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Antidote for boredom


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Seems to me you need an "attitude" adjustment. Changing geography wont help, because no matter where you go, you are always there biggrin.png

You need to work on you, sit down and have a serious talk with yourself, find out what the problem really is, make a plan, solve it.thumbsup.gif

Don't think it's as easy as that. There are plenty here who's only social interaction is at a bar. Let's face it, Thailand has very little in the way of 'things do do' like theaters, galleries, libraries to visit when bored. There are hardly any parks and it's far too hot here to be physically active after say, 10 am. A gym visit is okay but not for everyone. I used to regularly cycle to a gym, good workout but then what? Not all of us are 'joiners' either. The thought of 'group activity' gives me the chills.

A Thai neighbour (ex professor) said 'there's no quality of life here' and IMO there isn't. Unless you like shoPING or hanging around beer bars or the odd temple fair saai.gif . As to relocating, that's all very well if you have flexible liquidity. A house and various other commitments and even an overnight stay somewhere else can throw up all kinds of problems. Hence lot's of corpulent drunks hereabouts. I stave this off by eating raw and studying particle physics laugh.png

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I have a rather large garden in the countryside to keep me from boredom, however as a break from that apart from keeping my family happy I get on my motorbike and ride for a few hours visiting other areas stopping off for a glass of cider or whatever's on offer to wash down a breakfast or lunch before returning home,

assuming you have a scooter why not explore the surrounding areas, then if you feel you enjoy it enough and having gained some experience then go treat yourself to an upgrade bike or scooter maybe around 250 or 300cc and venture further afield, if not for anything else the adrenalin factor of dealing with the bkk traffic will reduce the boredom

'glass of cider'? Where do you think you are? Cornwall? blink.png

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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...
I found a new hobby...spear fishing...burns a lot of calories and time..,..

Yeah 1 thing I didn't mention. Budget. Isn't spear fishing expensive?

only if spear the fish at upscale soapies-massage

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You want boring? Try doing a 4 day bike trip (CBR250), then the day after, having a stroke that knocks you on your ass. Trying laying in a bed, unable to even feel your legs for almost a year. But I fought through it, with the help of my wife, and just TODAY I straddled a brand new Honda CB300f that I bought last Friday and drove from Chiang Mai to Lampang (90 klm one way) and then back. My days of boredom are GONE!

Okay, that's me. As for you, find something you like, or would like to try, and then go for it. A sport you like, or a hobby. Put yourself into it and have fun. Badminton, bowling, swimming, take up Muay Thai. Even if you do that, the exercise alone will help with the weight problem. Sign up for Thai language classes. (Believe me, that helps). If you have the time, and the finances, which doesn't take much, there are 1001 things in Thailand to do. Me? Hell, I'm already planning my next 5 day road trip on the CB300.

Good Luck.

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I find each day starts and is affected by the time I go to bed. Go to bed by a set time. Make it a habit. Change to a healthy breakfast, I love oats, soy milk with banana. Then add a gym visit 90 mins after breakie. You'll love yourself so much by now you will want a healthy lunch. See where I'm going? Build a healthy life. It takes time, but its all about habits. One at a time.

I would love to do this. I just don't know where to start. I hate my routine but it's very easy to maintain.

Why not keep it real simple. Start out with a morning WALK....no need to fool with bike or gym or anything that is oh so easy to make an excuse not to do. Walking is about as simple as it gets....just put on a decent pair of shoes/shirt/short and out the door you go. I do it everyday and can say that not one time have I ever thought gee i wish i hadn't gone for that walk. Some good music/headphones is also a good idea.

Start simple....30 mins to an hour then build up to about 1 1/2 hours per day. For most people that is approx 5 miles.

Don't expect the weight to disappear overnight but disappear it will if you walk every day. A 1 1/2 hour walk will burn about 500 calories. That's 3500 calories or ONE POUND a week if you change nothing in your normal food/booze intake.

I also find that going for a morning walk helps to get me going on some kind of schedule. I do it just like i was going to work same time every day.

Nothing to lose and a lot to gain. I suspect it will help with your boredom and your weight. You can even FORCE yourself to listen to five or ten mins of Thai vocabulary lessons along with the music. Five mins a day doesn't sound like much but after a few months you'll find it really does work to add hundreds of words to your vocabulary.

my two cents for what it's worth...

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Wow people here are really picking my brain. I was looking for a more general solution. But ok. Came here because I love Asia, always have loved Asia since I was young, can't explain why really. On and off with the gf, not a really good relationship but she is really pretty so hard to let go, silly I know. Don't know what that has to do with my question though...because everybody here has a beautiful gf.


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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...

It is easy, you just need a bit of willpower, start slowly and build yourself up gradually. Good luck.

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Alcoholism? coffee1.gif

Maybe you're right. I hope not. I feel that isn't the case. I just need to kill my time

If it isn't, the way you are going it soon will be, get yourself a bike, is there any parks with the exercise machines near where you live?

The first thing you really need to do is cut down on the alcohol, and start exercising, slowly to begin with.

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I fell into the same pattern about 10 years ago, drinking a lot, not doing much, eating the wrong foods. I started jogging, bought a bicycle to ride around the parks near my apt, but then decided to ride it everywhere, cut out the drinking and bad food. Took about 6 months to get into shape. Lost a lot of weight.

Yeah that's kind of the advice I gave myself. Cut the drinking and be more active. Sounds so easy...
I found a new hobby...spear fishing...burns a lot of calories and time..,..

Yeah 1 thing I didn't mention. Budget. Isn't spear fishing expensive?

No, put a sharp nail on the end of a stick, stand on a rock or something at the edge of the river, watch for the fish

swimming past, then strike, but you have to be quick.

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Start a hobby or a routine that is not boring and also gives you a workout. I suggest hiking or swimming. Granted, not too many (any) places to hike in BKK, but you can find a pool on weekdays and then head out to one of the national parks (several within a few hours' bus ride in several directions) on weekends and do long hikes, and while you're at it learn about the wildlife.

Edited by Dtaw
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My advice for whats worth is join groups. There is no point going to the gym if you are doing it alone, no point riding a bike if you are doing it alone.

You need people to do these things with. It dosent matter if the people are Thai or farang, just as long as there are other people.

I ride my bike alone all the time, and there is plenty point to it.

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Change of lifestyle by the sounds of it.

Yes that sounds about right.

See my op. Any advise in this matter. Real advice.

go to a gym, play sports

Yes, play sports, not games like darts and snooker which seems to attract overweight people.

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Thirty years old, hansum man and only one girlfriend. Get some more.

When I was your age it was 'as fast as they could throw them under me'.

Alas now I'm not so quick and the muscle is changing to fat ... I'm seventy though ... seriously best to heed the advice given to you before it's too late ... good luck with whatever you decide.

He is not a hansum man, he is about 20ks overweight, he is not rich, so he isn't going to get another girlfriend.

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In a word "Discipline." Make fitness first everything else should follow. So much of expat life seems to center around booze and food. Work hard all those years to kill yourself. Come on man get a little tough. You can do it...

I have met literally thousands of interesting people in drinking establishments around the world.

Never met one on a treadmill.

Nor are you ever likely to.

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Alcoholism? coffee1.gif

Maybe you're right. I hope not. I feel that isn't the case. I just need to kill my time

Most likely alcohol dependence, not alcoholism. Bone thin, can't eat, wake up with the shakes, shots in the morning is way different from the guy that hits the bars nearly every day and drinks a six pack.

I retired at 34, am 43 now. I know what its like to fill free time with booze. I used to be a nonstop traveler, but having a gf here, I only travel now about 5-6 times a year. Im a gym and bar rat, so Im in great shape in spite of the 4-5 nights of 4-6 big beers. My diet is good aside from booze. Tuna, chicken, oatmeal etc. No juice or soda. Guess beer is my reward. I'm ok with that.

"You can be fat or old, but you better not be both" --David Spade

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Here is an easy way to start. Get up in the morning shower shave and then go for a coffee. While there just watch people and relax. If you do this every day it will get easier. Then you can either go further for a coffee or just change your route a little.

The time you wake up is not that important it is what you do with it.

Second thing Talk to your girlfriends and go shopping with them. It is not so much the shopping as it is the people watching.

Drop into a temple and do a prayer.

These are little things that will help you just to get out of the funk.

I live outside Bkk and once a week go in early in the morning get a coffee and work on my laptop then get a Thai massage (no happy endiNG)

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I cannot understand why most people's advice contains the word 'routine' ?

The reason I never get bored is because I have no routine, everyday is different.

It is great to wake up and then decide what to do that day, rather than have your day already planned.

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I'm not sure how you got overweight or why you are bored. I spent four months in Chiang Mai at the age of 62, and traveling tribal villages north west of Chiang Dao, and I lost almost 25lbs. of weight.

Do more walking, stay away from western style restaurants, eat small amounts of street food, I always took advantage of just going across the street and having some fresh pad thai made right there in front of me... or buying fresh fruit already cut into sections... ...but stay away from all the pork.

Not to mention, you'll save money also if you eat like a Thai.

Don't have those three big western meals a day.... I ate small amounts throughout the day... I think some people call it "grazing".... and I stayed away from the western foods I had grow up with..... I ate Thai....... at places Thai people eat... like the street food vendors and markets where Thai people go... Eating small amounts throughout the day.... you won't overstuff yourself... Forget you ever heard of hamburgers and fries...

Stick mostly to fresh fruit and vegetable dishes like Pad Thai, and Som Tam, and Khanom Sen (spelling?), Khao Soi (Chiang Mai noodles) .... there are all kinds..lots more... ... Just don't bother with the coagulated lumps of blood. I've tried them, and it's okay, I even like it, but I'm sure it is high in cholesterol and fat maybe, so it might be best to avoid those chunks of coagulated blood.

Bored ? ? Spend more time visiting temples and talking to monks. Get interested in Buddhism....

Take a Thai cooking course, Thai language course.... volunteer for the Tourist Police . See if there are any volunteer projects near you you can get involved with... maybe work at an orphanage and help teach the kids... see if there are village projects you can get involved with.

Volunteer Work In Thailand

Walk. .walk... .walk.... .burn off that fat. Join a gym. There are gyms in the big cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai and Pattaya an Phuket and other cities..

I'm sorry if I don't understand how you put on weight..... I lost a lot of weight and I wasn't even trying to diet.. and I felt 100% better, my borderline diabetes vanished... my cholesterol went to normal and my blood pressure went to normal and I was able to go off my medication..

Returned to Canada.... and I put all that weight back on and more sad.png Up goes the blood pressure again.. and cholesterol levels and borderline diabetes... I had to go back on my Coversly Plus.. .and my Bisoprolol......damn it.... I felt so much better in northern Thailand. It was good for me. I became healthier and stronger. It was like I had grown younger.. (had a hell of a lot of fun during Songkran.... felt like a young kid again....farang in his early '60's acting like a kid... ha, ha, ha..... damn lot of fun for three days in Chiang Mai during Songkran... smile.png Truly wonderful.. . )

My doctor says if I return to Thailand or wherever in south east Asia.. as far as my physical heath goes... I might add 6 - 10 healthy years to my life.. maybe more.

So that is my plan.... to return as soon as I can..

Best of luck to you..

Edited by Catoni
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What you describe is the rut many farangs get into when coming to Thailand...over-indulgence in food and drink...lack of ambition...no creative endeavors...general apathy for most things...

Examine you lifestyle...is this what you want to do the rest of your life?

For me it took many changes to get my life back...change of venue...friends...scenery...

Now, I get up each morning with enthusiasm to take on the day...I have personal improvement projects that I work on when I want to...do a little gardening for the exercise, fresh food, and sense of well being...

If I was your age...I would exercise at least 4 times a week...start cutting back on the food intake...cut back on the booze...and start getting yourself back into a healthier lifestyle...

Good Luck!

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Ofcourse you are bored. You are in your 30's.

Lets face it, Thailand is a pretty boring place...ofcourse I will get reprimanded by most of the TVF community but I mean they spend hours each day on here and they are going to try convincing anyone they are not bored to death.

Thats why alcoholism is so much of a problem here...falangs have nothing to do. Most of us are not allowed to work so how are you going to find challenge, opportunity, self-worth, if you are not allowed to have a career.

So, pick up a camera and learn photography. There is a lifetime endeavor. Thailand is a beautiful place.

If you are going to try staying for work reasons, then become fluent in the language; however, this is only useful if you plan on living here a long time and getting fatter and more of an alcoholic.

You could chase whores.

At your age...hot damn...thats where my money would have gone.

Start going to the gym. Seriously, you are a young buck in your prime and you are saying you are overweight? No excuse for that. Once you start going to the gym you will be motivated to return and develop positive habits.

You could always chase whores.

Even if he was in his 60's or 70's he could go to the gym and turn the clock back a bit. Only difference is ... if you are that age and out of shape. you have to ease yourself back into it slowly.... but working out properly in a gym can easily double an old man's strength, make him feel younger, and add years of healthy living to his life.

Arnold Schwarzenegger once saw an old man in his 70's waiting in the gym for younger family members who had a dinner to go to. Schwarzenegger asked the old man how come he was just sitting in his street clothes and not working out.

The old man said... "I'm way too old for exercising." Schwarzenegger replied.... "Your way too old not to. Exercise is even more important at your age."

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I cannot understand why most people's advice contains the word 'routine' ?

The reason I never get bored is because I have no routine, everyday is different.

It is great to wake up and then decide what to do that day, rather than have your day already planned.

Health wise a routine is better in general, it takes some planning to keep exercising and progressing. You cannot do that without a routine. Same goes for food, cooking and buying food takes time. In general a healthy lifestyle takes some sort of routine.

If it was just boredom and not about health your no routine would work. But everyone is different in their goals so if it works for you don't change it.

For me a routine works and i am never bored, and in good health. When i was drinking too much it was a different story.. no routine just drinking and eating loads. Got me fat and unhealthy, my routine changed that.

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Move. Get off the BTS. Get to a coast. Get a bike. Walk, cycle and swim everyday. Don't cut all your bad habits at once because you will fail. Start slow. Personally BKK was not conducive to walking running or cycling. You need some fresh air. BKK ran out a while back.

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