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Boxing legend Muhammad Ali responds to Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering US


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Mohamad Ali should just shut up and go back to sleep. Only changed to Islam to avoid the draft during VietNam. He is a coward and a embarrassment. No respect for him at all.

The real embarrassment here is you. Calling Ali a coward? Because he dodged the draft? So did I. And I was proud of it and still am. I will dodge any stupid war. Vietnam was a stupid, pointless war, as is Iraq. I had no interest in murdering Vietnamese folks. The US killed well over 2 million civilians in Vietnam and Laos. We had no business being there and same applies to Iraq. What was the legacy that you are defending, Mr. Wise Man?

Always stand up to the ridiculous and murderous policies of your own government, when they degenerate into mindlessness.

And please tell me, what are some of the truly courageous things you have done with your life? Ali is not only a champion, but he was a great fighter and a tribute to American culture. Be careful tearing down a legend.

Especially when you bring so little to the table.

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You obviously do not know what a fatwa is! I'm not surprised.

What is a Fatwa?

In recent years, the term “fatwā” has been widely used throughout the media, usually to indicate that a death sentence has been dealt to someone or some group of people. The limited use of this term has resulted in a limited understanding of its meaning. ISCA therefore offers the following statement to elucidate the true significance of the term “fatwā.”

Most importantly, a fatwā is not by definition a pronouncement of death or a declaration of war. A fatwā is an Islamic legal pronouncement, issued by an expert in religious law (mufti), pertaining to a specific issue......

In addition, you are ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of troops currently fighting IS on the ground are Muslims!

You stated there were thousands of fatwa's not me, but they actually mean nothing in practice?

So Salman Rushdie had no reason to live in fear?

Stick to cricket you're good at that.wink.png

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Point missed by you, or more likely deliberately ignored!

Care to comment on the rest?

"As has been shown many times in many different topics, Muslims across the world DO condemn IS and other terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of Islam.

From individuals in campaigns such as Not in my name and You aint no Muslim bruv (started after the stabbing at Leytonstone tube) to political leaders, religious leaders and community spokespeople. Muslims have demonstrated against IS etc. on the streets of European cities. Fatwas in the thousands have been issued against IS.

Yet you and those of a similar mindset constantly ignore or, at best, dismiss all of that.


So, why do YOU ignore the worldwide condemnation by Muslims of IS and other Islamic terrorists?

Why do YOU ignore the fact that the people actually fighting IS on the ground right now are Muslim?

(Edited to make it clear who I am addressing; but I'd be more than interested to hear answers from others; especially Jacky54!)

Edited by 7by7
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This actually is a very high profile condemnation if islamic jihad. Good! It is also good to see it too. However, the disconnect is still maintained. Islamic jihad does have something to do with islamic...

That is why disparate jihadis through time have all quoted the very same islamic sources for their authority.

That they claim Islamic teachings and writings, including the Koran itself, justifies their actions, even instruct them to carry those actions out, does not make it true.

The persecution of Jews by Christians over the centuries was justified because they were deemed to be 'Christ killers.'

Today, the Pro Life activists who bomb abortion clinics in America believe they are doing the will of God.

I could go on and list many more examples; but that would take up many pages!

Great that he said this, wish there were more and even more importantly, I wish there was a real push to show as much collective outrage at the inexorable march of jihad as their has been to protest Trump. Do both. I dont care, but also unite and protest islamic jihad.

As has been shown many times in many different topics, Muslims across the world DO condemn IS and other terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of Islam.

From individuals in campaigns such as Not in my name and You aint no Muslim bruv (started after the stabbing at Leytonstone tube) to political leaders, religious leaders and community spokespeople. Muslims have demonstrated against IS etc. on the streets of European cities. Fatwas in the thousands have been issued against IS.

Yet you and those of a similar mindset constantly ignore or, at best, dismiss all of that.


Yeah right and who is going to carry out all these thousands of fatwa's that in theory should eliminate ISIS?

I am aware I have a similar mindset to others, as do you. Noting a self evident association- some have a mindset similar to others- says nothing at all; unless of course the innuendo is a negative one. If that's the case, shame on you. Whats the point of that? Look, you're a pretty smart guy, whether we agree or not, but certain things should be requested to back up statements. I would love to see fatwas in the thousands issued against IS. I will even lower the bar: I would love to see fatwas in the hundreds. Here is why:

The most substantive rebuttal of IS and abu bakr al baghdadi specifically to date was the Open Letter to ISIS issues, in large part, by muslims in UK. What many do not know is that their primary opposition is actually al baghdadi and not the caliphate per se. But thats an issue of exploring their muslim brotherhood connections and connecting dots. What is noteworthy however is the utter vacany of that open letter. It was about as fraudulent as one could be. While later offered online in Arabic, it was not at first. Both that and what it says clearly suggest the audience is the West. More importantly, it actually says nothing. It expends its early and largest capital noting what is required for legal islamic fatwas to be issued, clearly implying to the uninformed Al Baghdaddi does not meet this threshold- but he does. Indeed, in many regards he is preeminently more competent than the authors of the Open Letter. However, the average consumer of this information in the west would not know this. They then proceed to repudiate IS yet provide no real scriptural support to do so. Where they have they clearly speak with two tongues as the West will hear "...thus killing one would be as if the whole world was killed..." paraphrase. Yet muslims would immediately know this oft used citation is a law pertaining only to subjugated Jews. Thus, the greatest repudiation to date can be line item expunged as utterly meaningless.

You have thousands of fatwas, I would love to see them- the properly developed ones as the Open Letter to ISIS architects assert- making use of accepted islamic jurisprudence, not revisiting an issue that has been previously adjudicated, reaching the deliberations and fatwa in Arabic alone, and basically being a doctor of islamic letters- all of which al baghdaddi is. So, the bar has been appropriately set, direct us to these fatwas that are scripturally complete (A fatwa must contain the scriptural reasoning and jurisprudence otherwise it is not a fatwa).

Edit- Note regarding previous post. Lets be clear to avoid historical revision. Yes, many such as you have avowed for a very long time that muslims have been speaking up against islamic jihad having origins in islam, or islamic jihad being not scripturally correct. You and others have made this point to which many have said "We just do not see it." In the post above two very recent efforts have been noted, only recent. Very recent. Perhaps they do indicate some sort of increasing responsibility being taken. We can be hopeful. But it is abundantly clear that those like me who have offered for some time virtually nothing has been said to singularly reject islamic terrorism. This is why we reach the conclusion, because it is true. What actually presents is a disparate picture of weak or feeble efforts to repudiate. But it is positively true to have concluded, at least till now, not enough has been done to speak out in condemnation.

Edited by arjunadawn
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Absolutely great.. then there is nothing wrong with being a draft dodger.

When Ali joined the Nation of Islam it was led by Elijah Muhammad.During the Second World War, EM advised his followers to avoid the draft. He was subsequently imprisoned between 1942 and 1946. The NOI opposition to the Vietnam War was purely a continuance of the policies based on separation and claim of blacks being the chosen people. In short Ali joined a bunch of nutters whose fashion sense was a foretaste of the Blues Brothers.

Edited by Scott
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Spiritual Islam? Islam can never be spiritual if the believer still claims the koran is the word of god, as it contains 109 verses advocating violence it is not.Spiritual Islam is just PR spin for the ideology of hate and division.

Although Sufis have a mixed reputation a number are being hunted down and murdered by Daesh for their spiritual practices. Many Sunni tribe members in Daesh held territory, in the face of certain death, refuse to join Daesh - as a result they have been massacred. Compare them to you, a guy who was fearful to report a threat by a Muslim in response to your insult, to police in London, out of concern you might have had a PC response.

You present yourself as a warrior against Islamists - LOL

Edited by simple1
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Some just don't see the problem. Yes, some(many) Muslims do condemn the terrorist actions, but it is the leaders who are failing. After the Paris attack, the Grand Mufti of Australia refused to condemn the terrorists. He made excuses as to why these Muslims become terrorists. The Islamic Council had to go into damage control because of his statements.

“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.” This was his excuse for the Paris attacks.

If Muslims got rid of these sorts of leaders, I think then we may believe that they mean what they say.

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The simple fact is that if Muslims are indeed the perfect picture of all great, good, honest poeple, I find it curious why NOT ONE Muslim stands in public to decry these terriosts. If I was a Muslim it would be in my interests to do everything I could to educate people otherwise.

Instead youu hear nothing from them. So one can conclude that it is indeed their religion beliefs that are dangerous to any that are not Muslim. Sure some are more forward than others (hence ISIS, Al Queda, etc). But the bottom line is Muslims core beliefs ARE dangerous to anyone who is not a Muslim. They are more akin to Nazi's.

If you havn't noticed the huge number of Muslims standing up publicly to decry the Daesh and terrorists then you are blind.

There have been world wide protests, 70,000 Indian Muslim clerics put a fatwa on the Daeesh\Al Qaeda\ etc.. you just didn't want to see it.

Had you bothered to read the OP before starting on your anti-Muslim rant you may have read :

Ali, one of the most famous Muslims in the world, issued a statement saying, "True Muslims know that the ruthless violence of so called Islamic Jihadists goes against the very tenets of our religion."

If that is not a muslim standing up in Public to decry terrorism\Daesh\Jihadis then what is it you actually want?

No one is saying Muslims are the perfect picture of all great good honest "people".. No one expects that any more than they'd expect of of you, or me for that matter!

Blah, blah, blah.....

It's easy to after trump. These 2 "respected " figures could have made a statement about Saudi Arabia and other Muslim leaders who do more crime and damage than Trump ever will.

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Mohamad Ali should just shut up and go back to sleep. Only changed to Islam to avoid the draft during VietNam. He is a coward and a embarrassment. No respect for him at all.

Perhaps you need to inspect Trump's record re Vietnam, he also ensured that he never went there but he does seem very keen on sending others to war zones.

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Some just don't see the problem. Yes, some(many) Muslims do condemn the terrorist actions, but it is the leaders who are failing. After the Paris attack, the Grand Mufti of Australia refused to condemn the terrorists. He made excuses as to why these Muslims become terrorists. The Islamic Council had to go into damage control because of his statements.

“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.” This was his excuse for the Paris attacks.

If Muslims got rid of these sorts of leaders, I think then we may believe that they mean what they say.

The guy talked to his opinion of 'causative factors', not that he was presenting 'excuses'. A number of senior Oz politicians, who personally know him, have publicly supported his efforts over time to refute Islamic extremism in Oz. Others have used right wing populist rhetoric to attack him.

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calling on Muslims "to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda."

Ali, never liked him anyhow. Always been a loud mouth.

Are not ISIL, Hezbola, the Taliban and all the other nut-case cowards using Islam to advance their own personal agendas ? That is a world-wide Islamic state.

Go back to sleep you old f*rt.

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Ali's opinion as a Muslim in denial of the faiths true nature is worth no more than anyone else's. The fact that he was a draft dodger, a misogynist (like so many Muslim men) an adulterer and a man who has spouted race hatred makes his opinion carry even less weight, he's a self obsessed clown and not a very funny one.

he was a victim of race hatred, learn your history
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calling on Muslims "to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda."

Ali, never liked him anyhow. Always been a loud mouth.

Are not ISIL, Hezbola, the Taliban and all the other nut-case cowards using Islam to advance their own personal agendas ? That is a world-wide Islamic state.

Go back to sleep you old f*rt.

never seen a christian tv preacher in his 20+ room mansion?
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More from the follower who says Islam means peace (submission) and that it is a religion of peace, after god destroys America presumably whistling.gif

"All black people! Get to your nearest Muslim mosque as soon as possible because god Allah says the time is short for the white man's rule. America is under divine chastism. There's gonna be earthquakes, even right here in this city, buildings are gonna go underground, there's gonna be all kinds of plagues and tornadoes and droughts. That's why so many white women are sent out into black neighborhoods, that's why immigration has been pushed so. Destruction is coming on America… God's gonna destroy America… The planet earth belongs to the black manHell is coming."

Muhamad Ali

this was in a time white people in the US refused to serve black people. forgotten that part haven't you.
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This actually is a very high profile condemnation if islamic jihad. Good! It is also good to see it too. However, the disconnect is still maintained. Islamic jihad does have something to do with islamic...

That is why disparate jihadis through time have all quoted the very same islamic sources for their authority.

That they claim Islamic teachings and writings, including the Koran itself, justifies their actions, even instruct them to carry those actions out, does not make it true.

The persecution of Jews by Christians over the centuries was justified because they were deemed to be 'Christ killers.'

Today, the Pro Life activists who bomb abortion clinics in America believe they are doing the will of God.

I could go on and list many more examples; but that would take up many pages!

Great that he said this, wish there were more and even more importantly, I wish there was a real push to show as much collective outrage at the inexorable march of jihad as their has been to protest Trump. Do both. I dont care, but also unite and protest islamic jihad.

As has been shown many times in many different topics, Muslims across the world DO condemn IS and other terrorists who claim to be acting in the name of Islam.

From individuals in campaigns such as Not in my name and You aint no Muslim bruv (started after the stabbing at Leytonstone tube) to political leaders, religious leaders and community spokespeople. Muslims have demonstrated against IS etc. on the streets of European cities. Fatwas in the thousands have been issued against IS.

Yet you and those of a similar mindset constantly ignore or, at best, dismiss all of that.


Yeah right and who is going to carry out all these thousands of fatwa's that in theory should eliminate ISIS?

I am aware I have a similar mindset to others, as do you. Noting a self evident association- some have a mindset similar to others- says nothing at all; unless of course the innuendo is a negative one. If that's the case, shame on you. Whats the point of that? Look, you're a pretty smart guy, whether we agree or not, but certain things should be requested to back up statements. I would love to see fatwas in the thousands issued against IS. I will even lower the bar: I would love to see fatwas in the hundreds. Here is why:

The most substantive rebuttal of IS and abu bakr al baghdadi specifically to date was the Open Letter to ISIS issues, in large part, by muslims in UK. What many do not know is that their primary opposition is actually al baghdadi and not the caliphate per se. But thats an issue of exploring their muslim brotherhood connections and connecting dots. What is noteworthy however is the utter vacany of that open letter. It was about as fraudulent as one could be. While later offered online in Arabic, it was not at first. Both that and what it says clearly suggest the audience is the West. More importantly, it actually says nothing. It expends its early and largest capital noting what is required for legal islamic fatwas to be issued, clearly implying to the uninformed Al Baghdaddi does not meet this threshold- but he does. Indeed, in many regards he is preeminently more competent than the authors of the Open Letter. However, the average consumer of this information in the west would not know this. They then proceed to repudiate IS yet provide no real scriptural support to do so. Where they have they clearly speak with two tongues as the West will hear "...thus killing one would be as if the whole world was killed..." paraphrase. Yet muslims would immediately know this oft used citation is a law pertaining only to subjugated Jews. Thus, the greatest repudiation to date can be line item expunged as utterly meaningless.

You have thousands of fatwas, I would love to see them- the properly developed ones as the Open Letter to ISIS architects assert- making use of accepted islamic jurisprudence, not revisiting an issue that has been previously adjudicated, reaching the deliberations and fatwa in Arabic alone, and basically being a doctor of islamic letters- all of which al baghdaddi is. So, the bar has been appropriately set, direct us to these fatwas that are scripturally complete (A fatwa must contain the scriptural reasoning and jurisprudence otherwise it is not a fatwa).

Edit- Note regarding previous post. Lets be clear to avoid historical revision. Yes, many such as you have avowed for a very long time that muslims have been speaking up against islamic jihad having origins in islam, or islamic jihad being not scripturally correct. You and others have made this point to which many have said "We just do not see it." In the post above two very recent efforts have been noted, only recent. Very recent. Perhaps they do indicate some sort of increasing responsibility being taken. We can be hopeful. But it is abundantly clear that those like me who have offered for some time virtually nothing has been said to singularly reject islamic terrorism. This is why we reach the conclusion, because it is true. What actually presents is a disparate picture of weak or feeble efforts to repudiate. But it is positively true to have concluded, at least till now, not enough has been done to speak out in condemnation.

stop selling weapons to them then.
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Spiritual Islam? Islam can never be spiritual if the believer still claims the koran is the word of god, as it contains 109 verses advocating violence it is not.Spiritual Islam is just PR spin for the ideology of hate and division.

Substitute Judaism or Christianity for "Islam" and Bible for "Koran" and your statement is just as true.

Nasty stuff in both ancient books of parables.

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calling on Muslims "to stand up to those who use Islam to advance their own personal agenda."

Ali, never liked him anyhow. Always been a loud mouth.

Are not ISIL, Hezbola, the Taliban and all the other nut-case cowards using Islam to advance their own personal agendas ? That is a world-wide Islamic state.

Go back to sleep you old f*rt.

never seen a christian tv preacher in his 20+ room mansion?

No not really, I'm not from the USofA, but I know what you are talking about, and you are right.

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More from the follower who says Islam means peace (submission) and that it is a religion of peace, after god destroys America presumably whistling.gif

"All black people! Get to your nearest Muslim mosque as soon as possible because god Allah says the time is short for the white man's rule. America is under divine chastism. There's gonna be earthquakes, even right here in this city, buildings are gonna go underground, there's gonna be all kinds of plagues and tornadoes and droughts. That's why so many white women are sent out into black neighborhoods, that's why immigration has been pushed so. Destruction is coming on America… God's gonna destroy America… The planet earth belongs to the black manHell is coming."

Muhamad Ali

Somehow I think in 80 to a 100 years the earth will neither belong to the white or black man. I think you will have to look in the far east to find the owner-in-waiting.

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Some just don't see the problem. Yes, some(many) Muslims do condemn the terrorist actions, but it is the leaders who are failing. After the Paris attack, the Grand Mufti of Australia refused to condemn the terrorists. He made excuses as to why these Muslims become terrorists. The Islamic Council had to go into damage control because of his statements.

“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.” This was his excuse for the Paris attacks.

If Muslims got rid of these sorts of leaders, I think then we may believe that they mean what they say.

The guy talked to his opinion of 'causative factors', not that he was presenting 'excuses'. A number of senior Oz politicians, who personally know him, have publicly supported his efforts over time to refute Islamic extremism in Oz. Others have used right wing populist rhetoric to attack him.

The guy had to be coaxed into condemning the Paris attackers. It is plain to see. Why are you trying to defend that. Why don't they come out and totally condemn these atrocities without reservation. That is the least that I would expect.

Muslims and their leaders are shouting condemnation from the top of the towers at Trump and Abbott who are making divisive political calls. All they are doing is talking. It would be good if those put as much effort into condemning terrorists using Islam

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Some just don't see the problem. Yes, some(many) Muslims do condemn the terrorist actions, but it is the leaders who are failing. After the Paris attack, the Grand Mufti of Australia refused to condemn the terrorists. He made excuses as to why these Muslims become terrorists. The Islamic Council had to go into damage control because of his statements.

“It is therefore imperative that all causative factors such as racism, Islamophobia, curtailing freedoms through securitisation, duplicitous foreign policies and military intervention must be comprehensively addressed.” This was his excuse for the Paris attacks.

If Muslims got rid of these sorts of leaders, I think then we may believe that they mean what they say.

The guy talked to his opinion of 'causative factors', not that he was presenting 'excuses'. A number of senior Oz politicians, who personally know him, have publicly supported his efforts over time to refute Islamic extremism in Oz. Others have used right wing populist rhetoric to attack him.

The guy had to be coaxed into condemning the Paris attackers. It is plain to see. Why are you trying to defend that. Why don't they come out and totally condemn these atrocities without reservation. That is the least that I would expect.

Muslims and their leaders are shouting condemnation from the top of the towers at Trump and Abbott who are making divisive political calls. All they are doing is talking. It would be good if those put as much effort into condemning terrorists using Islam

I'm not blindly 'defending' him, his record of condemning Islamic terrorism and assisting with countering radical propaganda has been confirmed by politicians who know him publicly and privately, including in the Turnbull government. Others were spinning his comments for agendas pandering to the right, including some supporters of Abbott in the Turnbull government. usual BS political games.

BTW do a search for Muslims condemning Islamic terror, you will soon see your comment is incorrect.

Edited by simple1
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Why not look over some revelant current facts about Muslin behavior and stop with the "only a few are dangerous terriosts" . It's the suicide bombings and mass shootings that garner the press, but the fact remains much more is going on with these Muslims. These people follow the Koran which is a book teaching to hate and punish all who is NOT Muslin. They are allowed to do so by the most horrific methods imagineable. Damn, they will even kill you for damaging the book! That is their beliefs plain and simple. Check out the real facts below. So, yes, I stand behind Trump's policy 100%. These people should not be allowed outside their own country. Let alone allowed into the USA. They are, by and large, very dangerous people.

Media excerts,,,,,,

- https://youtu.be/Wdr5aweiVBA

- https://youtu.be/Wp3Eam5FX58 Muslim Migrants Increase Crime in Germany by 65% - Posted October 8, 2015 USA: Muslim “refugees” – 91.4% on food stamps, 68.3% on Cash Welfare- Posted on- September 14, 2015

Look it up for yourselves. And this is just the beginning people.

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Mohamad Ali should just shut up and go back to sleep. Only changed to Islam to avoid the draft during VietNam. He is a coward and a embarrassment. No respect for him at all.

yet another war based on lies but was really about nothing more than a cash and power grab. Kennedy was probably assassinated to make sure that war could happened.

I don't blame him for a second for sitting that one out.

what about Trump avoiding service because of a bone spur in his foot? Just a brave hero that was denied his opportunity?

What about Bush avoiding the war because daddy was powerful enough to keep him out? Just got to sit around snorting cocaine.

Yes such brave Americans, willing to send others to die so they and their friends can get obscenely rich off of the blood and sacrifices of others.

You somehow must have missed Bill Clinton's gymnastics getting around the draft.

Just an oversight I'm sure.

Yes indeed as I am sure you must have overlooked the gymnastics of Bush and Cheney avoiding getting into any danger. However just like Trump these are the most enthusiastic proponents of putting others in harms way while showing a marked reluctance to get involved themselves.

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Mohamad Ali should just shut up and go back to sleep. Only changed to Islam to avoid the draft during VietNam. He is a coward and a embarrassment. No respect for him at all.

yet another war based on lies but was really about nothing more than a cash and power grab. Kennedy was probably assassinated to make sure that war could happened.

I don't blame him for a second for sitting that one out.

what about Trump avoiding service because of a bone spur in his foot? Just a brave hero that was denied his opportunity?

What about Bush avoiding the war because daddy was powerful enough to keep him out? Just got to sit around snorting cocaine.

Yes such brave Americans, willing to send others to die so they and their friends can get obscenely rich off of the blood and sacrifices of others.

You somehow must have missed Bill Clinton's gymnastics getting around the draft.

Just an oversight I'm sure.

Yes indeed as I am sure you must have overlooked the gymnastics of Bush and Cheney avoiding getting into any danger. However just like Trump these are the most enthusiastic proponents of putting others in harms way while showing a marked reluctance to get involved themselves.

Nice try but you fumbled the ball at mid-field.

The previous poster that I quoted mentioned Trump and Bush. I pointed out a Democrat President that did his best to avoid the draft.

I saw no reason to mention Cheney, and still don't in the same context.

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Mohamad Ali should just shut up and go back to sleep. Only changed to Islam to avoid the draft during VietNam. He is a coward and a embarrassment. No respect for him at all.

Can you elude to us what your military service is?

What about Ali condemning islamic violence. Its the festive time of year and good will to all men. Go up to the next muslim to see and wish him A very Happy Christmas !

Have you ever been to Dubai at Christmas? Possibly the biggest best Santa's Grotto in the world, with long queues of Arabic children excitedly queueing up to see Santa. My friends from the Middle East LOVE going over to London in December to see the lights and do some christmas shopping. One of them said to me," what is all this BS about calling Christmas the holiday season? We all love christmas!".

Edited by Andaman Al
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Why not look over some revelant current facts about Muslin behavior and stop with the "only a few are dangerous terriosts" . It's the suicide bombings and mass shootings that garner the press, but the fact remains much more is going on with these Muslims. These people follow the Koran which is a book teaching to hate and punish all who is NOT Muslin. They are allowed to do so by the most horrific methods imagineable. Damn, they will even kill you for damaging the book! That is their beliefs plain and simple. Check out the real facts below. So, yes, I stand behind Trump's policy 100%. These people should not be allowed outside their own country. Let alone allowed into the USA. They are, by and large, very dangerous people.

Media excerts,,,,,,

Europe / Muslims in Government Statistics / Sweden Sweden: 77% of rapes committed by 2% Muslim male population – Gov data- Posted onMarch 19, 2015

Austria / Belgium / Denmark / Europe / France / Germany / Holland / Muslims in Media Statistics / Sweden Most European Muslims want Sharia – not European laws- Posted on November 28, 2015

Denmark / Europe / Muslims in Media Statistics Denmark: 46.1% of Muslims surveyed feel Danish law must be based on Sharia- Posted onNovember 28, 2015



Muslim Migrants Increase Crime in Germany by 65% - Posted October 8, 2015 USA: Muslim “refugees” – 91.4% on food stamps, 68.3% on Cash Welfare- Posted on- September 14, 2015

Look it up for yourselves. And this is just the beginning people.

never read the bible then
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Mohamad Ali should just shut up and go back to sleep. Only changed to Islam to avoid the draft during VietNam. He is a coward and a embarrassment. No respect for him at all.

Can you elude to us what your military service is?

What about Ali condemning islamic violence. Its the festive time of year and good will to all men. Go up to the next muslim to see and wish him A very Happy Christmas !

Have you ever been to Dubai at Christmas? Possibly the biggest best Santa's Grotto in the world, with long queues of Arabic children excitedly queueing up to see Santa. My friends from the Middle East LOVE going over to London in December to see the lights and do some christmas shopping. One of them said to me," what is all this BS about calling Christmas the holiday season? We all love christmas!".

he has played wargames on his computer Edited by FritsSikkink
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yet another war based on lies but was really about nothing more than a cash and power grab. Kennedy was probably assassinated to make sure that war could happened.

I don't blame him for a second for sitting that one out.

what about Trump avoiding service because of a bone spur in his foot? Just a brave hero that was denied his opportunity?

What about Bush avoiding the war because daddy was powerful enough to keep him out? Just got to sit around snorting cocaine.

Yes such brave Americans, willing to send others to die so they and their friends can get obscenely rich off of the blood and sacrifices of others.

You somehow must have missed Bill Clinton's gymnastics getting around the draft.

Just an oversight I'm sure.

Yes indeed as I am sure you must have overlooked the gymnastics of Bush and Cheney avoiding getting into any danger. However just like Trump these are the most enthusiastic proponents of putting others in harms way while showing a marked reluctance to get involved themselves.

Nice try but you fumbled the ball at mid-field.

The previous poster that I quoted mentioned Trump and Bush. I pointed out a Democrat President that did his best to avoid the draft.

I saw no reason to mention Cheney, and still don't in the same context.

No of course you don't want to mention Cheney the puppet master and still the main proponent for invading (insert your own choice of ME country) along with Trump. I don't recall Clinton being that eager to invade other countries. So my statement stands Cheney and Bush like Trump so eager to put others in harms way when they themselves did everything possible to avoid such involvement. It strikes me that these are the same folk who accused Kerry of being a coward while at the same time avoiding their own involvement. It wasn't so long back that Trump was throwing similar dirt at McCain a man who did serve his country.

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It is interesting that many posters in this thread that are often saying the Muslim community should stand up against Daesh\Jihadist are also attacking one Muslim that does.

So what, Muslim factions have always been killing each other, just more proof, if any were needed, of the insanity and violence inherent in the ideology no matter which gang of murderers they belong to.

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It is interesting that many posters in this thread that are often saying the Muslim community should stand up against Daesh\Jihadist are also attacking one Muslim that does.

So what, Muslim factions have always been killing each other, just more proof, if any were needed, of the insanity and violence inherent in the ideology no matter which gang of murderers they belong to.

One could be mistaken into thinking you have an agenda.

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