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How Not To Outthink A Thai Girl.....


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My responsibilities are putting food on the table, putting money in the bank account for our needs, giving her parents an allowance, the upkeep and maintenace of the house, saving for the future, paying for schools and courses my wife wants to take. In exchange for all that, the wife takes the resposibility for contraception. Sounds fair to me.

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If you guys think that pregnancy is such a disaster, you could choose to stop having intimate relationship with this woman then and move on to the next one which willing to be obedient (like a door mat).... very often, men are very selfish in this matters... :o:D

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My responsibilities are putting food on the table, putting money in the bank account for our needs, giving her parents an allowance, the upkeep and maintenace of the house, saving for the future, paying for schools and courses my wife wants to take. In exchange for all that, the wife takes the resposibility for contraception. Sounds fair to me.

Maybe you should stop having sex, problem solved

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My responsibilities are putting food on the table, putting money in the bank account for our needs, giving her parents an allowance, the upkeep and maintenace of the house, saving for the future, paying for schools and courses my wife wants to take. In exchange for all that, the wife takes the resposibility for contraception. Sounds fair to me.

Maybe you should stop having sex, problem solved

My wife wouldn't go for that. Besides, we don't have a problem.

Edited by Sir Burr
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My responsibilities are putting food on the table, putting money in the bank account for our needs, giving her parents an allowance, the upkeep and maintenace of the house, saving for the future, paying for schools and courses my wife wants to take. In exchange for all that, the wife takes the resposibility for contraception. Sounds fair to me.

Maybe you should stop having sex, problem solved

My wife wouldn't go for that. Besides, we don't have a problem.

You just dont get it do you :o

Why dont you get your tubes tied so you dont have to blame your gf for you making a mistake?

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What a shitty thing to say .. and then to attack Donz?

Quite Frankly the two of you are LOSERS... what nerve!

If a woman gets pregnant after I have told her not to then I will dump her and the kid! And then leave the country?

What a man I am.. I am man enough to screw her for my personal enjoyment but not man enough to bear any responsibilities. HMMMM...

If you are not sure about the pill then why don't you use a freaking condom? Ohh I am sorry why should your comfort be affected.

Why don't you get sterilised or get what ever needs to be sniped sniped! That way you will always be 150% sure that she will NEVER become pregnant. Ohh but once again, why take from your alleged "Manhood".

LOSERS? Or on second thoughts, maybe it is a reflection on how you were raised.

Could it be that you the results of un-wanted pregnancies?

In Indonesia there is a very effective "Jamu" that will promote menstruation even in the early stages of pregnancy. Thailand has such abortifactants available as well.

Birth control is easy to use, and if it fails arbotifactants work very effectively, and if they fail, abortion is safe and can be done before the embryo has a developed brain, in my opinion making such a goulish procedure as ethical as slaughtering animals for meat. In this day and age, having a child is a choice, not a responsibility.

And I've never screwed a woman for my personal enjoyment. That would hardly count as sex. And if a woman ever screws me for her personal enjoyment I'd not have a relationship with her.

Edited by jamman
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If you guys think that pregnancy is such a disaster, you could choose to stop having intimate relationship with this woman then and move on to the next one which willing to be obedient (like a door mat).... very often, men are very selfish in this matters... :o:D

Not at all. It should take two YES - not one YES, to have a child. Parenthood has to be a choice, not a mandate, not everyone is meant to be a parent due to various reasons. It’s very easy to have a baby, but raising one and still be able to maintain a healthy/happy family, required you to be ready not only physically, but emotionally and most important – financially nowadays. The selfish one here is the partner who’s only Want Want Want! without thinking through - the 3 factors mentioned.

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If you guys think that pregnancy is such a disaster, you could choose to stop having intimate relationship with this woman then and move on to the next one which willing to be obedient (like a door mat).... very often, men are very selfish in this matters... :o:D

So if I understand you correctly;

A woman wants a baby, but the man doesn't. The woman is not being selfish by ignoring the man's wishes, but the man is being selfish by ignoring the woman's desires.

Perhaps the man has strong ethical reasons to not want to have a baby. I myself consider it socially irresponsible to put more children onto a planet with a rising population and where each child requires a certain number of acres of land to support it. Land is running out and the planet is being damaged, and as a global community it is socially irresponsible.

So who is being selfish for wanting a kid?

Edited by jamman
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If you guys think that pregnancy is such a disaster, you could choose to stop having intimate relationship with this woman then and move on to the next one which willing to be obedient (like a door mat).... very often, men are very selfish in this matters... :o:D

So if I understand you correctly;

A woman wants a baby, but the man doesn't. The woman is not being selfish by ignoring the man's wishes, but the man is being selfish by ignoring the woman's desires.

Perhaps the man has strong ethical reasons to not want to have a baby. I myself consider it socially irresponsible to put more children onto a planet with a rising population and where each child requires a certain number of acres of land to support it. Land is running out and the planet is being damaged, and as a global community it is socially irresponsible.

So who is being selfish for wanting a kid?

Your not serious are you :D

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I don't want to speak for other woman, as it won't be fair to them. -IF- I want to have a child, IF my bf/husband says NO, we cannot have them. I will still have it. (Ok, in your context I am selfish) But I have my own professional job and financially independent. So, if I've decided to have a child of my own, is that a wrong thing to do..? :D

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Selfish? Not at all. You have your own finances to support the child. It would be selfish if you decided to have the child against the wishes of your husband and burden him financially with your decision that you came to alone if you weren't financially independant.

Edited by Sir Burr
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If you guys think that pregnancy is such a disaster, you could choose to stop having intimate relationship with this woman then and move on to the next one which willing to be obedient (like a door mat).... very often, men are very selfish in this matters... :D:D

So if I understand you correctly;

A woman wants a baby, but the man doesn't. The woman is not being selfish by ignoring the man's wishes, but the man is being selfish by ignoring the woman's desires.

Perhaps the man has strong ethical reasons to not want to have a baby. I myself consider it socially irresponsible to put more children onto a planet with a rising population and where each child requires a certain number of acres of land to support it. Land is running out and the planet is being damaged, and as a global community it is socially irresponsible.

So who is being selfish for wanting a kid?

Good job your parents didn't think the same. :o

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Not at all. It should take two YES - not one YES, to have a child. Parenthood has to be a choice, not a mandate, not everyone is meant to be a parent due to various reasons. It’s very easy to have a baby, but raising one and still be able to maintain a healthy/happy family, required you to be ready not only physically, but emotionally and most important – financially nowadays. The selfish one here is the partner who’s only Want Want Want! without thinking through - the 3 factors mentioned.

Yes without a doubt it should take TWO, and no child deserves to be brought into a world where one parent will resent its mere existence.

However! The weight of preventing an un-wanted pregnancy should also lay on the shoulders of the TWO individuals. The pill is not 100% sure.

And if the woman that you care about should find herself pregnant, and knowing that a little bit of you, the man she loves, is growing in her, and in her moment of love for this unborn child, should say she wants to keep the child, for you then to kick her out like she was a piece of trash is just plain sad.

If you do NOT want to have a child you should ALSO bear some of the responsibility for preventing an unwanted pregnancy. It is an outpatient service for a man, and it is fully reversible..

To use abortion as a form of birth control may all be fine and dandy for the man, but if you truly care for the woman in question, are you not in the least bit concerned for her psychological welfare? Or is she just the flavour of the year? The biatch who makes you feel good..

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Is it really so difficult to sit down with your partner and come to a mutual decision together whether you wish to have children together or not ... its not exactly like buying a bar of chocolate and its not exactly difficult to talk to each other .......... we are all adults .....

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Not at all. It should take two YES - not one YES, to have a child. Parenthood has to be a choice, not a mandate, not everyone is meant to be a parent due to various reasons. It’s very easy to have a baby, but raising one and still be able to maintain a healthy/happy family, required you to be ready not only physically, but emotionally and most important – financially nowadays. The selfish one here is the partner who’s only Want Want Want! without thinking through - the 3 factors mentioned.

Yes without a doubt it should take TWO, and no child deserves to be brought into a world where one parent will resent its mere existence.

However! The weight of preventing an un-wanted pregnancy should also lay on the shoulders of the TWO individuals. The pill is not 100% sure.

And if the woman that you care about should find herself pregnant, and knowing that a little bit of you, the man she loves, is growing in her, and in her moment of love for this unborn child, should say she wants to keep the child, for you then to kick her out like she was a piece of trash is just plain sad.

If you do NOT want to have a child you should ALSO bear some of the responsibility for preventing an unwanted pregnancy. It is an outpatient service for a man, and it is fully reversible..

To use abortion as a form of birth control may all be fine and dandy for the man, but if you truly care for the woman in question, are you not in the least bit concerned for her psychological welfare? Or is she just the flavour of the year? The biatch who makes you feel good..

Nice post, I guess there will always be people with questionable morals in life.

People in here might think im an ass or whatever, but I would never ever do something as low as abandoning my child, even if it was a mistake.

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if she cheats on some things, she could just as easily cheat on other things. Does she carry condoms for those times when, heaven forbid, passion and/or coercion supersedes fidelity - regarding another guy? Do you count the condoms in her handbag? Do you (dude) carry condoms for same reason? Of course, both of you swear you don't mess around, but reality can easily over-ride shallow promises. Plus, she could be lifting money from your wallet when you're showering or resting. Of course you'll both say "that could never happen!" - but it's the easiest thing for a chick to do. It happened to me with a smolderingly beautiful college girl I dated - recently.

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Not at all. It should take two YES - not one YES, to have a child. Parenthood has to be a choice, not a mandate, not everyone is meant to be a parent due to various reasons. It’s very easy to have a baby, but raising one and still be able to maintain a healthy/happy family, required you to be ready not only physically, but emotionally and most important – financially nowadays. The selfish one here is the partner who’s only Want Want Want! without thinking through - the 3 factors mentioned.

Yes without a doubt it should take TWO, and no child deserves to be brought into a world where one parent will resent its mere existence.

However! The weight of preventing an un-wanted pregnancy should also lay on the shoulders of the TWO individuals. The pill is not 100% sure.

And if the woman that you care about should find herself pregnant, and knowing that a little bit of you, the man she loves, is growing in her, and in her moment of love for this unborn child, should say she wants to keep the child, for you then to kick her out like she was a piece of trash is just plain sad.

If you do NOT want to have a child you should ALSO bear some of the responsibility for preventing an unwanted pregnancy. It is an outpatient service for a man, and it is fully reversible..

To use abortion as a form of birth control may all be fine and dandy for the man, but if you truly care for the woman in question, are you not in the least bit concerned for her psychological welfare? Or is she just the flavour of the year? The biatch who makes you feel good..

If the woman has agreed to take the pill, tries to make the man believe that she is taking it, and then secretly does not, she is the one who bears the responsibility for her own decision.

If after this decision she gets pregnant, she has the option to reverse her decision by drinking an abortifactant. This will bring about the menstrual flow. If choses not to do this, she bears the responsibility of her choice.

More than once a woman has admitted to me or been caught out disposing of birth control pills she was pretending to take. Yes, I can get snipped, but the fact that I have that option does not make any conception 50% my responsibility, when a conception can be prevented or aborted in other ways, and when these ways are chosen to be avoided by the woman. She wants it, fine - no problem - keep it. As it is her body, I can't control her choice, unless I also am equally sneaky and slip her an abortifactanct against her will and knowledge, as she is trying to slip me a baby against my will and knowledge.

Really this isn't complicated anymore. Some people are talking as if a man is responsible for children by virtue of impregnating a woman. That used to be the case before pregnancy was a choice. I am not responsible for what I do not choose, and it is no longer the case that sex is a gamble that may or may not bring about a baby, and I am responsible for whatever happens when I take that gamble. At any time before during and after sex there is choice - and responsibility comes from our choices.

Now if I were not clear and 100% up front about what I would do if there were pregnancy, and led a woman on, then perhaps I'd be more responsible for her being deceptive. Being clear about what I will do, all the rest is her choice and her responsibility what she will do.

And abortifactants I don't believe are emotionally scarring. Its physically similar to a late period. Waiting a month or two will cause a miscarriage, which is genuinely sad.

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This internet cafe is deadly slow. By the time the message posted and page reloaded I couldn't edit.

A small change:

Now if I were not clear and 100% up front about what I would do if there were pregnancy, and if the birth control pill was not the mutually agreed upon method of birth control, then perhaps I'd be more responsible for a child conceived by her secretly not taking the pill.

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Now if I were not clear and 100% up front about what I would do if there were pregnancy, and if the birth control pill was not the mutually agreed upon method of birth control, then perhaps I'd be more responsible for a child conceived her secretly not taking the pill.

The pill is for people having a long term relationship, she takes or does not is not the point, the child is as much your responsability as it is hers.

If you do not want to have a child, take your responsability, put a condom or do not f...k but well, if you do, do not blame the girl... :o

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