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Hundreds more face arrest over Facebook posts on park scandal


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What can you do....? coffee1.gif

Hey, that's the spirit! Just roll over and give-up.

Right, isn't that how progress everywhere has always been achieved?

What on earth are you talking about ?.

Did the people 'roll over' and let the government pass the amnesty disgrace ?. No - they took to the streets in the face of terrorist attacks and forced change.

Oh - you mean those same terrorists don't like these new rules ?. Well hard luck. You made your bed now lie in it.

Don't worry : you will certainly get your elections back so you can vote for the local red-shirt who will share a tiny bit of his corruption with you. But maybe things will be a little more strict than before so he won;t be able to 'donate' quite so much.

Is that what you are afraid of ?.

Anyone clicking 'like' to doctored pictures of HM and joining in with the anti Junta face book propaganda at this time must so stupid, I'm surprised they made it this far in life. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest though.

Oh John, you are SO predictable.

No matter what the news story is, that demonstrates the evil ineptitude of this Junta regime, you always manage to throw in a red herring.

You consistently to try to make it look as if this regime is in the right and anyone who opposes it is in the wrong.

Which is very sad for you, because you've lost your moral compass somewhere.

Democratic freedoms like freedom to assemble, freedom to speak one's mind, freedom to associate have been trashed by these army bullies.

You consistently pretend that everything is ok now the hated Shinawatras have been thrown out and ignore the obvious fact that it's actually not ok.

You approve of kids commenting on facebook about corruption being arrested.

You continue to give the thumbs up to the loss of personal freedoms of ordinary Thais who might want to oppose the Junta, (note* I said ordinary Thais not old comfortable expats)

Take a look at yourself

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Let the Witch hunt begin...Ultra-Nationalists out in force today & ICT ministry with their Stalinist little LOVING

"See something ...Say something" monarchist are in full force at the moment in the "Land of Frowns"

"Urgent, please share and tell those who are listed as members of this group to flee because military officials will press lese majeste charges on everyone. This page is a trap created by officials.''

If they were Following and loving Stalinist views and policies, everyone who has posted something anti government on TV, would be buried in a mass grave by now or rotting in a prison cell, with rotten bread and dirty water once a day.

Stalin made Hitler look like an alter boy and comparing the current govenrment to Stalin, is just theatrical drama and nonsence!!!!!coffee1.gif

A purge is still a purge.

Yes, a purge is in fact a purge, yet comparing this purge to Stalin is still theatrical drama and nonsence, the sooks crying about it are probally way too intouch with their feminine side/emotions.

Perhaps they should take the time to thank General P, for not seizing their land/Property and exiling them from Thailand, or even worse killing them and their family and friends as per Stalins policies as acused.

I would like to continue to live in Thailand and own properties and live a happy and quiet life.

Don't ruin it for us, by making outrageous and defamatory comments, about things you don't understand about this country, that could ruin it for all of us.

Ruin it for you, you mean. God forbid you personally should be inconvenienced in any way.
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What can you do....? coffee1.gif

Hey, that's the spirit! Just roll over and give-up.

Right, isn't that how progress everywhere has always been achieved?

What on earth are you talking about ?.

Did the people 'roll over' and let the government pass the amnesty disgrace ?. No - they took to the streets in the face of terrorist attacks and forced change.

Oh - you mean those same terrorists don't like these new rules ?. Well hard luck. You made your bed now lie in it.

Don't worry : you will certainly get your elections back so you can vote for the local red-shirt who will share a tiny bit of his corruption with you. But maybe things will be a little more strict than before so he won;t be able to 'donate' quite so much.

Is that what you are afraid of ?.

Anyone clicking 'like' to doctored pictures of HM and joining in with the anti Junta face book propaganda at this time must so stupid, I'm surprised they made it this far in life. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest though.

Oh John, you are SO predictable.

No matter what the news story is, that demonstrates the evil ineptitude of this Junta regime, you always manage to throw in a red herring.

You consistently to try to make it look as if this regime is in the right and anyone who opposes it is in the wrong.

Which is very sad for you, because you've lost your moral compass somewhere.

Democratic freedoms like freedom to assemble, freedom to speak one's mind, freedom to associate have been trashed by these army bullies.

You consistently pretend that everything is ok now the hated Shinawatras have been thrown out and ignore the obvious fact that it's actually not ok.

You approve of kids commenting on facebook about corruption being arrested.

You continue to give the thumbs up to the loss of personal freedoms of ordinary Thais who might want to oppose the Junta, (note* I said ordinary Thais not old comfortable expats)

Take a look at yourself

Fascists don't have moral compasses. Edited by JAG
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Let the Witch hunt begin...Ultra-Nationalists out in force today & ICT ministry with their Stalinist little LOVING

"See something ...Say something" monarchist are in full force at the moment in the "Land of Frowns"

"Urgent, please share and tell those who are listed as members of this group to flee because military officials will press lese majeste charges on everyone. This page is a trap created by officials.''

If they were Following and loving Stalinist views and policies, everyone who has posted something anti government on TV, would be buried in a mass grave by now or rotting in a prison cell, with rotten bread and dirty water once a day.

Stalin made Hitler look like an alter boy and comparing the current govenrment to Stalin, is just theatrical drama and nonsence!!!!!coffee1.gif

A purge is still a purge.

Yes, a purge is in fact a purge, yet comparing this purge to Stalin is still theatrical drama and nonsence, the sooks crying about it are probally way too intouch with their feminine side/emotions.

Perhaps they should take the time to thank General P, for not seizing their land/Property and exiling them from Thailand, or even worse killing them and their family and friends as per Stalins policies as acused.

I would like to continue to live in Thailand and own properties and live a happy and quiet life.

Don't ruin it for us, by making outrageous and defamatory comments, about things you don't understand about this country, that could ruin it for all of us.

I guess those who die in custody don't mind so much because their land/house wasn't confiscated. crazy.gif

A purge of prominent people is causing alarm in Thailand

Also what you mention about perhaps kicking all the foreigners out of the country is EXACTLY what Pol Pot did.

Edited by jaywalker
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I really don;t know why they don't have an investigation, admit there was some corruption, arrest some low level folks and one senior person, put it all over the newspapers that the junta is rooting out corruption wherever it may be, then have trials, sentence the little people to long sentences and the senior person can be given leave to appeal for as long as he lives.

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You have to hand it to Wissanu. With all the skill of an arachnid, his spin on whether it was solicitation or donation has clarified the situation nicely, so everyone should now be happy.

The only question though, how will he explain the solicitation of a donation.


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Let the Witch hunt begin...Ultra-Nationalists out in force today & ICT ministry with their Stalinist little LOVING

"See something ...Say something" monarchist are in full force at the moment in the "Land of Frowns"

"Urgent, please share and tell those who are listed as members of this group to flee because military officials will press lese majeste charges on everyone. This page is a trap created by officials.''

If they were Following and loving Stalinist views and policies, everyone who has posted something anti government on TV, would be buried in a mass grave by now or rotting in a prison cell, with rotten bread and dirty water once a day.

Stalin made Hitler look like an alter boy and comparing the current govenrment to Stalin, is just theatrical drama and nonsence!!!!!coffee1.gif

A purge is still a purge.

Yes, a purge is in fact a purge, yet comparing this purge to Stalin is still theatrical drama and nonsence, the sooks crying about it are probally way too intouch with their feminine side/emotions.

Perhaps they should take the time to thank General P, for not seizing their land/Property and exiling them from Thailand, or even worse killing them and their family and friends as per Stalins policies as acused.

I would like to continue to live in Thailand and own properties and live a happy and quiet life.

Don't ruin it for us, by making outrageous and defamatory comments, about things you don't understand about this country, that could ruin it for all of us.

Ok, Maybe Stalinist was to strong of a word for you...How about the "Thainess" version of Nazism is that better for you to grasp.

First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me

Do you USE Facebook? Have never ever posted something that you wish you could take back..??

As was said "A Purge is a Purge!" Many LM Prisoners have never been heard from again and have been found dead in their cells and their families banished from the Kingdom and ostracized. What do you want to call that. Please help me understand.

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BBC news today has story about the cop fleeing to Australia (forgot his name) and hoping for asylum as his investigation into trafficking was bearing fruit, some of it high hanging. Pretty clear the corruption goes very high up food chain, so decision to reassign him south was like death warrant.

Meanwhile, think I will keep a weekender bag near my door in case I get picked up or have to beat feet. Good number of us here have done enough to be locked up. This is time we can be thankful the don't pay us any mind.

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Teenager kills 9 people and get's 2 years in prison......Say anything about the Thai Royal Family, and you are going to prison for 10 to 30 years!

Life is cheap he in North Korea, I mean Thailand......."But theThai people are doing this to Themselves"

and the burden of proof is negligable; you're guilty if it came from your phone or facebook account. i mean no one ever used someone elses phone or facebook account...

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I really don;t know why they don't have an investigation, admit there was some corruption, arrest some low level folks and one senior person, put it all over the newspapers that the junta is rooting out corruption wherever it may be, then have trials, sentence the little people to long sentences and the senior person can be given leave to appeal for as long as he lives.

They cannot get one senior person, they all know to much about each other.

Also if they admitted it, one would presume it would be a LM case against one of the top Generals, and if it was treated as ruthlessly as other LM cases against mere civilians, perhaps it would also be a round up of the Committee in control of the Project which includes more Generals, and the PM's brother.

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Rabidly arresting neitzens for sharing an image giving information on the corruption of the park......while also now admitting to the world that....there is corruption involved with the park!

2016 is going to be another 1976 or 1992. Thai history repeating itself.

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Fascists don't have moral compasses.

Neither it would appear do many elected politicians regardless of what they call themselves or what they pretend to be.

So let's all just accept the paranoid, heavy handed generals then eh? coffee1.gif

Edited by mrrizzla
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What can you do....? coffee1.gif

Hey, that's the spirit! Just roll over and give-up.

Right, isn't that how progress everywhere has always been achieved?

What on earth are you talking about ?.

Did the people 'roll over' and let the government pass the amnesty disgrace ?. No - they took to the streets in the face of terrorist attacks and forced change.

Oh - you mean those same terrorists don't like these new rules ?. Well hard luck. You made your bed now lie in it.

Don't worry : you will certainly get your elections back so you can vote for the local red-shirt who will share a tiny bit of his corruption with you. But maybe things will be a little more strict than before so he won;t be able to 'donate' quite so much.

Is that what you are afraid of ?.

Anyone clicking 'like' to doctored pictures of HM and joining in with the anti Junta face book propaganda at this time must so stupid, I'm surprised they made it this far in life. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest though.

English John, the man who says stupid to anyone who doesn't think his way.

Well John , not sure how fare you "made" it in life, but i bet it was not that far....

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Let the Witch hunt begin...Ultra-Nationalists out in force today & ICT ministry with their Stalinist little LOVING

"See something ...Say something" monarchist are in full force at the moment in the "Land of Frowns"

"Urgent, please share and tell those who are listed as members of this group to flee because military officials will press lese majeste charges on everyone. This page is a trap created by officials.''

If they were Following and loving Stalinist views and policies, everyone who has posted something anti government on TV, would be buried in a mass grave by now or rotting in a prison cell, with rotten bread and dirty water once a day.

Stalin made Hitler look like an alter boy and comparing the current govenrment to Stalin, is just theatrical drama and nonsence!!!!!coffee1.gif

A purge is still a purge.

Yes, a purge is in fact a purge, yet comparing this purge to Stalin is still theatrical drama and nonsence, the sooks crying about it are probally way too intouch with their feminine side/emotions.

Perhaps they should take the time to thank General P, for not seizing their land/Property and exiling them from Thailand, or even worse killing them and their family and friends as per Stalins policies as acused.

I would like to continue to live in Thailand and own properties and live a happy and quiet life.

Don't ruin it for us, by making outrageous and defamatory comments, about things you don't understand about this country, that could ruin it for all of us.

I'm not sure "Thailand" and "quiet life" are going to belong in the same sentence much longer!

The only truly outrageous comment is the headline "hundreds more face arrest over Facebook posts on park scandal. It may not be true but just the fact that many are taking it on face value is an indication of how low the trust in this Junta is right now.

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Where there is smoke there is fire. How much of these funds have already left the country?

Not only the funds but some of the tools used to embezzle have left the country too, either living across the border or dead in a prison cell. Proof if it were needed that amulets don't work for unworthy men.

Not for nothing is Thailand No. 8 in outflow of ill gotten gains.

This business is the tiny tip of an iceberg big enough to sink the Thaitanic

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Good strong leadership from The General. Dissent needs to be taken care of to deal with Red Shirt funded troublemakers.

poor weak leadership from the general who is running scared from the people he has put himself in charge of. Stronger and wiser leaders cope with dissent by investigating the causes, tackling them if justified or ignoring the dissent if unjustified.

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I must say that the current administrations attempts to keep the whole "park affair" hush hush seem to be floundering, as most things they attempt to do have in the past. Rather than make no comment on the obviously, for them, sensitive issue, they go out gung-ho for the big headlines. Trying to scare someone or some group into submission perhaps. Attempting to provoke some reaction maybe. More likely there is no real plan, it's just a case of "carry on regardless" (quite a good movie). For sure the governmental eyes of the world are watching this country closely, I expect imports and airline bans, with this news, are a foregone conclusion, expect more of the same to follow.

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Lets look at where we are since May 2014.

First the general said he had no interest in leading the nation and staying on in power.

Then he installed himself leader transferring that to a Prime minister position.

Then he threatened media .

Set up ""attitude adjustment camps""

Uses LM to install fear in the populace .

Stalls the democracy process

Arrests students

Gets article 44 that gives him absolute power.

Shuts down TV stations

Allows his side to protest outside western embassies ...but not allow peaceful complaint.

Now gets into Facebook and looks for kids who click l""like""

Threatens mass arrest of hundreds of Thai citizens .

This is just the beginning.

Investigating the American Envoy will ensure their human rights tier remains on 3 ( lowest level)

The pretence is giving way to what's really there.

Absolute power.

This miltary will start ruling by far nastier means as evidenced by threats .

Human rights abuses will attract in time sanctions.

This will cause them to shift heavily to nationalist propaganda .

Lets see how much darker this gets.

Anti westerner sentiment will be blamed for economic down turn.

And the opponents rounded up.

Deportation of westerners perhaps on mass when things get rough.


This isn't far fetched

It's actually typical of a power base that's unelected and run by power of military.

These people understand and are advised by communist China what to do and say.

The biggest fear will be an uprising that's bloody in its suppression .

These warning signs of mass arrest seem like to me the beginning of a terrible unpredictable time ahead.

If hundeds are jailed for Facebook .

Thailand will be avoided like the plague .

It's becoming orwellian

Edited by Plutojames88
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What can you do....? coffee1.gif

Hey, that's the spirit! Just roll over and give-up.

Right, isn't that how progress everywhere has always been achieved?

What on earth are you talking about ?.

Did the people 'roll over' and let the government pass the amnesty disgrace ?. No - they took to the streets in the face of terrorist attacks and forced change.

Oh - you mean those same terrorists don't like these new rules ?. Well hard luck. You made your bed now lie in it.

Don't worry : you will certainly get your elections back so you can vote for the local red-shirt who will share a tiny bit of his corruption with you. But maybe things will be a little more strict than before so he won;t be able to 'donate' quite so much.

Is that what you are afraid of ?.

Anyone clicking 'like' to doctored pictures of HM and joining in with the anti Junta face book propaganda at this time must so stupid, I'm surprised they made it this far in life. Doesn't surprise me in the slightest though.

Just like an old fashioned toy...wind him up, and off he goes. Ahh, bless.

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Lets hope the Americans stand strong on freedom of speech.

After all the envoy has diplomatic immunity and was expressing the American position.

If they apologise they are by way allowing it to fester into a worse metamorphosis .

Edited by Plutojames88
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Let the Witch hunt begin...Ultra-Nationalists out in force today & ICT ministry with their Stalinist little LOVING

"See something ...Say something" monarchist are in full force at the moment in the "Land of Frowns"

"Urgent, please share and tell those who are listed as members of this group to flee because military officials will press lese majeste charges on everyone. This page is a trap created by officials.''

If they were Following and loving Stalinist views and policies, everyone who has posted something anti government on TV, would be buried in a mass grave by now or rotting in a prison cell, with rotten bread and dirty water once a day.

Stalin made Hitler look like an alter boy and comparing the current govenrment to Stalin, is just theatrical drama and nonsence!!!!!coffee1.gif

A purge is still a purge.

Yes, a purge is in fact a purge, yet comparing this purge to Stalin is still theatrical drama and nonsence, the sooks crying about it are probally way too intouch with their feminine side/emotions.

Perhaps they should take the time to thank General P, for not seizing their land/Property and exiling them from Thailand, or even worse killing them and their family and friends as per Stalins policies as acused.

I would like to continue to live in Thailand and own properties and live a happy and quiet life.

Don't ruin it for us, by making outrageous and defamatory comments, about things you don't understand about this country, that could ruin it for all of us.

Utter BS.

"Feminine side"... Omg! You think there are no professional female historians? Totally irrelevant.

All comparisons are fair game, becuase they are just that, a comparison. A comparison dies not mean the two are identical, but a basis of setting a framework. Try to spit the key elements within the formulated comparitve framework, and measure each element

It is you who introduce the drama.

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