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NHRC report on rights violations angers PM

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NHRC report on rights violations angers PM
The Nation

BANGKOK -- Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha responded angrily to a report from the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), which criticisedthe authorities’ dealing with suspects in certain cases.

The report, submitted to the Cabinet on Tuesday for acknowledgement, focused on the humanrights situation in the country under this post-coup government.

The NHRC reported that last year it had received 689 complaints of human rights violations, up by 78 from a year earlier. Of these, 174 complaints were related to judiciary proceedings.

Also, 26 complaints were against the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)'s use of authority, the report said. The complainants told the NHRC that they had been taken from their homes to be detained in undisclosed locations, while others were summoned by the NCPO or tried in a military court even though they are civilians.

Prayut, in anger, rebuked the NHRC by writing on the report: "On what grounds did the NHRC make this judgement? The government has always been lenient with people who disturbed peace. But those people committed the wrongdoing repeatedly.

"Our country is different from other countries. Is there equality among our people? Who got the government and the NCPO involved in makingchanges? Did they use their good judgement? If they still have the same view, then they would be better living overseas."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/NHRC-report-on-rights-violations-angers-PM-30275144.html

-- The Nation 2015-12-17

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That's it Mr. P! If the NHRC doesn't like it in Thailand then they can get the F out. Good way to show them who's boss and how to do their jobs. Nobody understands thainess or how things work in Thailand unless they use say, China or N. Korea as examples.

For those that can't read between the lines. This is sarcasm at its best heheee


A frightening level of cluelessness or just plain denial from the boss. He is either the biggest sociopath currently breathing (or should that be stealing) oxygen or just doesn't have the ability to judge what is right or wrong be it ethically, morally or otherwise.

Very dark days ahead with this man calling the shots if these daily tirades are anything to go by......


NHRC report on rights violations angers PM

I can
fully understand his anger.
Each country is different.
Anyone who believes the PM can simply do 44 what he wants, has really no idea what forces prevail in this country.
Everyone thinks he sits unchallenged in a saddle.

He must clean up this human rights violations s$%t.
Returning his chief investigator from Australia.
Plug the masterminds into prison.
And do not waste time on noisy students.


Our country is different from other countries.

True. Not all of those differences are positive. Ask that guy visiting from the US. He can suggest a few things to improve.

Is there equality among our people?

No. Clearly not. Some people seem to be above the law.

Who got the government and the NCPO involved in making changes?

You did. You staged the coup, formed the NCPO, and got appointed as PM.

Did they use their good judgement?

No. The coup was not a good idea. Supporting the rule of law would have been better.

If they still have the same view, then they would be better living overseas.

It's a bit crowded in Dubai. Maybe Beijing. Just look for the impenetrable smog.


This poor excuse for a man has the emotional instability of a 10 year old.

His insecurities are glaring when he erupts with his tantrums.

Truly an embarrassment to Thailand.

Or to all grown men for that matter...


When he first stole power you hoped he had some substance but you'd be a fool now to argue that he's much more than just a (somewhat dangerous) buffoon.

These folks did their job - someone has to since the current incumbents seem incapable of doing so - and for that they are berated.


Prayuth, his administration and the elite he protects are producsts of a bygone age. Where there was no internet waking up the populace, international business interests and human rights. They simply don't get that it is not the old days anymore.

"We abduct people in Thailand, that is just the way we do it".

I suspect a fair few certain posters will be avoiding this thread.


Trouble is thai's just can't think logically & that same for almost all social levels as can be seen by prayuts constant moans & poor response to any views that differ or go against his own ... if this clown & his backers stay in charge for much longer a lot of people will have serious hardships & I think a lot of expats will find immigration gets even worse as they try stem foreign interference as they see it ... stay flexible & don't tie yourself down too much as future is very very unpredictable at present & things going get very messy again for sure .


Trouble is thai's just can't think logically & that same for almost all social levels as can be seen by prayuts constant moans & poor response to any views that differ or go against his own ... if this clown & his backers stay in charge for much longer a lot of people will have serious hardships & I think a lot of expats will find immigration gets even worse as they try stem foreign interference as they see it ... stay flexible & don't tie yourself down too much as future is very very unpredictable at present & things going get very messy again for sure .

This guy makes some very good observations and his warnings I tend to second.

Firstly , we have all encountered very illogical Thais trying to explain why they didn't build the extensions correctly , or a mechanic trying to explain why the oil filter is not the correct part.

This is no different.

Thais are lovely people , simple and largely passive, and giving.

However, it's true their ability to be logical is a product of their centuries of contentment with status Quo.

We're westerners left the country for say a century it would be transported into a very different place.

Thais while not noted for inventions

( no you didn't invent cloud seeding that was an American)

They seem smug like they are harbouring a secret that tells each and everyone of them westerners are dumb.

Even with a third world status they continue to use ( as do their supporters ) rhetoric like "" we have no idea what's going on" ..."" We are special ."" ..."" You don't understand" ...."" We can explain""

Yesterday on Australian news it showed a man is being prosecuted for defaming an animal in Thailand .

Infact a dog.

These people need to understand you are welcome to crawl around carpets wearing white uniforms and regal attire. Have a serious alpha male requirement to ease fears.

Believe in gold and gods and fortunes.

But the insidious master self system does have its limits.

It's one thing to take over a nation using guns , do away with democracy and prosecute the Pm who was elected.

But the involvement in systematic slavery, arrest , and jailing , or detention of the populace is not.

These organisations are a safeguard.

They simply report truths.

If you think that's not ok .

Then stop inviting westerners to your country.

Stop selling rice to us.

Seafood to us.

Flying to our airports .

Isolate your country.

Make deeper ties with the communists

Watch them devour you.

Say goodbye to the world as free people.

That's what's ahead.

I left Thailand when I started seeing their propaganda methods were Chinese.

This is just the beginning .

This guy is an egocentric general.

He is not going to be dictated to....( kinda ironic)

And as I predicted a year ago ....westerners will reap the Nationalist scorn when Sanctions are imposed.

And given the situation and voices growing ...it's only a matter of time.

Clearly the rift is getting more pronounced.

And so exit plans need to at least be drawn up as a possibility down track .

We have seen the fever pitch hatreds of Ultra Nationals .

Keep that in mind when the rhetoric is stepped up.

Thailand is infact lurching towards an unpredictable times ahead.


So the completely worthless, packed with junta flunkies, NHRC has written a report that gets the self-appointed "PM" all bent out of shape, ...

Imagine that, the worst human rights violator in Thailand since 92 and he's all p!ss3d off that people complain about him trampling their universal human rights.

Take it on the chin uncle goh hok...


Our country is different from other countries.

True. Not all of those differences are positive. Ask that guy visiting from the US. He can suggest a few things to improve.

Is there equality among our people?

No. Clearly not. Some people seem to be above the law.

Who got the government and the NCPO involved in making changes?

You did. You staged the coup, formed the NCPO, and got appointed as PM.

Did they use their good judgement?

No. The coup was not a good idea. Supporting the rule of law would have been better.

If they still have the same view, then they would be better living overseas.

It's a bit crowded in Dubai. Maybe Beijing. Just look for the impenetrable smog.

LOL, but hey - for this one, ...

If they still have the same view, then they would be better living overseas.

It's a bit crowded in Dubai. Maybe Beijing. Just look for the impenetrable smog.

You missed a few 'crowded' places, most recently, Cambodia, Burma, and Australia...

Prior to that , USA, France, undisclosed country in Europe, New Zealand, Japan, and the UK ... Probably missing a dozen or so other countries... biggrin.png


Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha responded angrily

Prayut, in anger

Stop it already with the 'angry routine'. It's getting boring. Angry about this, angry about that. Not a day goes by without Prayuth being angry. Just have your conniption of the week and get it over with.


Prayut, in anger, rebuked the NHRC by writing on the report: "On what grounds did the NHRC make this judgement? The government has always been lenient with people who disturbed peace. But those people committed the wrongdoing repeatedly.

What is heaven's name can you say about this man. He is in denial, he is out-of-control, he...WOW!


My guess is that if the Gen were to tow the line and sort out the human rights thing there's a fair chance that he could suddenly become suicidal or contract a rare blood disorder.


A real bad work week for the much needed anger management PM. Got reprimanded by US Envoy Russel like a schoolboy, nasty report from the Associated Press on fishery slavery work condition and now this right's report. Enough for anyone to pop a blood vessel or get a heart attack. For his sake (sic), better for him to take a break or keep his doctor close.


He gets angry a lot doesn't he like a petulant child and the end response is "if you don't like it leave" (Great humanitarian strategy) which many are doing and the Thai economy will be heading for a steep landslide downwards which is good for us.


Trouble is thai's just can't think logically & that same for almost all social levels as can be seen by prayuts constant moans & poor response to any views that differ or go against his own ... if this clown & his backers stay in charge for much longer a lot of people will have serious hardships & I think a lot of expats will find immigration gets even worse as they try stem foreign interference as they see it ... stay flexible & don't tie yourself down too much as future is very very unpredictable at present & things going get very messy again for sure .

This guy makes some very good observations and his warnings I tend to second.

Firstly , we have all encountered very illogical Thais trying to explain why they didn't build the extensions correctly , or a mechanic trying to explain why the oil filter is not the correct part.

This is no different.

Thais are lovely people , simple and largely passive, and giving.

However, it's true their ability to be logical is a product of their centuries of contentment with status Quo.

We're westerners left the country for say a century it would be transported into a very different place.

Thais while not noted for inventions

( no you didn't invent cloud seeding that was an American)

They seem smug like they are harbouring a secret that tells each and everyone of them westerners are dumb.

Even with a third world status they continue to use ( as do their supporters ) rhetoric like "" we have no idea what's going on" ..."" We are special ."" ..."" You don't understand" ...."" We can explain""

Yesterday on Australian news it showed a man is being prosecuted for defaming an animal in Thailand .

Infact a dog.

These people need to understand you are welcome to crawl around carpets wearing white uniforms and regal attire. Have a serious alpha male requirement to ease fears.

Believe in gold and gods and fortunes.

But the insidious master self system does have its limits.

It's one thing to take over a nation using guns , do away with democracy and prosecute the Pm who was elected.

But the involvement in systematic slavery, arrest , and jailing , or detention of the populace is not.

These organisations are a safeguard.

They simply report truths.

If you think that's not ok .

Then stop inviting westerners to your country.

Stop selling rice to us.

Seafood to us.

Flying to our airports .

Isolate your country.

Make deeper ties with the communists

Watch them devour you.

Say goodbye to the world as free people.

That's what's ahead.

I left Thailand when I started seeing their propaganda methods were Chinese.

This is just the beginning .

This guy is an egocentric general.

He is not going to be dictated to....( kinda ironic)

And as I predicted a year ago ....westerners will reap the Nationalist scorn when Sanctions are imposed.

And given the situation and voices growing ...it's only a matter of time.

Clearly the rift is getting more pronounced.

And so exit plans need to at least be drawn up as a possibility down track .

We have seen the fever pitch hatreds of Ultra Nationals .

Keep that in mind when the rhetoric is stepped up.

Thailand is infact lurching towards an unpredictable times ahead.

Claiming that Thai's can't think logically is way off the mark. Many realize what is happening and are not happy with the situation. In the army the PM was used to issuing orders and never being questioned. He does not like what he is hearing now so throws one of his tantrums. In his past role this would never have happened as only good news would have been presented to him.

However, I do not believe it can be disputed that he is not the right man for the job, even with others pulling strings in the background.

But telling Thais who do not agree with the current situation to leave the country is unforgivable. Those Thais used their judgement to pass comment on the government or whatever. Their own judgement. It matters not a whit that their position does not toe the government line. He is saying they are not worthy to be called Thai. They are no less worthy than the PM. Different views lead to a country developing and moving forward. But controlling what people can say and do to the extent this government is trying to will only take the country backwards. And the only positive coming out of this, is that in this day and age of modern communications the people cannot be silenced and eventually it will reach a stage that Joe public will take no more.


Boo bloody Hoo. Cry- baby.

The little general has his panties in a wad crying over the failure of international executives he perceives as his equals--despite it not being their perception--being unable to comprehend the Thai supremacy he learned about in school and their failure to overlook what he sees as minor indiscretions like good old boys are supposed to do for each other.


He gets angry a lot doesn't he like a petulant child and the end response is "if you don't like it leave" (Great humanitarian strategy) which many are doing and the Thai economy will be heading for a steep landslide downwards which is good for us.

Not sure how you perceive the dissatisfaction and exodus as good for you. The discontent is making LOS a landscape growing ripe for a more proactive belief system than 'turn the other cheek' Buddhism, which is not lost on insurgents migrating north wearing head scarves and burqas. At some point locals are going to realize, that he who turns the other cheek gets hit with the other fist, and become susceptible to militant theocratic methods as a solution to elite oppression; aka Sakdina.


The worrying thing is - where do we go from here?

Another coup? Invite the Chinese in to run the country? (oops, I forgot they are already doing this...)

The future for Thailand is VERY uncertain, much, much more so than in the past 14 years that I've lived here.

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