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Two more men held for fatal gang attack in Kanchanaburi

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Animals.......I hope they are shown the same mercy they gave to their victims

No they are not animals. Animals kill in self defence or for food. These are pieces of s*it that need to be removed from the world...............permanently

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Animals.......I hope they are shown the same mercy they gave to their victims

No they are not animals. Animals kill in self defence or for food. These are pieces of s*it that need to be removed from the world...............permanently

He he, ever watched a cat play with it's food?

Before the kill, they tease, play, torture and use their prey to hone their hunting skills.

From the tiniest kitten to a Lion.

But yes, Humans are supposed to be above that and should live our lives with care and compassion for others.

I would have them removed from society and occasionally,

paraded around schools, gagged and in shackles,

to teach children what happens when they follow in the footsteps of the miscreants!


A juvenile and a baseball bat killing, over nothing?!. What do you say here...

OK you asked.

I say I'd like to hear the Judge say something like;

This type of violence and crime has been going on for too many years unabated.

This behaviour must stop because you are badly damaging Thailands reputation.

I am going to make an example of you by handing down the maximum sentences that the Law allows.

You will serve the full term with no remission.

I will also consider imposing penalties on the parents of any suspects who are below the age of responsibility because those parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up as good Thai Citisens.

All the suspects who are convicted will additionally pay compensation to the victims / families of victims.

Failure to pay will result in jail terms.

I want to send the strongest message to the youth of Thailand that times have changed and consequences for your actions will be enforced without question.

(Yes, my family lost a 19 year old son to this nonsense last year so I feel very strongly about it!)

I feel very sore for that boy I seen it to .

But are you joking on your statement.

I will also consider imposing penalties on the parents of any suspects who are below the age of responsibility because those parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up as good Thai Citisens.

How can you blame the parents have you children some times you can be the best parents in the world and your kids turn out bad ok so before you go off your hat think about your statement.


I feel very sore for that boy I seen it to .

But are you joking on your statement.

I will also consider imposing penalties on the parents of any suspects who are below the age of responsibility because those parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up as good Thai Citisens.

How can you blame the parents have you children some times you can be the best parents in the world and your kids turn out bad ok so before you go off your hat think about your statement.

Ah, my children are in their late 30's/early 40's so no probs for me he he.

However, pray tell me why the head teacher may summon the parents to school to discuss behavioral problems their children are displaying?

Clearlu, IMO, because they believe that the parents are responsible to control their children's behaviour?

If you were "summend to a meeting" would you refuse to attend - because you have no responsibility for your children?

I bet you would attend, be shocked (like this lad's Mum) and in the privacy of your own home, would punish the child as appropriate.

I don't necissarily mean beating, violence begets more violence?

No, grounding, stopping pocket moneyno TV, no computer games, confiscate smart phone, ipad's etc.

Should a phone be necessary then provide a simple phone. etc.

In many countries, I believe that parents are held legally responsible for their children.

For instance:- They may not leave them unattended if under 14 unless they are being taken care of by someone older than 14.

Failure to observe this may lead to prosecution of the parents. etc. etc. etc.


"The 18-year-old told police he didn't know the victims but joined the attack with his friends, as they thought the victims were members of a rival group."

And that would make it ok?

<deleted> moron.

needs to live the prison life this tard does .


A juvenile and a baseball bat killing, over nothing?!. What do you say here...

OK you asked.

I say I'd like to hear the Judge say something like;

This type of violence and crime has been going on for too many years unabated.

This behaviour must stop because you are badly damaging Thailand’s reputation.

I am going to make an example of you by handing down the maximum sentences that the Law allows.

You will serve the full term with no remission.

I will also consider imposing penalties on the parents of any suspects who are below the age of responsibility because those parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up as good Thai Citisens.

All the suspects who are convicted will additionally pay compensation to the victims / families of victims.

Failure to pay will result in jail terms.

I want to send the strongest message to the youth of Thailand that times have changed and consequences for your actions will be enforced without question.

(Yes, my family lost a 19 year old son to this nonsense last year so I feel very strongly about it!)

Paying compensation to the victims families would be a get out of jail free card for them?? That would be a stretch.


Animals.......I hope they are shown the same mercy they gave to their victims

No they are not animals. Animals kill in self defence or for food. These are pieces of s*it that need to be removed from the world...............permanently

these two are looking soft and a little sweet , soon they will be on a bitch-leash in the big house dropping soap bars every where . I wish it will never end for them .


Gang violence in the UK was reaching it's peak a few years back with lads this age.

The UK counteracted this by using the "Guilty by association" law.

So in a case like this, everyone physically involved in the killing would get life. Also anyone who was an acquaintance of the gang and just happened to be present at the time would also get life, even if they didn't lift a finger to hurt the guy.

In the UK were there are cameras "everywhere" and if you know your mates are carrying knives or whatever, you don't go out, or you start hanging around with nice people.

If you don't the chances are you'll end up doing 15 to 25 years just for hanging around with these folk.

If your over 18 your a man and go to man jail.

I worked with many young offenders at a drop in Center in a very tough Part of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK for a few years.

Lads this age need positive role models (outside of the family) where they hang out and relax as a group.

People used to scoff at the goodie 2 shoes youth workers all the time. But I can tell you from personal experience, we were the ones these guys turned to with their problems and on numerous occasions we talked them out of doing stupid sh-t and getting banged up.

Thailand to my knowledge, doesn't have any youth clubs. It should, they are important.


A juvenile and a baseball bat killing, over nothing?!. What do you say here...

OK you asked.

I say I'd like to hear the Judge say something like;

This type of violence and crime has been going on for too many years unabated.

This behaviour must stop because you are badly damaging Thailand’s reputation.

I am going to make an example of you by handing down the maximum sentences that the Law allows.

You will serve the full term with no remission.

I will also consider imposing penalties on the parents of any suspects who are below the age of responsibility because those parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up as good Thai Citisens.

All the suspects who are convicted will additionally pay compensation to the victims / families of victims.

Failure to pay will result in jail terms.

I want to send the strongest message to the youth of Thailand that times have changed and consequences for your actions will be enforced without question.

(Yes, my family lost a 19 year old son to this nonsense last year so I feel very strongly about it!)

Paying compensation to the victims families would be a get out of jail free card for them?? That would be a stretch.

Can you imagine finding any solace in any dollar amount after seeing that vision [in it were your son]?

Laislica has made some points but I think there are some critical complexities he may have with a recent issue his Thai family experienced too. The search for 'equitable justice' might be one of them. Anyhow, sometimes the general and specific don't mix.


The son of a police officer, humble apology = slap on the wrist, case over! Next

I doubt it. Low ranking police officer, poor family, no influential connections, the laddies will be put in jail and left to rot.


2 words: SOCIAL MEDIA.

this non-stop cry for attention, ego-masturbation, look-at-me-look-at-me, urges for likes, narcissistic rage, etc is a killer. even adults get seriously affected by it (idiots!) but in children and teens it's beyond pathological!!! i'm so glad i have no kids in this world which is NOT a better place than the world 20-30-40 years ago! we are pathetic a species, we think we are superior to animals but we systematically fail in the bare essentials / basics of "living". we kill our own kind, we polute our own kind, we lie to ourselves nonstop (inherent in humans!) and we are driven by primal fear and untamable greed and jealousy. the latter, in thailand, is the MAIN evil-doer. at one side they claim to be a buddhist society but on the other side they are completely lost in consumerism and plenty of people don't have the means to afford their desires. no hope for the human race.


A juvenile and a baseball bat killing, over nothing?!. What do you say here...

OK you asked.

I say I'd like to hear the Judge say something like;

This type of violence and crime has been going on for too many years unabated.

This behaviour must stop because you are badly damaging Thailand’s reputation.

I am going to make an example of you by handing down the maximum sentences that the Law allows.

You will serve the full term with no remission.

I will also consider imposing penalties on the parents of any suspects who are below the age of responsibility because those parents have failed in their duty to bring their children up as good Thai Citisens.

All the suspects who are convicted will additionally pay compensation to the victims / families of victims.

Failure to pay will result in jail terms.

I want to send the strongest message to the youth of Thailand that times have changed and consequences for your actions will be enforced without question.

(Yes, my family lost a 19 year old son to this nonsense last year so I feel very strongly about it!)

Paying compensation to the victims families would be a get out of jail free card for them?? That would be a stretch.

Can you imagine finding any solace in any dollar amount after seeing that vision [in it were your son]?

Laislica has made some points but I think there are some critical complexities he may have with a recent issue his Thai family experienced too. The search for 'equitable justice' might be one of them. Anyhow, sometimes the general and specific don't mix.

My Dear Fellow.

This is a forum for discussing various topics.

Everyone is allowed to express his/her opinion, including you.

If you read my posts you will see IMO many times.

I do not try to dictate to others or instruct them what they should believe.

There is (IMO) probably no right or easy solution to this problem.

This thread is kinda like a think tank?

Chuck in many ideas, good and bad, and pick the best out of it all?

Perhaps you would be good enough to thoroughly read all my posts on this thread and see what I said, rather than whao others have added to my posts?

Having lost a 19 yr old, I agree that there is no dollar amount that gives solace but why should not the perps pay at least the funeral costs?

Many Thais caught up in this ritualised murder are already in debt and the costs of a funeral are a significant additional burden on them.

In my case, we also had to fly in from Spain to take care of all the arrangements.....

But, I'm a Rich Farang, so no worries.

The perps were not prosecuted and no payment was offered and that is the norm - unacceptable but there it is.

Another poster remarked: "Paying compensation to the victims families would be a get out of jail free card for them?? That would be a stretch."

Well it doesn't have to be like that.

The way that works, if I have understood it correctly is, (IMHO)

The perp offers sufficient MONEY to the family of the victim and they do not prosecute!

In other countries, the Police Prosecute, the victim may sue, but that's something else.

Good luck in the UK trying to bribe the police not to prosecute!

However, thank you for saying that I have made some points but as to equitable justice, are you into an eye for an eye?

As I have said, violence begets more violence.

In your last line you say "Anyhow, sometimes the general and specific don't mix."

Made me laugh as I recalled Peter Sellers Party Political speech.

This is a wonderful example of how to say damn-all at length.

Enjoy it here as text or hear Peter make the speech on YouTube (see the link at the end of this post):-



also the sad thing about this whole case is we will never get to see the outcome of this sad story. i will repeat a post i did on a similiar topic , where a guy raped and killed a girl and was walking the streets in 4 months. crime punishment in the country is non existant, and wrong doers know this,


Why is it we never get a report on the prosecutorial side of the aisle? They were arrested yes but are they currently in jail? How long will they remain there? Will they be offered bail? Is there to be an "arraignment" and if so when? Will the press follow these cases diligently? Will they "press" for justice?

Imo no bail should be offered and the trial date s/b expedited.

To the press: the ball is now in your court. Do your job!


The 'Thais don't care' posts on this thread are nothing more than pure ignorance.

I know plenty if Thais that are disgusted with this.

About 9 months ago I was in a restaurant and downing a few icy Sapporos. Three Thai guys came in, I would guess early 30's.

We got chatting and I went to sit with them and more beers were polished off. At one point they asked if I would stay in Thailand forever. I told them I liked it but that I have a young son who will be 18 years old in 5 years and that I thought this place was very dangerous for late teens.

They agreed and told me that I really had to teach him to keep his mouth shut and say sorry if involved in any incident as the chances were high of things spiralling out of control. They all shared my concerns and agreed distaste for the way things were.

Plenty of Thais are very concerned about this.

From my POV, Many Thai's care but they accept it.

Is that the same thing?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is

for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Last year at the funeral we stayed in apartment.

A Thai lady working there had lost her son the year before too.

I know Thai's who, upon noticing a bunch of students gathering, will walk away,

afraid that violence is about to break out.

But they do nothing.

The guys who gave you advice, what do they do about it other than "teach him to keep his mouth shut and say sorry if involved in any incident as the chances were high of things spiralling out of control. They all shared my concerns and agreed distaste for the way things were."

And did NOTHING?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is

for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

Aren't you making a bit of a presumption there?

How do you know these guys have done nothing? Obviously at the time & on the spot, it is better to say sorry and walk away. They are also advising westerners on the issue and open to discuss the issue.

I have no doubt that when they become parents they will do what they can to keep their children away from it.

Don't presume that people are doing nothing.

The problem with these lads is that one of them has a father int he police force, they probably thought that would be enough for a get out of jail free card. In fact, that could still well be the case.

All of this comes down to the fact that Thailand has no effective police force. Kids are raised to see that people can commit crime with impunity. This is the first step to prevention and people have been in the streets over the past few years to change it but it seems that change has still not come.


Life imprisonment no questions asked murder is murder that's it no matter age or what life or up bringing they have had in the end they know what they wanted to do they have taken someone's life so they should pay the price not by capital punishment but in prison for life not to see the outside world


I hope the justice system in Thailand uses this case to send a clear message. At the very least two of those idiots have quite clearly shown not to be fit to be part of a society, the only logical sentence would be life in prison with no parole.


I see the usual 'yeah, all because its Thailand' crew are jumping on board for a another pointless expo for anyone and everyone's ears of how, why, it happened (and how they've 'seen it all before in Thailand') before heading back to 'shore' to enjoy living here.. the secret they know (but are always so quick to 'let out the bag' for all our grateful benefit!) is, you see, that these things just don't really happen.. and especially not in HUGE numbers.. anywhere else.. gang crime, pointless killings, are the domain of Thailand, we need to be told apparently, are perpetrated by Thais (who only get a 'slap on the wrist'), and are generally blamed on (innocent) foreigners, anyway. Well, this crime is sick and pointless and unforgiveable, and was carried out by young Thais.. but any chance of NOT twisting it even further, chaps, just to have another anti-Thai thing to mumble about over morning coffee or your first beer of the day? thumbsup.gifwai.gif


We live in Kanchanaburi and wifey's friends have all seen the vid. I made the mistake of watching too and it is truly horrifying. The guy wielding the baseball bat only had one intention and that was to destroy the victims head, sickening. The hope is that any court simply cannot ignore this graphic evidence when, or if, this case gets to court.

Agree. It was a vicious and sickening attack. The guys who threw statues were also intent on killing the victim as well as the guy with the stick.

Totally merciless and unprovoked.

If these guys get away with anything less than long custodial sentences then something is very wrong.


"She believed they may have been drinking alcohol and she apologised to the victims' families."

OK, time to make some serious laws about alcohol. You must get insurance to drink, you must have a drinking allowed license on you at all times aldohol is in your blood stream, death if you cause death or life long injury while alcohol is in your blood stream. Alcohol should be used as an excuse only when you are willing/able to pay a suitable amount for the damage you cause.

This is a sad story. But, a drinking allowed licence? Please live in the real world.


Gang violence in the UK was reaching it's peak a few years back with lads this age.

The UK counteracted this by using the "Guilty by association" law.

So in a case like this, everyone physically involved in the killing would get life. Also anyone who was an acquaintance of the gang and just happened to be present at the time would also get life, even if they didn't lift a finger to hurt the guy.

In the UK were there are cameras "everywhere" and if you know your mates are carrying knives or whatever, you don't go out, or you start hanging around with nice people.

If you don't the chances are you'll end up doing 15 to 25 years just for hanging around with these folk.

If your over 18 your a man and go to man jail.

I worked with many young offenders at a drop in Center in a very tough Part of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK for a few years.

Lads this age need positive role models (outside of the family) where they hang out and relax as a group.

People used to scoff at the goodie 2 shoes youth workers all the time. But I can tell you from personal experience, we were the ones these guys turned to with their problems and on numerous occasions we talked them out of doing stupid sh-t and getting banged up.

Thailand to my knowledge, doesn't have any youth clubs. It should, they are important.

"Guilty by association" is open to misunderstanding and wrongful prosecution. An employee of mine back in the UK was jailed for manslaughter because he was in his friends parents car that was involved in an accident killing people in the process. His friend told him he borrowed the car, so he had no idea there was a problem.

Jail people for they have done, not who they were with. That is a lazy and crazy way to to try and uphold the law.


Gang violence in the UK was reaching it's peak a few years back with lads this age.

The UK counteracted this by using the "Guilty by association" law.

So in a case like this, everyone physically involved in the killing would get life. Also anyone who was an acquaintance of the gang and just happened to be present at the time would also get life, even if they didn't lift a finger to hurt the guy.

In the UK were there are cameras "everywhere" and if you know your mates are carrying knives or whatever, you don't go out, or you start hanging around with nice people.

If you don't the chances are you'll end up doing 15 to 25 years just for hanging around with these folk.

If your over 18 your a man and go to man jail.

I worked with many young offenders at a drop in Center in a very tough Part of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK for a few years.

Lads this age need positive role models (outside of the family) where they hang out and relax as a group.

People used to scoff at the goodie 2 shoes youth workers all the time. But I can tell you from personal experience, we were the ones these guys turned to with their problems and on numerous occasions we talked them out of doing stupid sh-t and getting banged up.

Thailand to my knowledge, doesn't have any youth clubs. It should, they are important.

"Guilty by association" is open to misunderstanding and wrongful prosecution. An employee of mine back in the UK was jailed for manslaughter because he was in his friends parents car that was involved in an accident killing people in the process. His friend told him he borrowed the car, so he had no idea there was a problem.

Jail people for they have done, not who they were with. That is a lazy and crazy way to to try and uphold the law.


I agree this law has been misused and there are a number of people in Jail who are innocent as a result. I truly hope your friend gets the justice and by the sounds of it the compensation he deserves.

This doesn't mean that used properly this law shouldn't be used to put the guilty where they belong. People who knowingly hang around in violent gangs that attack people have to change their behavior or be removed from society.

If I am with you and I keep nicks (lookout) while you go and stab a rival, doesn't that make me just as guilty? However there should be proof that I knew what you intended and didn't try to stop you.

You are right when you point out that innocents are wrongly convicted, but that should be for the judge and a jury to decide in court, having been presented with the facts. If a person is wrongly convicted that is a result of their misinterpretation of the law not the law itself.

The law is the law and what's important here is that it's the same for everyone. Everyone is made aware of the consequences of hanging around in violent gangs. Those consequences are then brought to fruition in a consistent way.

In the UK you will go to jail, regardless of your colour wealth or social status, if you and your gang kill someone.



As you said "food" not for pleasure. Think about that if it is possible. It isnt actually play it is to ensure tat they dont get injured before killing it. I assume you are one of these people that feels a compulsion to try and equate nature with these murderer's. Do you always try and find comparisons to excuse scum like these are?


I saw this on LiveLeak last week. Yes, truly sickening, not least the girl standing there doing nothing. It looked like she'd help lure the guy into a trap judging by her apparent indifference to what was going on. What's happened to her??


I hate to use the word 'moron' as it raises these parasites to a level that society accepts, so lets just call them parasites.

I don't think either of those words means what you seem to think they mean, but never mind. These guys are just like gangs in nineteenth century New York or Chicago.

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