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just about my wits end with this WiFi - pls help.


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I'm just so sick and tired of my wifi. Nothing but stop ... stop ..... stop .... every hour, two hour, 20 min, whenever.

Now it is going direct to TRUE so our server is bypassed because of the problem over the past 6 months.

But still ....... works for 20 minutes then suddenly just stops working ..... then I have to try and reconnect but it sometimes takes 10-15 min to get back on after I try everything like try other connections in the building, click repair etc .... but what I'm doing won't make a scrap of difference as it's the signal from TRUE thats stopped in my opinion.

I am connected, but it keeps saying 'Looking up www.blabla.com ' and the wheel keeps spinning for 5-8 min.

I noticed it is sending the packets but they are not being received ..... in other words ... open the network connection > there are two monitors displaying sent packets & received packets ......

but only the sent is active until it decides it's time to go again, 10 minutes later.

I read on the internet where others have this problem .... some say it's the router , some say change the power managed settings for the wifi adapter ... ( I tried this but no work )

Does anyone had any experience at this or knows what it could be as I have just had enough.

BTW ..... I noticed my phone can do the same at times and also work fine even though the PC has stopped.

Thanks for any suggestions...

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As surangw is asking, can you be very specific in describing your issue.

Type of computer used, operating system and OS version

How you subscribe to the Internet (ie: WiFi Hotspot, aDSL , Cable DOCSIS, Fiber, 3g/4G/LTE Mobile Data, etc)

How you connect to your subscribed Internet (ie: via WiFi, direct Ethernet, AirCard, etc)

If you don't own the equipment delivering the WiFi signal, there isn't much you can do, other than try an external USB-WiFi Adapter (hopefully one with an external antenna) and see if it processes the single better than you built-in device.

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As surangw is asking, can you be very specific in describing your issue.

Type of computer used, operating system and OS version

How you subscribe to the Internet (ie: WiFi Hotspot, aDSL , Cable DOCSIS, Fiber, 3g/4G/LTE Mobile Data, etc)

How you connect to your subscribed Internet (ie: via WiFi, direct Ethernet, AirCard, etc)

If you don't own the equipment delivering the WiFi signal, there isn't much you can do, other than try an external USB-WiFi Adapter (hopefully one with an external antenna) and see if it processes the single better than you built-in device.

VZIO PC ... 256 memory, HD 40GB, FDD 1.44 MB.

Windows XP

WiFi in building then Cable direct to TRUE 3G

Connection is done automatically, so it's always on. Just click on the web browser.

This didn't use to happen some 3 months ago so why has it started now ? imo it's an ISP problem ?

Another way would be to find out / ask if anyone else in the building is having the same problem ..... I know one chap who complained a couple of weeks back when it got pretty bad & TRUE came and replaced the modem ...

I get the signal by a USB D-Link adapter plugged into my computer ....

Edited by steven100
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if you have access to the router and it has a port, how is it on a wired connection?

connect to your phone as a hotspot.

Does sound like a dying router or maybe your laptop wifi card.

Try to rule out other possible reasons.

there is a router on each floor of the building,

the computer shows 4 out of 5 bars so it appears the signal is strong enough.

Not sure if it has a WiFi card, I have a wireless adapter - NIC installed by the looks on the device manager.


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Well I tried couple of things and it has increased my internet speed by 20-30%

I went into the QoS scheduler and enabled the reserved bandwith setting and changed it from the 20% reserved to 0% .... ok and reboot.

Then into the Network Adapter setting > VIA ll Earthnet adapter > connection type > it was set ti Auto-neg ..... I changed it to TXfull100mps. ( although I'm am using the D-link wifi so not sure if this did anything )

anyway ............. seems to be working fine and faster !! lets see if it stays that way .... !

sure hope so ..

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Some mixups here:

Another way would be to find out / ask if anyone else in the building is having the same problem ..... I know one chap who complained a couple of weeks back when it got pretty bad & TRUE came and replaced the modem ..

Nothing to do with your problem. He has got a wired connection while you are connected to the apartment block WiFi.

Completely different.

WiFi in building then Cable direct to TRUE 3G

Strange at best. Cable to a 3G modem?

Have you done the usual stuff and checked the drivers for your WiFi adapter?

As you are using the age old Windows XP it is unlikely that there is something new/better but worth a try.

Can you go to device manager and find details (what adapter and what driver version)?

If your phone does not show the problem it is likely to be found in your PC.

I am not throwing away things quickly (my PC is 7 or 8 years old), but don't you think it is time to donate your historic PC to the scrap yard?

1.44 MB floppies, 3.5 inch. Can not remember when I last had one in hand.

I started at the office in 1984 with 8 inch floppies, was it 128 kB? tongue.png

Edited by KhunBENQ
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shared apartment wifi is usually <deleted>.

Especially since yours is open - i.e. no login required so it could be that there are just too many clients connecting, everyones phone, tablet, computer, tv, games console etc etc it will refuse new clients or kick you out.

My apartment has shared wifi, a true line managed by smartzone. Had to login with password each time through the internet browser.

It became so slow that it was useless, plus the fact i was limited to one device connected, the answer for me was to get my own line/contract with True

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WIFI in your home, or community wifi ?

It's an apartment block installed WiFi

I've noticed a lot of the community type wifi are not installed with any forethoght, the put the wifi unit right next to the switching wall wart ( all by the power outlet ) which can degrade the signal. maybe you can get them to move the wifi box away ( as far as the wire will allow) from the switching power module/

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Most WiFi Access Points put up haphazardly in a complex to provide tenants with WiFi Internet coverage are doomed from the start. Especially so when no one is actively monitoring the integrity of the system.

You're better off getting your own private Internet connection, using 3G/4G mobile, subscribing to a 'commercial' WiFi Hotspot service, of acquiring a TOT WiNet or AIS AirNet radio link Internet service.

You can't troubleshoot what you don't have physical access/control over.

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Just to clarify:

Are you getting disconnected?

Or is it just web pages stop loading, in which case it is more likely that your DNS is flakey.

If so, try changing your DNS servers to Google or OpenDNS.

Are you getting disconnected?

that's a good point, you just made me consider is it complete disconnection or the packets stop receiving but still actually connected.

The best solution so far is I went into C:Windows\system32 and file net.exe

made a shortcut copy onto the desktop. Rename it Stop WZC ....

click properties and where it shows the target name .... C:windows\systems32\net.exe add stop wzcsvc on the end so you end up with windows\systems32\net.exe stop wzcsvc

I then did another shortcut copy and named it start wzc ..... so I have 2 shortcut files for the WZC ..

It is Wireless Zero Configuration ...... and it's the net.exe file

When I click on the new shortcut file I made it brings up the cmd box and says Windows zero config has now started.

seems to be working for now. have to see.

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What browser are you using ?

Don, I am using a Firefox based web browser ... Comodo Ice Dragon ,

Comodo IceDragon is a Firefox-based web browser that delivers great security and blistering browsing speeds.

Strangely, I didn't have any problem of constant disconnect a few months back ....

today it stopped twice only which is good .... when it stopped I clicked on the WZC start file and it kicks back in ....

so it has something to do with the wireless configuration ... either DNS or something I guess.

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Ok i ask as I have a similar issue although iam on a wired connection at home (with true) firefox, simply closing and re-opening firefox sorts it though.

If I use IE or chrome I don't have the issue.

yeah right. I may be wrong thinking my connection is WiFi and then cable to TRUE, maybe it's WiFi all the way to the TRUE server i guess.

Anyway, the file I created .. WZC or wireless zero configeration seems to solve the problem ..... as when it drops off I click on the start WZC and it's back up ....

so it must be a windows 32bit issue with the net.exe file .... I kept blaming the building mgr and telling him to contact TRUE and tell them ...

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