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Baseball Is Upon Us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Im with you tripxcore,


They were beating the ###### out of the pirates 11 to 0 tonight, I had to turn it off I was having to much fun . Not much baseball in Thailand, Thats one of the very few things i'll miss here.

Cricket ?? ... is that a game ?.... I just found out it's a food

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  • 1 year later...

For the three or four American Sports fans here, I thought it was high time to bump up this thread......And for those of us tired of all the endless posts of that other "sport".... :o:D

My guys are third place in the AL East right now...( behind first place ### Sox , and the second place Orieoles , which they play tonight )

Its' too soon to say, but I think the Yanks will go all the way ( at least to the postseason... :D )



But I hate to say that NY METS are doing Amazing so far this year! First place in the NL East! Who would have thought?

Maybe letting go Piazza was a good thing? :D

And don't worry , Football may be over, but It's now the NBA playoffs season, I'll might even revive the Baseketball thread here too! :D

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The last of the game of summer.... when ball players, played ball... consisted of Willie Mays, Roberto Clemente, Willie McCovey...Don Dysdale.. Lou Brock, Ricky Henderson, Rod Carew, Brooks Robinson, Johnny Bench, and the Pitsburg Pirates the last time they won the pennant.

Actually, Little league was fun to watch.. but then the adults got in the way.

College.. well... bring back the wooden bats.. and I'll watch again.

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I can't stand Red Sox fans..... :D

Is it because we got Damon now....? :o

At least they aren't whining about they're stupid "curse" anymore.... :D

Your Yankees suck, especially now!

Buncha over paid idiots who can't hit or pitch for beans.

Are you high?

Yankees beat Baltimore this weekend, I admit they lost game 1, but they did win yesterday, and today, score 7 -1!

Randy Johnson was pitching great today, It's good that he is finally taking directions from the catchers now, after having that tough start in the season. And Jason Giambi was just Amazing! Those homers he did in the second and third inning were gatecrashers! Good he is in back in hitting form after that surgery....

Hope Gary Sheffield is ok after crashing into that wall in the ninth...

They play the Devil Rays ( Tampa Bay ) on tuesday, they didn't do to well against them last time they played them last year though ( 11 out of 19 against the Yanks..... )

speaking of beans , let's here it for Beantown!

Lets's Not..... :D

Red Soxs number one, baby! :D

Not for long.... :D


Well, then, what are you doing here, Brit?

Did you get lost on the way to yet another Soccer thread?


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  • 4 months later...

To shopgurl and the rest who are into baseball; I didn't want to start a new topic since all the "rest of the world"(away from south and north america, that is) would Flame Me. GREAT to see this site, love my S.F. Giants, even if they've had a shitty year. Like to start talking ball with ja all, soo, let start it up, and never stop, just like the soccer crowd! COME ON!!! PLAY BALL!

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  • 1 month later...

It's the Postseason , folks!

You know what that mean.........


That is,

ALDS ( American Leauge Divison Series ) and NLDS ( National Leauge Divison Series ) Championships...

And, of course, you know these guys would be there this October..



Let the games begin!

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Baseball, what a boring game, give me cricket any day. :o:D:D:D
I'm with you. Wouldn't be so bad accept the whole team including the coaches look like a herd of cows chewing their cudd. Mouths cramed full of shlt and spitting it where they please --- GREAT TV VIEWING (if your a 'redneck'). :D
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Baseball is just a bastardised version of cricket coz you were too stupid to understand the real thing!!

World series my a*** - no other country wants to play it!


So, what countries are in the world series this year?

...The only country that counts..... :o


Let's Go Mets

I'm a Red Soxs fan myself, and I don't like the Mets ( especially after the 1986 World Series ! :D ) but in this case, I will make an exception this one time, and have to agree with anyone who hates the Yankees...

Let's go Mets!


Hey, those two may hate the Yankees, but at least they like Baseball...


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Yeah, looks like the Mets are kicking ass and taking names!

But I think Oakland is going to take it all the way though.....

I'll always be a Damon fan, but I am so glad those Yankees are being shut out by the Tigers, of all teams! :o

"So, what countries are in the world series this year?" - old croc wrote.


Lets be honest, all their games are crap! :D

I'm not sure where you come from, pal, but we can say the same thing about your games, whatever they are (tea drinking? ) :D

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Not sure why Nara and Chaii underestimate the Tigers so much. This team has a destiny and great mgr plus they won 95 games during the season. I only hope that the Mets can face them in the world series. see prediction

Yeah, I admit they did well early in the season, but honestly,would anyone have expected that they would do so well now in these playoffs, after their late season collapse?

I know that there has never been a team losing the first two home games of the ACLS going on to the WS, but there are always first. But since I think Kenny Rodgers is pitching, plus the fact that It's going to be freezing in Detroit, It does not look good for Oakland now.

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Wow, Lou Piniella is now the new Manager of the Chicago Cubs, replacing Dusty Baker. I hear he's got a three year contract or something. Pinella got the Reds to the World Series back in 1990(!), so maybe he might do some good with the Cubs-who haven't been to the WS since WW11...

I wonder what Tripcore thinks about this.....


So far, Joe Torre's neck seems to be off the cutting board - for now.... :o

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