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How Not To Outthink A Thai Girl.....


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Well has any of you out there going thro the same situaion has me?!.......

I have been with the same women for over a year now.

She let me go out with my mates has much has I wonted.

Never quizzed me about other women.

I realy thought this place is truly paradise.

Life was never better until she started talking about babys. :o:D

So I sat down one day and scratched my head until I came up with a master plan.

So we both sat down together and started to have a right good chat on the subject.

I thought I had convinced her it would be best if we bought a house first and had a good lump in the bank for the kids schooling befor we whent down that road.

At the time she seemed to agree with me.

I also said I wonted a kid with her but at the stage where we can provide a perfect start for the baby.

Any way I started counting her birth control pills each morning when she was not around just to be on the safe side.

Well wait for it.

yes I got caught with them red handed.

It did not bother me at first because the right number of tablets were gone.

Only not down her throat but down the toilet.

The biggest thing Pi##ing me off is that she keeps flushing the toilet and laugthing at me.

I thought i was the smart one :D:D:D:D:D

Has any one managed to pull the wool over a thai girls eyes?

Or can they just see right throw us?.

Truely gutted. :D

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So whats the deal with this one, you caught your gf flushing her birth control pills down the toilet?


But thats where she said they all whent.

Also started moaning when i go out and counting how much money I have left when I get home.

She was the best girl in the world when she was on the pill.

now she is a nightmare.

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This is not your country, your langage, your culture.

Why would you want to have children here?

It does not matter how old or young you are, it seriously changes your lifestyle, and rarely in a way that will make you happier, and it will limit your freedom in ways that you never imagined.

Get snipped!!!

A happy life is never having to worry about it.

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I guess some women just want to get pregnant. Sadly, pregnancy is sometimes a way of keeping a guy, and insuring marriage. Even if not, possibly a farang is more financially capable of paying child support? Maybe even enough to support the woman and child until the child turns 18? If pregnancy means either a) getting a relatively wealthy hubby, or :o getting an income for 18 years, and c) getting to have a half western child, then perhaps getting pregnant is a tempting thing for some.

If you've never seen her actually flush them down the toilet and she just tells you, that is her basically telling you that she wants kids, isn't it? And if, I am to assume correctly, that you may not have finished having fun and are not ready to settle down, I could only advise caution.

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This is not your country, your langage, your culture.

Why would you want to have children here?

It does not matter how old or young you are, it seriously changes your lifestyle, and rarely in a way that will make you happier, and it will limit your freedom in ways that you never imagined.

Get snipped!!!

A happy life is never having to worry about it.

I cant even begin to list what i think is wrong with this comment

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QUOTE(eljeque @ 2006-10-12 09:57:20)

This is not your country, your langage, your culture.

Why would you want to have children here?

It does not matter how old or young you are, it seriously changes your lifestyle, and rarely in a way that will make you happier, and it will limit your freedom in ways that you never imagined.

Get snipped!!!

A happy life is never having to worry about it.

I cant even begin to list what i think is wrong with this comment


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she keeps flushing the toilet and laugthing at me.

You may want to talk this bit out. If she is tormenting you, this way, and you are worried about continuing to have your cake and eat it too (counting her pills to ensure it), then maybe get counseling. Or run. Then get counseling. But no babies!

Not a setting to bring a victim into the world. Selfish parents yield troubled kids.

When you're done playing and she's done being abusive, then...

my .02

Sincerely, good luck to you. I hope it works out, all kidding aside. Be solid and be a man and I'm sure it will.

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During her ovulation period - Have a long pillow between you two when sleeping, and tell her not to cross that line or jump on you…doesn’t matter how temping you may look! :o

I'm sure you can withstand the draught for couple day,... yes?

Edited by BKK90210
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Hmmm. Not the safest method - ovulation length and time depends on the person, periods can vary from month to month.... plus if she's actually on the pill and just messing with thai_pitbull's mind, then she won't actually have a proper period.

Plus what are you going to do? Check to see if she's getting her period every month?

Bar using condoms (and insuring their safety when storing - ie making sure they don't have holes in them after purchase), I think discussion is necessary - if she's worth it, or just run for it. I personally think getting pregnant to keep a bloke is kind of blackmail-ish, and would rethink the relationship and where it's heading.

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plus if she's actually on the pill and just messing with thai_pitbull's mind, then she won't actually have a proper period.

Eh :o ? She should have a normal period while on the pill, unless she's taking it continuously (to avoid the inconvenience of a period) - a practice not advised by doctors.

Having a child is a pretty major committment (obviously)... do you really want to do that with someone you can't even trust? I would be getting as far away as possible from someone who is deceitful and manipulating like that when the issue's so important

That was my reaction, too. It's not a game :D .

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Don't know about others, but pill period is same length each time, whereas proper period varies slightly. Plus latter heavier.... Sorry, too much information.

My thought being, that should someone know their girl's menstruation well enough, then might tell if they're on the pill or not.

But definitely agree, those who have kids will certainly agree, it's not a game. And the responsibility for the well-being of another person who might come out of the relationship is at stake. Plus would you want to be with someone who would use a baby as a pawn for the rest of your life? (Assuming you don't divorce.)

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Don't know about others, but pill period is same length each time, whereas proper period varies slightly. Plus latter heavier.... Sorry, too much information.

My thought being, that should someone know their girl's menstruation well enough, then might tell if they're on the pill or not.

Some people have entirely regular periods while not taking the pill. Not a reliable way to try to make a judgement.

In any case, the real problem lies (oops) elsewhere ...

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Well, maybe OP can think about vasectomy? :D this can CURE all the possible trouble... :o

Why do you always rely on woman taking the pills? it can cause discomfort and it may be hard to conceive when times you want to have a baby.

Just my 2baht worth...

Edited by Rumourz
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This guy has the answers.

Check out the "Children are overrated" page.

I did;-

I think most people end up having kids because 1) They're too stupid to know how to use birth control properly and/or 2) They have an idealistic, completely unrealistic vision of what parenthood entails.

:o lolz

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I guess some women just want to get pregnant.

Yes, really odd.

Why on earth would those femals want to get pregnat, instead of relying on the ancient symbioses of mankind and storks that humanity has depended on for its continuation since the dawn of civilsation?

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Why do you always rely on woman taking the pills?

My girlfriend never liked the Pill - she complained they kept falling out.


Hahahaha.... you know, the problem with pills, it makes women behave "unnecessary emotional" on certain days, and believe me it sux. So, no pills no emotional discomfort. Everyone can party happily!!! :o

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