Thais to go on about how cold it is at 15 degrees c. Most of them have never experienced cold as most of the world knows it. But when a westerner starts gibbering on about how freezing it is , and blowing into his hands to warm them, I just want to give him a good slapping around the head.

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Unbelievable that the people Want/Get new winter clothing/blankets every winter,what happen to the ones they got last year & the year before & the year before that? Sold them for money or swopped them for grog or drugs?

Spot on. I have jumpers 15 years old for when i venture to colder climes...

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Why do people in the North expect winter clothes to be distributed by the central and local governments every year? What happened to the clothes/blankets etc they received last year, and the year before that and............................/???

They know every year it will be cold. So why can't they obtain their own warm clothing and blankets. I bet it would come out every year if they bought it themselves.

Aah, but I forgot. Buying warm clothes and blankets would require them to stop the lao kao, reduce their gambling, and stop feeding their beloved monks. Can't have any of that can we?

You have some real personal problems. No love. No heart or sensitivity. Just darkness and fear inside.

You obviously have no idea about conserving things from year to year. For the short time that they need to wear them, clothes or blankets should last at least 5 years here.

Think for a second or 2 before you hit the keyboard.

Unless you have worked in a country where the temp drops below 0 celcius in winter, i get sick & tired of the heat here & love escaping to cooler climes.

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"Do you really believe that all poor people are alcoholics and gamble? If so, please spend some time and travel through this country and see it with your own eyes".

Don't have to travel live in the countryside

And Well actually its a fair statement

having lived in countryside for 3 years and prior BKK for 12, worked here and still based here ,speak Thai married to one , albeit not a countryside girl but a BKK lady...... and ......yes here in the countryside PKK area about 80% are.

so there! Hiccoffee1.gif

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It is OK rabbiting on about warm clothing provided free by the government every year, but even if this is worn, it does not prevent the inhalation of the sudden cold air.

You can wear as many warm clothes as you like, but for people with respiratory problems, like asthma, the cold air inhaled irritates the airways, leading to serious, sometimes fatal, breathing problems.

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And now what....? 2days temp in the outskirts of Chiang Mai only 26.3 Celsius in the shade and in the mid afternoon. Is that cold or what?

Forecast is still 30 degrees or up for the next week. Who is spreading these nonsences about it being cold. Wait till next year, you'll get your share.

Well, relatively speaking of course, as already far out of Chiang Mai daily temperatures are lower as they were all year around and same for Loei or any place higher uo and more inland.

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2-3 years ago it was also 12-15 degree's in BKK at night. Why didn't we get warm clothes as well?

Can't believe those people don't have any warm clothes at all, and it seems they never learn to keep them for next year.

Thais have no concept of anything except the brainwashing they get from the day they are born & They don't even get that

Unbelievable that the people Want/Get new winter clothing/blankets every winter,what happen to the ones they got last year & the year before & the year before that? Sold them for money or swopped them for grog or drugs?

I cannot believe you 3 have so much disdain for the Thai people yet have the audacity to live in their country. Why don't the 3 of you get your a##es to Suvarnbhumi Airport and leave. You obviously do not respect the people so get out of their country. I can see why some Thais have so little respect for expats when see the comments from the likes of people like yourselves. You all seriously disgust me. Obviously have never met any Thais apart from bar girls that ripped you off to have that sort of attitude. Get off your bar stools and go outside and possibly you may be lucky and meet some very nice locals, but I doubt it with attitudes like you have. bah.gif

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Yesterday i went out to the local store, it was nice, cool and crisp and my neighbour was wrapped up like Nanook of The North except for the flip flops and no socks !

Took me back to winter days in Scotland when I was a wee boy and my mother's instance on keeping feet, hands and head warm.

The average Thai doesn't seem to get the feet bit.

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The Flu is a virus, it is in no way caused by the cold.

You also cannot catch AIDS from a toilet seat.

Flu is a virus that is only active in the cooler season, science doesn't fully understand why this is so but it simply doesn't spread during warm and hot seasons. So whist flu is not caused by the cold, it is the highest risk time for catching it.


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I am from Norway, so I know what cold is. Me and friend of mine went on a road trip around north of Thailand in 2008 or so. Ended up in a small place called Pai. We went to a bar thingy outside after sun down, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Boy we started shivering after a while, and I thought at first I was having a fever or something, because I never experienced cold in Thailand before. It was too cold to hold a cold beer or cocktail. Luckily they got the camp fire going, and we kept ourselves next to the fire for the rest of the night. I'm guessing that it was around 10c that night. Next day we bought cotton sweaters from a local market. Brrr. I can understand those locals gotta be freezing. The houses here are mostly a joke. No insulation for either heat or cold. I recently changed all my windows and doors to double glazing. My inside temperature is more stable, and humidity is always low in all rooms. Best upgrade I ever did.

Edited by mortenaa
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Wow....18 degrees ! Chip the ice off the old truck in the morning......I swear people have no concept of what cold really is !

Well why would they? They are Thais... in Thailand. Most have never left their province, so as far as they are concerned its cold for them.

Seriously some expats need to get a grip. If you can't show a little empathy then try to avoid showing your ignorance.

Edited by f0xxee
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