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Please share the living experience in Mae rim area.

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I went to see condos around Mae Rim area last Sunday as I'm planning to spend my time after the retirement in Chiang mai. Now I've decided to buy a unit at Chiang mai Green Valley Condominium, where I find the environment very pleasant and safe. I feel that most people living there do have pretty high quality of life and it would be very good place for my Thai wife and her kid to live. The thing is I'm not familiar with that area and also have very little idea about what they have, for example, eating and shopping places. Can anyone share with me the living experience you guys have in Mae rim? Is there any reputable school around there? As I'm afraid that when I get older, it will not be so convenient for me to drive around much. I believe that you should enjoy the peaceful environment, nice weather, just like me. Appreciate your opinions. Thanks


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Reliable sources tell me that that condo is involved in legal action with Green Valley homeowners association which could effect access to the condo. You might want to check it our since that might not only impact access but also the attitudes of the nearby homeowners who do not want condo owners using their road.

For the rest of your inquiry, try to search this site as there has been much info about Mae Rim posted.

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The traffic into the city is no worse than say from Hang Dong into the city.

I live in Mae Rim and totally enjoy the area and it's people. Some may enjoy a bigger nightlife and if that is so then Mae Rim is not a place for them.

Directly opposite Green Valley is a very good Thai open air restaurant. Authentic Thai dishes at a very affordable price. But be warned...The menu is only on Thai.

We don't have any big supermarkets or malls here. However Meechok plaza/intersection isn't that far away and a lot of shopping needs can be fulfilled there.

There are however a lot of smaller shops/enterprises around Mae Rim and if you can't find what you're after then most shop keepers will try to point you in the right direction.

I've only been here 3 years but each day I learn something new about the place. It's great.

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Look at the extra expense of owning a car, and living closer in will make a lot more sense. I do think Mae Rim is pretty nice, though. If traffic is like HD Road...holy shiiite. I was coming back from HomePro on Saturday afternoon..hadn't been out there much lately, but used to live at BWT, 7 years ago. Pretty much gridlock the whole way into the city. A friend made the same trip n Friday at 15:00 and said the same thing...you would think traffic would be a lot heavier going the other way in the afternoon, but apparently not. This lady I eat with four times a week, by CMU tells me she does 30 Km each way to work (Saraphi), not in rush hour, and it is really wearing her out. Even if gas was free.....miles and maintenace are real money.

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The strengths of Green Valley are the quality and security of the development (don't know about the condo), golf if that's your thing, nearby supermarket, and convenience for commuters. But it's not really typical of Mae Rim living. There are four decent main routes into town, depending on where you are going: Canal Road for Nimman, the university, Suthep, and Hang Dong; the 107 for the superhighway or a straight shot to the old city; Muang Kaew to access the ring roads or to sneak into town along the river; and the 1001 for Meechok, Central Festival and points east.

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The traffic into the city is no worse than say from Hang Dong into the city.

I live in Mae Rim and totally enjoy the area and it's people. Some may enjoy a bigger nightlife and if that is so then Mae Rim is not a place for them.

I would respectfully disagree based on many times driving it.. That mess of roadwork intersection at the outer ring rd, and the prospect of added traffic when they do similar to the mae jo intersection (so I have read) is terrible. As is the approach to the superhighway junction..

And comparing it to the hang dong rd, probably the second worse access, is damning with faint praise.

Chiang Mai and traffic is a legit issue, hence why I ride mostly..



I agree that the new underpass/intersection was a huge mess whilst under construction. As it is nearly completed its no where as bad as it once was and when opened as an underpass it will help a lot with the traffic flow.

The current 'bottle neck' from Mae Rim to the 'Old town' is as you say at the Super Highway intersection. Im not sure what the authorities are going to do about that nor if they are worried but there are other routes to take to get around that area. I too travel a lot into the city but mainly on my motorcycle as it is easier (quicker) at peak times.

Conversely the few times I have been out in Baan Tawai and attempted to get back into the city, the roads have been chaos. HD road and the canal road were gridlocked during peak hours and even being on a motorcycle it was a slow trip. I now avoid the canal road like the plague... too many wanabe race car drivers whom appear to have little respect for other road users. The final straw occurred to me about a year ago when I had to run a red light (One which I had halted for) or I would have been run over by a black pickup that had locked up all 4 wheels. Its a sound that makes the hairs stand up on the back of your neck... luckily I always check my mirrors even when stationary so I saw the a-hole coming.

I also agree that the roads in and around CM are getting more busy which can lead to driver frustration. This in turn can lead to drivers making erratic/stupid decisions. We as road users have to be aware of this and make adjustments to our driving style accordingly.

All that being said, Im glad I live in Mae Rim more so than Hang Dong.

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Mae Rim is a great area to live in...IF you don't work and don't have to go into to town to take your kid to school. I go into town once or twice a week during off hours. It's a fifteen minute drive. There are plenty of good restaurants. We buy most of our food at Macro.

It always took me 20 minutes to drive in from Don Keow ...... and that's 10Km closer on the same road.

You must drive like a complete loony.

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Note to OP, in case you don't know,

Thai government school is free, and entirely suitable for Thai children.

The Mae Rim government school is just about as good as you can get.


Mae Rim is beautiful in the hills.

Why not rent a house near Prem and have your kids go to a school that has a green campus and good teachers.

If you like night life stay in Chiang Mai.

I couldn't help but notice, Prem, has 15-20 job openings at the moment.

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Prem is also one of the more expensive schools outside of CM proper. It is not free! There are also a lot of teacher vacancies, and although I cannot say why due to the possible legal implications. I new director/Principal has resulted in a lot of long term/time teachers resigning.

It appears not is all healthy within the teaching fraternity. I am led to believe that those whom oppose giving credit to children that dont make the grade are under undue pressure to reverse their decisions. Money and hierarchy (Perhaps the Thai way) dont always sit well with western teachers.

But that said, there are more schooling avenues to explore in the area.

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Rent out there for 6 months and you will not need any more info… my guess would be that traffic will eventually get to you as many tourist attractions out that way and that resale value will be minimal and difficult w/any condos and moo bahns..

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I've lived in a foreigner ghetto (near Doi Saket) .... it was hell on earth, many of the foreigners were the worst sort of scum.

Wow, where is this exactly? PM or here.


Mae Rim is beautiful in the hills.

Why not rent a house near Prem and have your kids go to a school that has a green campus and good teachers.

If you like night life stay in Chiang Mai.

I couldn't help but notice, Prem, has 15-20 job openings at the moment.

Where did you get that information? Are you sure that those are currently open positions?

Their website seems to show about that number of openings for the next school year which would not be an unusual number.


Mae Rim is beautiful in the hills.

If you like night life stay in Chiang Mai.

perhaps out on a small limb


nuffin like beverly hills, tambon huay sai smile.png

a very nice morning to all beautiful maerimitesbiggrin.png


Mae Rim is beautiful in the hills.

Why not rent a house near Prem and have your kids go to a school that has a green campus and good teachers.

If you like night life stay in Chiang Mai.

I couldn't help but notice, Prem, has 15-20 job openings at the moment.

IME that would be normal, prior to the two annual job-fairs they attend, when Prem fill most/all of their vacant positions. It might well also include their 1-year interns-positions ?

Haven't heard any rumours of problems, and as the most-expensive international-school in Chiang Mai, they are also reputed to be the best-paying, which is how they attract such well-qualified teachers. Which is as we parents would wish it to be.

I do agree that renting (in Mae Rim) for a while, and then buying later, would be a better way to go, then again it includes all the messing-about of two moves.


Average turnover rates in US public schools is close to 17%. Average is not good in the US. The long list of openings at Prem just raised a red flag, like there is a big house cleaning, or a mass exodus. Maybe someone can give us more detailed information on this specific school.


had a sticky beak at green valley condo y/day and must say it looks superb,

to the o/p its all about what price the developer will offer to you,as u must take into account the access dispute,if they lose that, your condo price will drop dramactically

on the other hand if they win ,then you are on a certain winner,ask the developer for a update on the access dispute

its a top notch condo with many pluses, don/t listen to the traffic to c/mai B/S thats been posted, no worse or better then other main roads into c/mai

have a look at g/v at night time,it will blow your socks off,and will never be built out ,your sensational views will be there for ever

and arguably is the best location in maerim,and maerim is surging along in recent yrs just needs a testco or rimping to put icing on the cakesmile.png that will come sooner rather then laterbiggrin.png

I.M.O. the best condo in c/mai

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I heard a whisper that Rimping maybe here sooner than later.... The new market in the Plaza hasn't really been a great success.

Word has it that Rimping are seriously looking at that area. If that is so then it's going to be a big store.

Time will tell.


hot goss around the stables to morning was that g/valley condo first 5 floors will be B2 hotel smile.png

and that the access dispute was done and dusted in court a long time back, g/v condo have the rights to access through g/v estate

the B2 goss is that good or bad?? to buy in now, ????

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