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Teenage Palestinian girl shot after alleged attack

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When are the knife attackers going to learn? Almost every attack had been thwarted by 5.56mm brass until they look like Swiss cheese.

Perhaps they will learn when the Israeli government ends its illegal occupation of someone else's land and gives Palestinians their human, civil and economic rights, so that they have hope for the future.

"Give me liberty or give me death!"

I don`t think so.The hate they have for jews is rooted in the Quaran and it will not stop even in the unlikely event that the Palestinians get their own country.

Yes and no. It is true that the Muslims hating Jews can be read in the Islam holy book but that doesn't mean Islam (or any religious texts) NEEDS to be followed literally in this modern era. In any case even if there is a miracle of a real two state solution, that would just be the beginning as far as healing and building trust between the sides.

In real life, on a human level, Muslim people and Jewish people can get along and have a gay old time.

Trust me on that.

So all hope is not lost. Just in the case of the Israel - Palestinians political conflict, most of it is at least for the shorter term.

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"You only have power over people so long as you don't take everything away from them. But when you've robbed a man of everything, he's no longer in your power - he's free again." -- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


So, she is a religeous - Islamic - terrorist attacking Jews. We agree on something.

I disagree.

Her religion is irrelevant unless that was her motive and her victims were innocents in their own country.

Her motive could simply have been frustration over 50 years of illegal Israeli occupation while the world turns a blind eye, with no hope for the future.

Spare us.

Not all that long ago you justified an terrorist attack carried out by a Palestinian in Tel Aviv (two people stabbed while at prayer). They were not combatants, and they were in their own country. The same justification used, namely that the terrorist was frustrated, angered, essentially driven to attack.

If the girl's motivation was Islamic, and the attack was carried out in the West Bank would the location cancel out the motivation? In other words, is it your assertion that there are no Palestinian Islamic motivated attacks, but rather that they are always political, regardless of any other indications? Or, perhaps, could there be more than a single motivator to commit such actions?

Seems like with Palestinian attacks, the responsible party is Israel, with The West playing a support role, and denial of connection to Islam comes next. On the other hand, when terrorist attacks occur in The West, the first step is denial of connection to Islam, and then laying the blame on The West's alleged sins.

That is a lie. I expressed sympathy for the 2 innocent Israelis killed in Tel Aviv.
If the terrorism is purely in the name of my god versus your god. I condemn it, whether it be Muslim, Christian, Jew, or Hindu. Mind you religious zealotry is a form of mental illness as far as I am concerned.Certifiable.
We don't know what her motivations were although some Israeli apologists seem to have been privileged enough to sit in on all interrogations and know for a fact. Violence does not occur in a vacuum.Under the illegal Israeli occupation the IDF and fanatical colonists inflicts daily humiliations, beatings, and murders. It can push people to breaking point.

EVERY Islamic terrorist should be shot dead. Good work by the police.

It speaks volumes about your character that you immediately jump to the conclusion that she was Muslim, and that she had religious motives for the alleged stabbing.

What were Israeli police and illegal Zionist colonists [both part of an army of occupation] doing in the illegal colony of Kiryat Arba in the first place.


They were being stabbed by a Muslim girl, do you have a problem reading ?

The OP says Teenage Palestinian girl. It does not mention her religion. One needs bigoted tinted spectacles to jump to the conclusion regards her religion, and mind reading skills to prejudge her motivations.


So, she is a religeous - Islamic - terrorist attacking Jews. We agree on something.

I disagree.

Her religion is irrelevant unless that was her motive and her victims were innocents in their own country.

Her motive could simply have been frustration over 50 years of illegal Israeli occupation while the world turns a blind eye, with no hope for the future.

Spare us.

Not all that long ago you justified an terrorist attack carried out by a Palestinian in Tel Aviv (two people stabbed while at prayer). They were not combatants, and they were in their own country. The same justification used, namely that the terrorist was frustrated, angered, essentially driven to attack.

If the girl's motivation was Islamic, and the attack was carried out in the West Bank would the location cancel out the motivation? In other words, is it your assertion that there are no Palestinian Islamic motivated attacks, but rather that they are always political, regardless of any other indications? Or, perhaps, could there be more than a single motivator to commit such actions?

Seems like with Palestinian attacks, the responsible party is Israel, with The West playing a support role, and denial of connection to Islam comes next. On the other hand, when terrorist attacks occur in The West, the first step is denial of connection to Islam, and then laying the blame on The West's alleged sins.

That is a lie. I expressed sympathy for the 2 innocent Israelis killed in Tel Aviv.
If the terrorism is purely in the name of my god versus your god. I condemn it, whether it be Muslim, Christian, Jew, or Hindu. Mind you religious zealotry is a form of mental illness as far as I am concerned.Certifiable.
We don't know what her motivations were although some Israeli apologists seem to have been privileged enough to sit in on all interrogations and know for a fact. Violence does not occur in a vacuum.Under the illegal Israeli occupation the IDF and fanatical colonists inflicts daily humiliations, beatings, and murders. It can push people to breaking point.


Motivations: Gaza TV is urging, exhorting, encouraging Palestinians every day and not just once a day, to go and stab a Jew.

http://www.palwatch.org/site/modules/videos/popup/video.aspx?doc_id=11385 Isn't that cute?

Best way for frustrated teenagers to get their 72 virgins. (girls just get a bad deal). Not in the Koran or any accepted Hadiths at all actually, but that's what they get told.

Without this incessant incitement things would be cooler. Anyway, it isn't about Islam it's about the oil, which many people lose sight of, especially the ones being manipulated in this fashion.


Sorry, thread full

cooked wrote...

Motivations: Gaza TV is urging, exhorting, encouraging Palestinians every day and not just once a day, to go and stab a Jew.

http://www.palwatch....px?doc_id=11385 Isn't that cute?

Best way for frustrated teenagers to get their 72 virgins. (girls just get a bad deal). Not in the Koran or any accepted Hadiths at all actually, but that's what they get told.

Without this incessant incitement things would be cooler. Anyway, it isn't about Islam it's about the oil, which many people lose sight of, especially the ones being manipulated in this fashion.

Last week 30 fanatical Jewish colonists stormed Al Aqsa mosque under the protection of Israeli special forces.
If Netanyahu really wanted to cool things down, he would call a moratorium on all Jewish worshippers visiting Al Aqsa. They already have the Waling Wall a few yards away to pray at. What more do they want?
We don't actually know the OP teenage girl's motivations anyway. From the limited sources I have read, it was an alleged stabbing. Did she actually stab anyone? I don't trust IDF or Israeli police accounts as gospel. They have a history of planting knives at scenes

The officer is now being investigated. Unfortunately for him there was security footage of the incident. After shooting both the 14 year old and the 16 year old for some reason he ran back to the 16 year old and shot her again at point blank range while she was laying on the ground and appeared to be only semi conscious.

Security officers had shot and killed the 16 year old girls brother some months back.


Sorry, thread full

cooked wrote...

Motivations: Gaza TV is urging, exhorting, encouraging Palestinians every day and not just once a day, to go and stab a Jew.

http://www.palwatch....px?doc_id=11385 Isn't that cute?

Best way for frustrated teenagers to get their 72 virgins. (girls just get a bad deal). Not in the Koran or any accepted Hadiths at all actually, but that's what they get told.

Without this incessant incitement things would be cooler. Anyway, it isn't about Islam it's about the oil, which many people lose sight of, especially the ones being manipulated in this fashion.


Last week 30 fanatical Jewish colonists stormed Al Aqsa mosque under the protection of Israeli special forces.


If Netanyahu really wanted to cool things down, he would call a moratorium on all Jewish worshippers visiting Al Aqsa. They already have the Waling Wall a few yards away to pray at. What more do they want?

We don't actually know the OP teenage girl's motivations anyway. From the limited sources I have read, it was an alleged stabbing. Did she actually stab anyone? I don't trust IDF or Israeli police accounts as gospel. They have a history of planting knives at scenes

Absolute nonsense from Qatar funded jihad friendly Al-Jazeera,as per usual.

Sorry, thread full

cooked wrote...

Motivations: Gaza TV is urging, exhorting, encouraging Palestinians every day and not just once a day, to go and stab a Jew.

http://www.palwatch....px?doc_id=11385 Isn't that cute?

Best way for frustrated teenagers to get their 72 virgins. (girls just get a bad deal). Not in the Koran or any accepted Hadiths at all actually, but that's what they get told.

Without this incessant incitement things would be cooler. Anyway, it isn't about Islam it's about the oil, which many people lose sight of, especially the ones being manipulated in this fashion.

Last week 30 fanatical Jewish colonists stormed Al Aqsa mosque under the protection of Israeli special forces.
If Netanyahu really wanted to cool things down, he would call a moratorium on all Jewish worshippers visiting Al Aqsa. They already have the Waling Wall a few yards away to pray at. What more do they want?
We don't actually know the OP teenage girl's motivations anyway. From the limited sources I have read, it was an alleged stabbing. Did she actually stab anyone? I don't trust IDF or Israeli police accounts as gospel. They have a history of planting knives at scenes

You mean the place where they have gathered up pipe bombs, Molotov cocktails and heaps of stones? http://www.the-conservative-underground.com/the-al-aqsa-mosque-should-be-treated-as-a-terrorist-camp/

Here again, rumours were fabricated that the Jews were going to take over the mosque, with little foundation.

People merely walking near the mosque (including non-Jews) have been attacked by these hysterical uneducated useful idiots. I visited 45 years ago and I was welcomed. Jews could visit if they were discrete about it. - why have things changed do you think? Incitement.


Spare us.

Not all that long ago you justified an terrorist attack carried out by a Palestinian in Tel Aviv (two people stabbed while at prayer). They were not combatants, and they were in their own country. The same justification used, namely that the terrorist was frustrated, angered, essentially driven to attack.

If the girl's motivation was Islamic, and the attack was carried out in the West Bank would the location cancel out the motivation? In other words, is it your assertion that there are no Palestinian Islamic motivated attacks, but rather that they are always political, regardless of any other indications? Or, perhaps, could there be more than a single motivator to commit such actions?

Seems like with Palestinian attacks, the responsible party is Israel, with The West playing a support role, and denial of connection to Islam comes next. On the other hand, when terrorist attacks occur in The West, the first step is denial of connection to Islam, and then laying the blame on The West's alleged sins.

That is a lie. I expressed sympathy for the 2 innocent Israelis killed in Tel Aviv.
If the terrorism is purely in the name of my god versus your god. I condemn it, whether it be Muslim, Christian, Jew, or Hindu. Mind you religious zealotry is a form of mental illness as far as I am concerned.Certifiable.
We don't know what her motivations were although some Israeli apologists seem to have been privileged enough to sit in on all interrogations and know for a fact. Violence does not occur in a vacuum.Under the illegal Israeli occupation the IDF and fanatical colonists inflicts daily humiliations, beatings, and murders. It can push people to breaking point.

A lie, is it?

Expressing sympathy is one thing, and took a whole lot of posts for you to even get there. Didn't stop you from providing justifications for the murder though - ("I have sympathy for the 2 Israeli Jews killed in Tel Aviv. Unless he was deranged, who knows what drove the perp to do it. Violence and rage do not occur in a vacuum. He was from Hebron, scene of many of the recent Israeli extra judicial killings." - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/872161-us-teen-among-five-dead-in-west-bank-and-tel-aviv-attacks/?p=10102982).and at the same time have the gall to say that "Any killing of innocents is terrorism." (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/872161-us-teen-among-five-dead-in-west-bank-and-tel-aviv-attacks/?p=10108930), not to mention the usual claims to support non-violent resistance. Always ready with an excuse for any Palestinian violence, never condemning it as terrorism, always denying any connection whatsoever to Islamic motivations.

From the current post, though, it seems that only purely religious motivated terrorism is to be condemned. Any combination which sees a marriage of religious and political motivation is legitimate, then? Or is that not to be considered terrorism at all?

Violence does not occur in a vacuum, fair enough. Similarly denying that there is a lot of Islamic incitement for violence involved when it comes to the Palestinian - either not having a clue or not wanting to know. Pick one.

It speaks volumes about your character that you immediately jump to the conclusion that she was Muslim, and that she had religious motives for the alleged stabbing.

What were Israeli police and illegal Zionist colonists [both part of an army of occupation] doing in the illegal colony of Kiryat Arba in the first place.


They were being stabbed by a Muslim girl, do you have a problem reading ?

The OP says Teenage Palestinian girl. It does not mention her religion. One needs bigoted tinted spectacles to jump to the conclusion regards her religion, and mind reading skills to prejudge her motivations.

What other religion would she belong to? Many options in this neighborhood? coffee1.gif


Spare us.

Not all that long ago you justified an terrorist attack carried out by a Palestinian in Tel Aviv (two people stabbed while at prayer). They were not combatants, and they were in their own country. The same justification used, namely that the terrorist was frustrated, angered, essentially driven to attack.

If the girl's motivation was Islamic, and the attack was carried out in the West Bank would the location cancel out the motivation? In other words, is it your assertion that there are no Palestinian Islamic motivated attacks, but rather that they are always political, regardless of any other indications? Or, perhaps, could there be more than a single motivator to commit such actions?

Seems like with Palestinian attacks, the responsible party is Israel, with The West playing a support role, and denial of connection to Islam comes next. On the other hand, when terrorist attacks occur in The West, the first step is denial of connection to Islam, and then laying the blame on The West's alleged sins.

That is a lie. I expressed sympathy for the 2 innocent Israelis killed in Tel Aviv.
If the terrorism is purely in the name of my god versus your god. I condemn it, whether it be Muslim, Christian, Jew, or Hindu. Mind you religious zealotry is a form of mental illness as far as I am concerned.Certifiable.
We don't know what her motivations were although some Israeli apologists seem to have been privileged enough to sit in on all interrogations and know for a fact. Violence does not occur in a vacuum.Under the illegal Israeli occupation the IDF and fanatical colonists inflicts daily humiliations, beatings, and murders. It can push people to breaking point.

A lie, is it?

Expressing sympathy is one thing, and took a whole lot of posts for you to even get there. Didn't stop you from providing justifications for the murder though - ("I have sympathy for the 2 Israeli Jews killed in Tel Aviv. Unless he was deranged, who knows what drove the perp to do it. Violence and rage do not occur in a vacuum. He was from Hebron, scene of many of the recent Israeli extra judicial killings." - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/872161-us-teen-among-five-dead-in-west-bank-and-tel-aviv-attacks/?p=10102982).and at the same time have the gall to say that "Any killing of innocents is terrorism." (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/872161-us-teen-among-five-dead-in-west-bank-and-tel-aviv-attacks/?p=10108930), not to mention the usual claims to support non-violent resistance. Always ready with an excuse for any Palestinian violence, never condemning it as terrorism, always denying any connection whatsoever to Islamic motivations.

From the current post, though, it seems that only purely religious motivated terrorism is to be condemned. Any combination which sees a marriage of religious and political motivation is legitimate, then? Or is that not to be considered terrorism at all?

Violence does not occur in a vacuum, fair enough. Similarly denying that there is a lot of Islamic incitement for violence involved when it comes to the Palestinian - either not having a clue or not wanting to know. Pick one.

Yes, it's a lie, as you clearly quote me."I have sympathy for the 2 Israeli Jews killed in Tel Aviv." Thank you. I did not justify the murders. Do you know the killer's motives or mental state.
Sorry I was not up to your desired speed in offerng sympathy. In how many posts have you or any Israeli apologists on this forum ever offered sympathy for the Palestinians murdered by Zionist terrorists in Jerusalem and Duma over the past 12 months?
You are the one conveniently conflating the OP girl's religious and poltical motives, not I. No mention of her religion in the OP, but you seem desperate to introduce it as a motive. her brotehr was killed by Israel a few months previously. Guess that's a pretty good reason for hatred.
Your chutzpah knows no bounds. The whole illegal occupation and colonization of the West Bank is being perpetrated in the name of Zionists' biblical associations to the land

Anyone who does not hate IslaSmic terrorists has something wrong with them.

I am guessing that you hold the Stern Gang, Irgun and Haganah to a different standard.


Sorry, thread full

cooked wrote...

Motivations: Gaza TV is urging, exhorting, encouraging Palestinians every day and not just once a day, to go and stab a Jew.

http://www.palwatch....px?doc_id=11385 Isn't that cute?

Best way for frustrated teenagers to get their 72 virgins. (girls just get a bad deal). Not in the Koran or any accepted Hadiths at all actually, but that's what they get told.

Without this incessant incitement things would be cooler. Anyway, it isn't about Islam it's about the oil, which many people lose sight of, especially the ones being manipulated in this fashion.

Last week 30 fanatical Jewish colonists stormed Al Aqsa mosque under the protection of Israeli special forces.
If Netanyahu really wanted to cool things down, he would call a moratorium on all Jewish worshippers visiting Al Aqsa. They already have the Waling Wall a few yards away to pray at. What more do they want?
We don't actually know the OP teenage girl's motivations anyway. From the limited sources I have read, it was an alleged stabbing. Did she actually stab anyone? I don't trust IDF or Israeli police accounts as gospel. They have a history of planting knives at scenes

Exactly. Incitement,

The linked "report" is based on Ma'an, and cites undisclosed "witnesses". Other than similar versions copied from the original, there are no further details to be had or any corroboration, either for events or the interpretation suggested.

Calling it a "raid" or suggesting that they "stormed" is bogus - even the "report" states that visitors where separated into three groups. Deciding that they were "Settlers" is also questionable, as no real information there. A nice touch with "Israeli Special Forces" to make it all sound more raid-like, but the original "report" merely states "Israeli forces". Somehow doubt claims that Muslim worshipers repelled the "raid" by shouting "God is Great". Last line in your own link - "Under the current arrangements, Jews are allowed to visit the site, known as the Temple Mount in Judaism, but non-Muslim prayer is banned.".

And here goes the usual denial mode - motive unknown, no information, maybe not a stabbing at all, Israeli sources are not trustworthy (said the poster linking Al Jazeera...), and have a history (not bothering with "alleged", mind) of falsifying evidence. Not all that different from comments on the Paris and San Bernardino attacks.

Yeah, that's pretty much what incitement is about.


I don't see this young girl as an unislamic terrorist. To be honest I think she loved her brother and having him killed by the Israeli Army was more than she could live with and she misguidedly exacted her revenge. It is understandable circumstances in a very different world to most of ours.

A persons life is a feature length movie and to take one snapshot of one incident does not portray the entirety of that life accurately.

Very sad.


Spare us.

Not all that long ago you justified an terrorist attack carried out by a Palestinian in Tel Aviv (two people stabbed while at prayer). They were not combatants, and they were in their own country. The same justification used, namely that the terrorist was frustrated, angered, essentially driven to attack.

If the girl's motivation was Islamic, and the attack was carried out in the West Bank would the location cancel out the motivation? In other words, is it your assertion that there are no Palestinian Islamic motivated attacks, but rather that they are always political, regardless of any other indications? Or, perhaps, could there be more than a single motivator to commit such actions?

Seems like with Palestinian attacks, the responsible party is Israel, with The West playing a support role, and denial of connection to Islam comes next. On the other hand, when terrorist attacks occur in The West, the first step is denial of connection to Islam, and then laying the blame on The West's alleged sins.

That is a lie. I expressed sympathy for the 2 innocent Israelis killed in Tel Aviv.
If the terrorism is purely in the name of my god versus your god. I condemn it, whether it be Muslim, Christian, Jew, or Hindu. Mind you religious zealotry is a form of mental illness as far as I am concerned.Certifiable.
We don't know what her motivations were although some Israeli apologists seem to have been privileged enough to sit in on all interrogations and know for a fact. Violence does not occur in a vacuum.Under the illegal Israeli occupation the IDF and fanatical colonists inflicts daily humiliations, beatings, and murders. It can push people to breaking point.

A lie, is it?

Expressing sympathy is one thing, and took a whole lot of posts for you to even get there. Didn't stop you from providing justifications for the murder though - ("I have sympathy for the 2 Israeli Jews killed in Tel Aviv. Unless he was deranged, who knows what drove the perp to do it. Violence and rage do not occur in a vacuum. He was from Hebron, scene of many of the recent Israeli extra judicial killings." - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/872161-us-teen-among-five-dead-in-west-bank-and-tel-aviv-attacks/?p=10102982).and at the same time have the gall to say that "Any killing of innocents is terrorism." (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/872161-us-teen-among-five-dead-in-west-bank-and-tel-aviv-attacks/?p=10108930), not to mention the usual claims to support non-violent resistance. Always ready with an excuse for any Palestinian violence, never condemning it as terrorism, always denying any connection whatsoever to Islamic motivations.

From the current post, though, it seems that only purely religious motivated terrorism is to be condemned. Any combination which sees a marriage of religious and political motivation is legitimate, then? Or is that not to be considered terrorism at all?

Violence does not occur in a vacuum, fair enough. Similarly denying that there is a lot of Islamic incitement for violence involved when it comes to the Palestinian - either not having a clue or not wanting to know. Pick one.

Yes, it's a lie, as you clearly quote me."I have sympathy for the 2 Israeli Jews killed in Tel Aviv." Thank you. I did not justify the murders. Do you know the killer's motives or mental state.
Sorry I was not up to your desired speed in offerng sympathy. In how many posts have you or any Israeli apologists on this forum ever offered sympathy for the Palestinians murdered by Zionist terrorists in Jerusalem and Duma over the past 12 months?
You are the one conveniently conflating the OP girl's religious and poltical motives, not I. No mention of her religion in the OP, but you seem desperate to introduce it as a motive. her brotehr was killed by Israel a few months previously. Guess that's a pretty good reason for hatred.
Your chutzpah knows no bounds. The whole illegal occupation and colonization of the West Bank is being perpetrated in the name of Zionists' biblical associations to the land

The willingness to come up with a handy excuse for any Palestinian violence, and the claims this does not amount to justification - are pathetic. Same goes for the usual dual treatment of Palestinian attacks as both representing a general sentiment and, at the same time, implying individual extenuating circumstances for each attacker.

I'm sorry, you must be confusing me with someone who supports the Israeli illegal settlement effort. most actions of the illegal settlers and the Israeli occupation as a whole. My posting history is out there, nothing to hide. Sounds like another blanket accusation made against anyone not fully subscribing to your views, and the usual attempts to turn the table when your own inconsistencies are pointed at.

Where is it that I denied her actions were politically or personally motivated? The reference to religion was merely as a response to the outright rejection of there being any religious motivation involved. Why would you still insist the girl is not Muslim? Or that religious motivations exist, sometimes in conjunction with other motivations? And by the way, if you wish to add information not included in the OP, perhaps be kind enough to provide a link? (re killed brother).


Anyone who does not hate IslaSmic terrorists has something wrong with them.

I am guessing that you hold the Stern Gang, Irgun and Haganah to a different standard.

And I'm guessing this would be another of your attempts to derail the topic.

The Lehi (aka Stern Gang) and Irgun certainly earned the terrorist tag, although defining it as religious motivated terrorism would be quite a fit. The Haganah, for most of its existence, was nothing of the sort, and even took action against them. It too, cannot be defined as religiously motivated.

Considering that these organizations were operating almost exclusively locally, whereas Islamic terrorism transcends the confines of Muslim countries.


Anyone who does not hate IslaSmic terrorists has something wrong with them.

I am guessing that you hold the Stern Gang, Irgun and Haganah to a different standard.

They have been outlawed by Israel for more than 70 years and are probably all dead. Islamic terrorism is going on constantly TODAY.


Off-topic posts removed along with replies. Also a reply that is a bickering response has been removed. Continue with off-topic posting at your own peril.


Anyone who does not hate IslaSmic terrorists has something wrong with them.

I am guessing that you hold the Stern Gang, Irgun and Haganah to a different standard.

They have been outlawed by Israel for more than 70 years and are probably all dead. Islamic terrorism is going on constantly TODAY.

Menachem Begin, the leader of the Irgun and completely unrepentant about it, became the first Likud Prime Minister of Israel.


All ancient history. The teenage Palestinian terrorist was stabbing innocent people a few days ago. Irgun were a reaction to Arab terrorism against Jews. I can see why he didn't cry crocodile tears about responding in kind to the Palestinians back in the 1940s.


All ancient history. The teenage Palestinian terrorist was stabbing innocent people a few days ago. Irgun were a reaction to Arab terrorism against Jews. I can see why he didn't cry crocodile tears about responding in kind to the Palestinians back in the 1940s.

You mean like when they blew up the King David hotel?


When are the knife attackers going to learn? Almost every attack had been thwarted by 5.56mm brass until they look like Swiss cheese.

Perhaps they will learn when the Israeli government ends its illegal occupation of someone else's land and gives Palestinians their human, civil and economic rights, so that they have hope for the future.

"Give me liberty or give me death!"

I don`t think so.The hate they have for jews is rooted in the Quaran and it will not stop even in the unlikely event that the Palestinians get their own country.

Yes and no. It is true that the Muslims hating Jews can be read in the Islam holy book but that doesn't mean Islam (or any religious texts) NEEDS to be followed literally in this modern era. In any case even if there is a miracle of a real two state solution, that would just be the beginning as far as healing and building trust between the sides.

In real life, on a human level, Muslim people and Jewish people can get along and have a gay old time.

Trust me on that.

So all hope is not lost. Just in the case of the Israel - Palestinians political conflict, most of it is at least for the shorter term.

Unfortunately their fellow arab neighbours and countries is more interested in collecting money for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers etc. than in helping for a solution on this gridlocked situation (big refugee camps in Jordan and Lebanon is one example of their "solidarity").

The Palestinians unfortunately reminds me a bit of that silly little kid which many of us can relate too,the one in the group who was sent out to fight another group or to steal sweets in the shop.The moment everything went bad in the fight or he got spotted in the shop the rest of the group ditched him.

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