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Domino's Pizza 30 minute delivery or free. Should I feel guilty?

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Just ordered from Domino's for the first time. 20 minutes after my order I received a call to confirm my address. I told them, but there was some confusion, then she hung up. 10 minutes later I called back and my Thai neighbour spoke with them to confirm my address. All was good and they fully understood. I'd been tracking my order online and it had been on "quality check" for quite some time, but after my neighbor spoke with them it soon went onto "out for delivery". 30 minutes later I received a call from the deliver driver to say that she was here. It took 1 hour and 10 minutes all in all. I pointed at the "30 minutes or free" sticker on her bike and she said ok. All I had to pay was 40 baht delivery. I also gave her 100 baht for her troubles. The website says that delivery drivers are not penalized for late delivery, but I'm still feeling guilty. Am I crazy for doing so? I'm a little concerned that even though the website says that drivers aren't penalized, in practice they might be. What are your thoughts on this?


What pizza did you get? The few times i have ordered Domino's here i have been extremely disappointed in the quality and pricing.

It was buy one get one free so I had a peperoni pizza and a vegi deluxe. They were pretty good but not great. Did the job. I thought that they were better than the Pizza Company pizzas. Less greesy. It should have been 405 baht which is a good price for the two pizzas, but I wouldn't spend that without the BOGOF offer.


I've ordered Domino's pizzas here in BKK from time to time, and AFAICT, they're not that different from those served by Domino's in the U.S. So, like them or not, at least they're reasonably authentic here to the original.

I will give Domino's Thailand one thing: Unlike most Thai companies, their 30 minute delivery or free pizza is a real expression of their customer service guarantee. I've had their pizzas arrive late a couple times, well beyond the 30 minutes, and they did in fact honor their service guarantee.

Not many Thai companies that I know guarantee their service that way.


Take the free pizza. The fact you feel guilty makes me think you're a really decent person who doesn't want to take advantage of people there. Of course, given how wonderful the people are in Thailand overall, they sure make it easy to feel that way.


The fact that the delivery guy/gal didn't kick up a fuss, tells me that the price of the pizza isn't coming out of his/her pay.

So I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you.

Very generous tip.

Good on ya!


Just enjoy your free pizza, it's their own fault. This will teach them.

I always pick them up myself from Pizzacompany....buy one get one free if you pick them up yourself but you need a membership for 300 baht.

Pan Pizza super deluxe, awesome


Never had one before the other week at the Phleonchit fair, I would not call it pizza at all. Took one bite and chucked it.


I did the exact same thing on my first experience with Dominos Pizza in Thailand. Absolutely disgusting.


Never had one before the other week at the Phleonchit fair, I would not call it pizza at all. Took one bite and chucked it.


I did the exact same thing on my first experience with Dominos Pizza in Thailand. Absolutely disgusting.

Hey you guys don't forget freedom of speech is not a right here in Thailand. A big fine for jacky54 and a few years jail should be in order and 30 years for bino for his +1 comment.

Don't forget where you are.


Never had one before the other week at the Phleonchit fair, I would not call it pizza at all. Took one bite and chucked it.


I did the exact same thing on my first experience with Dominos Pizza in Thailand. Absolutely disgusting.

Same here. Totally disgusting pizza. I couldn't believe how awful it was.


Never had one before the other week at the Phleonchit fair, I would not call it pizza at all. Took one bite and chucked it.


I did the exact same thing on my first experience with Dominos Pizza in Thailand. Absolutely disgusting.

Same here. Totally disgusting pizza. I couldn't believe how awful it was.

I thought Domino's changed their pizza and improved quality/ingredients?

I haven't had them since my colleges days when you can't differentiate the taste of their pizza with the cardboard box they came in (but didn't care 'cause one wouldn't order one unless totally wasted).


Who made you the pizza police?

Funny isn't it?

I think pizza is even more subjective than burgers....

My favourite is the pepperoni Chicago style at Bangkok Betty...30% off Sun/Mon.

Enjoy yours!


What pizza did you get? The few times i have ordered Domino's here i have been extremely disappointed in the quality and pricing.

It was buy one get one free so I had a peperoni pizza and a vegi deluxe. They were pretty good but not great. Did the job. I thought that they were better than the Pizza Company pizzas. Less greesy. It should have been 405 baht which is a good price for the two pizzas, but I wouldn't spend that without the BOGOF offer.

Legally you maybe right, but morally you are wrong. You probably cannot speak Thai or your Thai language is limited and because of this caused some confusion when you phoned through your order. But you haven`t made any compensations for this.

Maybe next time if you order a pizza from the same place, they might spit in it or refuse your order. If not satisfied with the service, I would have paid and gone something else next time considering it`s not a fortune and those delivery staff are under tremendous pressure risking their lives to get you your pizza all for a pittance.


What pizza did you get? The few times i have ordered Domino's here i have been extremely disappointed in the quality and pricing.

It was buy one get one free so I had a peperoni pizza and a vegi deluxe. They were pretty good but not great. Did the job. I thought that they were better than the Pizza Company pizzas. Less greesy. It should have been 405 baht which is a good price for the two pizzas, but I wouldn't spend that without the BOGOF offer.

Legally you maybe right, but morally you are wrong. You probably cannot speak Thai or your Thai language is limited and because of this caused some confusion when you phoned through your order. But you haven`t made any compensations for this.

Maybe next time if you order a pizza from the same place, they might spit in it or refuse your order. If not satisfied with the service, I would have paid and gone something else next time considering it`s not a fortune and those delivery staff are under tremendous pressure risking their lives to get you your pizza all for a pittance.

I ordered online so there was no confusion. There was some confusion when they called me to confirm my address, but I got my thai neighbour to call them back 10 minutes later to clarify. So, factoring in that 10 minutes would mean that it still took 1 hour.


What pizza did you get? The few times i have ordered Domino's here i have been extremely disappointed in the quality and pricing.

It was buy one get one free so I had a peperoni pizza and a vegi deluxe. They were pretty good but not great. Did the job. I thought that they were better than the Pizza Company pizzas. Less greesy. It should have been 405 baht which is a good price for the two pizzas, but I wouldn't spend that without the BOGOF offer.

Legally you maybe right, but morally you are wrong. You probably cannot speak Thai or your Thai language is limited and because of this caused some confusion when you phoned through your order. But you haven`t made any compensations for this.

Maybe next time if you order a pizza from the same place, they might spit in it or refuse your order. If not satisfied with the service, I would have paid and gone something else next time considering it`s not a fortune and those delivery staff are under tremendous pressure risking their lives to get you your pizza all for a pittance.

I ordered online so there was no confusion. There was some confusion when they called me to confirm my address, but I got my thai neighbour to call them back 10 minutes later to clarify. So, factoring in that 10 minutes would mean that it still took 1 hour.

Probably caused confusion when they phoned to clarify your address and maybe did not understand you property that held things up a bit.

Seems that you were just trying to stress a point because you did not consider the service was perfect, a sort of arrogance really, someone taking advantage of a situation. It`s up to you how you feel about it. Other people cannot act as a conscience for you. If had been me I would have paid and felt better within myself. Different strokes for different folks.


What pizza did you get? The few times i have ordered Domino's here i have been extremely disappointed in the quality and pricing.

It was buy one get one free so I had a peperoni pizza and a vegi deluxe. They were pretty good but not great. Did the job. I thought that they were better than the Pizza Company pizzas. Less greesy. It should have been 405 baht which is a good price for the two pizzas, but I wouldn't spend that without the BOGOF offer.

Legally you maybe right, but morally you are wrong. You probably cannot speak Thai or your Thai language is limited and because of this caused some confusion when you phoned through your order. But you haven`t made any compensations for this.

Maybe next time if you order a pizza from the same place, they might spit in it or refuse your order. If not satisfied with the service, I would have paid and gone something else next time considering it`s not a fortune and those delivery staff are under tremendous pressure risking their lives to get you your pizza all for a pittance.

I ordered online so there was no confusion. There was some confusion when they called me to confirm my address, but I got my thai neighbour to call them back 10 minutes later to clarify. So, factoring in that 10 minutes would mean that it still took 1 hour.

Probably caused confusion when they phoned to clarify your address and maybe did not understand you property that held things up a bit.

Seems that you were just trying to stress a point because you did not consider the service was perfect, a sort of arrogance really, someone taking advantage of a situation. It`s up to you how you feel about it. Other people cannot act as a conscience for you. If had been me I would have paid and felt better within myself. Different strokes for different folks.

So, you define a one hour and ten minute delivery as perfect service? Yes, different strokes for different folks. As I said, my Thai neighbour called and clarified things. The delay was ten minutes.


Domino's used to offer this type of gimmicky delivery guarantee in the USA but withdrew it years ago. Why? People were getting killed in car accidents when the drivers were rushing like crazy to deliver what is essentially cardboard with tomato sauce on it. A ton of bad publicity ensued and the public backlash was rather severe as life >>>>> mediocre pizza.



My wife and I have given up on pizza delivery here in the UK. Pizza Hut and Domino's got progressively worse with their delivery times and we were invariably having to warm them up in the oven, which is ridiculous when we've spent £30 on, so-called, fast food.

My wife now purchases fresh pizza from Asda or Morrisons and there isn't a great deal of difference except that they're dirt cheap from the supermarkets.


Why don't you guys make your own pizza? It's not that hard and at the very least you know what is in it. I never buy that sh!t from Narai, Dominos or The Pizza Company. Pure garbage is what it is. I learnt the hard way by buying from these places years ago. One time several years ago we passed a Pizza Company outlet that offered buy one get one free and we decided to give it a go. We ate about half of one piece each and walked out. Utter rubbish, cheap ingredients and not much of it.


My wife and I have given up on pizza delivery here in the UK. Pizza Hut and Domino's got progressively worse with their delivery times and we were invariably having to warm them up in the oven, which is ridiculous when we've spent £30 on, so-called, fast food.

My wife now purchases fresh pizza from Asda or Morrisons and there isn't a great deal of difference except that they're dirt cheap from the supermarkets.

What the heck as that got to do about Thailand ? , you may as well be in Uzbekistan for what it matters for a delivery service here .

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