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Fewer Republicans think Bush can win general election

Jonathan Fairfield

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Fewer Republicans think Bush can win general election

LONDONDERRY, New Hampshire (AP) — The number of registered Republicans voters who think Jeb Bush could win the U.S. presidential election has plummeted, a new Associated Press-GfK poll finds, in the latest sign of trouble for the son and brother of former presidents once expected to become the front-runner for the Republican nomination.

The poll found that just 40 percent of registered Republicans think Bush could win the general election in November, down from 60 percent in October. Republicans are now no more likely than Democrats to see Bush as a potential general election winner.

Meanwhile, 39 percent say they view Bush unfavorably. That's almost the same percentage as billionaire front-runner Donald Trump, who has stunned the political world with an unorthodox campaign that has propelled him to the top of Republican polls ahead of the primary contests that begin in February.

Bush is focusing his campaign on policy and his ability to govern successfully.

Perhaps even more troubling for Bush, given his insistence on talking about policy and his ability to govern, the poll found that GOP voters view Trump, the real estate mogul and reality TV star, as more competent than the two-term governor of Florida.

After setbacks in October, including deep campaign spending cuts and a widely criticized debate performance, Bush sought to reassure donors who have contributed more than $100 million to his campaign and a separate pro-Bush organization by resetting his effort with the auspicious slogan: "Jeb Can Fix It."

Part of the shift in strategy was redoubling Bush's emphasis on New Hampshire, where aides said the candidate's serious style and affinity for one-on-one policy engagement was a close fit with New Englanders, who also typically hold themselves as independent of the national story line.

New Hampshire is a key state because it holds its election early in the primary season.

Bush has held nearly 20 town hall-style meetings in the state, each with about 100 voters attending, including in places most other candidates have not visited.

But the content of Bush's town halls remains the same, with him passing on Trump's flash and penchant for bombast to remain centered on telling the story of his time as governor and his detailed plans for the nation's economy and military.

He has faith — and some good-natured bullheadedness — that voters will eventually come around.

"I'm not running for entertainer or anything like this. I hope you want a candidate who has actually thought it through, who actually has plans," he said while discussing the federal debt during one recent appearance.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-12-12

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I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

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Ulysses G., on 12 Dec 2015 - 12:07, said:

I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

Not to sure Rubio will be thankful of your endorsement. Even though you did give it with the best of intentions.

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Ulysses G., on 12 Dec 2015 - 12:07, said:

I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

Not to sure Rubio will be thankful of your endorsement. Even though you did give it with the best of intentions.

John Kennedy is rather unique in American history.

Making any comparison to the actual US president candidates is so wrong because Kennedy opposed those core ideologies represented by all those presidential candidates.

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Thorgal, on 12 Dec 2015 - 13:39, said:
SgtRock, on 12 Dec 2015 - 13:29, said:
Ulysses G., on 12 Dec 2015 - 12:07, said:

Ulysses G., on 12 Dec 2015 - 12:07, said:

I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

Not to sure Rubio will be thankful of your endorsement. Even though you did give it with the best of intentions.

John Kennedy is rather unique in American history.

Making any comparison to the actual US president candidates is so wrong because Kennedy opposed those core ideologies represented by all those presidential candidates.

Your reply would be meaningful if we were on the same wavelength.

Unfortunately you missed by a mile.

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I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

Rubio is like John Kennedy in 1960 like...sorry, I had something there but lost it.

Yeah, they're a lot alike cheesy.gif

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Bush is playing for a brokered GOP convention where results of the primaries will not matter.

So long as Bush can keep his name recognition alive with potential convention delegates and donors, he needs to only perform consistently in the primaries without getting any majority of votes. While Trump can attract a majority of GOP voters, to win the POTUS election a party needs independent voters and voter party crossovers. To that end Trump's political platform is a failure and Bush might be able to deliver a more broad-based platform..

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Bush is playing for a brokered GOP convention where results of the primaries will not matter.

So long as Bush can keep his name recognition alive with potential convention delegates and donors, he needs to only perform consistently in the primaries without getting any majority of votes. While Trump can attract a majority of GOP voters, to win the POTUS election a party needs independent voters and voter party crossovers. To that end Trump's political platform is a failure and Bush might be able to deliver a more broad-based platform..

If the GOP do indeed end up with a brokered convention, well all bets are off. The GOP is clearly in headless chicken mode, and I'm not sure at this point whether any of Jeb's $$$$ can save him.

The problem is, for Jeb, and for the country, is the GOP is reaping what they have sown. EJ Dionne on Friday's Diane Rehm show I think summed it up quite well, when he said (I'm I'm paraphrasing as I remember the quote) that "the GOP have for decades been playing 'dog whistle' politics to stir up the base. Now they find themselves with a Donald Trump using a bullhorn, and are surprised they cant control it"

Jeb I fear is history, and as ironic as it is Cruz may well emerge as the 'establishment' alternative to Trump.....God help us

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Jeb Bush has all the personality of a colostomy bag.

Well let me first say, I'm a Democrat so this GOP circus is on one level hilarious to me.

However, I hope, and it's a sincere hope, that we do as a nation elect a POTUS on the basis of ability, not just on his/her proficiency as a Barnum & Bailey fairground barker.

Jeb, actually quite like Bush 41 is a pretty intelligent guy, unlike his erstwhile brother.

Bush 41 was far from charismatic, but in hindsight I think history will see him as the last consensus and thoughtful POTUS we have.

Jeb is toast, but more due to the celebrity society we live in today than his intellect or ability

Edited by GinBoy2
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I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

Rubio is like John Kennedy in 1960 like...sorry, I had something there but lost it.

Yeah, they're a lot alike

Very insightful for a change. And here I thought that you were nothing but a rude, partisan hack with nothing else to say. whistling.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Jeb Bush has all the personality of a colostomy bag.

Well let me first say, I'm a Democrat so this GOP circus is on one level hilarious to me.

However, I hope, and it's a sincere hope, that we do as a nation elect a POTUS on the basis of ability, not just on his/her proficiency as a Barnum & Bailey fairground barker.

Jeb, actually quite like Bush 41 is a pretty intelligent guy, unlike his erstwhile brother.

Bush 41 was far from charismatic, but in hindsight I think history will see him as the last consensus and thoughtful POTUS we have.

Jeb is toast, but more due to the celebrity society we live in today than his intellect or ability

"but in hindsight I think history will see him as the last consensus and thoughtful POTUS we have. "

What the...? Worst of all time. And his brother Jeb is the same man with the same advisors, trying to do the same things.

Republicans are screwed. They got nothing. It's a cluster...

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I don't want ANY republican but I think the New Hampshire newspaper that has endorsed Chris Christie made some good points. They prefer Kasich more than any of them but instead endorsed Chris Christie because he's relatively sensible with solid governing resume (like Kasich) and also a HOTHEAD. Their logic was that with Trump leading the voters have made it clear they really want a HOTHEAD this time but that Christie is a more rational HOTHEAD. They also rejected Rubio and Cruz as having the same kind of limited junior senator resumes that that Obama had, so why repeat that?

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If it gets to a brokered convention (we should know if it's headed that way after Super Tuesday) then Jeb will be installed as the nominee, even if he goes in with only 3 delegates. At the convention it will not be about $$$ (for a change!) but about clout, something the Bush family has more of than all the other hopefuls put together.

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Jeb Bush has all the personality of a colostomy bag.

Well let me first say, I'm a Democrat so this GOP circus is on one level hilarious to me.

However, I hope, and it's a sincere hope, that we do as a nation elect a POTUS on the basis of ability, not just on his/her proficiency as a Barnum & Bailey fairground barker.

Jeb, actually quite like Bush 41 is a pretty intelligent guy, unlike his erstwhile brother.

Bush 41 was far from charismatic, but in hindsight I think history will see him as the last consensus and thoughtful POTUS we have.

Jeb is toast, but more due to the celebrity society we live in today than his intellect or ability

"but in hindsight I think history will see him as the last consensus and thoughtful POTUS we have. "

What the...? Worst of all time. And his brother Jeb is the same man with the same advisors, trying to do the same things.

Republicans are screwed. They got nothing. It's a cluster...

I think you you need to read a little more carefully. I was referencing Bush 41 (HW), not 43 (GW).

In terms of advisors, HW's comments regarding GW's advisors have hardly been complementary. Which of course were the 'juicy' parts reported in Jon Meacham's book 'Destiny & Power'. If I could make a plug for the book, the soundbites related to Cheney & Rumsfeld are luridly intriguing, but the whole book paints a very full and fascinating picture of HW Bush, a good read.

Edited by GinBoy2
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I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

Presidents Clinton and Obama are more like JFK. Rubio reminds me more of Dan Quayle.

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I'm not a fan of some of Bush's positions, but I think he is a good man and I appreciate his moderation. However, IMO Trump has already defined him as "low energy" and destroyed any chance he might have had of being president. I'm not sure Trump has a real chance either and am hoping that someone like Marco Rubio ends up getting the nomination.

Rubio is intelligent, well-spoken and charismatic. He reminds me of John Kennedy in 1960.

Presidents Clinton and Obama are more like JFK. Rubio reminds me more of Dan Quayle.

No, no, no.

Rubio is no JFK, but equally he's no Dan Quayle...thankfully, the country doesn't deserve two Dan Quayle's in one generation.

I don't agree with many of his positions, but unlike Quayle, Rubio is an articulate and a polished politician.

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A baby-face did not stop John or Bobby Kennedy from succeeding in politics.

I thought someone would say that and I'm happy to respond.

They didn't have BABY faces.

They had handsome YOUTHFUL faces.

Rubio really does have a BABY face.

Face it or not, it hurts him a lot because it amplifies his THIN experience.

No not thinner than Obama before he was president, but that's a big thing with republicans now, saying he didn't have enough so why did Obama not and Rubio does?

Edited by Jingthing
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A baby-face did not stop John or Bobby Kennedy from succeeding in politics.

I thought someone would say that and I'm happy to respond.

They didn't have BABY faces.

They had handsome YOUTHFUL faces.

Rubio really does have a BABY face.

Face it or not, it hurts him a lot because it amplifies his THIN experience.

No not thinner than Obama before he was president, but that's a big thing with republicans now, saying he didn't have enough so why did Obama not and Rubio does?

Sorry, but see little difference between these "youthful" faces - no matter how you split hairs - and Obama believes in an idiotic ideology, Rubio does not. Rubio also has a lot more experience on the state level than Obama did. There is a big difference.

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